Topic: Wake up, the Endgame is upon us
MirrorMirror's photo
Mon 04/07/08 10:01 AM
Edited by MirrorMirror on Mon 04/07/08 10:02 AM
smokin I dont consider the ruling elites to be human smokin More like viscous dogssmokin

RicJL's photo
Mon 04/07/08 10:02 AM

i just wish you had broken that one up for ease of explaination cause your gonna get some s**t for that one!

I'm still waiting for the s**t. No one seems very concerned or interested.



It might have something to do with the fact that those of us at work and just peeking in don't have time to critique or respond to a dissertation of that length. Maybe later, after 5 PM EST.

MirrorMirror's photo
Mon 04/07/08 10:12 AM
smokin My theory is that there will be some sorta global rebellion within the next twenty years.smokin It may have already begun, but we cant trust the global news media to tell the truth. smokin One mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter.smokin

no photo
Mon 04/07/08 10:31 AM

smokin My theory is that there will be some sorta global rebellion within the next twenty years.smokin It may have already begun, but we cant trust the global news media to tell the truth. smokin One mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter.smokin

My assessment is that the "New World Order" is already here. (We have already been assimilated.) For those who wake up and/or decide to resist it could be too late, they will simply be eliminated quietly. People will embrace the New World Order and accept their status as slaves ~ or die.

Will current governments fall? Yes they will ~and that is not a good thing ~~ because they will be replaced (or have been replaced already)with a one world government.

There will be peace on earth when everyone complies to orders and obeys their master.... whoever that master might be. Don't kid yourself into thinking he will be a nice guy.

creativesoul's photo
Mon 04/07/08 11:50 AM
To quote my favorite Emilio Estevez line...

" Ah, but there is many a slip twixt a cup and a lip."


Guyonline123's photo
Mon 04/07/08 12:30 PM

... and you are the stakes!

I've read an awful lot from some people on "both sides" of the aisle here, and I'm quite disturbed.

The more you learn, the more you will realize that all of you are pawns on a chess board. It doesn't matter who you vote for. The Republicans and Democrats are playing for the same team. The elite wants you to vote a certain way, and you vote their way EVERY TIME you people vote for these traitors.

Start waking up folks. The longer you stay asleep, the more you die.

Now that you have shown us this, they will be coming for you........

no photo
Mon 04/07/08 01:05 PM
want to bring down the "system", find a way to bring down the elite? Just stop buy $hit you dont really need...the power is in the hands of the capitalists...stop consuming and start how quickly it all falls apart.

MirrorMirror's photo
Mon 04/07/08 01:57 PM
flowerforyou They can be beaten.flowerforyou They can be stopped.flowerforyou But it requires sacrifice.flowerforyou It will require martyrs to free us from the ruling elite.flowerforyou

no photo
Mon 04/07/08 01:59 PM

want to bring down the "system", find a way to bring down the elite? Just stop buy $hit you dont really need...the power is in the hands of the capitalists...stop consuming and start how quickly it all falls apart.

I agree. Live simply, grow your own food, get solar panels, walk to work, barter, trade work for goods and food, raise chickens, don't pay taxes, don't use your social security number, don't watch television, don't answer telephone surveys, get out of the corporation.

Build a windmill, make your own power grid. Let's all convert to Amish. ~~They won't be affected as much as the rest of us when it all falls apart. ... until starving people or troops invade their community.

MirrorMirror's photo
Mon 04/07/08 02:10 PM
flowerforyou The elites will kill us all before they let themselves be brought down financialy.flowerforyou To free the human race it will require bloodshed. flowerforyou A lot of it.flowerforyou

MirrorMirror's photo
Mon 04/07/08 02:15 PM

want to bring down the "system", find a way to bring down the elite? Just stop buy $hit you dont really need...the power is in the hands of the capitalists...stop consuming and start how quickly it all falls apart.

I agree. Live simply, grow your own food, get solar panels, walk to work, barter, trade work for goods and food, raise chickens, don't pay taxes, don't use your social security number, don't watch television, don't answer telephone surveys, get out of the corporation.

Build a windmill, make your own power grid. Let's all convert to Amish. ~~They won't be affected as much as the rest of us when it all falls apart. ... until starving people or troops invade their community.

flowerforyou You wont be able to do that because you will be in a prison for some kinda bogus crime. flowerforyou There really is nowhere left to hide (in our part of the world). flowerforyou Soon the only solution will be action. The ruling class will not allow you to defeat them financialy.flowerforyou Its been tried before and they know what to do stop that from happening.flowerforyou The only solution will be martyrdom.flowerforyou Lots of martyrs.flowerforyou A lot of bloodshed.flowerforyou I wish that this wasnt the case. flowerforyou Every other solution is a pipe dream.flowerforyou

no photo
Mon 04/07/08 02:57 PM

want to bring down the "system", find a way to bring down the elite? Just stop buy $hit you dont really need...the power is in the hands of the capitalists...stop consuming and start how quickly it all falls apart.

