Community > Posts By > seeks_love_of_heart
Hi there,
There is no 2nd opinion that some of the people who claim to be Muslims and may be following the way of Terrorism. And because of them other Muslims are getting affected a lot. Sometimes they are being shown hate and then they are being compelled to come on defense and different aspect of Islam is being talked about with and through them. However, here I wouldn't like to talk based on taking anyone's side but based on my personal opinion (which may be wrong or right) i think the biggest terrorist today is American govt. itself. How? Let us use some of the words by OdiseoAlecto and msharmony to understand my theory. Do you even realize that America, some of European countries plus Russia and UK, France, Germany etc are the top most weapon creating and selling machine in the whole world? So it is important to keep the war going for them (even if you can make people fool on the lies of some country's WMD - like Iraq) so that they can produce more weapons and sell more weapons and earn more and more. So they would use all kinda means and feature to create people and organizations so that these organizations can stand up against these western countries and then they (westernized countries) will create more organizations to stand up against those of organizations which have called america for example as a terrorist nation. Then they would sell their weapon again to both of them (sometimes to one and sometimes to others) so that they can kill some of the organization and use media to defame and look this and this bad. This is multi-billion game. And it is sad that ordinary people are not aware of this game throughout the world. With this game each country may use their old weapon to destroy one organization and to check their old weapons and new one as well. Lets come back on the issue of where i said american govt. itself is a biggest terrorist. So what should we do about it? Like odiseoAlecto says we should not be scared, neither we should surrender to American terror. We should show the support against American terror and should treat them and consider them as they really are: rabid criminals : D I do know some of Americans may not like hearing this but this is reality. And one last point taken from msharmony that we should cut off the American press (Fox News) and their media and their financial upperhand (WorldBank and IMF). Cheers, Abdullah |
Actually this is all fake and all the things written are with out researched and one sided. As far as my written material, i wrote it in short and still told you even for 600 years the Jews killed CHRISTIANS, as i was not fake i told you what Christians did as well. One thing i forgot to mentioned was crusade, in which Christians killed Muslims in history there is no 2nd opinion in that, we all know it. So historically the Christians killing Muslims always happened from middle ages till today, and today's killing was done by America, Russia, Hitler, Christians of Serbia etc etc (all against Muslims) they all killed Muslims. And when in reply Muslims picked up only stones so they become terrorists, what a justice!!!!?? Are we talking about "Christians"? Or we talking about people that say they are Christian? Because the Christ I know has told the following. Matthew 5:39 39 But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also. Well, this does not happen in real life. In real life, Americans waging wars on different nations, Germans were in war, USSR were in cold war and waged war on Afghanistan, and they were all Christians to different level. If they are not following the bible, it means you need to propagate your own religion to them before you think to enter into other countries. This is actually the same rule and justice i am talking about the Christians using against Muslims. "oh if Muslim terrorists are not "real Muslims" then you need to tell the terrorists the right peaceful religion of Islam before you want to tell about Islam to Brits and Americans". And btw, Islam is the fastest growing religion both in UK and America, alhamdulillah, with the grace of Allah. Why wouldn't it happen in real life? Americans waging war on different nations or any other nation or people waging war on another has absolutely nothing to do with what God has told us and what it means to be a "Christian". Being a "Christian" is not just a title, it's a lifestyle. It's one that lives after Jesus "Christ", thus we have "Christ"ian and the instructions he gave us. Goes with the saying actions speak louder then words. People can claim to be Christian or other all day long if they wish. But through their actions it'll truly show who they are, what they are. That is exactly i am telling you. If you think they are only 'christian' by word and not by action. Then it means either the real Christians not telling the Christians how to live the real christian life or it means they're (real ones) so weak that the others have overpowered them. |
Edited by
Fri 05/29/15 05:23 AM
