Community > Posts By > PhasmatisDiligo
lil help?
OK... so i am trying to figure out what i am doing on mingle... I would like people to talk to... but lack of understanding of said people and of the intricacies of this site really hinder me... i think. that and i have a good vocabulary, but a spelling retarded intellect. so forgive the thought-o's. (if they were type-o's i could blame it on my keyboard, but sadly it's me. ><)
anyways. i know i write alot and my posts generally are volumous by nature, but i dunno if i ever reach anyone or even if i make valid points. I think i do, but i dunno if they are valued in any other way. I have to wonder if when i post a reply if people just get lost in the length or if they just think i'm blowing hot air... or keys err... w/e i imagine sometimes, that possibly the points might be sooo irefutable that no one can even try to argue them. if so... kudos to me!!! ya! yet i doubt that. I mean after all it is fun to pretend to be intelligent. At least it makes me laugh. YAAAAY!!! I IS SMAAAART!!! YAY HOTDOGS!!! see? funny :D oh hey... when did mingle start having an instant messenger? do they have chat rooms? anyways. i should stop before i start another novel >< my baaaad >< laters |
yes when i was in my teens i tended to be clingy and fussy. Yet i learned adapted and changed when i realized that that is a baaaaad trait. who knew? it really hit home when i found myself with a clingy girl about 4 years ago. So i do believe i have learned my lesson.
as far as truth? yes i am true to myself long before others. i have been dishonest before i am not perfect by a long shot. If i was perfect then i wouldn't be posting on mingle, nor in college. I am not exactly sure as to what i am trying to find on mingle actually... but it does pass the time between classes. and about the foot notes... sorry i know i am VERY long winded. But hey it kills time!! :D |
![]() ![]() yeah... years after the fact when it's too late. Funny how that works. >< Oh and about body language... is there like a secret book on this? cause i'd like to figureout this whole body language thing... so far everytime i try to read it i figure it out waaaaay too late. then again having a horrible memory doesn't really help either. |
Lately i have been self reflecting on who i am and who i wish to be. This has been a real eye opener ofr myself and has, instead of leading me to where i was going sent me right back to where i was. Normally i would not mind this, but it helped me understand myself better and i realized i was trying to become someone i did not wish to become.
Why did i do all this? It was because i was lonely. I was tired of being the kind caring and compassionate man simply because the assholes and self centered men were getting alot farther. I dropped the nice guy mentality and had a great time. I stopped using my heart and my mind and instead pushed for what i "thought" i wanted and it worked. Yet, i was not satisfied because it was not who i am. Women were chasing me for being the opposite of my true self. they started coming to me because i was being false. So i ask what kind of world do we live in that women now value falsehood and fantasies more than the truth? Where the hollow empty man with a shiny outside is worth more than the solid strong gem found just under the surface of the geode? Why is it that i had to go against my nature to attract what i wished for? Yet even then was i only disapointed to find what i was attracting did not satisfy me because again they were wanting the fake image or shell of who i created to draw thier attention not the man deep within. Does this mean that the man deep within is ugly? Well apraently not, because everyone who knows him says that all women should love me. (i still think they're full of sh...stuff.) Yet they don't. I am confident in my life, I am intelligent, and i don't think i'm all that bad looking. I'm no sexy hot beast or anything... but i'm still sexy!! I am honest and loyal. As well as strong and proud, yet open minded and giving. I have a great sense of humor and a sharp wit. so tell me why is it that i do not fit an ideal woman's description? Women tell me it is because i don't just take what i want. I am sorry, but i am not a thief. It is who i am to respect a woman for who she is. I value the mind as much as the body and therefore i don't mindlessly grope about trying to have my way with someone. I've had countless women tell me that THAT is just what they want after the fact when the time has gone and passed. You know the funny thing is... women may value the rugged instinctual man who grabs them buy the waist and throws them around without thier initial consent. I mean it's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission right? I'm sorry if i go against the grain of society, but it is who I am. A man of honor and integrity. The true shining white knight you all "claim" to dream over. You just don't understand that Knights do not miraculously come out of no where. They only come once called upon specifically. Why? because you asked for an honorable man. A truly honorable man does not intrude where he is not wanted and he only knows where he is