FARMBOY01's photo
Thu 06/07/07 08:31 PM
There was nothing
No love or hope
Not even the thought of true love or happieness
Lonlieness and sorrow was now daily
Upon my sorows and pain
An Angel has appered
The sparkle the glimer of the stares in her eyes
I fell upon my knees
For I had forgoten what true love was
Never thought my heart would ever feel
Love and joy
At loves first touch
My heart was lost in love
Like a magnent to meatal
My heart was now stuck upon you
Faced eye to eye with this Angel from above
My sorows and pain now flead
For now I have seen
What true love was
As I looked into this Angels eyes
True love has appered with wings
To raise me from my sorow and pain
To happienes and joy
Onece again I have felt true love
Thanks to the Angel above
Once again

LAMom's photo
Fri 06/08/07 07:31 AM

no photo
Mon 06/11/07 08:58 AM