Community > Posts By > startattoo

startattoo's photo
Sun 02/01/09 06:43 PM
ok how do you tell someone that your not into them? i have said i just dont think it will work were too far apart, i dont want a LD relationship...his response..i'll move closer...i have said..we have never even seen eachother...he says looks dont matter to me...i have said..we really dont have much in common...his response..i will do anything you want to do as long as i am with you....OMG help!!!! i have tried being nice lol but enough is enough we have only talked for maybe a week and he thinks he loves me already give me a break!!! people like this drive me crazy.

startattoo's photo
Mon 01/26/09 08:05 PM
for my first marriage it was Always by Bon second marriage was I wanna Know by Joe i love that song...

startattoo's photo
Fri 01/23/09 09:19 AM
why would i go to a support group for alcoholics? and citizen joe i am not in Dont Even Know I Am Lying(denial)...i honestly havent even drank since he left...even tho i wanted to get totally shi* faced to make the pain go away i never have

startattoo's photo
Thu 01/22/09 07:09 PM

Nice to know some men actually appreciate a big girl. We can't all be 5'2 and 115 pounds.

exactly!!!!! we are just as beautiful if not more beautiful than a toothpick..

startattoo's photo
Thu 01/22/09 05:47 PM
sad i know how you feel sometimes...if you wanna talk i can be a good listener...just message meflowerforyou

startattoo's photo
Thu 01/22/09 10:29 AM

it will be hard as codependents find doin for others so rewarding,..that`s where they get their sense of worth,..

have you ever heard of Al Alon ?

why does everyone keep asking me about Al Alon? isnt that a drug or alcohol abuse program...thats not me!!!

startattoo's photo
Wed 01/21/09 10:46 PM
i wish i knew....

startattoo's photo
Wed 01/21/09 10:33 PM
just so everyone was cute and sweet but not going to work out with me and this guy that tracked me down hahaha

startattoo's photo
Wed 01/21/09 10:31 PM

your first problem is you dont want to be alone. everyone needs ot be comfortable being alone and needs to be independent it sounds to me like you are a very codependent person and you have your own issues to work otu before you should have a relationship with anyone.. JMO not trying to be rude

your right i am codependent...i have never been alone...i married my highschool sweetheart, right out of high school pretty much. then left him for J so everyone is right i have never been a lone. and in that fact i am scared but also i am excited. i get to decorate my own place when i get one, i get to do my own laundry instead of his i get to do for ME and i need and want to do that...its just going to take some time to get used to doing for just ME...

startattoo's photo
Wed 01/21/09 12:56 PM
just so ppl know...everyone keeps telling me to go get my stuff, one the car was in his name...first hubby ruined my credit, and two...i am sleeping on a friends couch. i dont have any where to put my stuff, i cant even have my pictures or my books, i have to wait until i get my own place before i can go get that stuff

startattoo's photo
Tue 01/20/09 10:38 PM
and believe me i wanted the truth...but sometimes the truth hurts...i was ready for it but it still hurts...i wouldnt be on here if i wanted ppl to lie to me...but i just dont see how this is my fault...i know i shouldnt have left my first hubby for the second...and i know the second one was only 21 but he is the one that proposed...i didnt force him to do that...

startattoo's photo
Tue 01/20/09 09:58 PM

Seek professional help, otherwise, you will continue to be in this victim role. Your circumstance has less to do with the guys, than it does with you...yah - - those guys are jrkoffs and they have some accountability..but for the most part, the accountability is yours. These as**holse seem to be gravitating toward you and I think it will continue until you find you what the problem is.


i am not trying to be a victim like i said i just needed to talk and let lose...where i thought ppl wouldnt judge me...i figured i dont know anyone here why not just talk sometimes strangers make the best of friends...anyway...i dont want ppl to feel sorry for me that is not what i was trying to accomplish...

startattoo's photo
Tue 01/20/09 09:32 PM

Seriously...get a divorce.
To be with someone that doesn't want you and has already had sex with another woman is Gross.
You will be lucky not to catch a STD.ill

i know we will prolly get a divorce but i am making him pay for it...i am not paying a dime..i am just afraid that he will drag it out as long as possible...that would really piss me off

startattoo's photo
Tue 01/20/09 09:29 PM


did i hurt your eyes? lol i am sorry

startattoo's photo
Tue 01/20/09 09:28 PM

I'm really sorry to hear that you're going through this. Can I ask why you don't go get your stuff? Who's car is it?

Good luck and enjoy... flowerforyou

thank you ....i dont go get my stuff because i dont have anywhere to put it i am staying on a friends couch until the 23 of next month then i will be homeless....:( i know i need to keep my head up it is just really hard to do sometimes

