Community > Posts By > FARMBOY01

FARMBOY01's photo
Wed 06/27/07 04:43 PM
And peace

Will set our souls free
For we will show our to our gratest joy of all

The joy of truly knowing who we are
Not afraid of showing

The joy within us all
To be able to open up to all
And give all that we posess
And hold true and near

For our hearts greates desire
Is to show all

What truly lies
Within us all

FARMBOY01's photo
Wed 06/27/07 09:25 AM
I will love you in the morning
I will love you in the dark
I will sheltter you when it pours
I will keep you warm
Even when it is cold
With true love now I see
Trully the Angel you must be
For you have shown me
The greates gift of all
What true love must be

FARMBOY01's photo
Wed 06/27/07 08:38 AM
To hear your voise
To see your butiful smile
To taste your kiss

Truly must be heaven on earth

I love you more than the the sumer leaves
Love the Summer breze

I love you more than the cool mornin rain
Loves the sweet summer streams

My love that I hold for you
Is worth mor than dimonds or gold

To fell you in my arms so tight and worm
Must truely be

An Angel wraping her wings around me

I love you with all my heart and soul
Bodie and mind
I love you
I love you

I love you forever more

FARMBOY01's photo
Mon 06/25/07 04:46 PM
We ask you now
Why have you sent these Angels from hell
They begin to show us love and hope
Joy and pece
So why God
Why do they begin to tear and pull us apart
Like the rose peadels
We fall
Asking why
What have we done to deserve this Angel from hell
All we ask of you now
Is to show us true love and happieness
Is It all becase of what you suffered through
That we deserve to be ripped appart and stompped on
Why God cant you show us what true love is
If we cant have love than give us death
Without love we are just like walking dead
No heart no soul
So why
Why cant we find true love
Im on my knees
Begging and pleading
Show me love
Or give me death
Set me free
Or let me live
For now all I want is true love
But if nothing more give me death
And set me free
Free from all

FARMBOY01's photo
Thu 06/07/07 08:31 PM
There was nothing
No love or hope
Not even the thought of true love or happieness
Lonlieness and sorrow was now daily
Upon my sorows and pain
An Angel has appered
The sparkle the glimer of the stares in her eyes
I fell upon my knees
For I had forgoten what true love was
Never thought my heart would ever feel
Love and joy
At loves first touch
My heart was lost in love
Like a magnent to meatal
My heart was now stuck upon you
Faced eye to eye with this Angel from above
My sorows and pain now flead
For now I have seen
What true love was
As I looked into this Angels eyes
True love has appered with wings
To raise me from my sorow and pain
To happienes and joy
Onece again I have felt true love
Thanks to the Angel above
Once again

FARMBOY01's photo
Wed 06/06/07 06:42 PM
Very true..Never give up on true love.

FARMBOY01's photo
Wed 06/06/07 05:03 PM
Begining to wither and die
My heart now cold
Never knowing true loves kiss
I now know what I am destin for
I have now forgoten how my love was
For my true love who never showed
For now my true love shows
The dark and lonely nights are all I know
Hoping and praying that morning never shows
As morning aproches I run to the dark
To hid and morn for I now know
I will never know what true love was
For now Im cold and lonely old and gray
Praying and hopeing morning never shows
Praying and hoping the Reeper will show
For now I know I am dead
I will go all alone
Never knowing what true love was
Now hand in hand with the Reeper I walk
Into the dark alone and cold
For now I know I am dead
Know nowing what my true love will be
No more hoping and praying
For now I know
The morning will never show
And I now found my true luve
Dead and alone the Reeper has shown
Never to see the morning show
For now I know I am destine to be alone

FARMBOY01's photo
Wed 06/06/07 04:38 PM
Here I sit
Alone and cold
I start to wounder
As day turns to night
Will I ever find true loves kiss
Or will I be lost and lonley
Destin for a life of salitude
I wish for morning light
To bering me true loves kiss
As mornig light appers
I find myself on my knees beging please
Woundering why it was me
To be polaced in a life of salitude
So lonley and scared
I begin to fear I will die
Lonley and scared
Never knowing what true love was
Overwelmed with fear
Never knowing what true love was
Or weather I will die
Alone and scared
Haveing and looseing true love
Than the Reeper himself
So were was true loves firs kiss
Will I die alone
Never knowing what true love was
Am I destin for solitude alone
With true love never showing
I know now I am destin to die alone
Never knowing true loves kiss

FARMBOY01's photo
Wed 06/06/07 01:42 PM
So many choices
So little time
What will it be
You or me
With so little time
What to do with so little time
This or that
Friends or family
What should we do
With so little time
I do this
But I want to do that
Siting alone and bord woundering
How much time has passed us by
So what to do with so little time
Still so much left to do
Yet so little time
Now alone and scared
Woundering how much time is left
Befor our time is through
With so much left to do
With so little time
Still not enough has been done
Your time now is through
Still nothing got done
So much left behind
Yet to be done