Actually this is all fake and all the things written are with out researched and one sided. As far as my written material, i wrote it in short and still told you even for 600 years the Jews killed CHRISTIANS, as i was not fake i told you what Christians did as well. One thing i forgot to mentioned was crusade, in which Christians killed Muslims in history there is no 2nd opinion in that, we all know it. So historically the Christians killing Muslims always happened from middle ages till today, and today's killing was done by America, Russia, Hitler, Christians of Serbia etc etc (all against Muslims) they all killed Muslims. And when in reply Muslims picked up only stones so they become terrorists, what a justice!!!!?? Are we talking about "Christians"? Or we talking about people that say they are Christian? Because the Christ I know has told the following. Matthew 5:39 39 But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also. Well, this does not happen in real life. In real life, Americans waging wars on different nations, Germans were in war, USSR were in cold war and waged war on Afghanistan, and they were all Christians to different level. If they are not following the bible, it means you need to propagate your own religion to them before you think to enter into other countries. This is actually the same rule and justice i am talking about the Christians using against Muslims. "oh if Muslim terrorists are not "real Muslims" then you need to tell the terrorists the right peaceful religion of Islam before you want to tell about Islam to Brits and Americans". And btw, Islam is the fastest growing religion both in UK and America, alhamdulillah, with the grace of Allah. |
Edited by
Fri 05/29/15 12:21 AM
..Dennis Miller's classic Mideast rant "A brief overview of the situation is always valuable, so as a service to all Americans who still don't get it, I now offer you the story of the Middle East in just a few paragraphs, which is all you really need. Don't thank me.I'm a giver. Here we go: The Palestinians want their own country. There's just one thing about that: There are no Palestinians. It's a made up word. Israel was called Palestine for two thousand years. Like "Wiccan," "Palestinian"sounds ancient but is really a modern invention. Before the Israelis won the land in war, Gaza was owned by Egypt, and there were no "Palestinians" then, and the West Bank was owned by Jordan, and there were no "Palestinians" then. As soon as the Jews took over and started growing oranges as big as basketballs, what do you know, say hello to the "Palestinians," weeping for their deep bond with their lost "land" and "nation." So for the sake of honesty, let's not use the word "Palestinian" any more to describe these delightful folks, who dance for joy at our deaths until someone points out they're being taped. Instead, let's call them what they are: "Other Arabs Accomplish Anything In Life And Would Rather Wrap Themselves In The Seductive Melodrama Of Eternal Struggle And Death." I know that's a bit unwieldy to expect to see on CNN. How about this, then: "Adjacent Jew-Haters." Okay, so the Adjacent Jew-Haters want their own country. Oops, just one more thing. No, they don't. They could've had their own country any time in the last thirty years, especially two years ago at Camp David. But if you have your own country, you have to have traffic lights and garbage trucks and Chambers of Commerce, and, worse, you actually have to figure out some way to make a living. That's no fun. No, they want what all the other Jew-Haters in the region want: Israel. They also want a big pile of dead Jews, of course-that's where the real fun is-but mostly they want Israel. Why? For one thing, trying to destroy Israel-or "The Zionist Entity" as their textbooks call it-for the last fifty years has allowed the rulers of Arab countries to divert the attention of their own people away from the fact that they're the blue-ribbon most illiterate, poorest, and tribally backward on God's Earth, and if you've ever been around God's Earth, you know that's really saying something. It makes me roll my eyes every time one of our pundits waxes poetic about the great history and culture of the Muslim Mideast. Unless I'm missing something, the Arabs haven't given anything to the world since Algebra, and, by the way, thanks a hell of a lot for that one. Chew this around and spit it out: Five hundred million Arabs; five million Jews. Think of all the Arab countries as a football field, and Israel as a pack of matches sitting in the middle of it. And now these same folks swear that if Israel gives them half of that pack of matches, everyone will be pals. Really? Wow, what neat news. Hey, but what about the string of wars to obliterate the tiny country and the constant din of rabid blood oaths to drive every Jew into the sea? Oh, that? We were just kidding. My friend Kevin Rooney made a gorgeous point the other day: Just reverse the numbers. Imagine five hundred million Jews and five million Arabs. I was stunned at the simple brilliance of it. Can anyone picture the Jews strapping belts of razor blades and dynamite to themselves? Of course not. Or marshalling every fiber and force at their disposal for generations to drive a tiny Arab state into the sea? Nonsense. Or dancing for joy at the murder of innocents? Impossible. Or spreading and believing horrible lies about the Arabs baking their bread with the blood of children? Disgusting. No, as you know, left to themselves in a world of peace, the worst Jews would ever do to people is debate them to death. Mr. Bush, God bless him, is walking a tightrope. I understand that with vital operations coming up against Iraq and others, it's in our interest, as Americans, to try to stabilize our Arab allies as much as possible, and, after all, that can't be much harder than stabilizing a roomful of supermodels who've just had their drugs taken away. However, in any big-picture strategy, there's always a danger of losing moral weight. We've already lost some. After September 11 our president told us and the world he was going to root out all terrorists and the countries that supported them. Beautiful. Then the Israelis, after months and months of having the equivalent of an Oklahoma City every week (and