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Topic: Legalizing killing?
Drivinmenutz's photo
Fri 04/25/08 01:01 PM
Edited by Drivinmenutz on Fri 04/25/08 01:04 PM

If they close down all the abortion clinic then women are just going to go to back alley butchers. It's been that way for thousands of years. Give them a place were they won't die from some infection or straight bleed out because some butcher batched it. Women are going to get abortions no matter what. Give them a place where they don't die doing it.

It's their body. It's their live. It's their decision. They have to live with it.

And what about your right to having a child? Should a woman have the right to telly ou that she does not giv e a damn about what you want or dont want? Should the woman have the right to telly ou that you can not have your baby? N o she doe snot have that right!!!

Still her body. Still her risk. Still her choice ultimately. The man shouldn't be able to tell her what to do to her body. That's an infringement of rights. Even if someone made her do it, what would stop her from eating bad foods, drinking, etc. that would damage the baby's health out of spite? Should we keep her under a strict diet plan too? Where is the line drawn if she no longer has a right to decide what happens to her body?

Totage's photo
Fri 04/25/08 01:03 PM

ok...hear me out. this is a topic that is really close to home. I have three kids and I would not trade them for the world. I heard a report not too long ago that said some states were actually going to legalize (or at least considering)abortions. Now, there are many touchy subjects with this and I try to understand them all. With so many people divided on this, can we have closure if we kill kids? does this somehow take the "Boo boo" mistake away? Come on....is there any more lame excuses? even if there is a rape or incest there are other alternatives. But however, I'm not a woman and do not know how a woman would feel about this.So, anyone...I'm kinda hesitant on this thread but I feel that there is alot to be said here about this topic. Take it easy though.:smile:

It doesn't matter what you call it, murder is murder. You can call it the death penalty, you can call it an abortion, you can call it whatever makes you feel better about it, but it's still murder. JMO

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 04/25/08 01:13 PM
I am amazed at how it is black and white to people...like I have stated before...unless you are in a certain position (rape, incest, medical etc) how can you possibly be so sure????

do i think it should be used as birth control??? no. if the dad wants to raise the child, do i think he should have a right???? yes. but it is the mom's choice because she is the one that is carrying the child for 9 months etc. and no man can possibly know what giving birth feels like. but that's just a dream of mine for them to find out lol

but i do believe there should be laws at least to provde therapy before and after. it might make some change their minds or becareful next time or to help them through the situation.

i have been on both sides...and until you are me...it's not black and white. i can only speak for me...not others

Drivinmenutz's photo
Fri 04/25/08 01:15 PM
Edited by Drivinmenutz on Fri 04/25/08 01:16 PM

I am amazed at how it is black and white to people...like I have stated before...unless you are in a certain position (rape, incest, medical etc) how can you possibly be so sure????

do i think it should be used as birth control??? no. if the dad wants to raise the child, do i think he should have a right???? yes. but it is the mom's choice because she is the one that is carrying the child for 9 months etc. and no man can possibly know what giving birth feels like. but that's just a dream of mine for them to find out lol

but i do believe there should be laws at least to provde therapy before and after. it might make some change their minds or becareful next time or to help them through the situation.

i have been on both sides...and until you are me...it's not black and white. i can only speak for me...not others

drinkerflowerforyou drinkerflowerforyou drinker flowerforyou drinker flowerforyou drinker flowerforyou

daniel48706's photo
Fri 04/25/08 02:02 PM
Edited by daniel48706 on Fri 04/25/08 02:04 PM

If they close down all the abortion clinic then women are just going to go to back alley butchers. It's been that way for thousands of years. Give them a place were they won't die from some infection or straight bleed out because some butcher batched it. Women are going to get abortions no matter what. Give them a place where they don't die doing it.

It's their body. It's their live. It's their decision. They have to live with it.

Still her body. Still her risk. Still her choice ultimately. The man shouldn't be able to tell her what to do to her body. That's an infringement of rights. Even if someone made her do it, what would stop her from eating bad foods, drinking, etc. that would damage the baby's health out of spite? Should we keep her under a strict diet plan too? Where is the line drawn if she no longer has a right to decide what happens to her body?

I agree that it er body. and if she does not want to be pregnant then she should not agree to have sex. period. Just like if a man does not want to be a father then he should not be having sex.

This is where the entire debate boils down to i the end. People do not want to admit that they have a choice as simp[le as yes or no. They want to have their cake AND eat their ice cream as well, without having the bellyache afterwards.

Very simply put, do not have sex if you are not willing to parent a child. Or at the very least willing to bring the child intot he world and let someone else parent them. There are very good methods of birth control out there that will allow you to have sex and not concept (although there will always be a slight risk of pregnancy unless you opt to have everything removed). So if you are not willing to have a cchild, or to allow someone else to have a child, then you should not be willing to have sex.

