Community > Posts By > jeanc200358

jeanc200358's photo
Sun 05/13/07 10:35 AM
Aiden, that is true; they can be vicious. But I am very careful to look
up in the branches of trees before I sit down to have a picnic, so I
don't worry about it too much.

jeanc200358's photo
Sun 05/13/07 08:23 AM
Claim: There were people who lived on Earth before God destroyed the
Earth and all that was on it, and then remade the Earth in Genesis
1:1-2, Jeremiah 4:22-31 is quoted as proof.
First, we must look at each set of verses in the contents where they
were placed if we are to understand:

1. Who is speaking?
2. Who is it speaking to?
3. What is it speaking about?
4. When will it happen?
5. Where will it take place?
6. Why will it happen?

It is not as easy to find the answers as you might think, however the
answers are always in the chapter and verses immediately preceding of
following the verse or verses in question. It will never be found in
another book of the Bible, or distanced from the verses in question by
two or more chapters. When you have found the meaning of a verse, then
you may also find other places in the Bible which gives the same
message, but each place must stand on it's own within it's contents.
Other places in the Bible can confirm but cannot ever explain.
Now let us see if the claim that was made is valid, that is true of
false. We cannot start out with an assumption either way, else we would
be looking to prove what we want it to say rather than looking for the
truth of what it does say. Many a cult has been started by well meaning
persons who either forgot, or did not know, this truth. I am constantly
amazed at the arguments I hear about what the Bible is saying, while
each side puts forth the exact same scripture as the proof scripture for
their side of the argument.

First let us look at the first chapter of Genesis:

In answering the questions, we see that

God speaks throughout the chapter, and is telling man that He created
everything in the past for man whom He created last and gave man
authority over all that was made on the Earth. First the Statement in
Genesis. 1:1 that He (God) created everything. And then He goes on to
tell How he created everything (Genesis. 1:2). God tells us that He
created everything in a very short time for the benefit of man.

Is there anything in this chapter which even remotely suggests that
there was an earth before the one that we are now living on? No, there
is not. So where did this idea come from? Several hundred years ago when
man started to believe in evolution instead of God's word, man tried to
fit it into the creation story. He claimed that there was a gap of
millions of years between Genesis. 1:1 and Genesis. 1:2 which then
allowed for evolution, or for the existence of a previous world which
was then destroyed by God and subsequently is remade by God. Since then
man even denies that God created anything and that if He exist, only
made something out of what was already there. They say that God used
evolution to make the earth and man. There are believers of this heresy
because they would rather believe the word of men, who claim to be
Scientist, than they would to believe the word of God. There are also
those God fearing men who have been led astray by false interpretations
of God's word. The first will be led straight into hell, the last will
not have it effect their salvation, for they do worship Jesus first.

Now lets go back to Genesis chapter 1. We start out with a writing style
that was common. We first make a statement, then for emphasis, we then
explain or expand on the statement just made. That is still used
sometimes today. The Hebrews made use of it in the writings of the Bible
as well as secular writings. We can see here that God first makes a
statement that He, and He alone, created, that is, made everything out
of nothing.

An example of writing style.

I make the statement "I made a table and chair" period. That says it
all, it tells who did what. The statement is complete in itself.

Now I can expand on that statement by telling you how I made the table
and chair. " I went into the forest and cut down a tree with my ax and
cut the tree into boards with my saw. Then I cut and shaped the boards
to make the table with it's legs and the chair."

Now I can again expand the explanation by telling you how I made the
legs for the table. " I took a board, and after cutting it to the right
length I made it square. Then I put it on a wood lathe and turned it to
be round."

As you can see, that while the first statement is complete in itself.
However, it was not true until after I had performed the work that I
described, after the statement. I didn't have to describe how I made the
table and chair in order for the first statement, that I made the table
and chair, to be true. The only difference is the order in which I
placed it in this example. It would fit perfectly well if I had placed
the statement at the end after telling you the details of how I made it.

In the statement made by God in Genesis 1:1 would have fit just as well
if it were the last verse of the chapter. Where then would the Gap be if
there ever was one??

