Topic: ughhhhh
Single_Rob's photo
Thu 05/01/08 07:33 PM

Rob there is nothing wrong with that, who said they were illegally here?
if they were legal they would be able to speak english. English is required through naturalization.

Doesn't mean all of them keep it up. Some traditions die hard and they want to speak their home language. And there is nothing wrong with that either.
Lol, not the english is not the official language of the unites states argument again. If they are not respectful enough to "keep up" the language of the country, then they need to go back where it is appropriate to speak their native tongue for everything

I didn't know that you were prejudiced. I thought that you only disliked having illegals here.
Prejudiced? How does that make me prejudiced? Why do I have to press buttons to hear something in english? Why do I have to push a button on the atm to see english? I have no problem with legal immigrants, or other races. You accusing me of being prejudice is unfounded, and insulting

Single_Rob's photo
Thu 05/01/08 07:33 PM

Isnt a beep a beep in all languages?laugh laugh
yeah, I already brought that up laugh laugh laugh

Single_Rob's photo
Thu 05/01/08 07:35 PM

Talking about if they are legal, they can buy their own: You know that in St. Louis, the firefighters put smoke detectors in houses that have low-income, elderly and/or disabled persons living in them. They don't want anybody to die in a fire on their watch.
I want to know how to get on this list of freebies. I am tired of paying for my own food, gas, housing and furniture. Seems like there is a program out there to get everything free if you are willing to take handouts

People don't choose to be low-income, elderly or disabled.
Most of them have worked and paid taxes.
and I didn't choose not to be who I am, but I was smart with my money, and worked my arse off to get where I am at. So why should I pay for social programs for others who are content to stay in their rut of a life?

Lindyy's photo
Thu 05/01/08 07:35 PM

Rob there is nothing wrong with that, who said they were illegally here?
if they were legal they would be able to speak english. English is required through naturalization.

Doesn't mean all of them keep it up. Some traditions die hard and they want to speak their home language. And there is nothing wrong with that either.

BALONEY!! My family came directly from Sweden and France and IMMEDIATELY LEARNED ENGLISH!! If they want to 'feel at home' then GO HOME!!!!

Hey, at one time I did immigration law, people who come here legally WANT to speak English. Even though their accent was strong, they did their best. We even had some fun trying to tell them to 'slow down' so their accent would not be so thick, we all laughed at each other. People who do things legally take no offense.


myssfytz's photo
Thu 05/01/08 07:36 PM
ummmm...wont they smell it ??? also, what about everyone else that doesnt speak english thAT lives here ???? there are more than just english and spanish speaking people here.

geesh....what accomodations do we as americans get when we go overseas or anywhere that english isnt the primary language ?

grumble grumble grumble grumble grumble grumble grumble

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Thu 05/01/08 07:36 PM
ofcourse there is nothing there that says that this families are illegals, yet hate and something else which i don't want to mention. Makes people see in every hispanic person an illegal.
that is why if it's a fact that the illegals need to be deported, it must be done very carefully because if some idiotic people get the authority to do it. we will have the KKK "next generation."
So, yes if immigrants need to be deported, let it be. Just watch who is going to do it.

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Thu 05/01/08 07:36 PM
ofcourse there is nothing there that says that this families are illegals, yet hate and something else which i don't want to mention. Makes people see in every hispanic person an illegal.
that is why if it's a fact that the illegals need to be deported, it must be done very carefully because if some idiotic people get the authority to do it. we will have the KKK "next generation."
So, yes if immigrants need to be deported, let it be. Just watch who is going to do it.

dae11x's photo
Thu 05/01/08 07:37 PM

Rob there is nothing wrong with that, who said they were illegally here?
if they were legal they would be able to speak english. English is required through naturalization.