I agree. Live simply, grow your own food, get solar panels, walk to work, barter, trade work for goods and food, raise chickens, don't pay taxes, don't use your social security number, don't watch television, don't answer telephone surveys, get out of the corporation.

Build a windmill, make your own power grid. Let's all convert to Amish. ~~They won't be affected as much as the rest of us when it all falls apart. ... until starving people or troops invade their community.

flowerforyou You wont be able to do that because you will be in a prison for some kinda bogus crime. flowerforyou There really is nowhere left to hide (in our part of the world). flowerforyou Soon the only solution will be action. The ruling class will not allow you to defeat them financialy.flowerforyou Its been tried before and they know what to do stop that from happening.flowerforyou The only solution will be martyrdom.flowerforyou Lots of martyrs.flowerforyou A lot of bloodshed.flowerforyou I wish that this wasnt the case. flowerforyou Every other solution is a pipe dream.flowerforyou

Well then, just shoot me. smokin

no photo
Tue 04/08/08 10:50 PM

flowerforyou The elites will kill us all before they let themselves be brought down financialy.flowerforyou To free the human race it will require bloodshed. flowerforyou A lot of it.flowerforyou

no they won' of the truth behind their religion/politics will permeate societies faster than they can push their buttons..we will change the way we live, there will be sacrifice, then that is what will help us to appreciate the new life

no photo
Tue 04/08/08 11:27 PM

flowerforyou The elites will kill us all before they let themselves be brought down financialy.flowerforyou To free the human race it will require bloodshed. flowerforyou A lot of it.flowerforyou

no they won' of the truth behind their religion/politics will permeate societies faster than they can push their buttons..we will change the way we live, there will be sacrifice, then that is what will help us to appreciate the new life

They will need some workers, (slaves) to serve them. They may want to keep the slaves happy, so they will be willing to serve, ~~ as long as they are so outnumbered.

They want to reduce the population of the earth so they can have better control.


no photo
Wed 04/09/08 07:40 PM
This poem is about the New World Order and the Queen who will rule..

The Reptile Queen

Here comes the Queen
and her royal court.
Her servants are waiting
within the fort.

No one will stand
in the way of her power.
The time is at hand,
and dark is the hour.

She comes to deliver us,
(and that was the plan.)
Oppression and ruthlessness
Is ruling our land.

With reptile eyes,
Cold blooded and cruel
she spreads the lies
and continues to rule.

Here comes the Queen
with her vampire sons
and they drink the blood
of the little ones.

So watch your children
and hide your gold;
Here comes the Queen
and her blood runs cold.

mnhiker's photo
Wed 04/09/08 08:00 PM

flowerforyou The elites will kill us all before they let themselves be brought down financialy.flowerforyou To free the human race it will require bloodshed. flowerforyou A lot of it.flowerforyou

no they won' of the truth behind their religion/politics will permeate societies faster than they can push their buttons..we will change the way we live, there will be sacrifice, then that is what will help us to appreciate the new life

They will need some workers, (slaves) to serve them. They may want to keep the slaves happy, so they will be willing to serve, ~~ as long as they are so outnumbered.

They want to reduce the population of the earth so they can have better control.


Wow. I wonder if some people have been watching 'The Matrix' or 'V for Vendetta' a little too much.

Have things really gotten that bad? frown

no photo
Wed 04/09/08 08:26 PM

flowerforyou The elites will kill us all before they let themselves be brought down financialy.flowerforyou To free the human race it will require bloodshed. flowerforyou A lot of it.flowerforyou

no they won' of the truth behind their religion/politics will permeate societies faster than they can push their buttons..we will change the way we live, there will be sacrifice, then that is what will help us to appreciate the new life

They will need some workers, (slaves) to serve them. They may want to keep the slaves happy, so they will be willing to serve, ~~ as long as they are so outnumbered.

They want to reduce the population of the earth so they can have better control.


Wow. I wonder if some people have been watching 'The Matrix' or 'V for Vendetta' a little too much.

Have things really gotten that bad? frown

Actually the movie 'The Matrix' came out a lot later than this information ~~which for conspiracy theory news~~ has been around for a long time.

I've never seen V for Vendetta. Is it a good movie?

Drew07_2's photo
Wed 04/09/08 09:00 PM
Edited by Drew07_2 on Wed 04/09/08 09:09 PM
OK, first of all, if you are going to be IN the documentary about the Bilderberg Group then learn how to pronounce it. Two or three of the people called it the Bilderberger group. Good grief!

