Topic: No Offense
Lantz's photo
Sun 02/11/07 08:14 PM

I don't want to be bastard about this but most of the poetry I have read
so far stinks.

There is no meter to them, they aren't hikues they aren't anything but a
bunch of words that are thrown together that don't really don't make

I hate to be the jerk, but I am a nearly published for many of my
stories, and I have seen some bad poetry and I want to help people get
better in their writing's.

Sorry if I ticked you off, you know who I am talking about, but you need
to be woken up and see what real poetry is...


karmafury's photo
Sun 02/11/07 08:21 PM
Just so you know Lantz. The majority of us are also published or in the
process. Oops. Poetry isn't about ryhme or meter. It's about painting a
picture, giving an emotion.

Might I suggest that as a newbie you go read the Advice for Newbies in
the New Members Section.

Oh and before I forget. Hi and welcome to the site.

DANE1973's photo
Sun 02/11/07 08:22 PM
Lantz These people put out what's in their hearts into their words,If
you don't like it stay the hell out!They pour their hearts out for all
the world to see their wounds.You call yourself a writer.Any writer
worth his salt would understand that the words written on this post,come
from a place so sacred it doesn't need you to judge.These are my
friends,I would thank you to shut the hell up.

creationsfire's photo
Sun 02/11/07 08:23 PM
Thank you for your opinion. Just remember the path to hell is paved with
good intentions. And since you are "nearly" published; I congratulate
you on "our" near miss. If you have to “hint” around about “who” should
know “who” you are talking about; have the balls to just “say” it….seems
you have the balls to "hint" but not to just come out with it.

creationsfire's photo
Sun 02/11/07 08:24 PM
Oh, and take Danes advice and shut the hell up.

karmafury's photo
Sun 02/11/07 08:26 PM
btw Lantz, it's Haiku whether in the singular or plural.

DANE1973's photo
Sun 02/11/07 08:28 PM
I forgot I have Been published 3 TIMES!!!

DANE1973's photo
Sun 02/11/07 08:29 PM
Thanks C/F

no photo
Sun 02/11/07 08:29 PM
there is a huge difference between nearly published and actually

Now since you were brave enough to even start this thread little boy be
brave enough to say who you think is just so awful....and while we are
at it, learn some respect and manners, you are no critic and if your so
freaking great get some balls like creationsfire said and post some of
your work

Gryphyn's photo
Sun 02/11/07 08:33 PM
I am interested in reading what you call poetry. Or maybe a story.
Published who Cares, if you were any good you might just post a thing or
two instead of hiding behind your profile.




whispertoascream's photo
Sun 02/11/07 08:50 PM
Nearly published eh? So not actuality published. Tell you what go get
published then come back until then listen to Dane and SHUT THE HELL UP.
My friends pour there heart and soul into there words. And if that is
NOT poetry then nothing is. To me poetry is all about what you feel in
side. What gives you the right to just join and start badgering people?
If you think you are so great then post your own work. And please tell
us who you think is so awful I would like to know. Cause everything I
have read has been great cause it comes from the heart.