We can see this style of writing continuing into the second chapter. In
Genesis 1:27 it says "So God created man in his own image, in the image
of God created he him; male and female created he them." Note here that
God has both man and woman completed in this verse without any details
to explain. Now in chapter 2, God starts giving us additional details
about His creating the Earth and Man. We see in chapter 2:7 and 2:21-22
that He has now explained how He made the man and woman that He spoke of
in Genesis 1:27. The writing style is the same as that used in Genesis
1:1 and Genesis 1:2+. This is a confirmation that chapter one does not
have a gap whereby either evolution or another previous world existed.


Jeremiah chapter 4 is used as a proof of a previous world. Quoted were
verses 23-28

Jeremiah 4:23 "I beheld the earth, and, lo, it was without form, and
void; and the heavens, and they had no light.

4:24 I beheld the mountains, and, lo, they trembled, and all the hills
moved lightly.
4:25 I beheld, and, lo, there was no man, and all the birds of the
heavens were fled.
4:26 I beheld, and, lo, the fruitful place was a wilderness, and all the
cities thereof were broken down at the presence of the Lord, and by his
fierce anger.
4:27 For thus hath the Lord said, The whole land shall be desolate; yet
will I not make a full end.
4:28 For this shall the earth mourn, and the heavens above be black:
because I have spoken it, I have purposed it, and will not repent,
neither will I turn back from it.

This is interesting, but, what is it saying? The original claim at the
start of this paper says that these verses prove that there was a gap
between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2 in which there was a previous world,
made by God, which He then destroyed, with everything on the Earth, and
remade into our present world.
The first step to finding the truth is to answer the questions we have
listed above, using all of Jeremiah chapter 4. That will tell us if the
above text from Jeremiah is being used within it's contents and
therefore does have the meaning claimed for it, or if it has been taken
out of contents, and therefore giving a meaning that it does not have.

In this chapter, God calls to Israel, reminding them of His great mercy
but also warning them of His anger and vengeance. And finally
Lamentations for Judah. Jeremiah chapter 4 starts with God speaking.

Jeremiah 4:1-2 God promises that if Israel will stop it's idol worship
and turn again to Him that their nation will not have judgment brought
against it and that the nations which surround them will bless the
nation of Israel also.

3-4 God says, turn to Me or I will vent my fury against you.

6 If you do not return to Me, then I will bring destruction upon you by
using the nations from the North of you.

7 I have already set them into motion and they are on their way to lay
total destruction on you.

8 Jeremiah now speaks, warning the people to repent because The Lord is
angry at them and has passed judgment on them. Destruction is coming and
they can't stop it.

9 God speaks again. When the destruction comes on them that their king
will die and all of their other leaders will be taken totally by

10 Jeremiah speaks. He asks, God, didn't you say that peace was coming?
Are you tricking the people? This destruction will cut deep into their

11- 12 God answers, What I send upon you is not to destroy you but to
clean out the idolatry. And those that I send against you I will also
sentence to destruction.

13 God tells Jeremiah that the destruction will be extremely fast in the
very near future. Jeremiah cries out in anguish.

14 - 17 God tells Jeremiah to warn the entire nation of Israel that a
nation from far off is coming and will surround and destroy them,
because Israel has rebelled against God.

18 It will happen because of your evil ways, your wickedness that is
deep in your heart.

19 - 20 God cries out in pain over the coming destruction of Israel as a
nation because they have forced Him to judge against they. (They are
God's chosen people)

21 God asks how long will they suffer before they will turn back to Him.

22 God says that His people are foolish because they have chosen to turn
away from Him. They have chosen evil instead of good and they no longer
know Him

23 - 27 Jeremiah speaks here as God gives him a vision that compresses
time from the distant past to the distant future. This is made clear in
ver 27 where Jeremiah says "For thus hath the Lord said" and ver 28
Where God says that He plans to do it and "will not turn back form it".
This shows that the destruction will happen in the future from this
point. And also in ver 29 where the people of the city will run for
their lives. This again is in the future as shown by the word "shall"
(future) and not the word "did"(past).

23 Jeremiah is shown the Earth (I beheld or saw the Earth) when God
first formed it but before there was even light (Genesis. 1:2),

24 I saw the entire Earth shake from an earthquake.

25 I saw that there were no more men or birds on the Earth.

26 I saw The Earth that had once been fruitful was now a wasteland and
every city on the Earth had been destroyed by the Lord God in His anger.