startattoo's photo
Tue 01/20/09 09:19 PM
tears :cry: ok heres my story...i need to talk somwhere so i figured here would be the place...and i appologize in advance because its long but i needed to talk....brokenheart
i am 24 years old i was married to a man for 4 years. things were good for the first 2 of them. then he started wanting to hang out with his friends more than his wife. he would come home from work i would have dinner ready he would eat and then either leave to go to the bar or just go to hang out with one of his frineds. i was never invited i sat at home all by myself 5 out of 7 days of the week. close to our 4 years things were getting worse. we would fight all the time about nothing importiant, when we were home and talking to eachother we would sit on opposite sides of the couch and our sex life was pretty much non existant. i had this friend that i worked with at the time and i would go visit her when he was with his friends, well i met her son and fell madly in love with him. we never really did anything except cuddle on the couch until 3 or 4 in the morning watching movies and falling asleep on each was great. well i ended up leaving my husband for this man.smitten we'll call him "J". well it took J a while to say he loved me but when he did i was so happy. i was married for 4 years and i never felt the feelings with him as i did with J. everytime we touched i got chills everytime he smiled i got chills. anyway, we ended up moving in together and we were happy. he proposed on oct.17 2007 my divorce was final march 23 2008 (from first husband) and J and i were married april 16 2008. that is how much in love we were...well december 17 of last year J woke up and we started arguing about something so small that i cant even remember what it was...and he proceded to tell me that he wasnt happy and he didnt love me anymore and he didnt want to be with me he was done...i tried asking him why and he said that i was too controlling that he wants to be able to do what he wants when he wants without having to worry that i am going to be upset or mad at him. now let me tell you i never got mad at him for going with friends i did however get upset if he was going to be late and didnt call or text me to let me know..i worry. anyway, we talked and a couple days later he said we will try to fix things i told him i can change and i want to change. well he went to my familys christmas with me and we had a good time. although i thought something was wrong still because from the time he told me he only kissed me a few times. but...i thought everything was going ok well dec 28 he told me that he didnt want to make it work that he can see himself without me and there is no more me and him...well i left i am now staying with my frined 50 miles away from him i have a basket of clothes thats it. all my stuff is still there at our house. he has the car he has everything. i had to quit my job i have nothing. tears i havent talked to him much since i left...but i went back for one night to get a few things and we talked and again he said he had no feelings for me what so ever but he gave me a hug and said just because we are going thru this dont mean we cant still be friends. you can text me and call me anytime you want. well i only texted him maybe maybe twice in the next week or so and it was a stupid funny forward nothing even personal. he texted me 4 days ago telling me that he never wanted to talk to me again that i dont belong in his life and to stay out of it...he then told me that he cheated on me.tears tears that hurt me so bad. i had a feeling that maybe he did since i thought we were happy i had no idea that he was feeling controlled or unhappy in any way if you knew J you would understand he was always happy always smiling goofing off making everyone else smile. when he told me he slept with "her" i was crushed devistated mad name it i felt it. i havent talked to him since. my friends say i should just let him go that he is an ass hole that i deserve better and can get better but i miss him. even tho i would love to say i am done with his cheating ass i know in my heart if he came back tommorrow i would go running back to him in a heartbeat...i dont want to be alone for the rest of my life. i know i am only 24 and i have time...but i need to find someone that treats me right i dont know how many ppl will actually read this because i am sure its really really long but i needed to get it off my chest and see if anyone had any ideas on how to forget him..or what should i do? anyone wanna go on a for listening that kinda helped again sorry so longohwell brokenheart tears

startattoo's photo
Sun 01/18/09 07:47 PM

because they didnt know what they wanted in the first place,they thought they found someone they really liked,but found out it wasnt true when they met the next.

i think this is exactly true i believe this whole husband cheated on me thats why were getting divorced after only 8 months

startattoo's photo
Sun 01/18/09 07:37 PM

frustrated frustrated frustrated ok maybe i am dumb....but i am on a couple other sites also, one site i belong to you have to pay to message someone but can flirt for free. well i got a flirt from this guy, i flirted back he peeked my intrest well then i get another flirt from the same guy on another site again you had to pay to talk well a day later i get an e-mail on my myspace from him!!! all it said was hi sweetheart. well we emailed for a couple days then started texting...we talked on the phone last night and things went really well so i thought...i have texted him a couple times today and never got anything in return..he has been online a few times and hasnt emailed me or anything...i know he might be busy but it only takes a min to say hey...he went thru all that trouble to find me on myspace and now he wont talk to me i dont know i dont want to keep bothering him but i really like him so how long should i wait before i give up???

If you have sent him messages already today, leave it be. If he never contacts you back, no biggie. That's the way it goes on these dating websites. They peak your interest, you chat a few times and then nothing from them. Plenty of other people out there. This is a numbers game.

Like the other guy said, don't pay for dating websites. There are plenty of free ones.


i agree with you lol i hate number games tho...too many ppl after the same one person its ridiculous...and this is the only completly free site that i have found

startattoo's photo
Sun 01/18/09 06:56 PM
frustrated frustrated frustrated ok maybe i am dumb....but i am on a couple other sites also, one site i belong to you have to pay to message someone but can flirt for free. well i got a flirt from this guy, i flirted back he peeked my intrest well then i get another flirt from the same guy on another site again you had to pay to talk well a day later i get an e-mail on my myspace from him!!! all it said was hi sweetheart. well we emailed for a couple days then started texting...we talked on the phone last night and things went really well so i thought...i have texted him a couple times today and never got anything in return..he has been online a few times and hasnt emailed me or anything...i know he might be busy but it only takes a min to say hey...he went thru all that trouble to find me on myspace and now he wont talk to me i dont know i dont want to keep bothering him but i really like him so how long should i wait before i give up???

startattoo's photo
Sun 01/18/09 11:29 AM

LOL. Usually Army guys only use the Army sympathy trying to get laid. I've seen it work sooo many times as long as the city you are in isn't near a military base. That's also probably why you didn't hear from him again. You told him it wasn't gonna work so he moved on. I'm just an honest person though, that's just how some guys are.

i never said using the guilt trip wouldnt get me into bed i love men in uniform lol :laughing:

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