then every day) start to do the same thing we did, and we tell them to show restraint. If America were being attacked with an Oklahoma City every day, we would all very shortly be screaming for the administration to just be done with it and kill everything south of the Mediterranean and east of the Jordan. (Hey, wait a minute, that's actually not such a bad id . . . uh, that is, what a horrible thought, yeah, horrible.)" Actually this is all fake and all the things written are with out researched and one sided. As far as my written material, i wrote it in short and still told you even for 600 years the Jews killed CHRISTIANS, as i was not fake i told you what Christians did as well. One thing i forgot to mentioned was crusade, in which Christians killed Muslims in history there is no 2nd opinion in that, we all know it. So historically the Christians killing Muslims always happened from middle ages till today, and today's killing was done by America, Russia, Hitler, Christians of Serbia etc etc (all against Muslims) they all killed Muslims. And when in reply Muslims picked up only stones so they become terrorists, what a justice!!!!?? Btw, i personally believe and go with the Saudi scholars which believes if you don't have enough manpower and weapons to fight enemy then don't pick up weapons in hand and fight as it would only destroy you. But i wouldn't deny the injustice, criminality, and cruelty done by Christians on Muslims throughout the history. When Muslims were in power, they entered Yemen and in Palestine area without any killing because Muslims were authority, so when Muslims are in power they are always peaceful. When Christians are in power like today or in past they do the worse kind of bloodshed and the crusade against Muslims is a fine example for it. just one more thing i would tell you. Today Jews are becoming very peaceful because they are fewer in number and they have to take help from america for their sustenance which is sadly in billions every year but if in future at any time they become powerful enough, you will see they would kill and crush even Christians as well, the way they kill Muslims.. mind my words. May God that never happens, amen. |
hey there.. just to married with indian Hinduism and meanwhile am born in moslem way...we've been okay for almost 10 years..we just respect to each other including his believing Mightymoe was right if they love each other, they will work it out. Well, only if you were true Muslim, you would know that a Muslim woman is not allowed to marry anyone but a Muslim man. But, a Muslim man can marry a woman from people of book (christian or a jew) if she is not a adulteress, fornicateress and believe in 1 true God. But, sadly i am sure either you tried not to read and practice qur'an or maybe for you personal emotions means more than qur'an. in point as I was saying above and herein lies the problematic red flag. It is wrong to force another's beliefs or force your own belief and moral code on another even within the same religion(or to try to). it is not at all forcing your beliefs on another, each one is free to have whatever belief and faith they want to choose but at least we can tell them what they didn't know before. For example non muslims think islam is all a terrorist religion but if you give them a copy of qur'an with translation in english, they realize islam is all about peace and obedience to God. About the moral code, yeah right we have to say what is a moral code in religion. As most of the moral code in Abrahamic religion is same. But an adulteress or fornicatoress may say right i date and have sex coz its my own wish or even a prostitute may say what i do comes under the moral-code. Or a woman on beach may say if i am in bikini, so its all good. If you read biblical scriptures, this is all against to Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Meaning such thing is never at all a moral-code given by God yet they are following their own whims and desires. Unless the govt. in different countries force it on people, it would never change. I am not saying to force your religion but forcing some basic moral-code is a good start. Like if it is forced on young girls and boys that they should always be nice and good to parents and never ever yell on them or being mad at them. And there is a moral-code police to check it on people, society, markets etc it will help a lot. Just like there is a moral police in Saudi Arabia, which just check that nothing bad is happening in society. That is why the crime rates in Saudi Arabia is much lesser than to crime rates in US: Btw, i am a Muslim man but ain't no Saudi Arabian. This was an example but it may lead to these young boys and girls to become very good people in future. I teach in a school, to small kids and i force these kinds of things on them and often tell them, at least 3 times a week our topic is morality. And this helps them a lot and i am sure they would be good people in future. According to your religion, the men can do whatever they wish. Everything bad falls on the woman, including the brutal, barbaric practice of female circumcision whose sole purpose is to deny the female sexual pleasure so she won't be tempted to cheat. If she is raped and violated by her pedophile disgusting uncle, which happens more often than you want to admit in some "pious" cultures, it is considered her fault and she must be stoned to death. Let me get this straight. It is immoral to wear bikinis? They expose the flesh and entice and corrupt and tempt the men. The women are once again portrayed as evil seductresses rather than men caving in to their baser desires. If