Doesn't mean all of them keep it up. Some traditions die hard and they want to speak their home language. And there is nothing wrong with that either.
Lol, not the english is not the official language of the unites states argument again. If they are not respectful enough to "keep up" the language of the country, then they need to go back where it is appropriate to speak their native tongue for everything
Why don't you go back to where it's appropriate to misspell things and speak grammatically incorrect. Apparently you aren't respectful enough. We're talking about lives here, OK? Not freaking handouts

Single_Rob's photo
Thu 05/01/08 07:39 PM

ofcourse there is nothing there that says that this families are illegals, yet hate and something else which i don't want to mention. Makes people see in every hispanic person an illegal.
that is why if it's a fact that the illegals need to be deported, it must be done very carefully because if some idiotic people get the authority to do it. we will have the KKK "next generation."
So, yes if immigrants need to be deported, let it be. Just watch who is going to do it.
I do not care for your insinuations at all. If you want to call a person something, grow a set and say it. You can read all the hate in my thread you want, but it doesn't change the facts. In no way am I distorting anything, you are. You can keep your head in the sand about the problems in this country, but I prefer to live in reality. Choosing to protect the rights of the citizens of this country does not make a person prejudiced, racist, or whatever other hate term you wish to imply that I should carry. Your post stinks of ignorance, and prejusdice itself

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Thu 05/01/08 07:40 PM
i promised that i was going to quit arguing this topic, but i just can't help it when i see such a nonsensical stupidity posted so blatantly.

Single_Rob's photo
Thu 05/01/08 07:40 PM

Rob there is nothing wrong with that, who said they were illegally here?
if they were legal they would be able to speak english. English is required through naturalization.

Doesn't mean all of them keep it up. Some traditions die hard and they want to speak their home language. And there is nothing wrong with that either.
Lol, not the english is not the official language of the unites states argument again. If they are not respectful enough to "keep up" the language of the country, then they need to go back where it is appropriate to speak their native tongue for everything
Why don't you go back to where it's appropriate to misspell things and speak grammatically incorrect. Apparently you aren't respectful enough. We're talking about lives here, OK? Not freaking handouts
when you have nothing of substance to offer a rebuttle, by all means resort to personal attacks. Have a great night

myssfytz's photo
Thu 05/01/08 07:41 PM

If they put half as much emphasis on getting rid of illegals as they do to catering to them.......

Some Hispanic families in the Sioux Falls area soon will get talking smoke detectors, thanks to an effort by Sioux Falls Fire Rescue and Ace Hardware.

The smoke detectors will have instructions recorded in Spanish, which then will play if the smoke detector sounds, said Sioux Falls Fire Rescue Division Chief Jim Sideras. Ace Hardware donated the smoke detectors, and the instructions will be recorded by Sioux Falls radio host Nestor Rivera.

"We started thinking of our growing Hispanic population, and some of those people might not have been exposed to smoke detectors," Sideras said. "We recorded a brief 15-second notice that tells people to leave the home and call 911."

It is not uncommon for firefighters to encounter language barriers while at the scene of a fire call, he said. The department has access to interpreters, but the talking smoke detectors provide an additional communication tool, Sideras said.

"With these particular detectors, we're really trying to target the families where there's a real language barrier, where no one in the home speaks English," he said.

The smoke detectors will be handed out by a few Sioux Falls churches, Rivera said. The talking detectors vary from smoke detectors handed out to Hispanic families before.

"These are different and hopefully will be placed in specific homes: homes with large families, homes with senior citizens, homes with handicapped individuals," Rivera said. "I think that would be the best use for all of them."

The smoke detectors are a natural extension of what the fire department and his radio program do to educate the Hispanic community on safety, he said.

"In the Hispanic community, the way that these smoke detectors could be programmed, you could send any specific message to the family so that they understand that this is not a game; that there is a fire in the house, and they need to get out," Rivera said.

Reach Matthew Gruchow at 331-2301.

OK. We all know from my big mouth that my son is a volunteer fireman. I can understand giving out fire alarms, but for the love of God, one that actually talks and speaks in Spanish???

