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Sun 04/05/15 12:07 PM
According to my understanding being a stripper or a Porn Star is a filth.

So filth is only attracted towars more filth. And nobility attracts towards more nobility. Unless of course God has His mercy upon them and they get guided towards the noble path, which is possible.

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Sun 04/05/15 12:00 PM
The longest word in any of the major English language dictionaries is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis, a word that refers to a lung disease contracted from the inhalation of very fine silica particles, specifically from a volcano; medically, it is the same as silicosis.

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Thu 02/05/15 04:48 AM
well, i wouldn't think you were dead at all. Because if you were dead then you wouldn't be here. Because there is no come-back from death. However, we can say your time was not right, i mean this was not the time decreed by Lord for you to death, that is why you are here. Plus after the death the life of barzagh (life in grave or where one one dies) starts and in that life there are three question would be asked from every individual.. which are:

1. Who was your Lord?
2. What was your religion?
3. Who was your prophet?

About feeling peace that could be anything, which you desired in life and ain't getting it. Or whatever, i can not say what it was. But of course this is the correct thing that it was not your time set as a death decreed by Lord. We all know one day we will die, where we are and whatever we are doing and whatever our age is, but when at the time of death, angel comes. He don't wait and he takes (soul) what he has come to take (soul). If you are good or bad or worse but in any case you can deny the death but can not not defy the death.

I remember a statement of someone in Arabic which meant:

"It is actually death that takes care of the life."

Well before the death arise for me and u and anyone, i'd like myself and u and others to please go through this website.

Not for anything else but to understand what i am trying to convey to you.

Lastly, i wouldn't say i have ever witnessed that kinda thing, but i would say there are many people who have witnessed the death from close but was not close enough that is why they are alive. One example could be said when a bomb blows or a suicide attacks happened in any where and few of people get killed in it and others get wounded. So the ones that are actually wounded they were very close to death but not close enough.

May Allah guide us all toward goodness and al-islam, ameen.

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Sat 10/18/14 10:58 AM
My experience says that if a woman has some of pictures and had wrote good in profile but in message or pm she says 'i'm new to this site' etc or start the conversation with 'am' doing this and 'am that lol. It certainly means she is lying if she says she is an american. Most probably after a bit while she would ask money from you lol. Must be some African person who is hiding or lying, do i make sense?

I know i do lol

But then i ain't give any of my verdict upon the different people circumstances, it maybe that i am correct and it maybe that i am not.


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Mon 10/13/14 04:10 AM
Being a lesbian or a gay is away from the God. It is a great great sin both in Christianity and Islam and Jewdism.

A woman should seek a man for relationship and man should seek a woman for relationship.

And God would be angry upon the one who does such a sin.

May we change our self the way God want us to be changed, amen.

no photo
Wed 10/08/14 12:48 PM
if you are from Pakistan and a Muslim then remember for a Muslim fun is to obey Allah, so obey Allah and remember Allah is watching me and you in all our actions, so fear Allah.

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Wed 10/08/14 12:36 PM
That is what we Muslims believe that women should cover their head - it is very modest and it is God has ordered the women to do and men to do in other ways like to keep beard and to only be close to women that are related to him, to protect her etc..

i would like you to start reading

it is a good website that would explain modesty in Islam

no photo
Sat 06/07/14 09:38 AM
I'm from Pakistan, so here a lot of time if a husband of a woman dies and she has kids, she mostly won't get married again or never even date a guy rather devote herself to her kids and her griefs by remembering her loved one (her husband)

But here in this website the western people may have bunch of x'es and even kids from past relationship but yet she would be willing to find another man again for her for her life.

This shows that some people just don't get used too with pain rather they wanna forget the pain and you can see all kind of ages women / men seeking someone.

So in my view people in west just don't know what tears is because they forgot the religion so for them religion is private business and living a life other than religion is something mutual, that's why they wanna find someone in this mutuality leaving the religion behind.

In reality religion is the base we need to get hold of the true religion and then based on the teaching of that religion we should find mutuality for us.

I know its complicated and you can disagree :)


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Sat 06/07/14 09:13 AM
In my view tears are weird, if they are shed you always learn and get better and better with time. And if somebody is so lucky that they never shed a tear and they have everything in every way, then one day all this huge mountain like structure fall in sadness and grief so then the pain (of tears) is to its supreme level, i don't know if someone can understand what i have said, or was i making no sense.

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Sat 05/10/14 09:10 AM
well according to my knowledge the word Muhammad has also come in bible and also the word Allah (God) has also come in bible as Eloh-Him. Eloh meaning God and Him meaning with respect. So it is like Elohim mentioned in bible as well.

And i am pretty sure many of Christians and Jews know about it.

Any way, since the topic here was 'Study of Islam'.

So i will also write what is islam.

Islam means submission to one true God meaning submission to Allah.

Islam has 5 fundamental principles.

1. To believe in Allah that He is our Lord and He gives us food and He sustain us and He makes the way out etc also that all of the worshiping belong to Him. Meaning whatever worship Muslims would do is only for Allah, from praying to giving alms to fasting to giving money to poor to going to pilgrimage to makkah once in a life time etc all is for Him. Also He has Lofty names and attributes which only belongs to Him and Muslims need to understand and learn about them the way they are told in qur'an and the way prophet Muhammad peace be upon him told us.

2. To pray to Him the way He has told Muslims in a certain way at certain time.

3. To fast one month in a year in the holy month of ramadaan, if one has reached to the level of puberty or adult. etc

4. To give alam to poor from your saved money with 2.5 percent of your saved income, if the income that you saved has reached to equal to the expense of 94/95 grams or so of Gold.

5. To go to pilgrimage to makkah at-least once in a life time if you have enough money, if you don't then you are not obliged to go to makkah.

so all these basic principles makes the islam

: )

no photo
Sat 05/10/14 08:50 AM
Well i won't comment on your profile because it is possible i might agree or disagree on what your content is, but i would say this as my opinion:

It is possible sometimes one believe and say something which ain't possible due to many reasons and..

1. maybe because of fooling around.
2. or may be assuming things might go right or the way one hopes.
3. and maybe forgetting facts of life and hard-ship of life that appear in good or bad ways.
4. maybe thinking if i say such and such things goodness falls in my favor.

or many other reasons makes a profile sometimes good and sometimes too good or sometimes just blunt or something just too bad.


no photo
Fri 05/09/14 09:17 AM
Well I'd say both are smarter in their respect manners.

If you go by religion (or old fashioned way whatever you may call it) then answer is:

women are smarter if they stay at home and take care of the home and do the cooking and laundry and take care of the kids and be in peace of mind, relax, if they feel any one to talk to, they can call their husband or these days may just txt them through mobile phone.

Men are smarter if they go out and work hard and earn money and bring all kinda stuff for themselves and for their kids and family and never cheat upon their wifes.

But in both of cases the they have to stick to their respective partners. Meaning if women are staying home it does not mean they start talking to others to cheat and if men goes it does not mean to look at other women and whistle, just stick to your own woman and you'd be very happy always.

If you don't live by this religoius goodness and religious slandered then you would always be complaining..

that's my view, you may disagree though. : )

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