wanted when you show a need. I have shown others before that i can sweep them off thier feet and am very romantic, yet simply because i chose respect over lust i generally lose my chances. I never go back anymore either. One thing women have to understand about thier "white knights" is that just because we don't sleep with you does not mean we don't ache for you. It simply means we are stronger than our urges and out of respect choose to gain your favor prior becoming animalistic. I can't even begin to count the times now, that i treat a girl properly. The way she asks to be treated, then in the shadows up slips a hollow charming boy who only wishes to for the most basic of animalistic needs. Generally within a day or two this simplistic lesser child draws in the woman in question and succeeds in getting his way and hurting the girl. This angers me beyond all reason... yet i am proud and my philosophy is... you brought it into your door and allowed it to trick you, so i am walking from said door... harsh? yes... but when standing in the light of what you claim to dream of, why would you fall for the tricks of the shadows? That philosophy may be harsh, but it is not as harsh as the feeling of being encroached upon by another in the light of all your efforts. I aproach all women the same. never expecting anything in return, yet asking for it given freely. It is a hope not an expectation. I never fully turn away from those i go after. i remain as friends to help them from here on, but never will i again give what i once did a second time. For myself... a woman only gets one chance to fully open the gates of my heart. once they are though i give myself over completely for as long as she'll have me. I've done so before ad will continue to do so until i find the woman who will work WITH me to keep the relationship strong and alive. not 100% on either side, but both giving equally. one day i hope to meet her, but until now i remain unchanging for the likes of women anymore. I am who i am and i am proud that i can rise above the rest. ** not sure if i should even post this. i completely lost the message i wanted to portray... but then i am frustrated with things and keep getting distracted.... but what ever. i don't expect much from it. |
My philosophy.
My compassionate side is sory to say this, but my rational side is not... but if you became the president and the ceo of three major companies... i'm sorry but you have just been expired. Expiration date exceeded, discard. Recycle. :(
Only reason being... you are intelligent yes. you make valid arguments. WAIT!!! no one castrate me yet... jeebus i am not finished!!... BUT!! and this is a biiiiig but... one that would make sir mix-a-lot turn his head... You are not open minded enough to be in that kind of a postition of power. Honestly in my oppinion i don't think any man or woman is. I know i am not. I would make bad decisions based on what i thought was right for all and knowing my forgetfulness i am sure i'd hurt someone. To be any kind of good leader one must be open to multiple sides of all issues at hand. and sadly our society, as well as the entire world, is utterly too complex to effectively do so. you would have to do the best with what you have, yet even what you get may not work for the majority. why? cause sometimes the majority doesn't open their mouth until it's too late and a decision has already been made. Just because one has an oppinion does not make it right. I have oppinions, but i accept the fact that... gee-golly. i might be wrong in EVERYthing i know. and that my boy is pure philosophy 101. maybe not 101 exactly... but it is the essence of philosophy. simply being open to the possibility of understanding that we don't know and simply try to deduce the best answer we can. It is good to debate yes. debate leads to conclusions and the discovery of other points. but don't shut out other's oppinions as invalid just because you are set in your beliefs. Why? well because one day you WILL come across irefutable proof that shows something you once thought true was in fact not quite so sound proof. If you want a good philosophical debate... then be all means make outrageous claims... but don't make them as agressive statements and with each statement give some backing proof. I host philosophical discssions weekly at my college as the Vice President of a philosophy club. so i have had extensive experience for the past few years now. OK!!! argue time!! yay!! -diet soda better? yes! i love my diet coke. but... "just for the taste of it!! diet coke!" sadly the reality is pretty much the truth of that jingle. the sucrose guy was right. it tricks yer body. oops. proven by science. -Obama... yeah that's NOT a touchy subject... :P honestly i have faith in him... after all you all elected him. he's who we have and we have to deal with him for the next four years. besides as closely as he's being watched by the public... you really think he's gonna try and screw us over? the dude would have to be mad!! and guess what... IT'S OUR FAULT!! THE MAJORITY ELECTED HIM!! I voted green party. didn't like the other guy either. sorry gang >< I still think the environment is more important that