27 God then tells Jeremiah that in spite of what he was shown that God
would not at that time totally destroy the earth.

28 God then says that the earth will mourn for it's loss and the Earth
will darken but He said that He will do this to the Earth and Will cause
it to happen.

29 God now tells of how, when He brings this destruction, that the
people in Jerusalem will run out of the city and try to find hiding
places in the country side and in the mountains. He continues with the
statement that every city on the face of the earth will be abandoned at
this time.

30 God laughs at them, no matter how rich, how beautiful, or anything
else, you will have nothing to bargain with and so your life will not be
worth anything. Everyone you meet will try to kill you.

31 God continues; You will cry out in pain as does a woman who is having
her first child. God identifies here that it is the daughters of Zion,
or the Israelites who will be suffering.

This continues in chapter 5 with God promising that at that time of
destruction, if they can find even one (1) righteous person in Jerusalem
that He will spare all of them for his sake. Like Sodom, they will not
find one.

Now we can see that in chapter 4 of Jeremiah, that God is mostly
speaking to the Israelites (or the Jews). He is pointing out their
idolatry, and is warning them that He will destroy them if they do not
give up idolatry and come back to worshipping Him. He has already
declared His judgment against them and will carry out that judgment at
some future time. They still have time to stop the judgment, if they
repent and come back to Him.

Therefore, the Entire chapter 4 of Jeremiah speaks of only three things.

1. The Idolatry of Israel.
2. The anger of God against them.
3. The destruction of Israel in the future if they do not repent.

The only thing in this chapter that showed the past was a vision that
Jeremiah was given. The rest of his vision here had to do with the
coming destruction. This is shown because it was shown in the vision
AFTER he was shown the start of the Earth and the fact that this chapter
is speaking of the Israelites who are still with us. I now believe that
it has been shown that the verses, quoted from Jeremiah and used in the
claim, were taken out of contents to prove what was not true.
I believe that it can be noted at this point that not one of the Old
Testament Prophets could distinguish the difference in time between what
was to happen immediately and what would come to pass thousands of years
later. This can be seen clearly when the Old Testament prophecies are

We can now ask if there are any other scriptures which will confirm this
interpretation of Genesis and Jeremiah.

1. There was no death in the world until Adam sinned.

1. Genesis 2:17, 3:3 If you eat of the forbidden fruit you will die.

The opposite side of that is that if you do not eat of the forbidden
fruit you will live.

2. Genesis 3:22 If Adam had ate of the fruit of the tree of Life then
Adam would have lived in human form forever as God intended.
3. Romans 5:12,17 Death entered the world by one man, referring to Adam.

2. From this we see that there was no death before Adam sinned.

1. Every animal and every creature ever created or made by God would
have lived until after Adam sinned.

1. To say that God created a race of men or animals and then destroyed
(killed them) is to say that the Bible lies when it says there was no
death till Adam sinned.
2. To say that any animal or dinosaurs died off millions of years ago
also says that the Bible lies.
3. To say that God used evolution over millions of years to create man
and everything on the Earth is to say that God lied when He said that He
created the Heavens and the the Earth in six days.
We could go on, but I think that this has been sufficient to show that
all of the claim, as stated at the start of this paper, is false.

--Rev. Jack Barr

jeanc200358's photo
Sun 05/13/07 07:27 AM
A woman's sex drive begins to plummet once she is in a secure
relationship, according to research.

Research of what? Like HELL it does!!! Why doesn't anyone ever bother to
consult ME about such things? LOL.


Conversely, the team found a man's libido remained the same regardless
of how long he had been in a relationship.

I've found the opposite to be true with men I've been involved with. I
wanted more sex; they wanted less.


The study also revealed tenderness was important for women in a

Tenderness as opposed to roughness? Yeah, I'd say that is important.


jeanc200358's photo
Sun 05/13/07 07:07 AM
I don't understand where people got the idea that, because there's a
God, there shouldn't be any "bad" in the world. Evil is just a part of
our human existence. I don't blame God, nor disbelieve in Him, because
of it.

jeanc200358's photo
Sun 05/13/07 06:58 AM
Afraid of a chimp? As in ooo ooo eee eeeeee eeee! That kind of chimp?



