Topic: I just don't care anymore
RelaxedGuy30's photo
Tue 04/15/08 03:37 AM

it just seems like i can't ever get a break in life. like i have a pretty decent job but everything goes towards something, ya know what i mean

I agree with you there. I'm an Network Administrator and I have a good job as well. But it's life...and life will throw you a few curve balls. Sometimes you just have to down-shift and drift around a corner you've never taken before. I myself have laid a plan down, and I've had to re-evaluate and re-think my plan many times because of life's little (and big) "set-backs."

jonny63's photo
Tue 04/15/08 03:37 AM

1.t's been this way for a few years.
2. i'm content
3. no reason. they just don't think before they talk
4.looking for a reason i guess

My humble suggestions to start: Define some goals for yourself and lay down a game plan for one (i.e. new car). Go out and meet some new people and get into some new activities. Redecorate your place. TO quote my great-grandmother: "If you don't like the results you are getting in your life now, do something radically different."

Your great grandmother said some very wise words. We should all listen to her.

no photo
Tue 04/15/08 03:39 AM

1.t's been this way for a few years.
2. i'm content
3. no reason. they just don't think before they talk
4.looking for a reason i guess

My humble suggestions to start: Define some goals for yourself and lay down a game plan for one (i.e. new car). Go out and meet some new people and get into some new activities. Redecorate your place. TO quote my great-grandmother: "If you don't like the results you are getting in your life now, do something radically different."
KUDOS TO GRANNY!!!bigsmile drinker

RelaxedGuy30's photo
Tue 04/15/08 03:40 AM

1.t's been this way for a few years.
2. i'm content
3. no reason. they just don't think before they talk
4.looking for a reason i guess

My humble suggestions to start: Define some goals for yourself and lay down a game plan for one (i.e. new car). Go out and meet some new people and get into some new activities. Redecorate your place. TO quote my great-grandmother: "If you don't like the results you are getting in your life now, do something radically different."

Your great grandmother said some very wise words. We should all listen to her.

Thank you. I really appreciate that. It seems when you're very young, you take that wisdom for granted. But when your loved one has made their transition, you find those words forevery imprinted into your heart and soul.

Beachfarmer's photo
Tue 04/15/08 03:40 AM
Edited by Beachfarmer on Tue 04/15/08 03:40 AM

1.t's been this way for a few years.
2. i'm content
3. no reason. they just don't think before they talk
4.looking for a reason i guess

My humble suggestions to start: Define some goals for yourself and lay down a game plan for one (i.e. new car). Go out and meet some new people and get into some new activities. Redecorate your place. TO quote my great-grandmother: "If you don't like the results you are getting in your life now, do something radically different."

Your great grandmother said some very wise words. We should all listen to her.

drinker Here, Here.
The definition of insanity: repeating the same behaviours expecting a different result.

RelaxedGuy30's photo
Tue 04/15/08 03:45 AM

1.t's been this way for a few years.
2. i'm content
3. no reason. they just don't think before they talk
4.looking for a reason i guess

My humble suggestions to start: Define some goals for yourself and lay down a game plan for one (i.e. new car). Go out and meet some new people and get into some new activities. Redecorate your place. TO quote my great-grandmother: "If you don't like the results you are getting in your life now, do something radically different."

Your great grandmother said some very wise words. We should all listen to her.

drinker Here, Here.
The definition of insanity: repeating the same behaviours expecting a different result.

Yes I agree with you, sir! I've had good friends finding themselves in the same types of abusive relationships since they were in high school over, and over...and over again. When they meet someone nice, they are just too afraid of stepping into "uncharted territory." They would rather deal with what they can expect then trying something different. It's a vicious cycle...

Chris052687's photo
Tue 04/15/08 03:46 AM
the thing is thati 'm on a tight rope as of now. i really can't afford to make any changes. i'm pushing my budget already. has anyone done anything stupid in front of a cop just for fun to see if they'll chase. like today i blew past a cop(that i saw from a mile away) just to see if he'll but a u turn. too bad the eclipse is piece of crap lol

FearandLoathing's photo
Tue 04/15/08 03:47 AM
Find positive in the negative...hell I do it all the time at the very least it makes a bad situation humorous and at best can turn it into a good situation..."When the world is going to hell, smile about it because your going too".

