Community > Posts By > Lantz

Lantz's photo
Sat 03/03/07 02:48 PM
Geesh sorry I can't type, Whipper

Lantz's photo
Sat 03/03/07 02:48 PM

That last one was to Whisper

Lantz's photo
Sat 03/03/07 02:45 PM
She got rid of him???

You mean she killed him???

Geesh remind me not to piss off your mom!!! (JK)

:smile: :smile: :smile:


Lantz's photo
Sat 03/03/07 02:42 PM


(Love them)


Lantz's photo
Sat 03/03/07 02:40 PM
Just be comfortable with yourself...

But if that doesn't work there is always...



But that is a little extreme...

Just go with the first statement...


Lantz's photo
Sat 03/03/07 02:37 PM
A fly on the wall...

Lantz's photo
Sat 03/03/07 02:35 PM

I was a pimp back in elementary school; what happened!?!



Lantz's photo
Sat 03/03/07 02:33 PM
Anything by the SHINS, or the Misfits...


Or for something totally different there is the 69 eyes, and HIM...

Also check out The Satin Lions (I think that is their name)


Lantz's photo
Fri 03/02/07 11:35 AM
I am a true believer...

I would absolutely spend a night in a haunted place alone... I have in
fact, and it was a lot less creepy than you would think.


Lantz's photo
Wed 02/28/07 11:36 PM
Yeah you tell it brother!!!

Lantz's photo
Wed 02/28/07 11:36 PM
That's right I'm the man

Lantz's photo
Wed 02/28/07 11:36 PM
Yeah you go LANTZ!!!

Lantz's photo
Wed 02/28/07 11:35 PM
Yeah well you know what get's me?

I really don't like people in general.

A person is a rational reasonable animal who will react in a way that is
reasonable to their situation.

But People are stupid angry creatures, who in the drop of a hat will
turn violent and destroy anything that they find threatening. It is
called the "Mob Mentality Theory" and it has proven it's self many times
over all over the world...


Lantz's photo
Wed 02/28/07 11:28 PM

None of the threads that I start are ever really popular.

That's cool..

I will just talk to myself..

Lantz's photo
Wed 02/28/07 11:27 PM
I have on thing to say about that drink... OK two:

It tastes bad...

I got the real drink that is prohibited in the US; and I was gone after
one glass...

Pink elephants were dancing on the ceiling that night.


Lantz's photo
Wed 02/28/07 11:23 PM
So everyone else on the planet is on "MySpace".

But I have been watching those 20/20, dateline shows with all those sex
offenders that contact their subjects/prey on there.

What do you think do you think about "MySpace"; think it is a good place
to stay in touch and track people down that I haven't seen since


Lantz's photo
Wed 02/28/07 11:17 PM
Research projects, Graduation preparation, and being single...

Lantz's photo
Wed 02/28/07 11:17 PM
What's bothering you?
This is where you put your frustrations and the bane's of you

Lantz's photo
Wed 02/28/07 11:11 PM
You know Krow, you say you want to be single.

But after a while you start to miss that connection with someone.

You start to miss the feeling you get when you embrace that one special

That feeling of euphoria.

You can't get that feeling from friends, it just isn't the same, just
like having sex with a blow up doll isn't the same as the real thing...


Pimples pimples everywhere and not a tissue to spare.
Pus and blood flow and I've nothing to clean up the mess.
A horror movie is where I belong.
Not in my ex-girlfriends bathroom bleeding like a stuck hog.
Pimples pimples everywhere...

Man am I glad I grew out of that!



Lantz's photo
Tue 02/27/07 08:40 PM
No really try a butane torch, we used it for Thanksgiving one year when
our oven went out and it was actually really good