politicing. so :P on all you obama and palin haters!! i didn't vote for either!! -Dane cook... what'd he ever do to you? besides i think he's funny as ****. and 1 if you take offense to him from his "COMEDY" key word being COMEDY then turn off the comedy channel. He's a comedian... he writes JOKES. but w/e it's an oppinion... -war is stabalizing... yes and no. yes... but ONLY economically and only durring the durration of the war and generally for a few years after. Also it depends upon the extent of the war. war in afganistan or iraq? not big enough. and honestly... do you really wish to see a war large enough to be a stabilizing factor for our economy in which MANY people will die? I'm guessing you have friends and family... yes? if not i am sorry, but think of it this way... a war large enough to be "stabalizing" as you say it... would in turn need plenty of soldiers. are YOU going to go fight? how about your friends? cousins? brothers or sisters? because that's who'd be fighting and DYING in it. and another thing alot of americans who have never experienced the side effects of war and whom have never seen it fought in thier homeland don't realize how nasty it is. who's to say we wn this time? who's to say if we start another world war... or simply participate in one that it will not find it's way onto american soil. are you ready to see the land of you brothers and sisters turned into a battle field? becareful what you wish for. because sometimes what you think is nothing like the reality. -4 years of spending costing us forever... well i pretty much agree with ya there. maaaaybe not forever... but i have a bad feeling that it's gonna cost us >< i hope you and i are wrong. -electric cars=bad? no. bad for me? yes... i lovvvve to speed.... shhhh don't tell your police friends on me!! i believe in the raw power of a strong 5.0 L V-8 engine. yet now i do drive a 4 bange kia for the gas milage... i miss my mustang <sniffle> anyways... yes electricty would go up... ASSUMING you have to plug your car into your wall. well not all of em do. some are solar, some recharge while driving like most cars(hybrids). yet one of them companies made a hydrogen car... guess what the exhaust is... PURE WATER!! good god!! run to the hills!! we're poluting our dirty water supply with clean water!! whatever shall we do? i know you didn't say hydrogen cars were bad... but it sounded funny. so i couldn't resist. but didja know that environmentalists are psuhing to move away from coal and oil plants just as hard as they are pushing electric cars? this'll get me some hatemail... but i say more nuclear power plants and more scientist developing ways to SAFELY dispose of or recycle the waste. it isn't impossible... we just havn't figured it out yet. and more solar collection plants. they work!! they're just expensive >< -"country insults us and we invade..." careful with those words... do you realize how many toes the us steps on daily? do you realize how much we insult other countries... now logically thinking... if we can invade anyone who insults us... then technically they should have every right to invade us. it's ok for us to invade others cause we have bigger guns right? guess what dude... we may not for long... couple quick examples... Germany- on the verge of creating a perpetual motion engine. yeah WE thought it was impossible. (they have a working model.) Isreal- Has a more advance prototype destroyer(naval ship) than we do. (built from and based off technology we gave them) North Korea- developing nuclear technologies under our noses. (they'll get real good at hiding it before they surpass our technology, but isn't that a bad thing?) oh god!!! invisible ICBM's!! >.< don't freak out just yet... Russia- geez... them again? you betcha. maybe not technologically but i heard this craaaaazy rumor that they're trying to bring back the mother land... you think we're an effective nation? just wait till you see a comunist country with reasources, get back into full swing. I think comunism is wrong and not fair to the people, but by goodness it is much efficient technology wise. I mean after all... they did match us at one point... don't ya remember reading about the cold war? ok enough examples... just realize the world is coming up and catching up with us... besides most of our "technology" is computer based yet is made from parts from china japan and taiwan!!! ouch! that's a kick to my pride >< -bandwidth caps? yes! no to them!! free the flow of information... -disband the un? please don't... i don't really wanna see MORE of those people starving comercials... i feel horrible enough for them already. and yes i donate. time not money. The UN still does some good. they do help countries in distress. Maybe not as much as they used to, but ya know what? a little help is better than no help at all. -no IRS? dude... as much as i want to agree... cause believe me i hate giving them money too... but uhhh who's going to track the people who cheat on taxes? the cia? yeah like they have time for that. they can't even handle thier own work load. OOH!!! i know let fema do it!! yeah!! oh wait... then we would see results for months after it's too late. >< i'm