Topic: She has 12 kids by 7 different fathers and also a grandmothe
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Tue 04/01/08 10:31 PM

IMO she is obviously not right. It is not rational for a single person to have 12 children to raise alone. A rational person would not want to be that poor with that many children.

I can't imagine the exhaustion and sleep deprivation. I can just see her having post-partum depression or depression.

She obviously has poor decision making skills and any of the aforementioned items could conceivably be a contributing factor.

Obviously she's losing sleep & not watching the children because sh'e juust making more.

PacificStar48's photo
Tue 04/01/08 10:44 PM

^^^ true and where the hell are those 12 FATHERS? they need to round them up and ring their pockets to support those kids...sheesh! grumble

PacificStar48's photo
Wed 04/02/08 06:53 AM

Well I think if she is to mentally ill to be a functional part of society, what in the world are they thinking letting her raise a bunch of kids? They say motherhood is the hardest job in the world so if she can't function in the work force, how could she possibly be a reliable, responsible parent?
huh huh huh

Society doesn't care if she is a reliable responsible parent. Or if the FATHER"S were. Didn't you already read where the suggestion was made that one of the older children should be careing for the siblings; which I have seen to consitently be the case where the mother can and will get pregmant serially by what was it Seven diffrent bums? While everyone is hollarin how their tax dollars are being wasted I assure you this "Mother" and I use the term loosely becuse I agree you somewhere along the line make it impossible to get pregnant again if nothing more out of respect for the shildren you already have. Is she mentally ill? Probably mad as hell at a society that made her a baby factory starting in her teenage years. Probably the only time she gets any attention or medical care is when when she is pregnant. And the only break she gets is the day or so after delivery or when she ignores her responsibility and "parties" like so many who think they are entitled too it because that is what TV teaches.

yellowrose10's photo
Wed 04/02/08 07:03 AM

Well I think if she is to mentally ill to be a functional part of society, what in the world are they thinking letting her raise a bunch of kids? They say motherhood is the hardest job in the world so if she can't function in the work force, how could she possibly be a reliable, responsible parent?
huh huh huh

Society doesn't care if she is a reliable responsible parent. Or if the FATHER"S were. Didn't you already read where the suggestion was made that one of the older children should be careing for the siblings; which I have seen to consitently be the case where the mother can and will get pregmant serially by what was it Seven diffrent bums? While everyone is hollarin how their tax dollars are being wasted I assure you this "Mother" and I use the term loosely becuse I agree you somewhere along the line make it impossible to get pregnant again if nothing more out of respect for the shildren you already have. Is she mentally ill? Probably mad as hell at a society that made her a baby factory starting in her teenage years. Probably the only time she gets any attention or medical care is when when she is pregnant. And the only break she gets is the day or so after delivery or when she ignores her responsibility and "parties" like so many who think they are entitled too it because that is what TV teaches.

but is it societies fault or lack of parenting by her parents? and the cycle is starting over with the woman's own children. I'm not sure it's the older children's responsibility (not saying you said that) to watch their siblings...when one of them has a child of their own. there are government programs to help with day care etc. who knows...maybe she can't get a break at a job and maybe even feel better about herself.

to answer another question or post...i wouldn't assume she has mental problems but i wouldn't count it out either. but without knowing the story and testing her...who can say what the problem is. it could be nothing more than being immature and not thinking about the results of her actions.

how many kids out there are racing on highways, drinking and driving, drugs, sex....whatever. they just don't think. BTW I am not saying all kids either. my son happens to be a great kid

caamken's photo
Wed 04/02/08 07:12 AM
huh just can't let it gohuh

no photo
Wed 04/02/08 07:12 AM

winxflowerforyou He is funny, I laugh my ass off every post. I do not know what I did to him but he has made it his project to personally attack me in every thread he sees me in.laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh drinker

Let me help you with that - appears you have a failure to read and comprehend as well as failure to think and understand:

You don't share information. You regurgitate propaganda whose main point is to complain about propaganda. You don't post original critical thinking. You don't post opinions you research all aspects of. You cannot even provide personal examples because you are bereft of life experiences.
No - I am not angry at you - annoyance is about the best you get for your constant regurgitations and lack of credible understandings. 'ell, you even feel qualified to tell *professional* soldiers how they should act in a country you have never been to, nor have done any historical research on.

no photo
Wed 04/02/08 07:14 AM

It's good that you can laugh at yourself. Shows you at least have a sense of humor. That's something.

