Cant get a date
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Romantic Feb 14?where?
![]() ![]() ![]() from South Tulsa area ![]() |
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Tue 12/30/08 10:41 AM
![]() ![]() ![]() I hope you have slept a little since you wrote this ![]() I too have a difficult time sleeping afraid i might miss out on something exciting! Which is called being on a manic so, for the last few days I have seplt a total of 2+2+4and last night madalmost 4-5 thats because I took a muscle relaxer ( before then i was up 48+ straight because my leggs start cramping from being up cleaning and fixin' typed a long letter to christan site , sort of a nice scolding for being so hard on each other for what is right or wrong-like a can of worms lol in there! I am enjoyning the sunshine today streaming in my patio window on the plants so I think I will bathe in it for awhile in my recliner and maybe take a short nap or just reelax and enjoy watching the birds and listen to the trucks and cars go by for a mew minutes unless I get lucky and doze off haha! Where I go for therapy ACT they have a class about healthy living and we talked abut what you do when you get this way! taking a walk I sing and clean, use up some physical actions to tire the body more, helps you untsress, a little eat a bananna, or warm milk I like mine icey cold! because the enzymes etc, have a nice natural relaxation effect. Well write back if you like I am a good listener too besides a talk and walk! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Why Christians Venture out?
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Mon 12/29/08 01:57 AM
Dearest ya'll here, ![]() I grew up in a wonderful christen home and Thankful for this. I also have gone to ministry school. I do not memorize or even always remember the exact words fron the bible. I know my heart containes the love and my head the knowldege that has been given us(as those with other beliefs have for their hearts and minds)and we as followers of the word are responsible for spreading the news so to speak, not just in, preachin' and teachin' but by our actions as a whole like in song or prayer, walking the talk etc. what I have seen and learned is there is/are people put there who really need the scripture boldly delivered to be heard or sink in and that great!, As long as it is not taken out of context, for it was given by the holy spirit to be interpreted by man as a guide to continue and learn to support our growth as believers as a whole, not tearing down or insulting one's beliefs It was only sperated in verse later on down tha way for our understaning to make it easier to read and study so when we read a book like matthew it should be read as a whole to have the proper meaning and then use your wisdom you have and the knowledege of discernment to know what is truly there and being given unto you/us If for some reason you do not truly understand the word it maybe because you are or have not reached that level of understanding in your growth as a beiver and that iss why is is imporatant to have others interaction similiar to here -right idea very wrong attitudes which call fleshiness, and the word calls free will which is wonderful when we are in and under his will he will and always has corrrected us when we are wrong similiar to the stories you refered to those are correction's he made for just like when our own children look tous for help guidance and streth of support in their activities and life and we turn away, scold, punish, sacrifise, give blessings to, praise them, love them, become angry at them because they were not walking in our will they were doing it their way which sometimes comes around just as we do when we are wrong and the light bulb comes on and if we try to correct , apologize, for it or just wish it away , cn not always do that that is why forgiveness is so important for oursevels especially for if we walk without forgiveness and joy and praise we can not be truly blessed just like people-us have held a grudge I can see their missery need to be let go, even though they may never forget (even though you may try) even burry with our lusts of the flesh-eatin' ice cream , whole carton sometimes!lol but that what our flesh wants to and we let it! and then what he apologize to god for feeling guilty or overdo somewhere eles trying to make us feelbetter when all we have to do is let go and man! ,god I screwed up and I need to forgive myself! and get on with the program wallerin' worrin' is neg and lets other bad things in like lust of the flesh again! so we just have to walk in love and forgiveness giving and receiving and praise etc for everything to fall into place. w With our help and prayers and yours and our support of each other things usuaully come around Soo I learned to pray in hs will to receive my gifts and blessings -fixer-upper's I still struggle at times with my flesh-hard onmyself at times overdoing it not saying no etc. yet he still blesses me and has saved my life a few times Besides if Someone has an oppinion of what is being said here or litterially (bible) and they disagree it is ok because hashing -brainstormin'it out sometimes has to take place but....It can be done in love compassion and understanding becasue we are all learning just like school k-6 7-9 -9-12 etc and band and choir for praise ![]() Any way I appreciate this opportunity and don't want to sound or come across as upset or too? whatever becasue I am not all I know is that walking in -as much as possible and sharing and praying -giving of one's self is satisfying the flesh when it is helping someone else here as I have gathereed some new insight here reading. So I pray we all have very blessed lives and unity but only we can do it- just like when the flesh is trying to give up something it rebells and our children can't fix it, unite it, we have to want to, for it to become one or united or together forever as one etc etc. this is what our faith, is all about God created us because he was lonely and wanted communication just like us most of us when we get lonely we try to fill that void with something -anything from going somewhere to seeing someone communication, relationship that is why we have churches, buildings, to-gather together to-get him(god), and that way we hopefully won't loose faith and or hope. God is in everything, "church can be two or more, uplifting inside or outside who cares as long as we are together uplifting and supporting our fellow ones and the light drws the unbeleivers into our fold of protection for the "milk" support they need mental physical emotional etc. I praise God for everything and if someone does something I think is not right or action , bless them lord! for they just being ignorant send labors across their path to...whatever the situation and it alwys works!!! may take time, maybe a liftime of the 2hounds chasing you, angeles protecting you from someone elses command but as long as someone one person is praying for it the chances are great Everthing I have shared, tried to simplify, has come from my heart and head together from my own life and seen happen or shared in the blessings of whatever it was So please pray for your enemies, keep them close so you may help them, like the saying, keep youfriends and keep your eneimes closer and don't let the right know what the left is doing works everytime! weel, for me anyway ![]() Love the world today and know that you are loved always and forever and to walk in that love, sincerely, marie xox this a fun sight and have enjoyed litterly in first min of signing making friends all over the nation Thanks, we can never have too many! I had two here when I moved, now all of ya'll ! Time to hit the early morning hay! be blessed, (Please excuse errors tried to correct -no spell ck?? can't seem to find it my eyes are litttle blured lol I'v bee up 70 hours minus 2 and 2 for sleep and last night only slept few so now it is almost 4 am and I think I'm sleepy and nooo caffiene just awake like on a manic maybe so maybe why so long windedly typed sorry just feel like the die-hard battery goin an going and god is good to me because a week ago I almost left this world so whatever plans they must be good bevause this is not the first time but I am healed now just finish trimming myself up anybody have some hedge clippers??? xox xox ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() txblubon46 |