jeanc200358's photo
Sun 05/13/07 04:40 AM
The Genesis record of God's creation of the first man is found in
Genesis 1:28 and it is REITERATED in Genesis 2:7. This record, as
compiled by Moses, was part of the Pentateuch or the first five books of
the law and therefore it is the basis for all future doctrine. The fact
that Adam was the first man is not an issue of question in God's Word
and we find that holds through all of Scripture, including the New

jeanc200358's photo
Sun 05/13/07 04:25 AM
I'd sure like to know where some of you guys get your ideas from.
Entertaining, if nothing else.


jeanc200358's photo
Sun 05/13/07 04:19 AM
I wouldn't bring a child into the horrors that this world has NOW, much
less during times described in Revelation.

jeanc200358's photo
Sat 05/12/07 09:42 PM
Sat 05/12/07 09:40 PM
Fuel sensor, MAP sensor, or ignition module. PCV valve isn't going to
have a thing to do with it. Unless you know where to check these-you
will need a mechanic. If it is the ignition module-you will need a

Well, excuse the hell outta me, Mr. Smarty Pants, but my car was having
the same symptoms and that's exactly what it was.

jeanc200358's photo
Sat 05/12/07 09:36 PM
but seriously, folks...

Could be a number of things but the first thing that came to my mind was
your PCV valve.

jeanc200358's photo
Sat 05/12/07 09:33 PM
You need to check your engine.


jeanc200358's photo
Sat 05/12/07 01:14 PM
If someone wants to go through all that trouble to find me, all I gotta
say is..have the hell at it.

If they can get over my fence, past my dogs, past Sarge (my neighbor's
mastiff), past an abundance of poison ivy growing on the side of my
house and past a perimenopusal hissy fit, then they're one stubborn SOB.


jeanc200358's photo
Sat 05/12/07 12:36 PM
lol..and that was supposed to come after nyc's...

yes, ts, we cool!

jeanc200358's photo
Sat 05/12/07 12:35 PM
I'm aware of what your point was. My post was not supposed to come after


jeanc200358's photo
Sat 05/12/07 12:28 PM
^^^ Well,that's certainly more than I wanted to see right

Having said that, I've found it doesn't matter WHAT you wear in your
pics on the profile, you STILL get the "sex" emails. Hell, that's all
most men are capable of thinking about, it seems. And all they care
about. So...what difference does it make what the hell you wear in the

Besides, why does a woman showing she has a sexual side mean "come and
get it?" Now, I'm talking about "sexy" pics, I'm NOT talking about
"trashy" ones. There is a difference.

Why is it that men LOVE women for their sexuality...but HATE them for it
at the same time? If you show too much, if you say too much, if you do
too much, if you sleep with a guy on the first date -- hot DAMN! He
struck gold!

he thinks you're PULENTY good enough to screw, but to have as a partner?
GF/wife/whatever? EWWW! Yuk, tooey!!

He'll insert HIS body parts in you, put HIS hands and HIS mouth all over
you, fawn all over you in order to get in your pants and, when he does,
considers you worthless as anything "but" a piece of ass?

This double standard crap is getting beyond old.

jeanc200358's photo
Sat 05/12/07 11:37 AM
I would say "point well made," too, but I'm not quite sure what it is...

huh :tongue:

jeanc200358's photo
Sat 05/12/07 08:06 AM
God mad MAN in His image.."man" meaning "mankind." God is not a man, nor
a woman. I think we just refer to "Him" using the male pronoun because
men generally have always thought they're superior to women. It wasn't
that long ago that we interchangeably used "he" to mean "he and she."
Now we use he/she or "they" or something more generic.

jeanc200358's photo
Sat 05/12/07 05:20 AM
I'm not a grandmother yet (which is fine, cuz I don't wanna be) but I'm
certainly old enough to be. But you won't see me sitting in a rocker
knitting, though. Not anytime soon, anyway!

Today's woman is considered "young" well into her 50s (and even beyond),
if she takes care of herself.drinker

jeanc200358's photo
Fri 05/11/07 06:39 PM
(Nusalor) ^^^^hot sex hot sex hot sex hot sex^^^^^

jeanc200358's photo
Fri 05/11/07 06:34 PM
Well, the partying one would be tossed aside in a heartbeat, even if
this wasn't a theoretical scenario.

So that leaves the emotional support and the great sex. So I assume the
great sex person would lend no emotional support? Hmmm...I've gotten by
all my life with little to no outside emotional support. So at this
point I'll take the great sex. Woo hoo!