open for ideas... however i DO agree that we should tax imigrants, and the others... -legalize and tax MJ? sure why not? i've never heard of anyone ODing on MJ. is that even possible? anyways... just make it restricted like alcohol. -gay marraige? Iswear someone should kick the **** out of those amendment 2 and 8 F***ers and even worse for ken star... err w/e his name is. and no i am NOT gay. but who theF888 do you think you are telling someone else who they can and cannot love? that my friends is an infringement on our most basic of rights. I'll tell ya what... i'll drop the dude that tells me who i can and cannot love quicker than he can take his/her next breath. yes i said his/"HER" i belive in FULL equall rights. no special rules for ANYone. sorry. besides... i know a couple girls that can beat my arse. >< -Iraq... thats kinda touchy. i'm not going there. awww fudge it... i went everywhere else except god... and that's coming up... ;) We did it oh darn... we invaded. but guess what... i recall a certain population of a certain country literally SCREAMING to go to war after a certain tragic day. and ya know what? we let loose the riens of our governments warhorse... sorry she ran away from us. And you can say alll day that "oh we never meant for them to fight in iraq." well ya know what? It doesn't matter... i'm gonna let ya in on a little secret. (this isn't dirrected just at you btw dude this goes out to everyone.) war never turns out they way ya plan and most of the time it bleeds over into other conflicts and causes more problems than was intially intended to resolve. -about the movies... it's yer oppinion. love some hate some. -capitalism? can't go there... i'm not familiar with it. -gum? i like mint. :D -god... here we go... >< That's a serious can of worms dude. you realize how hot of a topic this is? i've noticed that there is generally two sides with no middle ground. It's either creationism or evolution. never both. This saddens me. why? you ask... well because it causes tension. I have to wonder... has anyone ever thought that maybe they're BOTH wrong and they are BOTh right at the same time? Lets look at this... The bible says the earth is only like 4000ish years old. or something like that. Science prooves that it is MUCH older. Creation's argument? god gives scientists false readings just to test us. WOW!!! that's a stretch... Big bang. measured evidence pretty much proven. God made it all in 7 days. errr 6 w/e i'mmmm gonna have to go with the big bang... but what started it? hmmmmmm? science has NO idea. oh there are theories, but alot of them make about as much sense as a dude getting swallowed by a whale cause god was pissed at him, he askes forforgiveness, is granted it and god makes the whale puke him back up... riiiiiiight. Most religeous faiths... the have a "perfect" being or creator. Infallible w/o flaw. ok... perfect=without need of change. flawless. nothing better. if a being is perfect. would i decieve that which it created? no would be no need to. christians... i ask you... if god is perfect... why did he need a break? perfection doesn't get tired!! ****s and giggles? i doubt it. but who knows... i'm not perfect so i couldn't comprehend a perfect mind... but logically it just doesn't make sense. ok... sooo almost all religions have books of thier faith right? right. some are stone... but w/e. EVERYone has contradicting messages. Eye for an eye -> forgive and forget. though shal not kill or i'll kill you!!(smite kill same damn thing) children are innocent and precious... but it's ok for a diety to wipe out the firstborn sons of a nation? gotcha. Egypt-book of life -> book of the dead. Gods fighting gods. Greek- gods fighting gods. Paganism- We made you. we love you! worship us. sacrifce virgins!! >:D That one pops up alot oddly enough... but you get my point i hope. don't even get me started on scientology. now i bashed religion pretty good huh? but guess what... science is full of just as many assholes who are just as stubborn and thickheaded as some of the religeous fanatices. but see science isn't perfect either. there are penty of things that are missing. links to things that are related... like evolution. we differ from monkies by like 2 pairs of chromasomes... but they don't know where the 2 pairs came from. why isn't it possible that religeon is wrong with the dates, and that science is right with evolution and god simply took a good idea he had and added something better to make us. it's either we're related to monkies or dust religeous guys... and personally i'd rather have a monkey as an ancestor than dust. monkies are more fun!! :D it is possible for the two to come together... both sides need to just open thier minds a little to the other and stop having a pissing contest. i really don't care whose god is bigger than whose or what type of animal we came from... what i care about is where we go from here... TO the future!! may it be good. :) so over all dude. kudos for having an oppinion. it's good to believe in something and to stand for it... but try not to be soo aggressive about it. all it does is shut doors and ears. |
Ok now that the science behind it is out of the way...