Chris052687's photo
Tue 04/15/08 03:51 AM
ah. i found humor in it. the cop got his revenge. hehe

mrhootal's photo
Tue 04/15/08 03:51 AM
I was feeling the same, I went from Zoloft and then took Seroquil and then it made me feel worse, I always was tired and couldnt function,I also was drinking.I quit Drinking and I quit the pills and I am feeling better now.The drinking put me in jail(Failure to operate Vehicle)I also went thru Divorce and Now I am 100% and now tryin to find some Beautiful ladies.It will get better for you,Just dont feel Suicidle, Life is Really Great, People really Help me,Now my self Esteem is getting Better(That was my Problem)I always felt like a loser and Now I will go for the win. Good Luck! Touch base man and Keep incontact to let us know how you are..ok.

jonny63's photo
Tue 04/15/08 03:51 AM
We all go through depressions. Its a part of growing older, and I'm talkin about inside. As we go along in life we start learning how to either cope with it or eliminate it. I once was suicidal and an old man said "Jonny, give it a couple of weeks and see if things are better" I did, and they were. That one little sentence is what got me started on learning to deal with depression.

Chris052687's photo
Tue 04/15/08 03:53 AM
no problem guys. suicide isint really an option. no point to suicide. all that does is put your problems on others

RelaxedGuy30's photo
Tue 04/15/08 03:56 AM

the thing is thati 'm on a tight rope as of now. i really can't afford to make any changes. i'm pushing my budget already. has anyone done anything stupid in front of a cop just for fun to see if they'll chase. like today i blew past a cop(that i saw from a mile away) just to see if he'll but a u turn. too bad the eclipse is piece of crap lol

There are always options...and sometimes, especially if you are redlining your finances, it maybe time to either cut back on something. For example...when I was younger and making tons of cash, I was wreckless with my spending (as with most people), but after taking a HUGE fall, I became very humbled. It took me a while to regroup, but I did. Now I've gotten my expenses down so much that I live off of a less than $1600 budget every month which includes, rent, utilities, and living expenses. That was one of my goals that I set for myself a few years back and I acheived it...and I'm still living way under my means. That's just me...

As far as outrunning the police, I used to live in Chicago. You don't try to outrun the police there. If you do'd BETTER not get caught. I used to street race when I had my '99 SS Camaro that I dropped a blown 454 in. It was fun...until on an unrelated event occurred when a friend of mine with the Chi-Town Redliners got put in the hospital when the law caught up with him. A fractured jaw, three cracked ribs, and a broken nose...CPD stated that he just "fell out of the car."



jonny63's photo
Tue 04/15/08 03:57 AM

no problem guys. suicide isint really an option. no point to suicide. all that does is put your problems on others

Yep, thats good to hear. I just call it: The easy way out.

Chris052687's photo
Tue 04/15/08 03:58 AM
dude. you know what i feel when i say it's a rush. i'll pull over in car, but ridin(kawasaki ninja) it's just a feel of power.

MyrtleBeachDude's photo
Tue 04/15/08 04:03 AM
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Start drinking heavily?

zakkk123's photo
Tue 04/15/08 04:14 AM
relax slow down ur olny 20 do u want see 21?::smile:

augustmoon's photo
Tue 04/15/08 04:24 AM

I work with Psychologists, I hear this all day. Please seek help

TattGrlRyder's photo
Tue 04/15/08 04:36 AM

dude. you know what i feel when i say it's a rush. i'll pull over in car, but ridin(kawasaki ninja) it's just a feel of power.

Hey...ever try a track day?? Best experience you will have, lets you get out the speed, gives you the rush and will definatly free the mind! I ride also (Ninja Girl here myself..cept mine is bigger than ride a 500 ;o)
When I am having a bad day or just need to think..I ride! But a track day...its a blast! And its in a safe environment where you really cant hurt anyone else. You should really look into it, especially if you like bikes and the rush..its awesome therapy!

unsure's photo
Tue 04/15/08 04:55 AM
It sounds like that last thing you need to do is get on your bike and ride! It sounds like right now you are kind of you ever think about the other person you might hurt while you are trying to have fun? There are lots of people out there that are innocent that might become a victim to you just for your "high."
To me, you sound like an addict. It seems like you push off the blame on everyone else. You don't want to take blame for any of your problems. Are you a drug user? If so, I think you need to look deep inside and get some help. I am only asking you these questions because I have worked with addicts before, to me you deffinately sound like an addict.
You need to seek medical attention right away. I think you could be harmful to not only yourself but to others around you. Good luck flowerforyou