it was up to Muslims, they would take over every country and force all the women to wear burqas and subject all CIVILIZED people to an azz backwards culture that should have gone out with the dark ages. Western society has a problem with Sharia law. That is why it is being banned in many countries, including France, which is taken over and plagued by the Muslim population. Let's not forget Palestinians, who want to kill off all the Jews. Muslims have tormented the Jews for thousands of years. No one understood Israel's pain until the terrorists started attacking people on other soils. Now, they understand. Maybe in theory Islam is peaceful but in practice, it is vile and an act of terror to all countries. All the Muslims want to do is convert every country to their way of thinking and living. We have managed without your culture and crazy laws for eons and we will continue to manage and fight you every step of the way. Valhalla and Salaam Hitler killed million more or less, and Hitler was not Muslim rather a Christian. American dropped dirty bomb on Japan killing more than one million. And American mainly are Christians. USSR was a christian as well and attacked Afghanistan for no reasons. Americans again killed million or more in Afghanistan, Iraq and else where and American again killed thousands if not million, in Vet Nam and Korea. Israel is a Jew, so for 600 years Jews killed christian, read the history, but now suddenly the things changed, Jews are less in number and they need Christians help to massacre the Muslims so finally they took the land of Palestinian Muslims in 1948 by jeopardizing the world and UN law. And oh wow, Palestinians are Muslims they are terrorists for holding stones in hands and Israelis are angels even they hold guns, tanks and fire straight on and kill and not only that but drop hell fire and cluster bombs (which is forbidden to use by even UN resolutions) and destroy the buildings as well. Hindus in Kashmir from 1948 till now killing thousands of Muslims. Because they are not man enough to let the kashmiri Muslims decide if they wanna live separate or with Pakistan. Oh wow what a story of "non Muslims angels" yeah right the only terrorists are Muslim!!!!?? Lastly, i would say no Muslim man ever say that Muslim men can do anything at all and its all faults of women. Rather we say that it goes for both of Muslim men and women hand in hand. Women have to dress properly and their skin should not be shown (even nuns dress with some dignity and they are Christians btw) and Muslim men should be nice as well. Muslim men should live by the golden principles of Qur'an and Muslim women as well. And this is the basic free willed propagation of muslims towards humanity to read qur'an, because Qur'an is the future for all of the humanity. circumcision for women, check here: |
hey there.. just to married with indian Hinduism and meanwhile am born in moslem way...we've been okay for almost 10 years..we just respect to each other including his believing Mightymoe was right if they love each other, they will work it out. Well, only if you were true Muslim, you would know that a Muslim woman is not allowed to marry anyone but a Muslim man. But, a Muslim man can marry a woman from people of book (christian or a jew) if she is not a adulteress, fornicateress and believe in 1 true God. But, sadly i am sure either you tried not to read and practice qur'an or maybe for you personal emotions means more than qur'an. in point as I was saying above and herein lies the problematic red flag. It is wrong to force another's beliefs or force your own belief and moral code on another even within the same religion(or to try to). it is not at all forcing your beliefs on another, each one is free to have whatever belief and faith they want to choose but at least we can tell them what they didn't know before. For example non muslims think islam is all a terrorist religion but if you give them a copy of qur'an with translation in english, they realize islam is all about peace and obedience to God. About the moral code, yeah right we have to say what is a moral code in religion. As most of the moral code in Abrahamic religion is same. But an adulteress or fornicatoress may say right i date and have sex coz its my own wish or even a prostitute may say what i do comes under the moral-code. Or a woman on beach may say if i am in bikini, so its all good. If you read biblical scriptures, this is all against to Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Meaning such thing is never at all a moral-code given by God yet they are following their own whims and desires. Unless the govt. in different countries force it on people, it would never change. I am not saying to force your religion but forcing some basic moral-code is a good start. Like if it is forced on young girls and boys that they should always be nice and good to parents and never ever yell on them or being mad at them. And there is a moral-code police to check it on people, society, markets etc it will help a lot. Just like there is a moral police in Saudi Arabia, which just check that nothing bad is happening in society. That is why the crime rates in Saudi Arabia is much lesser than to crime rates in US: Btw, i am a Muslim man but ain't no Saudi Arabian. This was an example but it may lead to these young boys and girls to become very good people in future. I teach in a school, to small kids and i force these kinds of things on them and often tell them, at least 3 times a week our topic is morality. And this helps them a lot and i am sure they would be good people in future. Perhaps you can help me, but I