I have many friends in the psychic vampire community. They are very good friends of mine, yet i am not one of them. I say this with respect for them and not at all in regret. I don't wish to be one. In fact i wish i could help them. why do i say this? well because i am close to high members of the comunity and interact with them frequently to help them, and also to grow myself. Personally i dislike the term "vampire" or "vampyre" or w/e you wish to use. Sadly it has become a hollywood term with which has been attached many negative and false stereo types. such as silver, garlic, sunlight, blood drinking, etc...(and yes silver is one of them just check your version of the stories. they all differ) some "vampires can have an allergy to garlic, but that is simply what it is. others may be sensitive to sunlight. I am. but i am not a vampire. It is even possible to have an allergy to silver, ut this does nt mean that what is written in novels or is shown on tv is true or even believed by the comunity. What does it mean to be a "psychic vampire"? Well simply put, this is coming from what they have told and shown me, but... A phsycic vampire is someone who's natural biological, psychic, or brain energy is not enough to sustain them without feeling adverse effects. It isn't neccsarrily fatal, as far as we know, but it can be dangerous to deny the consumption of energy. Just as it can be dangerous to deny the consumption of real food like bread and such. As a result the "psychic vampire" is actually dependant upon outside sources of energy more so than others. You might think of this as a weakness. but not exactly. It actually is a simple deficiency that results in the developement of a stronger trait. A trait that causes the mind to opperate on a higher wavelength and/or the body to become more effcient in the transfer of enrgies. Thier biological energy needs to be fed, the the body and mind adapt to do just that. This in turn causes it to grow to a higher state. Blood consumption IS a way some use to "feed". Yet this is not the most efficient way, and the blood simply acts as a catalyst for the transfer of energy. Any "vampire" who tells you cold and lifeless blood works just as well is lying through thier teeth, and probably just seeking attention. It simply isn't true. the cells have to be active. The engery contained within the live cells are the catalyst for the energy transfer. the body will do this naturally upon consumption, yet as i said before it is much less efficient as simple "psychic" (again another term i disslike due to the stereotypical labeling such as palm reading and fortue telling psychics. psychic simply means mental or through the mind.) energy transfer. An example of psychic energy transfer can be found in many places. at a football game. a rock concert. whatever. A place where a mass of people generate large amounts of energy, transfer it amongst themselves frequently without even realizing it. If you've ever been to a rock concert and felt the level of energy you'd understand. Anyone can train themselves, yet with help it is easier, to be able to transfer and manipulate energy. This is where i relatively fit in to the community. They call me and others like me a "Black Swan". It's just a name. but it is a name to label those who are sensitive to energies and are knowledgable and/or slightly or as skilled as the psychic vampires. This by no means, means that i am psychic or able to bend spoons or rain down hellfire and brimstone. NO. It means i am aware of energy, how it works and how to use it, yet i am not dependant upon it. That is the key... Black swans are "like" a vampire, only they are not dependant, therefore it takes away that key trait which defines the "psychic vampire". Dependant is a strong word to use for describing that... yet they generally refer to it as a need and a need is more or less a dependancy... This doesn't make a Black swan a lesser being either. A black swan can be, and some are, stronger and more adept with the use and knowledge of energies than thier vampyric counterparts. Now, i'd like to take a second and ask for forgiveness if any terms or labels i use are offensive or considered "wrong" by anyone. simple fact is that the names and labels are NOT wrong because they are not all the same, yet they describe the same thing. Some comunities may call black swans something different, yet the one i am aquainted with uses that term. This does not mean they are wrong or anything. It simply means that those are the terms they chose to use. I am not going to sit here and type about the extend of my understanding, nor the extent of my abilities... I don't consider myself lesser than any of my vampyric friends, nor do i consider myself above nor greater than them. On that note, they also don't considder me "food" either. They are people and most are very good people. Ahhh and here is the topic of food... anyone can be a source of "food" or energy for a psychic vampire. It is 100% dependant upon the ability of the psychic vampire, thier intentions, and the ability of the person in question as "food". To me though, the term "food" comes off as almost derogatory and demeaning. It implies that the person is lesser than you and is kinda mean, yet sometimes i know that the term isn't meant to come off that way. I was at a gathering of some of my firends and there were a few others there who did not know me. They refered to me as food to some others, and my closest friend told them to try... they