Community > Posts By > swampfox1980
evolution defined
will do, have to go back through my old paleo notes though. Not likely to get that today, but I'll put 'em up soon as I get back
evolution defined
sorry, I hit post before I finished my thoughts...There are some in the NW area of Yellowstone Nat'l Park, in the Amethyst Mountain area
evolution defined
It was in South america and in western Africa, I cannot recall the countries off the top of my head, but I do know the African sites were in the late 1800's to mid 1920's and the S. American site was in the mid-late 1950's
Thomas Aquinas, if for nothing else, his philosophical proofs against the existence of time. The writer Oscar Wilde (1854-1900),more of a poet, but genius. "Niagra Falls is the bride's second great dissapointment" and "There is no sin except stupidity." are two of my favorites..
evolution defined
All right, one thing I've come acrosss in some of my looking around are tree fossils. Trees that are still vertical, even though they go through different strata layers. I know trees can live for loooong times, but millions of years it would take for the strata to collect around it? Seems kinda unlikely to me...any ideas?
gotta make sure she loves ya before you get her a gun is a good idea...otherwise it might wing up badly if ye make her mad...
like a mule...the one I really want to find is the largest civillian handgun around A S&W .500
5 shot revolver, has a diffuser built in the end of the barrel and is a 16" barrel...those squirrels will never know what hit 'em |
I keep a daisy plinker right by the front door...damn neighbor kids....j/k!!
most women prefered the model 10, because of the smaller handgrip. now, the .357, at least mine, is a two hander unless you want a barrel bruise on yer forehead...that's why no scope yet
evolution defined
Well, I have my beliefs, but I also Seek knowledge. I look at it this way, the Creator gave me a brain, and an inquisitive mind, so I use them. It might end up, in the end, that we were evolved, but I have too many things that do not make sense to just accept the theory without question. BTW...I also question my faith from time to time, not going to take something as truth just because I was told to...
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actually have a nice S&W scope on it yet
I prefer a smaller revolver like the S&W .38 model 10. Good size, decent stopping power, yet comfortable grip |
that depends...does she have her own boat and deer rifle? then love at first sight. if not, depend how mad she'll be if I get her a scoped .270 for Valentine's Day
Philosophically speaking...
I hold the right of free thought, free action, and free concience to be the greatest liberty we are 'allowed' under our Government. There will always be those who, when something freely said, will take offense and demand the authorities 'do something about it', yet they also expect their words to be taken as Gospel, just because. "Though I may disagree with everything you have just said, I shall still defend your right to speak it." often quoted to French Philosopher Voltaire, but was made by a biographer.
evolution defined
anticz....should we discuss the 'Steady State Universe theory' from Fred Hoyle(1948)that states the empty space between galaxies is constantly spawning new matter out of nothing? Or was his dismissal of his own theory in 1965 enough. And the First law of thermodynamics (the law of conservation of mass/energy) cannot allow the self-creation of matter from nothingness. the Second law of thermodynamice (law of entrophy) states that the longer something exists, the more it works toward disharmony. Unlike the evolutionary theory which says species tend to improve over time, the 2nd Law says they would have to worsen over time. Einstein himself admitted these two laws could not be broken.
evolution defined
my question for the evolution people...if we evolved over millions of years, then there ought to be tons more fossilized evidence of the in-between species. And the evidence? Most of it has beed debunked as hoaxes...e.g. The Moab Skeletons, or the Piltdown man,exposed in 1953.
Or even the strata layers, laid down over eons. They should be uniform, correct? look at the Grand Canyon. Out of the twelve layers of strata (cambrian, ordovician, silurian, devonian, mississipian, pennsylvanian, permian, trissic, jurassic, cretaceous, tertiary,and quaternary) only has five of the layers, and the devonian is only in certian places. Where, in the billions of years of formation, dod the other layers decide not to spread out? just a few of my questions regarding evolution. I would like a serious reply, if possible |
Anyone Catholic
BTW...the Latin term the clergy give themselves is 'pseudoChristos'. Any first year highschool Latin student knows that pseudo- is a prefix meaning 'false, fake, substitute' e.g. a writer that uses a penname is using a pseudonym, false name. Catholicism might have been, at one time, a legitimate following of Christ, but over the centuries, the Pope has been given 'power' that would seem to make him infalliable. And to the best of my knowledge, there was only one man who lived who was Innocent, and he got nailed to a tree. Follow not the dogma and tenents of a faith, but the Divine One the faith is supposed to represent.
It takes the same amount of faith to believe in God's creation as it does for the big bang. At least creationism gives a reason for creation. Big bang can't even be explained as why it happened. both paths wind up with man being formed from non-living material
You can't hear the thoughts? that's kind of creepy....
I always just dog-ear the page
George Jones 'He stopped Loving Her Today' make 'em wonder which one...