Where is MY talking fire alarm/smoke detector?

If people are so stupid to not know that when that buzzer goes off that something is wrong and to get the heck out, they are hopeless.

Gosh, even when I have baked (I am such a suzie homemaker/NOT) and something spilled over in the oven and my smoke detector goes off, my Golden Retriever high tails it down into the basement!!!!!


Firefighters do NOT take the time to find an interpreter, WTF? They are there to get the people OUT! My son has been known to drag some people out, no time to play games.noway

AND my pet peeve thanks Rob, now you got me started.grumble


OK. Done.


go lindy !!!!! i agree 100%drinker drinker drinker drinker

Single_Rob's photo
Thu 05/01/08 07:41 PM
Edited by Single_Rob on Thu 05/01/08 07:43 PM

Rob there is nothing wrong with that, who said they were illegally here?
if they were legal they would be able to speak english. English is required through naturalization.

Doesn't mean all of them keep it up. Some traditions die hard and they want to speak their home language. And there is nothing wrong with that either.
Lol, not the english is not the official language of the unites states argument again. If they are not respectful enough to "keep up" the language of the country, then they need to go back where it is appropriate to speak their native tongue for everything
Why don't you go back to where it's appropriate to misspell things and speak grammatically incorrect. Apparently you aren't respectful enough. We're talking about lives here, OK? Not freaking handouts
BTW, why don't you spellcheck your own posts if you are going to throw stones, okay?

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Thu 05/01/08 07:41 PM

ofcourse there is nothing there that says that this families are illegals, yet hate and something else which i don't want to mention. Makes people see in every hispanic person an illegal.
that is why if it's a fact that the illegals need to be deported, it must be done very carefully because if some idiotic people get the authority to do it. we will have the KKK "next generation."
So, yes if immigrants need to be deported, let it be. Just watch who is going to do it.
I do not care for your insinuations at all. If you want to call a person something, grow a set and say it. You can read all the hate in my thread you want, but it doesn't change the facts. In no way am I distorting anything, you are. You can keep your head in the sand about the problems in this country, but I prefer to live in reality. Choosing to protect the rights of the citizens of this country does not make a person prejudiced, racist, or whatever other hate term you wish to imply that I should carry. Your post stinks of ignorance, and prejusdice itself

u r right, my prejudice is against those of ur class in particular.

Single_Rob's photo
Thu 05/01/08 07:43 PM

ofcourse there is nothing there that says that this families are illegals, yet hate and something else which i don't want to mention. Makes people see in every hispanic person an illegal.
that is why if it's a fact that the illegals need to be deported, it must be done very carefully because if some idiotic people get the authority to do it. we will have the KKK "next generation."
So, yes if immigrants need to be deported, let it be. Just watch who is going to do it.
I do not care for your insinuations at all. If you want to call a person something, grow a set and say it. You can read all the hate in my thread you want, but it doesn't change the facts. In no way am I distorting anything, you are. You can keep your head in the sand about the problems in this country, but I prefer to live in reality. Choosing to protect the rights of the citizens of this country does not make a person prejudiced, racist, or whatever other hate term you wish to imply that I should carry. Your post stinks of ignorance, and prejusdice itself

u r right, my prejudice is against those of ur class in particular.
What is "my" class?

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Thu 05/01/08 07:43 PM
this i just nauseating. i gotta leave.

Single_Rob's photo
Thu 05/01/08 07:43 PM

this i just nauseating. i gotta leave.
of course you do. Bye.

Lindyy's photo
Thu 05/01/08 07:44 PM

Rob there is nothing wrong with that, who said they were illegally here?
if they were legal they would be able to speak english. English is required through naturalization.

