Community > Posts By > Kings_Knight

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Mon 08/23/10 08:00 AM
Isn't Charles Bronson dead ... ? I think Chuck Heston and Bill Holden are also in the 'Oxygen-Deprived Choir' now ... and Eastwood's a RINO ... this looks like an old, old list ... prolly put together before Ahnoldt had man-titttties ...

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Mon 08/23/10 07:55 AM
Umm ... let's see ...

Cleavage ... lube ... lube ... cleavage ... 'pink bits' ... lube ... more cleavage ... lube ... 'pink bits' ... kiss ... hug ... caress ... fondle ... lube ... more 'pink bits' ... kiss ... hug ... dinner ... lube ... more 'pink bits' ... sleep ...

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Mon 08/23/10 07:50 AM
Edited by Kings_Knight on Mon 08/23/10 07:52 AM
It DOES 'get my goat' ... I resent government intruding on my life - and if reaching into my wallet isn't an intrusion, I don't know what you call it. I have NO problem with a ticket issued by a living, breathing police officer ... still won't like it, but I can argue or explain my case and situation at the time of issuance.

I have a BIG problem with an impersonal camera and a shortened YELLOW light cycle that's DESIGNED to put people outside what traffic engineers call the 'dilemma zone' ('Do I stop or go?') to COLLECT FINES. The camera installers DO alter the yellow light time, too ... do the research. I still can't believe you're in favor of Statists who think only of taking OUR money for THEIR pet projects ... this is called 'redistribution' ... If you think these cameras have ANYthing to do with 'safety' ... ? Sorry ... that's SO not true ...

You DID read that part about the camera company SPLITTING the take with the city, right ... ?

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Mon 08/23/10 07:33 AM
My favorite maintenance method for PCs is 'percussive maintenance' ... it involves a hammer and repeated blows to the machine. Might not always work, but y' feel so much better ...

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Mon 08/23/10 07:30 AM
It really IS unbelievable how many people believe these cameras are in place to 'protect us' ... Seriously: You REALLY believe that POLITICIANS care about you ... ? Let's talk: I have some land, a bridge, and (for the right price) I'll toss in riparian rights ...

The ONLY proper regard for any politician is contempt ... Read this. Not that it'll do any good, but hey ... y' won't be able to say "I didn't know ... " ... It's ALWAYS about the money ... 'safety' is just 'pap for the sheeple' ...


Photo radar in Arizona is out of hand

In the next six minutes $1k in revenue will be generated from photo radar cameras in AZ. And another $1k six minutes after that. Now picture the for-profit entity that just snapped your photo reaching into your wallet, extracting $165 and giving a chunk of it to the State of Arizona. I haven’t verified these facts independently but I’ve read five different articles this evening that indicate there are over 200 Redflex photo radar cameras in operation in Phoenix Metro now. Governor Napolitano signed a law into effect this summer enabling the state-wide use of photo radar enforcement and if you drive in Phoenix you know that the situation is out of hand. Here’s why:

A. A for-profit Australian company (Redflex – RDF) has been essentially granted the ability to levy a tax against Arizonans and split the profits with the State. Last time I heard you needed to be a government entity to have the right tax a population.

B. You paid for the installation of these cameras with your tax dollars. Doesn’t it stand to reason that the penalties exacted on you from these “safety” devices would flow back into your municipality? They don’t (at least not the majority) – they’re flowing to a publicly-traded Australian corporation.

C. The people who are collecting the tax get to do so under the guise of enforcing a safety measure. I call B.S. Camp out by a photo radar van or a fixed camera and watch as the flashes as they occur every few seconds. You’ll see an inevitable cascade of brake lights for half the cars on the road- 1/2 of the traffic instinctively slams the brakes for fear of getting flashed and the other half continues at their existing speed. That is a recipe for one thing, and it’s not safety.

Are you aware Redflex and its competitor American Traffic Solutions are both beginning to employ active OCR technology to track the movement of your vehicle about the city? Again, it’s done under the guise of “homeland security” and “amber alert response effectiveness” but a byproduct is that they conveniently get to interpolate your speed between cameras and issue tickets based on that calculation. Oh and your movements over time are logged and kept indefinitely (“limited only by available hard drive space and the types of cameras installed”). How long until they successfully pass a bill that gives them the right to have an ACH draw on your bank account to extract the speeding fine immediately?

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Sun 08/22/10 10:14 PM
I don't have C.R.S. ...

I suffer from C.R.A.F.T. ... which makes me 'CRAFT'-y ...

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Sun 08/22/10 10:10 PM
Edited by Kings_Knight on Sun 08/22/10 10:12 PM
Hey hey hey ... wait a minit ...

It DOES gotz some fine art murals 'n a marble memorial ...

Gotta get SOME kinda bling for that kinda cashola ...

Wonder if the principal's car gotz rimz or dubz ... ?

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Sun 08/22/10 10:01 PM
Edited by Kings_Knight on Sun 08/22/10 10:02 PM

- image removed -

The 'DailyKOS' childlet still hasn't figured out how to use words to construct thoughtful replies ... good thing someone else provides 'cut 'n paste' material or they'd never be able to post anything ...

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Sun 08/22/10 09:56 PM
I'm happy when they know that 'lube' isn't just something for a car ...

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Sun 08/22/10 09:49 PM
Understand now ... ?

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Sun 08/22/10 09:36 PM
Edited by Kings_Knight on Sun 08/22/10 09:38 PM
1. what attracts you most to the opposite sex?

2. where would you qo on a first day with someone new?

3. whats the first thing you look at when meeting someone?

4. whats something that annoys you the most about ppl?*after you've had a chance to meet them first*, of course.

5. if you could create someone that you want to be in a relationship with, how would you create this person? like how would he/she personality be, looks, and so on.

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Sun 08/22/10 09:31 PM

It seems to me that the Ignorant are always happy, carefree and relaxed while the knowledgable seem troubled, exhausted and challenged.

So I can definitely understand how ignorance would annoy them. Perhaps he was jealous? I know that I am.

Hmm ... used as it is in this context, the implication is clearly that the knowledgeable would be ENVIOUS of the 'ignorati' rather than 'annoyed' ... I'd still rather be among the 'knowledgeable' ...

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Sun 08/22/10 09:21 PM
It sure as hell wasn't gonna be named after Reagan ...

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Sun 08/22/10 09:01 PM
California is issuing IOUs to pay its bills again, but Los Angeles can spring for a new school that costs $578 MILLION ... ? Are you schitting me ... ? For ILLEGALS to be taught there ... ? Something tells me that the Fire Dept is gonna be needed, 'cuz people aren't gonna put up with this kind of abuse ... wait - it's California ... yes, they will ...


LA unveils $578M school, costliest in the nation

By CHRISTINA HOAG, Associated Press Writer Christina Hoag, Associated Press Writer – Sun Aug 22, 2:46 pm ET

LOS ANGELES – Next month's opening of the Robert F. Kennedy Community Schools will be auspicious for a reason other than its both storied and infamous history as the former Ambassador Hotel, where the Democratic presidential contender was assassinated in 1968.

With an eye-popping price tag of $578 million, it will mark the inauguration of the nation's most expensive public school ever.

The K-12 complex to house 4,200 students has raised eyebrows across the country as the creme de la creme of "Taj Mahal" schools, $100 million-plus campuses boasting both architectural panache and deluxe amenities.

"There's no more of the old, windowless cinderblock schools of the '70s where kids felt, 'Oh, back to jail,'" said Joe Agron, editor-in-chief of American School & University, a school construction journal. "Districts want a showpiece for the community, a really impressive environment for learning."
Not everyone is similarly enthusiastic.

"New buildings are nice, but when they're run by the same people who've given us a 50 percent dropout rate, they're a big waste of taxpayer money," said Ben Austin, executive director of Parent Revolution who sits on the California Board of Education. "Parents aren't fooled."(Neither are the taxpayers ... )

At RFK, the features include fine art murals and a marble memorial depicting the complex's namesake, a manicured public park, a state-of-the-art swimming pool and preservation of pieces of the original hotel.(And how long does anyone think THOSE things will last ... ?)

Partly by circumstance and partly by design, the Los Angeles Unified School District has emerged as the mogul of Taj Mahals.

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Sun 08/22/10 08:32 PM
Anybody remember 'MACV' ... 'Military Assistance Command VietNam' ... ? Now we have 'A&AI' ... 'Advise and Assist Iraq' ... same as 'MAC - I' would have been 'back in the day' ... but 'The UN' claims that 'all combat units are out of Iraq' now ... sad thing is, the idiots that 'elected' him actually believe this crap ... Baghdad - the 'new Saigon' ...


Combat brigades in Iraq under different name

7 Advise and Assist Brigades, made up of troops from BCTs, still in Iraq

By Kate Brannen - Staff writer

Posted : Saturday Aug 21, 2010 16:10:59 EDT

As the final convoy of the Army’s 4th Stryker Brigade Combat Team, based at Fort Lewis, Wash., entered Kuwait early Thursday, a different Stryker brigade remained in Iraq.

Soldiers from the 2nd Stryker Brigade Combat Team of the 25th Infantry Division are deployed in Iraq as members of an Advise and Assist Brigade, the Army’s designation for brigades selected to conduct security force assistance.

So while the “last full U.S. combat brigade” have left Iraq, just under 50,000 soldiers from specially trained heavy, infantry and Stryker brigades will stay, as well as two combat aviation brigades.

There are seven Advise and Assist Brigades in Iraq, as well as two additional National Guard infantry brigades “for security,” said Army spokesman Lt. Col. Craig Ratcliff.

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Sun 08/22/10 08:16 PM
Mmm-hmm ... can you say 'chilling effect' ... ?


Philly requiring bloggers to pay $300 for a business license

By: Mark Hemingway  |  08/22/10 5:10 PM EDT

It looks like cash hungry local governments are getting awfully rapacious these days:

Between her blog and infrequent contributions to, over the last few years she says she’s made about $50. To [Marilyn] Bess, her website is a hobby. To the city of Philadelphia, it’s a potential moneymaker, and the city wants its cut.

In May, the city sent Bess a letter demanding that she pay $300, the price of a business privilege license.

“The real kick in the pants is that I don’t even have a full-time job, so for the city to tell me to pony up $300 for a business privilege license, pay wage tax, business privilege tax, net profits tax on a handful of money is outrageous,” Bess says.

It would be one thing if Bess’ website were, well, an actual business, or if the amount of money the city wanted didn’t outpace her earnings six-fold. Sure, the city has its rules; and yes, cash-strapped cities can’t very well ignore potential sources of income. But at the same time, there must be some room for discretion and common sense.

When Bess pressed her case to officials with the city’s now-closed tax amnesty program, she says, “I was told to hire an accountant.”

She’s not alone. After dutifully reporting even the smallest profits on their tax filings this year, a number — though no one knows exactly what that number is — of Philadelphia bloggers were dispatched letters informing them that they owe $300 for a privilege license, plus taxes on any profits they made.

Even if, as with Sean Barry, that profit is $11 over two years. To say that these kinds of draconian measures are detrimental to the public discourse would be an understatement.

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Sun 08/22/10 08:02 PM
Game. Set. Match. ...

We have a WINNAH ... !

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Sun 08/22/10 07:58 PM

bet he wants a really good treat for that huh?laugh laugh

He'd prolly want a 'two-fer' at the least ...

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Sun 08/22/10 07:14 PM
Edited by Kings_Knight on Sun 08/22/10 07:14 PM

Believe me I wanted to say more than dummy. But I didnt want to get in trouble on here lol

You wont, as long as it's not a personal attack on another member. Feel free to speak your mind about the Coward in Chief.

That's not completely true...there are threads here promoting violence against people because of their race or religion...and that seems to be acceptable material for this forum.

And which threads would THOSE be ... ? Big statement needs big proof ...

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Sun 08/22/10 07:09 PM

no...the city sends him a check..

I concur. Local city governments should promote more road head. I think it would help with road rage, speeding....might cause more wrecks, but hey....the auto repair industry needs a boost in jobs. So, in a way, road head will help the economy. See my logic??laugh

Considering what would happen in a 'road head' accident scenario, plastic surgeons should also see a huge increase in bid'ness 'cuz of 'involuntary dickectomies' ... or 'oral Bobbitization's ...