Community > Posts By > stopteasing

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Sun 03/01/15 11:31 PM
No hate
No sorrow
No wars
No crime
No famine
No enemies
No cheating
No lying
No disabilities
No plagues
No diseases
No favoritism
No hypocrisy
No illusions
No stupidity
No laziness
No hopelessness
No criticizing
No egotism
No patronizing
No sarcasm
No presuming
No manipulating
No judging
No demeaning
No gloom
No depression
No .................

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Fri 02/27/15 02:49 AM
Vikings S03E02

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Fri 02/27/15 02:25 AM
Spray and lay traps
They somehow get in
Right after I fog
Lay on their backs and spin

All the poison it takes
To keep them away
I need an animal
Who eats them as prey

The cat brings them
She does all the time
She won't eat them
Just plays no reason or rhyme

You I'm talking about
Rodents and insects
Roaches, ants, crickets
Mice and other suspects

No matter where you live
Or who you are
Most of these critters
Fly very far

I have pets
They eat these things
I really cannot wait
More come during spring

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Fri 02/27/15 02:09 AM
You are what you eat?
Sadly it's not true
I'd be blueberry yogurt
Or maybe Mountain Dew

I know of people
Pancakes' the main staple
They use fresh syrup
They aren't some sugar maple

What about hot dogs
Everyone eats those
I have never seen
A Pinocchio nose

You know those peppermints
They're red and white
Strangers would lick you
That'd be a heck of a sight

Ice Cream would be funny
Summer would be h3ll
End up as a puddle
Then start to smell

Eat those peas
Its ok if you're dry
With too much moisture
Could squish and die

I know what they mean
But it's not what they say
Get out and move around
Burn that fat away

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Fri 02/27/15 12:55 AM
They probably spit from the start. lol!

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Thu 02/26/15 11:01 PM
Read those words
Love and feelings
Expressing emotions
Eyes roll to the ceilings

Oh, I love thee
My heart bleeds
Stop crying sorrows
Such pathetic needs

Try being real
Accept the facts
Being by emotions
You'll never relax

Back to 1st grade
There's wants and needs
Love is a want
Breathing it heeds

no photo
Thu 02/26/15 10:47 PM
Place the order
Sit and wait
Enjoy appetizers
You and your mate

Finish the drink
Here comes another
Weak and less sweet
Watered more than the other

Dinner arrives
Looks just terrific
Eat about half
Then decide it's horrific

Call for the staff
Go ahead complain
Offer you fresher
That is insane

Full plate comes back
This time its right
One and half plates
Fill you it might

One thing not known
Staff and the cooks
All good friends
Even some crooks

Word goes around
The plate heads back
Madly redone dinner
Complainer's a hack

While recooking
Fate has been made
They spit on everything
Heat makes it fade

Of course it taste different
To the half brained twit
It must be you like
That common spice SPIT

I did 12 years
As a high end chef
Send your plate back
I went dumb, blind, and deaf

no photo
Thu 02/26/15 10:25 PM
What today's date? grumble

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Wed 02/25/15 01:19 AM
Translation to English........?

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Wed 02/25/15 01:16 AM
I'm only 47
Live with my mom
Hey don't knock it
She's the bomb

I fixed up the basement
Things are all cozy
No prying eyes
Away from the nosy

Its so darn convenient
Sleeping near a washer and dryer
Mom cleans my cloths
That's something I admire

Why get a job
With my TV downstairs
I play video games
Plus nobody cares

Mom buys my beer
I have liquid lunches
Sometimes I start early
Well those are just brunches

I get out all the time
Actually every now and then
Mom gives me money
Stay at the bar until ten

If I can't catch a ride
I ride my bike to the bar
When the weather is bad
Mom takes me in her car

I used to do drugs
When I lived in moms shed
She threatened me to stop
Now I'm straight in the head

Who needs that insurance
I'm fine with my tooth
This rash is going away
To tell you the truth

I'm a real catch
Well that's what they say
Mom's place will be mine
When she finally passes away

So I'll start very late
With the family life
When the ladies get to know me
They'll beg to be my wife

no photo
Sun 02/22/15 05:22 AM
If it were true
You would still listen
Believe it you must
Goodness it glistens

If it weren't a lie
That would be no fun
Like Santa, Tooth Fairy
Or a smiling sun

Certain people are responsible
You expect nothing but truth
We are told to believe them
All the way from youth

We should only be told
All facts no opinions
By twisting the news
We are someone's minions

Next time you turn on
TV or radio news
Remember this perspective
They tell us someone else's views

