Topic: She has 12 kids by 7 different fathers and also a grandmothe
wiley's photo
Tue 04/01/08 05:42 PM
Where's my refund? ohwell

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 04/01/08 05:42 PM
that's what I'm thinking

toastedoranges's photo
Tue 04/01/08 05:44 PM

They had a story about this woman in the paper Sunday who has had 12 kids and a grandmother before the age of 31. She says she made some bad choices like partying drinking yet it is against her religious values to use contraception. This woman has no car depends on welfare pay for clothing ,food and rent but she said if she had a choice she would rather work. Isn't there a point where government should step in and say no more you are taking advantage of the welfare system?

16 pages, this has probably already been said...

her religion prevents her from safe sex, yet she can get wasted and get multiple divorces?

if she cared about the welfare of her children, she wouldn't be such a whore. she'd have a job and she'd work her ass off.

welfare is for a hand up, not a hand out

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 04/01/08 05:44 PM
i gave examples of 1st hand or personal experience in welfare, disability and addiction. I still want to know how those examples were wrong. I never said everyone does it...i said i knew it happened. i even gave an example of hiding from child support. i don't need research, statistics or ratios to tell me what i know

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 04/01/08 05:45 PM

They had a story about this woman in the paper Sunday who has had 12 kids and a grandmother before the age of 31. She says she made some bad choices like partying drinking yet it is against her religious values to use contraception. This woman has no car depends on welfare pay for clothing ,food and rent but she said if she had a choice she would rather work. Isn't there a point where government should step in and say no more you are taking advantage of the welfare system?

16 pages, this has probably already been said...

her religion prevents her from safe sex, yet she can get wasted and get multiple divorces?

if she cared about the welfare of her children, she wouldn't be such a whore. she'd have a job and she'd work her ass off.

welfare is for a hand up, not a hand out

laugh no it hasn't been least not like that. but don't assume she was married to anyone. we know what happens when we assume laugh

adj4u's photo
Tue 04/01/08 05:46 PM
this thread is a practice in futility

some are posting in specific personal reference (which is impossible to do with out know the person of whom this thread was stared about)


others are posting in generalizations and based on statistics and saying that if you go by the stats it is likely she is

so i am sorry going by the stats is the one making sense because no one posting in this thread knows this woman personally

and stats are only about what is verified if it is not verified
then it is not a valid stat if you want it verified report it to the department of stats

other than that everyone here has a ligitimate possibility and that is all it is

a possibility and yer all attacking each other when everyone has the possibility of being right and we will never know who actually is in this specific case

but the stats say what they say regardless of personal knowledge

so that said back to round 17 laugh laugh laugh

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 04/01/08 05:47 PM
i was posting personal experience for EXAMPLES. and how can the statistics be accurate when there are many out there that haven't been caught defrauding yet?

Dragoness's photo
Tue 04/01/08 05:48 PM

i didn't use the words ALL or ALWAYS. I spoke from what I knew 1st hand BTW

I will not discuss my personal information with just anyone so you assume also that I am not speaking from personal experience. Which may be incorrect also.

My point all the way through here is that people prejudicely judge welfare recipients and it is not correct prejudice from the beginning and noone ever considers all the factors that make welfare recipients, mental health of adults and children, family situations, disasters, etc.....

Regardless to all the hype welfare recipients for the most part are short term and they get jobs and move on. Most of the residual welfare recipients have mental health issues. I worked for the welfare reform instituted by Clinton in the 90's that set the 5 lifetime year limits on welfare recipients, with all of the assessment and referrals, etc.... I do know what I am talking about.

Whether people want to believe me or not is up to them. I am not angry. I am not upset in the least.