failed miserabley and offened me in thier methods and no longer use that term nor those methods, but they learned a valuable lesson. Don't consider yourself higher, nor mightier than another based on outside perception. That is one of the dangers that lay in hiding with the use of energy manipulation and transfer, because you never know when you might come across someone stronger and not realize it. Simply be careful of who you atempt to draw energy from. it's best to do so from those who are willing and know what's going on. And it is safer. Trying to draw, or feed, from someone stronger is easily as dangerous as trying to light a stick of dynamite with the full fury of a flamethrower. Stick to the matches... ;) My friend's friends got to know me and found out luckily i am forgiving, friendly, and understanding to a strong degree, but not everyone in this world is. Don't be ashamed of who you are. Don't deny yourself of your potential... and never be affraid of that which you don't understand. Just be cautious. :) I hope what i have said might be helpful for anyone and i truely hope i did not offend anyone with my liberal use of terms... Also, please forgive any gramatical or spelling errors i am tired and it is late and the caffien is running strong though my viens tonight. >,< |
again... as with most of my posts, i have something to say, yet do so without know whether or not i might be repeating things... i have neither the time nor the patients to sit and read everyone's blogs. i wish i did, but alas it is not within me.
ok ok... let's see... where to begin? yes the comunity is real. it exists... as for the validity of some of thier claims i am still skeptical at times. Yet,the existence of energy manipulation, transfer(or feeding), and such is real. science has identified various falsifiable proofs for this. Theories for such are being written, tested, and studied for this even as i sit here and type away. The subject of engery connections and it's inherrant transfer falls within the new hot science of metaphysics. (it's really not all that new either.) This field(metaphysics) has been faced with a long and brutal bombardment of skepticism for some of it's "outrageous" claims, as labeled by some. Yet their claims are not really all that outrageous, considering the physicists working on this field has in fact come across much hard evidence for the existance of a deeper connection of sub atomic and atomic particles and the energy associated with these connections. for example... it is know that two separate particles that originated from a single large partile can change the dirrection of rotation. yet when they do they do it at the exact same instant even when miles apart. there is no delay whatso ever in the change of the two. it has been meassured and calculated. now what does this have to do with energy manipulation or energy transfer? Well that's easy. that particle experiment shows that everything is connected on a sub-atomic level that we don't fully understand yet. When two things are connected by any means it makes the transfer, manipulation, and even the consumption of energy possible. We all know... or should, that the world is made up of matter and energy. The brain is a combination of both. Our thoughts, feelings, and soul are in essense energy. When the mind... or the wavelength that makes up our individual minds... reaches a high state it radiates energy to a minimal degree for most people. This can be measured and registered from cat scans and even electromagnetic devices, which thier names slip my memory at this given time, yet it is there. the energy exists. Through meditation or even just focused though you can channel that energy from the brain. This has been measured and tested as well. Now when dealing with energy and such from the pathways of the brain there lies a problem. They law of science that states what ever you observe you alter the outcome. The simple act of trying to measure or test the effects and outcomes of projecting one's energy interferes and makes it difficult for the subject. Metaphysicists have indeed been able to produce results, but they noticed that they were weaker when dirrectly observed, yet when passively tested, they showed stronger, yet less detailed results. less detailed because the nature of the passive tests was more limited, yet what was measure was the stregth of radiating energy, electromagnetic fields, and thier wavelengths. These are just a very small fraction of some examples of which i can give. With this said... those who video tape themselves with the goofy cap that registeres brain activity and they hieghten themselves and try to move a spoon and can't doe not disprove what i've said. the inherrant problem with this comes in that someone with even the slightest inclination to disprove something has doubts, therefore does not have the required capacity to understand how to even acomplish something as imense as moving an outside physical object as a spoon. The simple act of doing so would require an imense amount of brain activity and personally i highly doubt that there is even anyone alive at this point in time that can truely do so. ouch i was side tracked something fierce... but it's valid in some respects. |
I really don't know if this point has been made or not. I could not bring myself to read all the way through all this. call it ignorance or arrogance. who knows. I just know when to listen to the little voice in my head that screams "bullsheet!!"
