Community > Posts By > vanessa69

vanessa69's photo
Tue 04/10/07 02:01 PM
ok!- I got it go my butt back to school! (lol)
thanks for the advise...

vanessa69's photo
Wed 03/28/07 10:35 PM
thank you every one you have been a great help!

vanessa69's photo
Wed 02/28/07 08:01 PM
i can take care of my daughter- no proublem there! its just im trying to
find a low matnience job for extra money! and im trying to ask you alls
opinon what kind of work force would be suitable for a bad back?

vanessa69's photo
Wed 02/28/07 07:48 PM
no he don't have anything to do with her or pay child-support! he's
planning on movieing but won't alow me too. but i talked to a police
officer and he said as long as were not in court getting a divorce then
he has no rights and i can do as i please..
thanks for the advise.

vanessa69's photo
Tue 02/27/07 08:35 AM
I dissagree with you!
1st of all I never got spacked!- and im way more behaved and macher then
people my age that got their ass's wooped! like my husband 4-example, he
had his ass wooped until he was black and blue but guess what- he act's
polite in front of his parents cause he's afread of them/ - for beating
him- but when he's around others he's disresspectfull! he had the ass
woopens it done no good thats why he's in and out of jail all the time
and he's brother is the same way- i never got my ass wooped and im
reaspectfull. there is so many other ways to dissapline your child!-
spanking is a resolt of anger! what are you teaching a child my spanking
him?- to fear you!it only hurts for a wile- a child needs to understand
right from wrong and by spanking him your onley teaching him its ok to
hit cause mommy and daddy is doing it to me! maybe its just easer for
you all to spanck you children rather then takeing the time to improve
the problem. im sorry if i afended any of you people but i tottaly
dissagree there is always other ways. your teaching your child vilence
not loving dissiplin. sorry 4-all who i affended

vanessa69's photo
Tue 02/27/07 08:18 AM
my daughter is almost 8months old im married to her dad and i was
wondering if i could move to anouther state with her with out me getting
in troubal with the law! he has no visitation rights because we are not
divorced and none of this is in court! but all my family lives in ny and
i live here in ga with no family- he left and im alone and want to move
back to ny! do you all think this is a bad idia? & can i get into
troubal takeing his daughter to anouther state to live? he doesent see
her anyways.


vanessa69's photo
Tue 02/27/07 08:13 AM
yes, I know all of this!- but i am looking for a low matnence job i can
handle! thank you for your time- god bless

vanessa69's photo
Mon 02/26/07 02:05 PM
well I became pregnet with twins and lost them at 6months into my
pregneny! so i know where your coming from! i got pregnet again and i
was scared to death the same thing would happen again! i started makeing
visets to the emergincey room regerley for no aperent reason becides i
wanted to know on a daily basis if the child i was careing was in fact
ok! I paranoyed and stressed my self out so much i started haveing
contractions and thats when the doc. said you being bedrested for the
reamader of my pregnacey and put me on medacation for the contractions
and reainshoured me every thing would be ok if i reamaned in bed with my
feet up- neatalis to say i did what the doc. said and comed down knowing
the reaenshernts he gave me! then i went into layber and had my little
girl! and after words the docter said to me-"it was not the bed rest
that saved your child it was that you finley comed down and realaxed! so
best advise coem down relax and in-joy your pregnacey! every thing with
be fine just sometimes in life things dont work out as we plan but the
things that happen always there is a reason behind it well thats what
people has always said to me!GOOD LUCK!


vanessa69's photo
Mon 02/26/07 01:51 PM
im 19 and have a 7month old daughter married for 2years but he desides
to take off! once in a blue moon he'll come to see her but he only uses
her for a show case! and becides that i was in a terrible reack about 2
1/2 years ago with a big rieg! so my back is messes up from a crused
pelvix so it's getting harder for me running around all the place and
lifting her! I have little help with her- and still need to find a job
that i can handle with my ingerey's! have any idias?

vanessa69's photo
Mon 02/26/07 01:41 PM
well my father left when i was onley 2months old! still don't know him
2-day but thankfully my step father has always been in my life and i
look at him as my real dad- we even 4-get he's not my real dad! i grew
up thanking it was my moms falt the reason why he left untill i grew up
and then she reaveled to me the truth why he in fact left! be honest
with him and love him! my husband left me and i have a 7month old
daughter and i know it will be hard because i dont want her to blam me
for him being gone! but i plan to tell her the truth and not cut her
father down to her because one day she may want to find him and i want
to her to not blam eather party's! sorry I can't help more!

vanessa69's photo
Mon 02/26/07 01:30 PM
well im a teen age'er my self-
what my parent done to me growing up was take away my most prized
belongings and they would not reaturn them untill i was acting the way
they thought i should!- worked every time with me! but unforchanley what
may work for one child does not always work on anouther.reambeer when
you were a teenager?- what did your parents do to you to make you stop
acting up? try it with him. try doing more family activetey's maybe he
wants more attention or maybe he wants more freedom. I think he most
things for him or he'll never learn and walk all over you!- & i should
know im a teen my-self!

vanessa69's photo
Sun 02/25/07 11:26 AM
o- i tottaley aggree about spanking! spanking a child onley gives a
child fear to not do in again to the person or persons who are the ones
spanking a child! but when the child is around other people the child
will act up knowing these certion people wont spank me!

2 wrongs dont make a right- not even if a parent is older!

vanessa69's photo
Sun 02/25/07 11:22 AM
a good tool to work with in this case is- walk away!
a child does these things when a addence is around so if you put him in
is room away from the family were there is no addence he'll learn to
stop doing these thing's because he's alone. and when you put him in
there exsplain he can not come out to be part of the family fun untill
he appoligizes and behaves like a big boy should! always when
dissplening a child let them know why there being dissplend and just
dont say because im your mother and what i say goes-
and very importion is for all members of your house hold to be good role
modles because all that he see's happening he will do it to. children
want to be like there syblings!

hope I helped

vanessa69's photo
Sun 02/25/07 11:14 AM
you went threw the same thing when you were are age- did you or did you
not? and when my child is a teen ill be frustrated as well but just
imangin what your parents went threw with you! we all learn grow old and
change into more reaspetfull people but untill then your stuck- its a
learning prosses we all went threw. more you challeged your parentes in
your teenage day it time the more your own teenage children will act
up... it's a pain but its reality- it will be over soon keep your head
up high and just reamber it will be over soon- they'll be out on their
own and have children and there children will give them trouble just
like they gave you and then you can sit back and laugh- pay back is

- vanessa