Community > Posts By > Joseph420420

Joseph420420's photo
Sun 08/23/09 06:33 PM

Shoes are very important to me specially if she wears a skirt on the date.

Once a detective friend of mine told me if there was any dandruff on the shoes she is not wearing any knickers

LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

Joseph420420's photo
Sun 08/23/09 06:33 PM
the first thing i notice is if they were glassses or not, cause i like glasses but whats most important to me is if they talk alot cause if they dont then i have to talk and i hae talkin! lol but the queit people usually have deeper thoughts so i like them ^^

Joseph420420's photo
Sun 08/23/09 06:31 PM

you can do it. it will take a long time and sabatoging a lot of relationships in the future, but you'll get through. my experience is now 3 yrs old and i still have dreams where we are together. but i realize that if he didn't want me, it wasn't as good as i thought it was.
your right i didn think of it that way you just helped me:smile:

Joseph420420's photo
Sun 08/23/09 06:21 PM

Mirror, you must be psychic!laugh laugh atm, I am finding it extremely difficult..lots of different emotions still...even after three monthsbrokenheart :cry: mad indifferent frustrated
i agree and i feel you =[

Joseph420420's photo
Sun 08/23/09 06:20 PM

for some people it may be possible for others it may not, you must define moving on! cause the true person that i love, i will probably never move on from them in the sense that i wil never stop loving them, but i know i have to find someone else, cause **** happens you know, and sometimes you can never get that person back no matter what you do!
and its all the little things that were said and that were promised or done, or planned etc, that make it very hard to move on, and it sucks when the new person yoru dating reminds you of all the little things youve done with your first true love or the one you will never stop loving, some people will nevr move on, but they will find someone new even if theyre reminded of that special one.

Joseph420420's photo
Sun 08/23/09 06:18 PM
for some people it may be possible for others it may not, you must define moving on! cause the true person that i love, i will probably never move on from them in the sense that i wil never stop loving them, but i know i have to find someone else, cause **** happens you know, and sometimes you can never get that person back no matter what you do!

Joseph420420's photo
Sun 08/23/09 03:16 PM

ahh tahts what i was trying to think of, thanks lol but does sleep paralsis come with such a heav pressence i remember just crying and crying, and so did my friend my other friend, felt happy it was odd hearing that
:thumbsup: Yes, it must have been very frightening:thumbsup:
it was very frightening but i just cried mysef back to sleep and woke up thinkign maybe it was just a dream lol idk i dontwanna sond like a big wuss, it was just a very odd experience and im glad i ead through these posts
bigsmile Yes, this thread has a lot of informationdrinker
definitely and im lookign more and more into this thanks for posting

Joseph420420's photo
Sun 08/23/09 10:36 AM

ahh tahts what i was trying to think of, thanks lol but does sleep paralsis come with such a heav pressence i remember just crying and crying, and so did my friend my other friend, felt happy it was odd hearing that
:thumbsup: Yes, it must have been very frightening:thumbsup:
it was very frightening but i just cried mysef back to sleep and woke up thinkign maybe it was just a dream lol idk i dontwanna sond like a big wuss, it was just a very odd experience and im glad i ead through these posts

Joseph420420's photo
Sun 08/23/09 01:51 AM
ahh tahts what i was trying to think of, thanks lol but does sleep paralsis come with such a heav pressence i remember just crying and crying, and so did my friend my other friend, felt happy it was odd hearing that

Joseph420420's photo
Sat 08/22/09 05:19 PM

there was a time i woke up, or atleast i thought i woke up but i couldnt move anythng and i was crying i felt this heavy pressence around me o.0 thanks for tripping that experience out with all this more then it already was
drinker You may have been a victim of the reptilian aliensdrinker
i sure hope not but its crazy cause thats exactly what i experienced i just didnt see anything
:smile: Sounds like the same thing that a lot of other people that have encountered the Draconians experienced:smile:
----you scare me, i have experienced this a few times it was only once that i really felt like i was awake and unable to move, the other times it (wasnt)-edit_ so real feeling maybe i have experienced this or maybe i just woke up when my body was still cut off from the brain theres other explantions

glasses Jeanniebean described a similar experience just a couple pages back on this threadglasses
also where i used to live, i know two other people who have experienced this, being awake in the middle of the night unable to move, etc, and havign such a pressence, but i believe like i said it could be expained by other things such as just your body still being disconnected or shut down from the brain while your asleep

Joseph420420's photo
Sat 08/22/09 06:44 AM

Hi and welcome too mingle i hope it gives you some happy times whilst you are rebuilding your confidence, I am sure things will get better for you in the future hun you just have too believe in yourself,drink and drugs won,t help as you said, counselling and relaxation techniques are the way too go i,ve been where you are and got through it, i wish you all the bestflowerforyou
thank you vry much =]

Joseph420420's photo
Sat 08/22/09 02:17 AM

manic polar..........THE SAME THING....................

****,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,WASTE OF TIME!!!!explode grumble
^^^^^^ listen to her

Joseph420420's photo
Sat 08/22/09 02:14 AM

:heart:What if your significant other "starred" in a porno before you met and the porno was still on the internet making the rounds for everyone to see:heart:How would you feel?:heart:Could you live with this?:heart:
i could not live with it no lol

Joseph420420's photo
Sat 08/22/09 02:12 AM

This idiot I have been (was)talking to (well off and on) for maybe 4-5 months, I swear is schizo. He got mad at me maybe 2-3 months ago, called me a "wh*re" and a "loser." Fine, he can stay lost. Then a couple of weeks later he wants to talk again, say what??? So, of course, I am still ticked over the name calling but I hold off saying much, he doesn't apologize, so then I tell him how I don't appreciate the name calling. Then he tells me to "F-off." Disappears for another couple of weeks or so. In the meantime, he sends me little nasty grams with links to dirty picture sites. When I tell him to stop, he claims innocence, of course.

Now, today, he contacts me with "how is it going?" I swear, this guy must be just plain unbalanced.

Have you ever run into someone like this?? He is totally controlling and jealous, and to act this way??? And, an obvious liar too over the nasty grams he sends, etc. noway frustrated

Yes he is and don't waste your time. Life is too short to spend time with a psychopath. BLOCK HIM like right now...
i agree but he probably doesnt even know he isthat way he probably thinks every one elseis ****ed up

Joseph420420's photo
Sat 08/22/09 02:07 AM

hes bipolar

Suspect you are right, there is something not right about him. He switches personalities like a light switch.
thats the best sign of asomeone who is bi polar blieve me thats what it is =p

Joseph420420's photo
Sat 08/22/09 02:06 AM

I know this family that has two small children (5yrs and 1yr) who are living in a really old tag-a-long camper and they have the money to do better but they arent. i dont know what to do. what would you do?
mind my own business lol

Joseph420420's photo
Sat 08/22/09 02:04 AM
hes bipolar

Joseph420420's photo
Sat 08/22/09 01:40 AM

My x has agora phobia--might be the same thing--we battled it together for years --now she gets aroung pretty well. Nice ta see ya buy the way!
ya thats what i was told it was but it isnt just when i leave the house, its alot of things, its also when im around alot of people etc, but i am glad she is doing fine

Joseph420420's photo
Sat 08/22/09 01:14 AM

welcome! im also newdrinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker
welcome:banana: mate!!!

Joseph420420's photo
Sat 08/22/09 01:10 AM
it just an illusion lol it can stop for you