Community > Posts By > MahanMahan

MahanMahan's photo
Tue 06/02/09 03:06 AM
OMGarsh... Boonedog, is that really you?

*takes the potion to counter act the evil spells them wenches had put on him... Gets out of the cage with the help out Boonedog, and heads out to the clubs to find his sister Bastet...*

She better not be getting it on with any guys...

Oh how I wish I could turn into SuperJerk, my favorite childhood Super Hero. Then I would REALLY teach these girls a lesson...

MahanMahan's photo
Tue 06/02/09 02:45 AM
And now, another hilarious Cyanide & Happiness moment...!

MahanMahan's photo
Tue 06/02/09 02:37 AM

MahanMahan's photo
Tue 06/02/09 02:28 AM
Pretends to be a goody two-shoes on mingle², but her old friends from MySpace know better! :wink:

MahanMahan's photo
Mon 06/01/09 10:13 PM
I got insomnia, and can't sleep...

No, I don't have a Quagmire bubblehead statue, but I have an Obama one...!

Do you have fond memories of the last time you were in L.A.?

MahanMahan's photo
Mon 06/01/09 09:50 PM
Edited by MahanMahan on Mon 06/01/09 10:08 PM
*Almost two hours later, the potion has taken full effect... He gets all dizzy, lets go of the bars and falls flat on his butt to the bottom of the cage....*

Bastet, you b**ch...

*...and he passes out*

MahanMahan's photo
Mon 06/01/09 09:45 PM
Edited by MahanMahan on Mon 06/01/09 10:10 PM
I marinate it with lemon and garlic sauce, salt and pepper and cook it over an open flame, pretty much the same way I would cook a sewer rat.

Do you have a good bedtime story? I'm going to bed.

MahanMahan's photo
Mon 06/01/09 09:29 PM


Well, I reckon I should go get some shut eye.

It's my night off and nothing to do...

Good night ya'll...!

MahanMahan's photo
Mon 06/01/09 09:24 PM
Oh shucks... smitten

MahanMahan's photo
Mon 06/01/09 09:12 PM
Well, impressive street creds. But I'm not gonna get my butt kicked any more. The 3 days a week Ji Kwon Do classes I'm taking are teaching me how to defend myself...!

I'm still a grasshopper!

MahanMahan's photo
Mon 06/01/09 09:02 PM
Edited by MahanMahan on Mon 06/01/09 09:06 PM

MahanMahan's photo
Mon 06/01/09 09:02 PM
Yay... Disneyland. Over priced, over-rated and over crowded...!

MahanMahan's photo
Mon 06/01/09 08:56 PM

The boys are asleep??? At THIS hour??? shocked


Yeah, did you put sumptin in their drinks, like redlin or elephant tranquilizers?

MahanMahan's photo
Mon 06/01/09 08:54 PM
I'm actually taking Ji Kwon Do classes. It's like Tae Kwon Do but mo' betta!

I'm studying under Master Ming who studied with a guy who used to be friends with the neighbor of a dude who's barber once cut Bruce Lee's manager's hair...!

MahanMahan's photo
Mon 06/01/09 08:51 PM
Moofooga, what'choo mean street cred? What have you heard?

The only reason I got my butt kicked that time in Sylmar was cuz I had JUST gotten a manicure and a haircut and didn't wanna mess up my nails. You know? Otherwise, I coulda taken on all three of them cholos!

MahanMahan's photo
Mon 06/01/09 08:44 PM
Potty Mouth Olga!

MahanMahan's photo
Mon 06/01/09 08:42 PM

Who's pissin' ya off, Joy?

Let me at'im... I'll moiderizie him, is what I'll do...

MahanMahan's photo
Mon 06/01/09 08:08 PM
Edited by MahanMahan on Mon 06/01/09 08:21 PM
All this excitement's got me all thirsty...

Oh look, the ladies left me a glass of juice. How thoughtful of them.

I think I can reach it from my cage.

Ahh, there, I got it.


*pukes all over himself*

You wenches poisoned me...


MahanMahan's photo
Mon 06/01/09 08:00 PM
*After jumping up and down in the cage in a hissy fit, he realizes there is a trap door under him and so he jumps up like a chimp and holds on to the side bars...*


Saving me, Bastet? What fer? To devour me later?

*ahhh, wishful thinkin'*

*decided to pull out his willy and do as the chimps do when bored at the zoo...*

MahanMahan's photo
Mon 06/01/09 07:51 PM
Yeah, just pop me open, I'm sealed for freshness!

Do you have any tuna-safe dophin meat in a can?

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