I share information because I enjoy sharing. I have no hard feelings for anyone on here and I hope noone has any for meflowerforyou

toastedoranges's photo
Tue 04/01/08 05:48 PM
laugh no it hasn't been least not like that. but don't assume she was married to anyone. we know what happens when we assume laugh

sorry, excuse me... i stupidly assumed that since she was so religous that she had been married and not just slept around

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 04/01/08 05:49 PM

this thread is a practice in futility

some are posting in specific personal reference (which is impossible to do with out know the person of whom this thread was stared about)


others are posting in generalizations and based on statistics and saying that if you go by the stats it is likely she is

so i am sorry going by the stats is the one making sense because no one posting in this thread knows this woman personally

and stats are only about what is verified if it is not verified
then it is not a valid stat if you want it verified report it to the department of stats

other than that everyone here has a ligitimate possibility and that is all it is

a possibility and yer all attacking each other when everyone has the possibility of being right and we will never know who actually is in this specific case

but the stats say what they say regardless of personal knowledge

so that said back to round 17 laugh laugh laugh

we are NOT attacking her opinions or even the stats but her using the terms ALL and ALWAYS or inaccurate. and guess personal experience is probably more valid than a paper someone has written. I never said ALL or ALWAYS. but that it happens. and I didn't diagnose her as an absolute

adj4u's photo
Tue 04/01/08 05:52 PM

i was posting personal experience for EXAMPLES. and how can the statistics be accurate when there are many out there that haven't been caught defrauding yet?

report them and get them added to the stats

simple as that

if you do nothing then do not complain about them

kinda like not voting then complaining about who wins

wiley's photo
Tue 04/01/08 05:53 PM

this thread is a practice in futility

some are posting in specific personal reference (which is impossible to do with out know the person of whom this thread was stared about)


others are posting in generalizations and based on statistics and saying that if you go by the stats it is likely she is

so i am sorry going by the stats is the one making sense because no one posting in this thread knows this woman personally

and stats are only about what is verified if it is not verified
then it is not a valid stat if you want it verified report it to the department of stats

other than that everyone here has a ligitimate possibility and that is all it is

a possibility and yer all attacking each other when everyone has the possibility of being right and we will never know who actually is in this specific case

but the stats say what they say regardless of personal knowledge

so that said back to round 17 laugh laugh laugh

Says the guy who quotes a dictionary definition as a rebuttal. laugh laugh laugh

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 04/01/08 05:54 PM

i didn't use the words ALL or ALWAYS. I spoke from what I knew 1st hand BTW

I will not discuss my personal information with just anyone so you assume also that I am not speaking from personal experience. Which may be incorrect also.

My point all the way through here is that people prejudicely judge welfare recipients and it is not correct prejudice from the beginning and noone ever considers all the factors that make welfare recipients, mental health of adults and children, family situations, disasters, etc.....

Regardless to all the hype welfare recipients for the most part are short term and they get jobs and move on. Most of the residual welfare recipients have mental health issues. I worked for the welfare reform instituted by Clinton in the 90's that set the 5 lifetime year limits on welfare recipients, with all of the assessment and referrals, etc.... I do know what I am talking about.

Whether people want to believe me or not is up to them. I am not angry. I am not upset in the least.

I share information because I enjoy sharing. I have no hard feelings for anyone on here and I hope noone has any for meflowerforyou

no I didn't ASSUME. i asked you...didn't ask qhat...but the only things you diagnosed from was from what you read.

and normally I am not upset...except when I'm told I'm wrong for my beliefs or from first hand knowledge

and one prejudged anyone but you. i have stated that i know there is good and bad. you did the assumptions. I know what I am talking about as well from personal experience and lilth is just as qualified as you but you told both of us we were wrong when we didn't even say EVERYONE or ALL or ALWAYS. i gave some examples of what i knew. those examples doesn't include ALL.

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 04/01/08 05:54 PM

laugh no it hasn't been least not like that. but don't assume she was married to anyone. we know what happens when we assume laugh

sorry, excuse me... i stupidly assumed that since she was so religous that she had been married and not just slept around

laugh laugh

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 04/01/08 05:56 PM

i was posting personal experience for EXAMPLES. and how can the statistics be accurate when there are many out there that haven't been caught defrauding yet?

report them and get them added to the stats

simple as that

if you do nothing then do not complain about them

kinda like not voting then complaining about who wins

ummmmm you must not have read the whole thread. like i told dragoness...the government won't listen to me because there is no proof...just he said/she said. but i know what i have heard and if i could i certainly would but not for a report. and i ALSO stated that i did report a dead beat dad and gave his employer name and current address. go back and read

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 04/01/08 05:57 PM
adj...are you seriously taking your stance when you haven't even read the thread?