FARMBOY01's photo
Wed 06/06/07 10:01 AM
So pure and True
Small and fragile
So helpless and weak
So small but yet so big

All is true
She would die
To bring him all
She would give all
to keep her alive
So full of life
Pure and sweet
Helpless and weak

In need of a mothers love
So pure and true
Full of hope and happienes
Love and joy
As we grow to show the old
In the mothers eye
We are still
So fragile and small
Helpless and weak
In a mouthers eye
We will be
Our mothers first true love

FARMBOY01's photo
Tue 06/05/07 09:17 PM
They nag they bicker
They harp they grip
What do they want
This or that
They say thisa
But meant that
What was meant by that
What should we do
This or that
What is wrong
This or that
What should I say
This or that
We do this for that
We get this for that
I want thise
She wants that
She gets all that
Whats left
Little dignity and pride
All for what
This or that
Me or her

FARMBOY01's photo
Tue 06/05/07 01:32 PM
AS the sun rises abouve the stares
An Angel wakes from a slumber
So butiful and wounderful
So full of love and hope
Joy and happienes
Waiting for loves first kiss
Her lips are moist
Her heart is pure
Her eyes are bright
Her love is tru
Awake from slumber
Now in wounder
Were was loves first kiss
She lateth back down in wounder
Were is loves first kiss
So sweet and pure
So true so honest
Lying in wounder
Were was loves first kiss

FARMBOY01's photo
Tue 06/05/07 09:28 AM
Faced with an assiaant we will fight
Becase our hears fear no man

But faced with a broken heart
We will run with fear
This fear dwells in all
Yet so much more in a man

Agenst all evil
We stand tall and firm

But with loves first kiss
We fall like the China wall

Aganst fear and poverty
We stand strong and knobal

But with loves first touch
We are brought to our knees asking please

Guarded by a wall standing tall

But when faced with the greatest of all
We will fall

A mans true love the greates of all

FARMBOY01's photo
Mon 06/04/07 03:27 PM
Love or war
Friends or lovers
Our hearts torn
Batered and brused
The love the hate
Compation or crime
Shall we dance as one
Or shall we fight as two
Unite or differ

As one strong and true
Free and Inosant
Tender and true

Undecided ther will be war

So what shall we do

FARMBOY01's photo
Sun 06/03/07 11:58 PM
Love so warm and tender
Peaceful and true
Hate so cold and empty
Meaningles and unfufilling
you need the love to control the war
Without love
so vioent and untrue
with love
so true and pure
The batle witin us all
Love or war
In most there is war
But in ther purest of all
There is love
What to chose love or war

Only one will know

FARMBOY01's photo
Sun 06/03/07 08:00 PM
A dry fild is afraid of the flame
A deer is a fraid of the hunter
A fish is afraid of the hook

Every time I get close to what seems to be true
ends up as the flam that burns

After so much the seed of love is scare to grow
Afraid that once he is butiful again he will see the light of the flame
Once more geting burned.

FARMBOY01's photo
Thu 05/31/07 08:07 PM
Roses are red
So is blood
The sky is blue
The grass is green
And that is were we will be
The flowers are wild
So are we
The birds are high
So are we
A hole is deep
So am I
My love is true
My heart is pure
My arms are strong
My heart is weak
Together we will be
Wild and free
Up above so high
True and free

FARMBOY01's photo
Thu 05/31/07 07:26 PM
Make me think
Make me wounder

I start to hear voices
I start to see people and things

I start to wounder
I start to think
Should I see a shrink

Hoping and praying
Its all in my head

I start thinking
I start woundering

Will I end up dead

FARMBOY01's photo
Thu 05/31/07 06:46 PM
As time passes
We sit on our asses
Waiting and woundering
Were love is or what love is
Waiting and woundering if we are worth
love or pain
Hate or agoney
Waiting on the Angel above
To come rescue us
From our sorrow and pain
Or will we still be destin to wither and die
Alone and cold
Lonely and scared

FARMBOY01's photo
Thu 05/31/07 05:53 PM
Whe Im alone I cry
I cry becase Im on my own

These tears I cry and morn
Are biter and warm

So full of life but yet no form
I cry becase my heart is torn
I find it hard That I may carry on
Like a flower with no seed

I shall cry amoungst my loved ones
To just help onothermove on

Tis world moves so fast but yet so slow
Would rather pass me by
Than to stop to see why I cry
Its painful and sad,lonely,and cold

Some times I cry
But yet no one cares about why
I cry