Community > Posts By > Bellatattoos

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Sun 11/01/09 03:31 PM

Does a bear **** in the woods????

I'm really not so scared of them...maybe a bit in my 20's but, now, not so much...doing nothing too need to worry tongue2

Just wanted to say the bear thing for few days and jumped at the opportunity...almost used the term at the grocery store the other day but her in de suburbs, things like that don't go over very well!laugh

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Sun 11/01/09 03:27 PM
Does a bear **** in the woods????

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Sat 10/31/09 10:13 AM

haha ... I knew that was happening and no one believed me! laugh

LOL Yeah, the first time she was a blonde and the next time she'd be a redhead. She was on the show two or three times.

Those bastards....I feel so cheated!laugh

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Sat 10/31/09 12:48 AM
Soft...white chocolate (although technically it isn't chocolate), macadamia nut, yummy :tongue: .

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Sat 10/31/09 12:39 AM
....guest on the show? Know anyone who has? Would love some Jerry stories.

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Mon 10/05/09 10:54 AM
Welcome cutiewaving

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Fri 10/02/09 02:49 AM
"I was kinda looking for I dont know friendship fun and don't know what I just walked into but wow!!!!!!!"
Edited by DAgnilli on Wed 09/30/09 10:51 PM

waving Welcome DAgnilliwaving

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Wed 09/30/09 02:39 PM

THIS is Carmen

Very nice...must have been in another season...would have remembered her! She's the right mix of feminine (but no too girly)and tough. Kinda a feminine, latina version of Shane, hahahaha so stretching with that one. Team Shane. Wouldn't kick her outta my bed though:angel:

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Wed 09/30/09 01:45 PM

I'm 164 and 5"4.

Chubby for my height but Ive got huge kahunas to distract people from my pudge. my gyno once said (kinda weird I know...he's hysterical though) each one of my "puppies" weigh like 10 if your around a 36DDD, like me, minus 20 lbs:wink: . BTW-Woman with larger "kahunas" sometimes appear "bigger" all look good to me....better than good. F the haters, you ARE NOT FAT and your face is mucha' bella.

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Sat 09/26/09 06:24 PM

Shane has an edgy sex to her, but Carmen is where it's at drool

hmmmmmmm....Carmen, which one is she?

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Sat 09/26/09 06:15 PM

Plug your a$$ hole


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Sat 09/26/09 06:13 PM

To clean your dishwasher: (yes, they need to be flushed now and then :)) periodically run a cup or so of white vinegar through a cycle. If you get any spotting you can also put it in right before the rinse cycle to clean the spot off your dishes.

Thanks, great advice!

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Sat 09/26/09 06:12 PM

Mine is Peppermint oil for ants. If you have an ant problem coming in your house, go out and get some pepperment oil (you can get it from the essential oils at cheap shops) rub the oil with a cotton ball around where they come in and viola!
Sure you have the smell of peppermint for 2 or 3 days but that's much better than ants and keeps them out for months they hate it.

Dryer sheets keep away the ants...I put em' in my garbage can...keeps it smellin' nice and no ants!

Now if someone can give me ideas on how to keep away SPIDERSscared I would forever be indebted. The crawl out of nowhere in CT-LOL

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Sat 09/26/09 05:58 PM

Mingle was abused as a child and the hole cannot be filled.

tears rofl tears

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Fri 09/25/09 11:32 PM

The post about why no pictures on here reminded me of something that happened to me, like 1 1/2 yrs agosick .....

So anyway...I was talking to this guy for awhile, seemed down earth and really nice...thought what the hell...I'll meet up with him and see how it goes (never saw a pic....first and last time that happens!). Ok, so when he's like 15 minutes away, he calls me and says "I just want you to know I am a red head...and drove REALLY far to see you, hope this isn't a problem." I was like oooook...I'm usually not a red head kinda of gal (no offense to u gingers out there) and he drove such a long way...what the bad can it be. Well, long story short, he looked like a jacked up Carrot Top (yes it IS possible). It actually pained me to look at himsick

After reading that other post about pics and profiles, I couldn't get this memory out of my headfrustrated ....soooooo I thought I'd share it will all of youflowers . My gift to you.

Red-head, huh? Did he bring Mcfood?

Even if he would have, I had totally lost my appetite! More like I needed McLiquor and LOTS of it....almost took up drinking that night :wink:

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Fri 09/25/09 04:47 PM

He wanted me to let U know that he misses U terribly.:cry: ohwell

Sheesh! I'm sure if you cut off his head and showed all the girls the picture of his body, they may go crazy. Then show them the full picture, they may run to the nearest toilet. :tongue:

My thoughts exactly. Pretty smokin' bod.

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Fri 09/25/09 04:15 PM a notorious Ginger Kid, I have never found redheaded guys to be that attractive...but after the other day...I'm gonna have to change my vote...blushing 'Course, he was more of a Strawberry Blond...

Ginger girlz allowedflowerforyou

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Fri 09/25/09 04:15 PM

He wanted me to let U know that he misses U terribly.:cry: ohwell

Ha...carrot top is "jacked" in that pic...wonder if it's steroids? I can see he's a fan of make-up too.

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Fri 09/25/09 04:14 PM

Oh Man! flowerforyou That's why I prefer pictures. If they don't have one, I ask them to send me a picture. It makes all the difference before meeting them later.

Definitely, lesson learned!

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Fri 09/25/09 03:30 PM
The post about why no pictures on here reminded me of something that happened to me, like 1 1/2 yrs agosick .....

So anyway...I was talking to this guy for awhile, seemed down earth and really nice...thought what the hell...I'll meet up with him and see how it goes (never saw a pic....first and last time that happens!). Ok, so when he's like 15 minutes away, he calls me and says "I just want you to know I am a red head...and drove REALLY far to see you, hope this isn't a problem." I was like oooook...I'm usually not a red head kinda of gal (no offense to u gingers out there) and he drove such a long way...what the bad can it be. Well, long story short, he looked like a jacked up Carrot Top (yes it IS possible). It actually pained me to look at himsick

After reading that other post about pics and profiles, I couldn't get this memory out of my headfrustrated ....soooooo I thought I'd share it will all of youflowers . My gift to you.