simply don't understand why one needs a moral code to act moral. That is, I act moral because that's the right way to live, I go about doing the right thing and helping others simply because it makes me feel good to live that way. I guess what I'm saying is that if a person has to be told to live right and help others and love themselves, are they really moral? Or are they just moral because that's what their society expects? It works both ways. A person using their mind to know what is right and wrong and what the society is expecting. I'll use an example here. Here in Pakistan things are messed up you would never see streets being cleaned up, all the mess is around, People don't care about simple laws of society, like to stop on red lights on roads, they know that the more the greenery would be around, the more would be help upon the weather yet they would never care about planting and caring for trees etc etc. But the same individual from Pakistan when goes to uae, or Singapore or even to Europe for work, they would certainly abide by the laws and become more practical and more good for the society. So at one hand, the action of a particular person in Pakistan is bad because he thinks no one would blame him as most of them are doing what he does. And once he goes to another country, he would act the good as the most of the society is doing what they expect him to do. So it means such codes work both ways on individual bases and on societal level. I think sometimes for a certain moral code it needs at least 10 years or a generation to be in the genes to accept it. For example, when i tell kids in school, never to lie, never yell on your parents, be good to each other and other moral-codes so the chance is when they would grow up and their off-springs might have it on their genes, so although, i tried to force it on them but it took a generation for they to really think and accept it.. i know not many people understand what i am saying, but still i would say certain basic moral codes need to be forced on young ones, in the hope that at least the coming generation gets the food. And here i am only talking about a moral-codes or morality, as far as religion, belief and faith is concerned it is all about using your head and learning about it. |
hey there.. just to married with indian Hinduism and meanwhile am born in moslem way...we've been okay for almost 10 years..we just respect to each other including his believing Mightymoe was right if they love each other, they will work it out. Well, only if you were true Muslim, you would know that a Muslim woman is not allowed to marry anyone but a Muslim man. But, a Muslim man can marry a woman from people of book (christian or a jew) if she is not a adulteress, fornicateress and believe in 1 true God. But, sadly i am sure either you tried not to read and practice qur'an or maybe for you personal emotions means more than qur'an. in point as I was saying above and herein lies the problematic red flag. It is wrong to force another's beliefs or force your own belief and moral code on another even within the same religion(or to try to). it is not at all forcing your beliefs on another, each one is free to have whatever belief and faith they want to choose but at least we can tell them what they didn't know before. For example non muslims think islam is all a terrorist religion but if you give them a copy of qur'an with translation in english, they realize islam is all about peace and obedience to God. About the moral code, yeah right we have to say what is a moral code in religion. As most of the moral code in Abrahamic religion is same. But an adulteress or fornicatoress may say right i date and have sex coz its my own wish or even a prostitute may say what i do comes under the moral-code. Or a woman on beach may say if i am in bikini, so its all good. If you read biblical scriptures, this is all against to Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Meaning such thing is never at all a moral-code given by God yet they are following their own whims and desires. Unless the govt. in different countries force it on people, it would never change. I am not saying to force your religion but forcing some basic moral-code is a good start. Like if it is forced on young girls and boys that they should always be nice and good to parents and never ever yell on them or being mad at them. And there is a moral-code police to check it on people, society, markets etc it will help a lot. Just like there is a moral police in Saudi Arabia, which just check that nothing bad is happening in society. That is why the crime rates in Saudi Arabia is much lesser than to crime rates in US: Btw, i am a Muslim man but ain't no Saudi Arabian. This was an example but it may lead to these young boys and girls to become very good people in future. I teach in a school, to small kids and i force these kinds of things on them and often tell them, at least 3 times a week our topic is morality. And this helps them a lot and i am sure they would be good people in future. |
hey there.. just to married with indian Hinduism and meanwhile am born in moslem way...we've been okay for almost 10 years..we just respect to each other including his believing Mightymoe was right if they love each other, they will work it out. Well, only if you were true Muslim, you would know that a Muslim woman is not allowed to marry anyone but a Muslim man. But, a Muslim man can marry a woman from people of book (christian or a jew) if she is not a adulteress, fornicateress and believe in 1 true God. |
Hinduism believes in tones of Gods, so this on itself prove that Hinduism is wrong.
