Community > Posts By > mage2210

mage2210's photo
Mon 02/23/09 02:35 PM

Hey Mage) Welcome to the Matchmaking Thread! Shall we call you Mage or something else?

mage is fine, unless you can think of something elsewinking

mage2210's photo
Mon 02/23/09 02:23 PM
to a ford mustang club meeting

mage2210's photo
Mon 02/23/09 02:19 PM
s.e wi isn't very talkative i guess! whats evryones fav. place to hang out?

mage2210's photo
Mon 02/23/09 02:16 PM
One down, 4 to go...

mage2210's photo
Mon 02/23/09 02:14 PM
somewhere in iowa

mage2210's photo
Mon 02/23/09 02:12 PM
the fountain of youth

mage2210's photo
Mon 02/23/09 01:47 PM
To the bar...

mage2210's photo
Mon 02/23/09 09:57 AM

Ah, I see Debbie has talked new people into coming in here.

I'm lost as to what to do here, I cant get the page with the rules to load...

mage2210's photo
Mon 02/23/09 09:49 AM
I'm ready to play debbie!

mage2210's photo
Mon 02/23/09 09:41 AM
10 isn't high enough...very pretty, to bad your'e so far away :(

mage2210's photo
Sun 02/22/09 12:13 PM
Ive done that with my exes too. just because you broke up doesnt mean you have to hate eachother. I am good friends with 2 of my exes, but it did take a while to reach that point after we split.

mage2210's photo
Sat 02/21/09 12:10 PM

Yeah, we could discuss different techniques for shoveling snow or scraping windsheilds.

my technique is to pay someone else to do works really good too

mage2210's photo
Sat 02/21/09 12:08 PM

so still no return call?been wonderingflowerforyou

lol not yet, I will let you know if it happens!

mage2210's photo
Sat 02/21/09 12:01 PM

Ok did I miss something?

This woman was mature enough to tell you from the very beginning that she had NO INTEREST in a relationship but if you wanted to be friends fine.

I believe I said "no hurry". she never said NO INTEREST. I took "no hurry" as dont be pushy, lets see wher this goes?

mage2210's photo
Sat 02/21/09 11:58 AM

Ok did I miss something?

This woman was mature enough to tell you from the very beginning that she had NO INTEREST in a relationship but if you wanted to be friends fine.

She made no sexual ovatures towards you. Clearly a plutonic relationship from what you describe.

She introduced you to her family and friends as a friend only.

When you enjoyed being with her she did not take advantage of you and reciprocated your friendship and included you in her interests and as a guest to her home. Yes as a friend even confided to you like a loyal friend would.

Sounds like she let you hang around because you asked to or just wouldn't take no for and answer. Maybe she thought you were lonely. If you could not find one day to entertain yourself on your own it sounds like it.

What do you expect her parents to say to you when you are constantly there and sucking up to them with gifts and invitations? And keeping their daughter out of there hair or at least too busy to be available for her Ex.

Were you not the one who lied about the relationship? You told her you were willing to be friends and for weeks you have been lobbying to entrench yourself in her life if I understand what you said.

Then when she was not suspecting what you were doing because you had not tried it or even mention it you want to turn the tables.

Personaly I think she has made herself crystal clear. She told you to get lost. She is ignoreing your calls.

And just because you want it otherwise isn't going to make it so. You can infer whatever you want about being a gentleman but it doesn't qualify.

Since this girl doesn't sound like the type to put up with a lot you might want to take a chill pill. Or rather than whineing on the computer you are lible to find yourself in front of a judge.

And that crap about a kiss by a set number of dates is baloney. If a woman is interested in you she will tell you. She shouldn't have to prove anything.

Wheather you grow up enough to have and honest relationship is your choice. What you can count on if you don't is when the woman figures you out you are going to get dumped over and over again.

There are so many things wrong with your response it makes me sick...Ive gotten good advice from everyone thus far, whether I liked to hear it or not...
as far as your take on it, there is alot you DONT know. You make it sound like I would call her 24/7 and beg to be with her...not true at all. she asked me to dinner/drinks/asked to sleep at MY house/etc/etc. yes I called her too, but dont make it sound so 1 sided. There was a night I was going to meet MY friends at the bar and she asked to come along...who knows, maybe YOU sleep with all your friends too?
I dont recall ever saying I showered her parents with gifts. I mainly get along with them because when we have a few beers together we laugh and talk about everything under the sun.
the whole "judge" comment makes no sense whatever. Unless you are refering to me "stalking" her, I dont think one phone call fits into that category
I'd also like to know what your definition of an "honest" relationship is. I never lied to her, I was a gentleman, I didn't know from the beginning I was going to fall for her, and when the feelings built up I told her. My feelings for her went from friends to wanting more, so why is it sooooo wrong in your opinion for me to think there is a chance hers might have too?
I have alot of friends, many of them are women, but we dont talk about half the things me and her did, they never sleep over, we dont go out to dinner 3 nights a week, and so on. I'm not pissed at her, I respect her reasoning whatever it is, all I want from her is for HER to tell me. Guess that makes me an ass...

mage2210's photo
Fri 02/20/09 02:26 PM

mage2210's photo
Fri 02/20/09 02:20 PM

No really, If I was interested in a date after meeting for coffee, I would ask her before the coffee date was over.


mage2210's photo
Fri 02/20/09 02:14 PM

i get the lets just be friends and see what happens... what does that mean?

Ive heard that plenty of times...just a nice way of saying "I'm not interested"

mage2210's photo
Fri 02/20/09 02:11 PM

i usually let the guy know at the end of the meeting by saying something like, it would be fun to do this again.

alot of girls say that just to be nice, but turns out they didnt mean it

mage2210's photo
Fri 02/20/09 02:10 PM
I like it when the girl beats me to the punch though...and if you call him first and he doesnt instantly want to hang out then there is probably nothing there