Agreed. Not much, but at least something.

yellowrose10's photo
Wed 04/02/08 07:16 AM

huh just can't let it gohuh

when it's something that hits close to home...nope. i just let it go with some people because it's beating a dead horse

no photo
Wed 04/02/08 07:17 AM

huh just can't let it gohuh

Caamkan...sorry, Dragonmess asked for the lambasting she is getting from Lilith and Yellow when she declared they didn't know what they were talking about, because Dragonmess was "a mental health trained professional"

(Lilith especially has been especially effective in providing logical answers. Too bad Dragonmess hasn't realize it yet.

yellowrose10's photo
Wed 04/02/08 07:24 AM
i love a good debate and different opinions...hen and i don't ALWAYS agree but we don't tell each other the other is wrong.

I certainly respect what hen and star just posted

caamken's photo
Wed 04/02/08 07:26 AM
then let the party go drinker drinker drinker

caamken's photo
Wed 04/02/08 07:27 AM
but please don't invite the Lady with 12 kids and 7 different father's cause I do not want to be liabile for number 13laugh laugh laugh

yellowrose10's photo
Wed 04/02/08 07:33 AM

but please don't invite the Lady with 12 kids and 7 different father's cause I do not want to be liabile for number 13laugh laugh laugh

hey YOU wanted the chillens at the party...NOT me laugh

caamken's photo
Wed 04/02/08 07:34 AM

but please don't invite the Lady with 12 kids and 7 different father's cause I do not want to be liabile for number 13laugh laugh laugh

hey YOU wanted the chillens at the party...NOT me laugh
well this morning it seems i am the only one awake at that party everyone else is still sleeping

Winx's photo
Wed 04/02/08 07:35 AM

winxflowerforyou He is funny, I laugh my ass off every post. I do not know what I did to him but he has made it his project to personally attack me in every thread he sees me in.laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh drinker

Let me help you with that - appears you have a failure to read and comprehend as well as failure to think and understand:

You don't share information. You regurgitate propaganda whose main point is to complain about propaganda. You don't post original critical thinking. You don't post opinions you research all aspects of. You cannot even provide personal examples because you are bereft of life experiences.
No - I am not angry at you - annoyance is about the best you get for your constant regurgitations and lack of credible understandings. 'ell, you even feel qualified to tell *professional* soldiers how they should act in a country you have never been to, nor have done any historical research on.

If this is your opinion of someone, why do you insist on attacking them? Let's have some respect here.

no photo
Wed 04/02/08 07:36 AM

but please don't invite the Lady with 12 kids and 7 different father's cause I do not want to be liabile for number 13laugh laugh laugh

Am not worried about being the cause of #13 - but sheezz..I don't want that many running 'round my yard!! I don't care who sired them!

no photo
Wed 04/02/08 07:41 AM

If this is your opinion of someone, why do you insist on attacking them? Let's have some respect here.

If she wants to exercise her 'right to free speech' with cut/paste propaganda from her favorite sites - I will exercise mine by calling her out on it - demonstrating that she is no better than the propaganda machines she claims to be against.

Oh - and since you didn't know this, which is understandable - she has referred to me as 'uncouth' and 'uneducated' So if she doesn't like the 'attacks' perhaps she might need to amend herself. If you insist upon making yourself a target, as she does, you shouldn't whine when people send objects your way.

yellowrose10's photo
Wed 04/02/08 07:41 AM
wnx...playing devil's advocate here lol

but it's on both sides that it happens flowerforyou

Winx's photo
Wed 04/02/08 07:54 AM
Edited by Winx on Wed 04/02/08 07:57 AM
Well, I just hate to see anybody putting anybody down.

People behind the monitors have feelings.

lilith401's photo
Wed 04/02/08 08:04 AM

Well, I just hate to see anybody putting anybody down.
People behind the monitors have feelings.

And if they get hurt from a typed statement on a public forum... maybe those people shouldn't be here.

There is a huge difference between refuting opinions and putting someone down. We are all subject to interpet things differently. As is our right. We can have opinions on others opinions. Your views that a poster is denegrating another is your opinion. It seems to me, the poster in question does not view it the same way. Of course, that is just my opinion. :wink: