no photo
Sun 02/15/09 12:23 AM
It's possible but it depends entirely on the people involved.
I myself would never be able to do it, but at the same time I know quite a few people that would be perfectly capable of having a relationship like that. Heck, I have friends who have had relationships like that...

no photo
Sun 02/15/09 12:19 AM
Do you get the error when you open your inbox or the actual letter?

Have you tried using a different browser?

no photo
Fri 02/13/09 12:13 AM
Showtime's Dead Like Me

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Thu 02/12/09 07:35 PM

No, not for everybody.

Not everyone uses it as a dating site I am aware of that, but is that not what the site was created for?

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Wed 02/11/09 11:23 PM
Edited by Twilight_Eternal on Wed 02/11/09 11:24 PM

Why does the bad boy ask for your number and kisses you before the "nice" guy gets up off of his ass?

Because the bad guys would approach anything with breasts, while the nice guys want to make sure you're the right person.

The quicker the bad guy hooks you the quicker he can throw you back...

no photo
Wed 02/11/09 02:23 AM
Edited by Twilight_Eternal on Wed 02/11/09 02:24 AM

ok peeps need i let you know this is a dating site for some people.... let's keep it cool guys feel free to contact me and little girlies keep your claws away from me... i wont show ya how hot i am so i am not a threat to yer men hahaha jk

Fixed your typo.

It is the site's primary function no?

no photo
Wed 02/11/09 02:12 AM

I only recently discovered the joy of the forums. i got bored lookin at the same ten crappy profiles n my town lol

There are only so many people in my area too. A break from the site could allow for more people from you're area to join the site while you are out looking elsewhere. You can then meet/write to them when you return.

no photo
Wed 02/11/09 01:56 AM
I'm not putting limitations on who I talk to or don't talk to.
I've had some great conversations with people online on this site and others. Most people on this site however are looking for something different than that; different from what you are. Most people, myself included are here with the hope of possibly meeting someone that a relationship could develop from. And I've found that there seems to be very few active people from our area in my age range on this site.

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Tue 02/10/09 11:07 AM

The reason for the gadzilliions of remakes is simple-

The studios already own the rights to films in question, so all they need to do is hire some chimp to type out a hackneyed (they call it "updated") script and hire some unknown twenty-something myspace sluts and metrosexuals to star in the waste of film. In the end, it's no different from "reality TV"... it costs them almost nothing to make, and no one has to expel any real thought as to how to get the thing done.

The worst part is that people are dumb enough to watch those remakes, as if they're gonna learn something that they didn't get by watching the original (and MUCH better-produced) movie.

I swear every thread I come by that I want to post in, there you are saying the exact same thing I want to say grumble
Gotta be quicker.... smile2

no photo
Mon 02/09/09 03:08 PM
I'm finding myself agreeing yet again with moofooga :)

I hate it when crud movies/shows like this draw viewers from quality products.

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Mon 02/09/09 03:05 PM
<3 Monk

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Mon 02/09/09 03:00 PM
2nd above posting.
We don't know all the details.

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Mon 02/09/09 02:52 PM

Other 80's and early 90's cartoons were great too though.
I loved a lot of them :)

no photo
Mon 02/09/09 02:50 PM
Currently showing? or of all time?

I <3 Showtime + HBO + TMN

no photo
Mon 02/09/09 02:45 PM

I've been doing some searches and unless I'm doing something really wrong, there really doesn't seem to be that many people in the 18-28 age range, from the Toronto area, who actually actively use this site. I am creating this thread just with the hopes of seeing if there is anyone else out there that has the same issue.

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Sun 02/08/09 01:09 PM
There are a few spelling errors and missuses of certain words. An example would be "hear" instead of "here". A formatting change might help too. The content of what you are posting though is good and solid.

no photo
Sun 02/08/09 01:03 PM
You know plooky?! O_O


no photo
Fri 02/06/09 08:18 AM
Thanks for the replies/help everyone.
I look forward to bumping into a few of you again somewhere in these forums :)

no photo
Thu 02/05/09 04:15 PM

what is attractive to you in a lady? not physically, but more her inner spirit or soul?

Trustworthy, Loyal, Honest, Creative, Funny, Open Minded, Caring, Dedicated, Helpful, Understanding...

Those are the basics, but certain people may differ on other qualities. i.e Artistic, shy, bold, daring, etc...

no photo
Thu 02/05/09 11:24 AM

But if they were whole
Why they needed to be filled??? spock

Glad someone else caught that besides me laugh

Some of us actually pay attention :wink:

I was just going to post something like that :( lol

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