Christianity today believes that Jesus is God, or sometimes Jesus is son of God. when the Jesus himself said i can of my own self do nothing.. meaning the current form of Christianity is not what God revealed as Jesus is a prophet of God, like Muhammad, Abraham, Adam, Noah and Moses (peace and blessings of Allah be upon all of them, amen) etc. Plus the scripture of Christianity was transferred from Hebrew to Greek and then again from Greek to Hebrew. Ordinary people was not allowed to come close to bible or read as the priest have changed the bible according to kings and desires of that time. Plus current bible is composed of word of God, word of prophet Jesus, word of scholars and word of liars. How would you recognize what is correct and what is not? In anyway, this all proves that current Christianity is wrong. So that man not a 'boy' is on Hinduism and this woman who is on current form of Christianity they both are wrong. Islam as contrast to them believes in one true God, Allah. The word Allah is mentioned in old testament as Eloh, so this proves that Qur'an is compatible with other biblical known scripture. But Qur'an is humanly untouched so this is 100% Revelation of God, Allah. So they both need to revert to Islam and live peaceful lives, where ever they want to live. And i am sure they would live long time together as they would be happy with each other for finding true God, Allah. :) |
I am proud to be a Pakistani. I can speak, i can write, i can do anything that an american think he does. I can speak my mind. I am smart, i learn quick. I work, i earn, i live, i ain't no beggar for money.
So i am proud to be a Pakistani 40 years old male. yehaaaaaaaaaw. |
a man being submissive on bottom.. that's weird (rest would be deleted by the democratic mod, so i will stop only on weird). Well I think newcomers come on here trying to get into another country by using romance & the opposite sex is weird. And newcomer men that make pervert threads as if it were possible... to place an order for women like they are in a market place is weird. Or newcomer women using pictures of women in porno films to get money from men is weird . Conclusion- We are all weird on here. ![]() i think if getting a woman was through placing a correct order, then it would be relatively better than spending years and years to find a right woman for yourself. And vice versa. (but this is hardly possible). Other things can come under 'weird' :P |
I personally think Americans, British etc are very violent that is why they scream shout a lot and get grumpy as well. This is because the violence behavior they have or because of frustration from the violence they are getting from others. So this eventually make them violent person. Specially the concept of getting single again and again and again make them violent. It is possible i am wrong but i think this is basic reason for people becoming violent.