And what about your right to having a child? Should a woman have the right to telly ou that she does not giv e a damn about what you want or dont want? Should the woman have the right to telly ou that you can not have your baby? N o she doe snot have that right!!!

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 04/25/08 02:28 PM
daniel...how can you speak with such clear cut authority????

1. you will never be pregnant, so you can't know what it is like
2. you don't know the situations
3. scientists and the states can' even agree when a fetus becomes an unborn baby anymore than they can agree when someone is dead.

daniel48706's photo
Fri 04/25/08 02:39 PM
Edited by daniel48706 on Fri 04/25/08 02:40 PM

daniel...how can you speak with such clear cut authority????

1. you will never be pregnant, so you can't know what it is like
2. you don't know the situations
3. scientists and the states can' even agree when a fetus becomes an unborn baby anymore than they can agree when someone is dead.

I am stating my beliefs, which are based off the fact that I believe the instant that a males sperm penetrates the females egg, life has occured.
wether or not I will ever be able to become pregnant has nothing to do with wether or not I will ever be able to parent a child. You can not become pregnant without the inclusion of the male sperm, it is physically impossible. You bring the egg, I bring the sperm (generally speaking, I am not suggestiung anything lol), which means we are both responsible. As far as I am concerned the males responsibility does nt end at that point, but sadly too many other people think it does.

As far a I am concerned, unless you can prove beyond a doubt that the child will not survive one second outside of his/her mothers womb, it would be murder to end that pregnancy.
I am also of the miond that both women and men have the same amount of equal rights in deciding what happens to the child after it is born (barring a rapist of course; his decision is wether or not to kill himself aftr he goes to prison and it is announced he is a rapist devil)

but outside of rape, it is very simple. If you do not want to be pregnant, do not have sex.

If you do not want to cause a lady to become pregnant, do not have sex.

Every choice you make in life has a consequence. You may not like the idea of the consequence, but it is there. For example, if you do nt want to have a hangover on January 1st, don't imbibe any alchohol on new years eve.

One word says it all:


yellowrose10's photo
Fri 04/25/08 02:50 PM
ty for saying that is YOUR opinion. that I can respect. and I agree people need to own up to things and take responsibility...not just with this subject but with everything.

I did have one due to medical reasons that i won't go into that made the choice very clear. had i known i had this and that would happen...i would have taken protection. but until you are in my shoes...it's not clear cut

science can't even prove it one way or another...they still debate on it...and they have the degrees

all i'm saying is it's easy to sit back and say one thing, but it's different when you are put in that position. not saying you have to agree...just try to keep in mind that until you are in the shoes...it's not clear cut

daniel48706's photo
Fri 04/25/08 02:54 PM

ty for saying that is YOUR opinion. that I can respect. and I agree people need to own up to things and take responsibility...not just with this subject but with everything.

I did have one due to medical reasons that i won't go into that made the choice very clear. had i known i had this and that would happen...i would have taken protection. but until you are in my shoes...it's not clear cut

science can't even prove it one way or another...they still debate on it...and they have the degrees

all i'm saying is it's easy to sit back and say one thing, but it's different when you are put in that position. not saying you have to agree...just try to keep in mind that until you are in the shoes...it's not clear cut

I agree with you wholeheartedly Rose, that it is easy to sit back and preach, that is why i tend to emphasize something being my belief, and whi it is my belief. If you look up, you willsee that I tyed in about an instance where my firm belief of what I would do in a specific circumstance, changed the very instant I was in that circumstance. So I have to agree that until you are in a circumstance you can nt say what you will do or think.

lizardking19's photo
Fri 04/25/08 03:02 PM
i dont think abortion is murder but I understand how its morally vague, if i got a young lady pregnant i would BEG her to have an abortion but it would be her choice, if a woman agrees that its murder then SHE SHOULDNT GET ONE, if she adheres to the prochoice side of the argument (and the fact that both r compelling is what makes it morally vague) then she should have every right to get one

no photo
Fri 04/25/08 03:04 PM
I find the idea that abortion goes against god totally absurd, since nature provides all types of "natural" abortificants...herbs, roots, flowers..now technically god made those too..so if god didnt want abortions to happen then such things wouldnt exist, right????

daniel48706's photo
Fri 04/25/08 03:11 PM

I find the idea that abortion goes against god totally absurd, since nature provides all types of "natural" abortificants...herbs, roots, flowers..now technically god made those too..so if god didnt want abortions to happen then such things wouldnt exist, right????

I was noing to bring religion and god into this, but from a christian stand point lets say this:
Yes there are "natural ways" to abort a child. And yes God made them. However, in the beginning, God made adam, eve and the apple tree, and forbid both Adam and Eve from eating fromt he apple tree. We all know hte rest of the story.

My point is, just because god made it, doesnt mean it is right for us to use (eat) it. Did you ever consider that these "natural abortants" might be poisonous in nature? That could be why they are an abortant in the first place.

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