Dragoness's photo
Tue 04/01/08 06:08 PM
Edited by Dragoness on Tue 04/01/08 06:09 PM

i didn't use the words ALL or ALWAYS. I spoke from what I knew 1st hand BTW

I will not discuss my personal information with just anyone so you assume also that I am not speaking from personal experience. Which may be incorrect also.

My point all the way through here is that people prejudicely judge welfare recipients and it is not correct prejudice from the beginning and noone ever considers all the factors that make welfare recipients, mental health of adults and children, family situations, disasters, etc.....

Regardless to all the hype welfare recipients for the most part are short term and they get jobs and move on. Most of the residual welfare recipients have mental health issues. I worked for the welfare reform instituted by Clinton in the 90's that set the 5 lifetime year limits on welfare recipients, with all of the assessment and referrals, etc.... I do know what I am talking about.

Whether people want to believe me or not is up to them. I am not angry. I am not upset in the least.

I share information because I enjoy sharing. I have no hard feelings for anyone on here and I hope noone has any for meflowerforyou

Again I post the same thing as it covers it still.

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 04/01/08 06:10 PM

no photo
Tue 04/01/08 06:11 PM
Edited by Disaronno on Tue 04/01/08 06:12 PM
Let's correct this post for accuracy here:

I will not discuss my personal information with just anyone so you assume also that I am not speaking from personal experience. Which may be incorrect also.

Translation - I can't provide any personal information, because I have none credible enough to back up my opinions. Hence the need for continuous cut/paste diatribes.

My point all the way through here is that people prejudicely judge welfare recipients and it is not correct prejudice from the beginning and noone ever considers all the factors that make welfare recipients, mental health of adults and children, family situations, disasters, etc.....

Claims 'noone' (that should be no one) even considers all the factors. HELLO!! Pot meet Kettle, Kettle - Pot. You continuously rant on here cut/paste b.s. and you NEVER post anything that even remotely delineates you understand more than your own narrow Camelotian views. You haven't a clue as to how the world works in your back yard, let alone across the nation or globe.

Regardless to all the hype welfare recipients for the most part are short term and they get jobs and move on. Most of the residual welfare recipients have mental health issues. I worked for the welfare reform instituted by Clinton in the 90's that set the 5 lifetime year limits on welfare recipients, with all of the assessment and referrals, etc.... I do know what I am talking about.

Ahh yes..the Great Democratic Saviour - Clinton. Model for societal reform he was. Not even smart enough to admit he had sex, let alone get a hotel room. So - where are all the glorious reforms and great works that he did to reshape the nation? Answer - history is still looking to.

Whether people want to believe me or not is up to them. I am not angry. I am not upset in the least.

No, you just refer to others as 'uncouth' and 'uneducated' Face up to it. Yellow and Lilith handed you your butt on a platter in this topic, you have no clue, and totally screwed up any point you wanted to make.
Then you bolted when you had too many stacking up against you. Not the first time we have seen you do this.

I share information because I enjoy sharing. I have no hard feelings for anyone on here and I hope noone has any for meflowerforyou

You don't share information. You regurgitate propaganda whose main point is to complain about propaganda. You don't post original critical thinking. You don't post opinions you research all aspects of. You cannot even provide personal examples because you are bereft of life experiences.
No - I am not angry at you - annoyance is about the best you get for your constant regurgitations and lack of credible understandings. 'ell, you even feel qualified to tell *professional* soldiers how they should act in a country you have never been to, nor have done any historical research on.

wiley's photo
Tue 04/01/08 06:14 PM
Where's my refund? ohwell