However!! let's flip the coin a tad. Many of those who do attack the church of scientology or the organization... or what ever the heck it is... Anyways... Many of those who attack scientology hold beliefs that are almost as outrageous. Whether they be stories of dancing and drinking gods waring with each other or a single god with a son who walked on water. Stories such as a man being swallowed by a whale and then asking for forgiveness which in turn grants the man freedom in the form of a whale puking. (yes yes short sweet and to the point. left out alot of details and made alot of generalizations. yet, you know what? you read the story too and it pretty much comes out like i told it. just much more fluffy around the edges than my version.) Now ask your self. Is a man being swallowed by a whale who askes forgivness and is saved by whale indigestion more believeable or not than a story about DC8's dropping eople, or aliens, into volcanos? (sadly for our scientologists... i highly doubt hawaii wasn't even a twinkle in our planet's eye yet, 75M years ago. perhaps someone could confirm this for me. I do not have the time today to research the origin of hawaii on the internet.) Anyways... Stories such as these are found within many accepted religious practices. I mean come on... A man who stood hundreds of feet tall eats his children and the one that gets away kills him? (Chronos and zues) The point is... Many religions have radical stories which help define the core morals and messages which they wish to pass on. It's not necessarily the validity of the context, but the truth in the message behind the story. It boils down to what the individual gets out of his or her beliefs. Who are we to condemn any organization based on the beliefs the hold. That is to say unless they believe in freely killing of those who don't believe, but then again havn't most religions been guilty of just that in the past and even the not too distant past? I say let them be and if they wish to believe in little green men in tights wisking people off to salvation then let em. (i know it's probably more than that, but i still don't like it.) I personally believe they are full of just as much BS as most other religions and that no one has the right answer. It's pretty much everyone's best guess. All we can expect from anyone is to live a good free life without stepping on too many people's toes. I don't condone anything scientology does or teaches, but then i won't say they're wrong either. why? because i personally don't know the truth. After all. i wasn't, nor were any of you, around 75 million years ago. And for that matter IF we were i think we'd be more worried about the T-rex chasing our tastey arses rather than the flying shiny thing dropping green men into volcanos. just my oppinion i guess. I just feel sorry for anyone attempting to come "rehabilitate" me. I really don't want to have to clean up the mess. :P So i suppose "to each their own." one of my favorite sayings. I only wish i knew who first said that. I'll catch yall later. :) it's off to te modern era's version of hell for me. the DMV!!! noooooooooooooooooooo!!!!! lol Keep those minds strong all!! :D |
ty for the imput. i got rid of the 2 middle ones... but i am rather ashamed to admit it... but i am pretty much a photoshop... ahhh... moron... yes that and i don't have the software atm. i'm not computer illiterate, but i definately am not photoshop literate.
hold'er tight <think redneck> lol
If we're not supposed to drink and drive... then why do bars even HAVE parking lots?
and on that note... why do DRIVE THROUGH beer barns up north sell single bottles of beer, then open it FOR you? "Here's yer open Bud sir... remember don't drink and drive!! :D" |
"Surfing with the alien" Between the sheets
the letter T game...
Edited by
Thu 01/08/09 01:34 AM
but then if you can't use symbols... then... VividlyWildSexyTemptress |
Mutual match thingy
wth is that all about? all this "are you interested?" stuff? made me feel all jusdgemental and whatnot... hmmm guess you should be careful what ya click on huh? lol
what does it do? I mean i don't want people taking offense to me not being interested... it's just some are a little out of my genneration ya know? and on that note... I hope it doesn't run around saying "this dude is interested in you!!" if i clicked yes... i mean that's a little creepy to say the least isn't it? lol That's just not my thing ya know? i don't want to just go running around telling people "i am interested" without saying hi first. seriously... let's say yer at a bar and you run up to someone and just simply say "i'm interested" how do you honestly expect them to react? I know I wouldn't know what to say... <<deer in the headlights look>> and "ummmm thanks?" It's just not the best way to be social in my oppinion... but who knows I could be wrong... I have been before. what do yall think? |
ty yeah that was me goofing around while working on my cousin's car. i took it off though... i was a little aprehensive about putting that one on in the first place. i was a tidly bit covered in engine greese. lol I am trying to get some new ones up here in the near future.