Topic: Cant get a date
CeeLicious's photo
Mon 02/09/09 10:52 PM
So I found this website and thought i would give it a try. i kinda half-heartedly forced my best friend to sign up with me. Ive been searching for months to find some new and interesting people to talk to or even date. No luck. My friend on the other hand has already dated two guys from this site. Can u tell me if my profile is too much? should i edit it?

1Magnum's photo
Mon 02/09/09 10:59 PM
Can't imagine that you would have a hard time finding a good date from this site. You are as cute as a button and sound very nice.

As far as your profile goes.....It's good, but you might want to shorten it a little. Some guys won't take the time to read through all of it...but those are the kind of guys that you don't want anyway! Good Luck!

bl4cks4bb4th's photo
Mon 02/09/09 11:03 PM
I don't see anything wrong with it. Looks good to me. Although that second part tl;dr.

MelodyGirl's photo
Mon 02/09/09 11:07 PM
Edited by MelodyGirl on Mon 02/09/09 11:08 PM

...but those are the kind of guys that you don't want anyway! Good Luck!

Exactly! I know my profile is loooong but there are some things I want guys to know up front about me. I'm hoping to save time for two people (them and me) if my profile can save that time by pointing out possible 'deal breakers'.

There are a lot of guys that don't read it before they contact me, and honestly it irritates me. If they can't invest 1 minute to read then why would they invest any time in me or us later? Sorry for the tangent ... oops

As far as what is too soon or not? Just use common sense and have fun. There are no rules to play by --

Melody :heart:

CeeLicious's photo
Mon 02/09/09 11:14 PM
thanks for ur advice. i actually looked at my profile and kinda thought it was a little too long just because if i went to someone elses profile i dont know if i would take the time to read that much info, but u guys r right about that, but on the other hand my last couple paragraphs werent things i directly said about me but things that refer to what i want.

nogames39's photo
Mon 02/09/09 11:57 PM
No offense meant, but guys these days are very superficial. Gym few times a week, may-be? With such a pretty face, they would be all over you, trust me.

PrinceForbidden's photo
Tue 02/10/09 12:04 AM

Can't imagine that you would have a hard time finding a good date from this site. You are as cute as a button and sound very nice.

As far as your profile goes.....It's good, but you might want to shorten it a little. Some guys won't take the time to read through all of it...but those are the kind of guys that you don't want anyway! Good Luck!

I agree with the profile part. I read about 2 sentences and if I don't like what I read, I move on. Keep your readers attention by having a couple of good opening lines. Also, take some pics of you by yourself. On your opening pic I didn't know who which girl matched the profile.

papersmile's photo
Tue 02/10/09 03:51 AM
I think if I ever decided to try online dating again, and use a site specificially and solely for that, I'd register with a paid site.

Of course, there are people who are on these unpaid sites who are sincere as well (and I was once one of them); however, I've found too many of them trying to use it more for a social site, and/or wanting cheap cybering.

The guy who spends a few bucks a months is a little more of a sure bet in that he is quite serious about finding a relationship.

Nealhardy's photo
Thu 02/12/09 08:11 PM
I am sorry, but I do not agree with your last statement. I have tried paid sites, and they are no more of a "sure bet" as this site is. In fact, I would rather socialize before agreeing to meet anyone from this, or other sites. Maybe it is me, but I find the written word can define a persons' intellect, mood, and outlook on life. I would rather take time to converse and interact to ensure some compatibility before I agreed to meet.
Also, "Spending a few bucks" does not mean a man is any more sincere than one using this site.

txblubon's photo
Thu 02/12/09 09:53 PM
flowerforyou You are all nice looking and sound like you have intelligent brainwaves zipping around up there! I have to agree with ya'll about the no date thing it is very puzzlingfrustrated at mommments but at least a nice hellodrinker now and then before you hit the hay would be nice! I have had a few notes here and there but just that writting and that is nice too I am not a man chaser so this is different sometimes being the aggressive one I hate that word!slaphead well, good luck everyone and hope you find a sweetie to give a smooched to Valentines weekendsmooched blushing to you all!

Moviemadness's photo
Thu 02/12/09 10:23 PM

I think if I ever decided to try online dating again, and use a site specificially and solely for that, I'd register with a paid site.

Of course, there are people who are on these unpaid sites who are sincere as well (and I was once one of them); however, I've found too many of them trying to use it more for a social site, and/or wanting cheap cybering.

The guy who spends a few bucks a months is a little more of a sure bet in that he is quite serious about finding a relationship.

Yeah... that OR they are more desperate and have some underlying problems that have kept them from finding people, so they are willing to pay and make you think those thoughts.... just some food for thought ;)

Moviemadness's photo
Thu 02/12/09 10:31 PM
I agree that taking the time to read someone's profile is good. mine isn't very long... yet! i'm just not sure what i'm expectiong from this site yet, so why put stuff on there that not everyone needs to know winking. the biggest thing is to reach out on your own as well. don't expect them to contact you.