Doesn't mean all of them keep it up. Some traditions die hard and they want to speak their home language. And there is nothing wrong with that either.
Lol, not the english is not the official language of the unites states argument again. If they are not respectful enough to "keep up" the language of the country, then they need to go back where it is appropriate to speak their native tongue for everything
Why don't you go back to where it's appropriate to misspell things and speak grammatically incorrect. Apparently you aren't respectful enough. We're talking about lives here, OK? Not freaking handouts

Yes, miss high and mighty. Excuse us for being human and making spelling and grammatical errors. The alarms are donated and therefore handouts!!!

AND, let me point out, these people who do not speak English risk the lives of the firefighters by not being able to understand what the firefighters are trying to tell them.:angry: :angry: :angry: THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR BEING IN APPROVAL OF ENDANGERING MY SON'S LIFE! I TRULY APPREICATE THAT RESPECTFULNESS FROM YOU.:angry: :angry:


Winx's photo
Thu 05/01/08 07:44 PM

Rob there is nothing wrong with that, who said they were illegally here?
if they were legal they would be able to speak english. English is required through naturalization.

Doesn't mean all of them keep it up. Some traditions die hard and they want to speak their home language. And there is nothing wrong with that either.
Lol, not the english is not the official language of the unites states argument again. If they are not respectful enough to "keep up" the language of the country, then they need to go back where it is appropriate to speak their native tongue for everything

I didn't know that you were prejudiced. I thought that you only disliked having illegals here.
Prejudiced? How does that make me prejudiced? Why do I have to press buttons to hear something in english? Why do I have to push a button on the atm to see english? I have no problem with legal immigrants, or other races. You accusing me of being prejudice is unfounded, and insulting

I did not mean to insult you. I was calling it as I see it. Saying that a race needs to go back to their country if they can't keep the language up is prejudiced IMO.

I have Hispanic friends that own a restaurant. They struggle with their English. They have taken English classes. I have helped them too. It is harder for the adults to learn than the children. The main customers of their restaurant are Hispanic. They are around Spainish speaking people all day. Their English is getting worse now. Should they go back to Mexico because of that. NO.

I have a friend from Vietnam. She sometimes has trouble with her English. She is married to a Dr. and is a biologist. Should she go back home. NO.

I understand them having problems remembering English when they are awakened from sleep.flowerforyou

Single_Rob's photo
Thu 05/01/08 07:48 PM

Rob there is nothing wrong with that, who said they were illegally here?
if they were legal they would be able to speak english. English is required through naturalization.

Doesn't mean all of them keep it up. Some traditions die hard and they want to speak their home language. And there is nothing wrong with that either.
Lol, not the english is not the official language of the unites states argument again. If they are not respectful enough to "keep up" the language of the country, then they need to go back where it is appropriate to speak their native tongue for everything

I didn't know that you were prejudiced. I thought that you only disliked having illegals here.
Prejudiced? How does that make me prejudiced? Why do I have to press buttons to hear something in english? Why do I have to push a button on the atm to see english? I have no problem with legal immigrants, or other races. You accusing me of being prejudice is unfounded, and insulting

I did not mean to insult you. I was calling it as I see it. Saying that a race needs to go back to their country if they can't keep the language up is prejudiced IMO.

I have Hispanic friends that own a restaurant. They struggle with their English. They have taken English classes. I have helped them too. It is harder for the adults to learn than the children. The main customers of their restaurant are Hispanic. They are around Spainish speaking people all day. Their English is getting worse now. Should they go back to Mexico because of that. NO.

I have a friend from Vietnam. She sometimes has trouble with her English. She is married to a Dr. and is a biologist. Should she go back home. NO.

I understand them having problems remembering English when they are awakened from sleep.flowerforyou
that doesn't change the fact that a beep is universal, or that they should work harder on their english skills. I seriously have no problems with people of other races, I am not prejudiced, or racist in any manner. I think that those here without legal status make everyone suffer, the legal immigrants the most. I am sorry if I think that the laws of this country should be respected, and folowed. I am sorry if I see things different than you. I am sorry if all the above leads you to believe I am racist.