Mutah/Temporary marriage
Mut'a is halal, you can read it in Quran, surah al-nisa, ayah 24 It was halal in prophet mohammad's age, and in abu-bakr and umar time untill umar said i make it haram!!! The proofs exist in sunni books of riwayat. Its still halal in shia عَنْ عَلِيِّ بْنِ أَبِي طَالِبٍ، أَنَّ رَسُولَ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم نَهَى عَنْ مُتْعَةِ النِّسَاءِ يَوْمَ خَيْبَرَ وَعَنْ أَكْلِ لُحُومِ الْحُمُرِ الإِنْسِيَّةِ . sayyadina 'Ali b. Abi Talib radhiAllahu anhu reported that Allah's Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) prohibited on the Day of Khaybar the contracting of temporary marriage with women and the eating of the flesh of domestic *****. (ref: sahee muslim, raqam al-hadeeth: 1407) so saying that sayyadina umar radhiAllahu anhu made it haraam is all baseless because the narration shows that riwayt and narration is authentic and in sahih muslim and prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) himself forbade it in day of khayber, in his life time, both the flesh of domestic donkeys and muta' marriage. May Allah guide you and the ones that need guidance and may Allah keep us on guidance, ameen. |
Prayer Request for Grandson
Know my Mingle pals believe in the power of prayer. So; going to ask that you put my Grandson, Little D, and his family , treatment team, and those who are trying to smooth his way through a very rough medical situation what they need. He has been a little trooper but suffered a lot of pain and procedures to get the answer that will hopefully lead to treatment even though it will be and ongoing catastrophic battle/expense. may Allaah give him health and then once he gets his health back so may Allaah guide you and him and all of your family and others towards al-islaam. Islam means submission to one true God, Allaah. Where as Allaah is the arabic word meaning God. |
ummmmm ya it's comedy people lighten up ![]() ![]() well that's what you think. I can say.. hahaha. But, these are kinda women that does exist in any society and provoke even good men to do dirty, filthy and bad things. What kind of women? Do you have a specific label you can lay on me sweet cheeks? the kinda women which have the whore, prostitute attitude from their dresses, body action, provoking men attitude come and do me. May be you fall in trap or maybe you won't, only God knows. I am sure I am. Then I would suppose that is a derogatory statement generally against American woman. You should stick to your own Pakistani forums then maybe? ![]() its a good idea that i should stick to pakistani forums, but it would better that i should come here and tell you what is the best thing to do, i know you'll get mad and pissed on it.. :P maybe right now your mind would be saying: "who the hell are you to tell me what is the best thing for me to do". The problem is most of american women/men even ain't reading their bible and the ones that are read ain't practicing it. If they would have, they would never condone any such attitude. If you read bible then you would know that it says: Be good to parents and listen to them and their advise. be good to neighbor, stay away from wine and swine. obey your husband in good, husbands should work and wives should take care of home and kids. stay away from adultery and fornication.. these are similar in Bible and Qur'an |
ummmmm ya it's comedy people lighten up ![]() ![]() well that's what you think. I can say.. hahaha. But, these are kinda women that does exist in any society and provoke even good men to do dirty, filthy and bad things. What kind of women? Do you have a specific label you can lay on me sweet cheeks? the kinda women which have the whore, prostitute attitude from their dresses, body action, provoking men attitude come and do me. May be you fall in trap or maybe you won't, only God knows. |
ummmmm ya it's comedy people lighten up ![]() ![]() well that's what you think. I can say.. hahaha. But, these are kinda women that does exist in any society and provoke even good men to do dirty, filthy and bad things. Well, let me tell you something. I am from Pakistan, here things used to be different men and women were different. But western democracy and media and those of young men and women from Pakistan when traveled from Pakistan to US, UK, Canada for their higher studies and when they came back, they did bring the technology and they brought the sex, vulgarity, sensuality with them as well.. the right same thing what people in west are doing. Meaning they changed it by media, so now you won't find many women in Pakistan who does head to toe proper covering (unless they reside in villages). So they do whatever they wanna do, that actually provoke men to go out of the way. Of course there are few factor men and women get astray from which is money, fame, democracy (i'll do whateva i wanna do), women etc. Just for a min hang there, and think about it, if you have kids and they have reached to 16 can you stop them from doing whatever they wanna do? most probably you can't may it be boy or a girl. That is exactly the reason things happening badly in different countries. |
ummmmm ya it's comedy people lighten up ![]() ![]() well that's what you think. I can say.. hahaha. But, these are kinda women that does exist in any society and provoke even good men to do dirty, filthy and bad things. |
The answer is dumb men do, yes. ![]() ![]() ![]() I think these are kind of women, which creates the problem in any society. They provoke other women to take a step of disobedience against the husband. Go out and don't stay home. I wouldn't at all say this is any kind of smart move. Rather this is rebellious attitude. Why is it that a western women won't stay at her parents after 16 mostly. One of the reason is when she sees that kinda attitude through media then she is bound to take a step against parents and leave the home, and probably western parents can't do a thing to stop her. |
if a woman is smart she would know that all the decisions about family should be in the hands of her man, earning money, financial stability is the man job. Running home and taking care of kids is the responsibility of a woman
Wow... I guess I am not a smart woman, if my guy had one thought process that aligned with this.. It would so later days.. I want to be my man's partner not his hired help... that is exactly one of the reasons why relationships are breaking up because what a man should do, women are doing. |