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Sun 02/22/15 05:21 AM
With much regret
As you will see
Many painful things
Always happen with me

An ingrown nail
As you may know
Hard to ignore
When its your big toe

I don't have gout
I hear thats real bad
No pleasant cure
Thats real sad

Steel toe shoes
Never made to fit
Toe portion to narrow
Feet hurt like ****

Then my poor shins
Some painful stints
Sadfully aggrivating
Why are they called splints

Up on the top
My aching head
Take some aspirin
Then off to bed

When I lay down
I feel a pinched nerve
Pain runs down my leg
Something I don't deserve

These dried skin spikes
Along side my finger nails
Catch on everything
The hurt never fails

My hands aren't to bad
Arthritis is setting in
I try not to grip anything
So the pain won't begin

It really doesn't hurt
But I'm beginning to forget
I hope out of the shower
Not remembering how I got wet

I have many other pains
Like the ones in my neck
Like all my supposed friends
Come on guys what the heck

Sometimes my eyes hurt
There is ringing in my ears
One tooth needs pulling
Which brings me to tears

One things for certain
This might cause shrugs
My doctor is fantastic
He gives me painkilling drugs

no photo
Sat 02/21/15 03:35 AM
Neither festering boil
Nor a black headed zit
This thing on my back
Keeps on growing and won't quit

I looked in the mirror
Still could not see
Now I felt with my fingers
Its not one but three

Now the first one has hair
They're long dark and black
Feels like stiff wires
Stop laughing cut me some slack

You know the others
They have a hair or two
It is hard to tell
I can't get a good view

My mom said to remove them
Well I took her advice
I went to the store
Picked up dry ice

I carefully placed the ice
Directly on top of the spot
The next week was painful
Who would of thought

Once the scab fell off
I felt them once more
The hair was all gone
It was still a little sore

My worry it did grow
With no hair like stiff poles
The lumps tripled in size
Looks like I'm stuck with these moles

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Sat 02/21/15 03:16 AM

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Thu 02/19/15 02:32 AM
I feel lazy
Let's not do a thing
Ah leave the phone
No matter how loud it will ring

I feel lazy
Wait till tomorrow
Grab another beer
Forget about the sorrow

I feel lazy
Just apply for work later
I don't need a job
Don't be a hater

I feel lazy
Someone else will take care of me
I can beg and plead
Just watch me you'll see

I feel lazy
To heck with my responsibilities
Those with jobs will pay for
My food, house, and utilities

I feel lazy
I can work but just won't
Do whatever I want
You cannot complain so just don't

I feel lazy
The internet is my job
I browse while in my underwear
Hey I'm a hunk and a heart throb

I feel lazy
Sometimes I do cam
I hold up someone else's picture
Yea sure that's me mam

I feel lazy
Who needs a car
I just catch a ride
I don't need to go far

I feel lazy
Paper plates are the best
Plastic utensils and cups
My garbage man does the rest

I feel lazy
Let's make one thing clear
Aint nobody getting between
Me and my beer.

no photo
Fri 02/13/15 02:41 AM
Thank you!

no photo
Thu 02/12/15 08:25 PM
Mayflower, Can you repost that poem on that picture without the picture? I'm color blind and can't read it.

no photo
Thu 02/12/15 07:33 PM
I like having all types of dreams
I accept what sleep deems

Whether they cause me to cry
or just perhaps thinking I'll die

Sometimes I'm falling from up high
That kicking put a cramp in my thigh

I once ran a marathon race
Then won by cheating with grace

Most dreams I can jump high and far
Then lift things like a house or a car

I wake up sweating and out of breath
Running from things that scare me to death

I see people from back in the day
Only as they were then I guess you could say

Being an evil genius is great
Deciding everyone's bad fate

Some dreams are so real I think they happen
Freaks me out I don't wake up clap'n

Many things occur I'm not sure I'm awake
At times it's difficult to tell what is real or fake.

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Tue 02/10/15 11:47 PM
Ohhhhh Korewon.... What a nice treat. Take it from me "Welcome to the Dark side". There are not a lot of fans here who enjoy the dark. I hope to read some more from you. I find the deeper the person the darker their writings. The more shallow happy go lucky type, write almost whimsical tales of love and longing. Very much like a fairy tale they cannot shake from childhood. "Frolicking through the field with pretty flowers and enchanting butterflies....." all is good until reality shows up and never-never-land is gone. Now-now-land is better because it is very real. Now-now-land you can frolic but you will be eaten. Hahahaha!

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Tue 02/10/15 11:35 PM I? Write you poem completely inversed?