Community > Posts By > FARMBOY01

FARMBOY01's photo
Thu 10/11/07 09:17 PM
I now put a smile upon my face
A frown upon my heart

The sun shines umongest us all
Deep within the thunder rolls

Like the ship last at see
My heart now lost upon this world

Between the WAR and LIFE
Now seems to me the war has won

Leaveing now this empty shell called a man
True my heart beates
My blood pumps

Like the drifter in the dessert
I now must go

Now so unaware of the roads ahead
The bumps I will find

Worset of all the hard times I will face

FARMBOY01's photo
Sat 08/11/07 03:49 AM
No one knew are name
Nore did they care

Never askeing never shown
To all we were just sent to die

Asking us now why
Was it greed
Was it power

Still never knowing our name
Nevr wanting to know
But alway asking why

Why were we sent to die
To them we were jut the men in uniform
Marching one by one

Willing to die
Asking you now why

Why sall I die
For you will never know

For you time now has shown
No one will care
No one will remember why we shall die

To the war torn heart we now know why
We must die

But in the puzzeld mind

No one cares
No one shows remore to all that were sent to die

I tell you now we were sent to die
All for those who dont care

We walk the gates of hell
For this great natinon
For all who dont care
To see our children grow up free

To tell you all
From a sodiers heart
I am wiling to die

To set you all free
No one needs not care

For I will care for you
So let your kis grow up free

But I ask of you now
Pleas tell them why
Thet are free

FARMBOY01's photo
Tue 07/03/07 05:52 PM
All has been heard
Now all that is left is a shalow wisper in the wind

Lost upon the see of hopes and dreams

Never knowing were I will be

A flare was sent
Up so high to the plain

Now all that is left to be seen
Will never be seen nor heard

So to all I am a ghost.

FARMBOY01's photo
Tue 07/03/07 05:36 PM
For the Lord truly has shown us love

So who do we get used by all
Why do we alow orsrlves to suffer

FARMBOY01's photo
Tue 07/03/07 05:31 PM
When that lie slips away
You will know then that its to late
To late to say

What truly was meant to be said
And then you now now
You have just lost the one you truly do love

For not only you hurt her but you truly hurt yoursels
For the lie now has destroyed us all

All for what
Nothin more then you were scared
Scared to say
What truly was meant to be said
So now the fait of love now lies
Within the one it has been done upon

Now as for me I must now face up to all
Bow the head and say
For I now need to face the consiquenses

Even if we never meet once again

FARMBOY01's photo
Tue 07/03/07 05:16 PM
Jen 82..Thank you

But you live your life all to find
True love and happieness
All to see your heart torn and thron to the floor

All for what

To be used and aboued
For what you think is true love

I have felt the touch of love
All to find see
I was used and abused

FARMBOY01's photo
Tue 07/03/07 04:37 PM
Most people wih upon the good Lord above
They wish for dimonds and gold
Fame and glory

For me I dont know why
I wish siply for true love and happieness

Asking now why
To much pain
To much neglect
So why do we wish for love

Why not wish for death
So peacefull and warm

Like the fild wishing for rain
My heart beggs for love

All for what
Heart ach and pain
Upon death you will be free from all
So to all what shall I wish upon
Love or death

For now I am lost and confused
Not knowing what I shal do
Suffer or be free
Live or die
I ask of you know
What shal I do

FARMBOY01's photo
Tue 07/03/07 04:08 PM
As I begin to look upon my life
Through war torn eyes

I now see all that we should regret
Of ever knowing
For always showing
The lies
The games we all know very well
The abouse and pain
The heart ach the trama
The love that now was lost

Never to know what that will be
As you turne old and gray
Starting to show

The war deep within your soul
Once you were thought to be happy
Turns upon you like a lion to a fresh kill

Your heart once guarded by the wall
So ferm and tall
Now has been wraped so tight
With thin strands of wire
To never fell the pain
That once plaged upon you

For now you are the man they call the ghost
Moveing as if you were here
But you were never near

For you have lost your soul
Once upon a time
You had love
But has now been long past due

Now as a man upon his knees
Heart now begins to bleed
As the wire begins to tighten
This war in my eyes

For what am I to do
As to all I no longer exist
For I am the man they call the ghost

FARMBOY01's photo
Sat 06/30/07 08:13 PM
As the cool morning warms
The sun up so high
I just lay upon the old oak soakin up the rays
I than catch this man out of the corner of my eye
So tall and dark
Low and be hold I begin to see
This silver chain tight in his hand
My heart stops
What should I do
Should I run
Should I scream
Just than it was to late
I feel the pain upon the back of my head
Just then I fell something warm runin down my spine
It has brought me to my knees
Unable to see
All is now a haze
Nothin now but darkness
As I wake
My head throbing
As if it were in a vice
My blurry vision slowly clears
For what I now see
Will shock you all
For I was
Bleeding from the head
The bright shiny chain
Now tight around my neck
The other end wraped aroud the old Oak
Like a dog chained and caged
I was trapped
Now unable to run
Unable to hide
Night is now near
Still not knowin what the hell
Now I see this man drawing near
Upon my side I now see
It was the man we all call dad
So scared now
Beeging now please let me go
All I see now
The smile upon his face
As he prosseds to hold the chain
Draging and pulling me
Across the gravel and dirt
Oh the pain
As the flesh begins to rip and tear
Not wanting to scream
Why give him the pleaser
To hear me as the pain sets in
I begin to fell the blows against my head
My bodie
Oh the pain
Will he stop
Will he kill me
Hours of abouse pass me by
The moon now high in the sky
He has left me for dead
Bloodie and battered
Now begining to storm
Covered now with
My blood,gravel,and rain
I begin to drag my battered bodie
Into the shade
Under that old oak
Were all this had started
Now wishing I was dead

FARMBOY01's photo
Sat 06/30/07 01:39 PM
To watch him grow
To wathch him think
To see this light so bright
As if a kid in a candy store
To know he needs you
To know he loves you
Its as if God has sent
This child from above
The simlest of gifts
Lifts him from his weary knees
And makes you say
Were would I be
If not I had you
For you have shown me that light in your eye
As he grows
I now wither
For Im now the child
And he is the father
As now that been said
I truly know now
Life was meant to be
Seen through the childs eye
So why now have I seen
The truth in this childs eye
Could it truly be
For me to have never seen
What a child must be
For I sit now
Old and witherd
Alone and cold
Now woundering
Were has my child gone
For I have now been showen
For I have never known
What a child truely was
Till that day
I gazed
In to that chids eye
Now I know
It must have been
The pain and the suffering
I was show once upon a child
For I was never shown love or hope
All that was givin
All that was recived
The abouse and the pain
Neglect and reject
Now all is shown
Once you gaze
Deep within
My deep brown eyes
For now you will never see
A child so helples and weak
No more yarning
For the parents to show
There love and hope
For now you will see a witherd old man
So torn and abused
Now beggin please
For his parents never more
For my only wish now
Was to be shown
For I was the child
Never to be shown
What it was meant to be
Free and full of life

For I was the child
Torchered and beaten
Never known
Life through a childs eye

FARMBOY01's photo
Sat 06/30/07 04:09 AM
With forgiveness
Now comes love

As we fall upon our knees

The sweet Angel above
Pulls us up to let us see

This love she now holds
Deep within us all

Never knowing
Never showing

Our love has forever been caged

Untill that day we fall
Like the peddles upon the rose

For now thanks to the Angel
From above

We have now been set free
Free to live
Free to love
Free to give
Most of all
Free to all
No more cage
To hold us back

Thanks to the Angel above

FARMBOY01's photo
Fri 06/29/07 12:39 PM
Forever And Always

I will be there
Let me lift you up
Let me keep you warm

My love is beyond words

It will never chaneg
Only grow to be true

Strong and pure

With you as you are
No one will compare

To all this love within me
Im about you to explode
Like the mighty bomb against the ground

For I truly do
And honestly can say

I love you now
I will love you forever and always

With all my mind
bodie and soul

I love you so

FARMBOY01's photo
Fri 06/29/07 12:39 PM
Forever And Always

I will be there
Let me lift you up
Let me keep you warm

My love is beyond words

It will never chaneg
Only grow to be true

Strong and pure

With you as you are
No one will compare

To all this love within me
Im about you to explode
Like the mighty bomb against the ground

For I truly do
And honestly can say

I love you now
I will love you forever and always

With all my mind
bodie and soul

I love you so

FARMBOY01's photo
Fri 06/29/07 11:38 AM
All is true

Forgiveness will be
Truly the fall of man

We say we forgive but
It hangs and lingers above
Like the stormy clouds

So full of dought and termoil
Of wakin up in fear

For now we have not yet forgoten

So lets all fall
Upon our knees
Clenchin our hands

Begin to beg and plead

For now is your turn

To be the ones to say
Please forgive me
For I have now done you wrong
So please
Let me be
Free and forgive me

FARMBOY01's photo
Thu 06/28/07 09:13 PM
I fell your lips upon mine
My legs make me fall

As I now sit an my tremblin knees
My heart now in its race

The love between us now
Pulls you down to your knees
Close and near to thee

Eye to eye
Heart to heart
We now know

What our love
Truly means

FARMBOY01's photo
Thu 06/28/07 09:03 PM
As I sit hear on bended knee

I thank the good lord above
For sending me

This Angel from above

For I know know
what true love is

For you have sent to me
The most wouderful Angel
From above

To wrap her wings around me
To keep me warm and safe

FARMBOY01's photo
Thu 06/28/07 06:38 PM
Some give all
Never to recive

Some give little
Than recive all

But the truest of all
We give all
Expectint not at all

We shall give all to show all
What there is to give

Never wishing
Never hopeing
To resive all

For truly we do recive all
By showing all

That is truly why you should give all
And never wish for all
For now you do wish for all
As then you shall resive
The worst of all
Nothing at all

FARMBOY01's photo
Thu 06/28/07 05:04 PM
Her hair as soft as silk
Her lips as sweet as honey
Yet still in so much need
For a mans gental embrace

Her true buity is truly
That of an Angel
From the heaven above

The smile upon her face
Is as brigt as the sun
Up so high in the mornin sky

Her eyes are as if
They were pulled from the stares in heaven

Her hands so
Soft and delicate
But yet as strong as leather

To catch you if you shall fall

Her heart as big as the galixy
So full of love and joy
Hope and peace
Yet as fragial as an egg

To need me when she may fall

Her bodie
so sweet and soft
Delicat and warm
Tender and true

In so much need for that gental touch
From a man
So pure and true

A true womans buity
Truly must be
From the heavens above

FARMBOY01's photo
Thu 06/28/07 03:53 PM
That was very very good.....WOW..:cry: :cry:

FARMBOY01's photo
Wed 06/27/07 04:44 PM
Some give all
Never to recive

Some give little
Than recive all

But the truest of all
We give all
Expectint not at all

We shall give all to show all
What there is to give

Never wishing
Never hopeing
To resive all

For truly we do recive all
By showing all

That is truly why you should give all
And never wish for all
For now you do wish for all
As then you shall resive
The worst of all
Nothing at all

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