BUT it isn't the Bilderberg group that worries me--nope--it is a group far more frightening. They wield unimaginable power and influence and if you think Bilderberg is staffed with the elite, just wait until you fully understand.....

The Buildingblock group.frown

Led by 2 year old Dougy (the kingpin elite of the elite) and supported by a who's who of the toddler-power elite including (Franklin, Travis, Jessica, and "Little" Mel) the group is plotting even as you sleep to take control of everything from Nickelodeon to Crayola. Think that you are always going to be able to color with two shades of blue in a box of 64? Think again, slave! The New World Toddler-Order is upon you and they will dictate your fate.noway

In the tradition of Alex Jones I traveled (with a cool megaphone) to "Darlene's Day Care" where the elite of the elite arrived in well protected and tinted strollers. Security (provided by volunteer 6th graders looking to earn extra credit) was tight. Twice I was detained and denied Animal Crackers while being questioned regarding my stated purpose. Still, I'm not their slave, they are not my Queens or Kings and though they seek to eliminate Double Stuff Oreos, they will not succeed. At one point I even engaged in a shameful stunt of yelling through my megaphone at the Day Care where the elite were staging their four hour meeting (not counting naps and the occasional "he hit me first" tearful disagreement.) huh

History is replete with many such Tike Takeovers, from the Great Toddler Rebellion of 1987 to the more recent "Coloring Book Massacre of 2003, these powerful kids are shaping future events. At the most recent meeting the following topics (we obtained copies from a 3 year old who was willing to sell out for a package of Gummy Bears) were plotted and discussed:

Alphabet Soup. These crafty little souls are planning on disrupting the alphabet soup making machines so that all letters spell "Buildingblock Group. You will bow." No matter the other words you might form, all of them nod to the phrase above.

Cartoon Network: Think you have a choice in TV programing? You don't. From the sources unnamed your cartoons will soon contain mind-control messages that force you to buy only specific toys, all as a way to advance the group's stranglehold on the corporate power structure they so desperately wish to hold.noway

Capri Sun: The Buildingblock Group is tired of having to stab a dull straw into a tough Capri Sun pouch and will be working to end the madness when they take control and outlaw all pouch drinks for the favored "box" style. Your freedom to swear at a Capri Sun--well, those days are numbered.

Superman: An iconic American Hero, right? Not if the elite of the elite have anything to do with it. They plan on tearing down the man of steal, making him human and finally, making his weakness-----baby formula. Kryptonite was a ruse, and Buildingblock will have their way with owning Superman in order to begin their conquest.

This is just a sampling of what is in store for humanity if these malicious and evil kids are not stopped. Young, adorable and easily able to elicit pity and empathy, don't fall for their fake cries and attention seeking antics. They want to rule you and the world you live in. They will be stopped, we will defeat them. I, Drew B. had photos. I had them and was ready to post them but I fear for my safety and for my life. But trust me, world domination is only a few years away. These kids are growing and they are getting smarter and you call yourselves patriots as you sit by willfully neglecting your citizen responsibilities. mad sick

Don't say I did not warn you and don't come crying to me when it is too late in you are wondering the streets with a broken Play Station 3. They are teething and they are dropping Binkys on purpose and yes, they are still crapping themselves. But their power knows no compassion.

-Drew B.

Buildingblock Journalist. Putting my life on the line as elite toddlers threaten your very existence.

no photo
Wed 04/09/08 09:09 PM
Wow that was great! When does the video expose' come out?


mnhiker's photo
Wed 04/09/08 09:10 PM
Edited by mnhiker on Wed 04/09/08 09:11 PM

flowerforyou The elites will kill us all before they let themselves be brought down financialy.flowerforyou To free the human race it will require bloodshed. flowerforyou A lot of it.flowerforyou

no they won' of the truth behind their religion/politics will permeate societies faster than they can push their buttons..we will change the way we live, there will be sacrifice, then that is what will help us to appreciate the new life

They will need some workers, (slaves) to serve them. They may want to keep the slaves happy, so they will be willing to serve, ~~ as long as they are so outnumbered.

They want to reduce the population of the earth so they can have better control.


Wow. I wonder if some people have been watching 'The Matrix' or 'V for Vendetta' a little too much.

Have things really gotten that bad? frown

Actually the movie 'The Matrix' came out a lot later than this information ~~which for conspiracy theory news~~ has been around for a long time.

I've never seen V for Vendetta. Is it a good movie?

Yes, 'V for Vendetta' was good.

It was produced by the Wachowski brothers, who also produced the Matrix movies.

The basic plot is about a freedom fighter known only as 'V' who uses terroristic tactics to fight against a Great Britain of the future which has become a fascist state.

WARNING: If you don't want a spoiler, don't read too much of the plot before you rent the movie.

Anyway, here's the a link describing the movie and the actors/actresses in it: