Community > Posts By > Lantz

Lantz's photo
Tue 02/20/07 07:29 PM
You know I keep getting blown away how good all of everyone's poetry is
here... Man it is constant inspiration around here...

Your poem wasn't bad either!!! bigsmile


Lantz's photo
Tue 02/20/07 07:27 PM
Ehh... here is my two cents...


Lantz's photo
Tue 02/20/07 07:23 PM
Black and Cobalt Blue...

Lantz's photo
Tue 02/20/07 04:53 PM
only you... You should have seen the e-mails I got... Oh well, they
can't take a joke F^*k em'.


Lantz's photo
Tue 02/20/07 04:18 PM
sorry for the whole alter boy thing, I was just trying to be funny and I
guess people didn't find it funny...sad

Lantz's photo
Tue 02/20/07 04:16 PM
In my Asian studies class we discussed OUR ART... And I wanted to know
what you think Your art is.
What is YOUR art (Your yoga, your Darma, your burden in life)?
Look at it as, what has God (If there is a God) given you that you do
better than everyone else. It is something that you are passionate about
that you get pleasure out of and could do it for free, if we didn't live
in a capitalistic society...

(For me as an example, I have been blessed with the gift of "GAB" . I
could sell a ketchup flavored Popsicle to a lady wearing white gloves
and I have used my gift to help people by going to school to be a school

Lantz's photo
Tue 02/20/07 04:15 PM
now there is an interesting topic. Art is subjective to everyone who
sees it. For example I see art as an expression of one's soul, may it be
poetry or paint on a canvas. There is something that can be said for
good art, when a truly extraordinary artist comes along it reaches into
your soul and touches you (in ways that only a priest should do to an
alter boy...:tongue:).
But a really good question to ask yourself is;

What is YOUR art (Your yoga, your Darma, your burden in life)?
Look at it as, what has God (If there is a God) given you that you do
better than everyone else. It is something that you are passionate about
that you get pleasure out of and could do it for free, if we didn't live
in a capitalistic society...

For me as an example, I have been blessed with the gift of "GAB" . I
could sell a ketchup flavored Popsicle to a lady wearing white gloves
and I have used my gift to help people by going to school to be a school

Lantz's photo
Mon 02/19/07 09:36 PM
Hey, quick poll...

There are to many people here in this site to go through all of your

I was just wondering how many bicyclists there were here.

I am a beginner mountain biker, I really got into it last year and never

I would like to find some possible riding buddies, none of my friends
like to go and so I usually go by my self...

Lantz's photo
Mon 02/19/07 09:09 PM
maybe it is... Maybe it isn't... It is a mystery that may never be known
to one but myself

Lantz's photo
Mon 02/19/07 09:03 PM
Ok so I know I ragged on a few of ya'all for having bad poetry and so I
wanted to give you some ammo to shoot at me. Trust me you are going to
want to hurt yourself after reading some of these things. These are four
of my poem from early this year... Have fun...


The alcohol is in my veins and all my friends are out because of beer.
I slip into the darkness and let my inhibitions disappear.
Silently wandering in the darkness I flow like a ghost never to appear.
The knife slips out so silently and beams in the night striking fear.
I find my Jon and take my place getting ready for the tear.
The knife slips in so easily and cuts the screen like butter.
Slip your hands inside and push the glass so hope they don’t hear.
Drop inside and see her there I must be quiet to disappear.
I take the loot and walk right out never to reappear.
Too easy to tear, appear and shed a tear before I disappear.


Ah to be lonely and free...Tis a double sided sword, I am free to roam
and do as I please but then there is a void in my life...Oh tis a lonely
road, life, I came in alone and I'll leave alone why not travel through
life alone too?


Alone I sit in the dimly lit room.
I wonder how I screwed it up this time.
I barley knew the girl and I screwed it up.
A few words here and I was dead.
She was so beautiful.
So lovely.
Everything I ever wanted.
And because of a word I am done.
My prison is my room.
Never to leave again.
Heart is dead now.
Because of one word.


Excitement arises in me as I open the letter.
It has been a long time since I heard from her.

The letter opens and a new window opens.
My eyes flash and I am filled with joy.

I am accepted back.
My face flashes and is taken by a smile.

No more dark prisons.
I am a friend, a Boy-Friend.

And she…
She is my Girl-Friend…

Lantz's photo
Mon 02/19/07 08:52 PM

Sup Dude? Welcome...

Lantz's photo
Mon 02/19/07 06:53 PM

I am up in Greeley for college, this is my masters. Then I hope to move
down close to Denver with all my friends..

Lantz's photo
Mon 02/19/07 06:03 PM
You know what I read and was sorely disappointed by was Eragon... I
loved the books but the movie... Well I have no words for what that
movie did to kill my love for movies..

Lantz's photo
Mon 02/19/07 04:44 PM
So I want to know if anyone else has this problem either than me. I
know this isn't as hard as the Iraq question earlier in these forums but
I think that to get this out there might help not only me, but others as

So Let's say that I meet this great girl and we hit it off and then
when I decide to take it to the next level two of things happen:

1) She says: "Oh (Real name excluded), you are a great guy and
I don't want to ruin what we have. I mean, you are like a brother to me
and it would be just to weird.

2) I wait to long and she breaks the news to me that I was too
late and if I had asked earlier she would have gone out with me. And
then when her relationship is over and I wait until the right moment she
says above...

So is there something that I am doing wrong that causes the "Friend
Syndrome"? I mean I don't push it to hard and when I am getting to know
the girl we hit it off really well. Hence, why I am trying internet

Please help;

Lantz's photo
Sun 02/11/07 09:21 PM
These are great... So funny...

Lantz's photo
Sun 02/11/07 09:13 PM
Ah yes..

This is what I love, I love to see the passion that people have in their
hearts. I agree with all of you that poetry is about more than rhyming
and meter it is about so much more. Writing to me is a way to express my

The writing of others is a window to their world and I just hope that,
while I have ticked off a lot of people with my original entry, that I
can learn much from you all and grow. I love to feel the fire that you
all have in your souls, and from what I have seen so far I am sure that
I have seen your essence.

Thank you for your responses and I can't wait to read all of your other
writing and to post some of my own.

Know this, I your fire makes me happy. There is so much that is wrong
with the world and I love to see it come out in the words of people...

Truly Yours;

PS. There will be no more critiques from me.

Lantz's photo
Sun 02/11/07 08:34 PM
While I find very little pleasure in poetry at all, I find that the ones
that are a bit on the dark/Gothic side are more up my alley and I can
find enjoyment in them. This poem, if that is what it can be classified
as, is dark and mysterious and I love it.

Lantz's photo
Sun 02/11/07 08:14 PM

I don't want to be bastard about this but most of the poetry I have read
so far stinks.

There is no meter to them, they aren't hikues they aren't anything but a
bunch of words that are thrown together that don't really don't make

I hate to be the jerk, but I am a nearly published for many of my
stories, and I have seen some bad poetry and I want to help people get
better in their writing's.

Sorry if I ticked you off, you know who I am talking about, but you need
to be woken up and see what real poetry is...


Lantz's photo
Sun 02/11/07 07:59 PM
"Welcome to rest of your life"

There are a lot of things that are wrong with the world and internet
dating sites that aren't free are not one of them, but they are a pain.
But there are more important things such as, global warming or

Now that I got that off my chest, it is time for an introduction. My
real name is for me to know and you to find out. I am a nearly published
writer and I an avid mountain-biker. I can't work in a cubical because I
need to be outside.

The arts, reading and cooking are things that I really enjoy doing.
There is a lot that I want to do and a lot that I haven't done yet. I
have the rest of my life in front of me, and there is not a lot of time
to live it and so I try to get the most out of it.

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