Community > Posts By > Mysticwriter612

Mysticwriter612's photo
Mon 12/22/08 09:25 AM
To me meeting people online eliminates some, SOME, shallowness. If gives a chance for someone to get to know you as a person, before they see your body and make their judgments from that.

It does make the first time you meet someone more awkward, however. At least in my opinion/experience.

I've also figured out that dating online is thought of by many as pathetic. Gotta love them closed minded people =)

Mysticwriter612's photo
Sun 12/21/08 05:56 PM

Take a bunch of booze with you when you go. Everyone will be happy to see you.

You're the second to mention something about alcohol. Since when does a family drink on Christmas morning? Lol.
never heard of egg nog????
its christmas cheer!!!!

Doesn't like a half gallon of egg nogg have the same alcohol content as 1 beer? I mean...ive been drinking it since I was like 10 and I'm not much into drinking. And it's never gotten me ne where near even buzzed before o.o
yeah you get the same thing from a shirley temple....
when you turn 21 maybe you can try it then.......I dont suppose you are much for drinking though......kinda hard to buy huh!!!!

I buy all the time. Fake ID that actually works. Had it since I was 18. I don't drink all too much with or without it though. I go clubbing once in a blue moon works there too. But this is not what the topic is about.

Mysticwriter612's photo
Sun 12/21/08 04:33 PM

BAAAAsically the girls our age take the good duys forgranted, there's something about a dirtbag I guess.. I always see the paradox of goodgirls with @ssholes and the nice guys with the mean girls....
Way I see it, stay sweet and true to yourself and all that good suff, and things even out. it only does so much good to go out looking for love, let it find you..

Ty. I dont really go out looking for it though haha. The most I do to "look" for it is like joining this site and even then i dont REALLY think ima find ne one on here ya know? lol. thanks tho.

Mysticwriter612's photo
Sun 12/21/08 04:07 PM

Oh hell...

Guess im TOO OLD to answer again.


I'm still open to your opinion. It's just my age group seems to have shifted in values and desires out of a guy.

As it seems now, I can care and do everything in my power to take care of someone I love, but if I can't afford a shiney new necklace or can't be the one driving, then forget it. That's honestly how it seems now.

Well maybe you need to start looking at us older ones than...

I wouldnt want, or need, you to buy me anything babe...

just lovin me would be enough!

BTW...your very beautiful!

Ha thanks but I'm not interested in women who are 4+ years older than me. Then I feel more like a child -_-

Mysticwriter612's photo
Sun 12/21/08 03:35 PM

I see you are a writer and a intellectual. Very good.

Perhaps create a bookclub and that way you will get the kind of woman who you might like and like you.

Creating a book club isn't hard. You can post on the internet everywhere that you are looking for people to start a bookclub in your area.

I did it once and had in the beginning 4 people. Later we were 25 people. Half woman and other half men. A couple eventually starting dating and having a serious relationship.

I see you are seeking a real solution. I think this might be a idea if I may.

Good Luck on the search for true love.

tyvm. it is a good idea more one to write than read. i know its taboo for a writer to hardly ever read...but thats me for ya. but i might try to use that idea but a diff kinda club possibly, cuz that would be cool even if it didnt bring me a relationship. thanks =)

Mysticwriter612's photo
Sun 12/21/08 03:33 PM

I think the problem is you're looking at the women as a whole age range. Everyone is an individual and everyone wants something different at any given stage in their life. You just need to find that ONE girl who is compatible with you, but one thing maybe all girls find attractive is confidence (not cockiness, there is a fine line) and you seen really down on yourself about not having your own place and not having alot of money, etc. If thats all they want, then I don't think you should even waste your time with them...Maybe you should try meeting girls in a place where money isn't a factor, like at the library or something simple like that?

I stated the age range because I am 20 currently, so obviously im not going to wanna date someone too much older or younger than me lol. ty for your opinion.

Mysticwriter612's photo
Sun 12/21/08 03:31 PM

I am asking for honest opinions of girls who are actually in this age group.

Guys with sarcastic remarks - please refrain and have some maturity =)

Ok so my question is this. What do girls (GENERALLY) in the age group 18-22 really look for in a guy? It seems if they aren't about looks, they are about money, or vise versa. Never personality.

I ask this because I'd like to think I am a genuinely nice guy and I'm prolly average in looks. I dont have money, and im not where I want to be in life (living at home still -_-) and also no license (long story half of the reasons were beyond my control) and have some serious trouble finding ppl interested in me.

What happened to girls wanting a nice guy who will treat them right? Or am I just looking in all the way wrong places?

Call me pathetic if you wish, but I am putting myself out here hoping for some honest opinions of this matter. Constructive criticism I do not mind, but insults...please refrain from.

Live Right Now Just Be Yourself I Doesn't Matter If Its Good Enough For Someone Else: Jimmy Eats World

Who cares what a girls wants is a guy to be himself and treat her with respect.

I do care what girls want because the one thing I want out of life is love and I sure as hell can't have that alone now can I? lol. But yeah I WISH all girls had your mind set about respect and such, I wouldn't have an issue then -_-

Hey Money doesnt matter to me I make my own, u live with your mom so what as long as you have ambitions to get out of there you know.

cool, so some girls out there arent just after money. good to know. ty.

Mysticwriter612's photo
Sun 12/21/08 03:30 PM

Do you talk to girls outside of the dating site world?

Duh? I hang out with a few, talk with a few via phone, work with a TON. And also go to college and talk/meet some there too. But again, most the people I meet view me as pathedic which obviously most of you do as well so it was pointless as I thought before I even posted this to make this topic. I shoudl have listened to my gut instinct.

Is there a way that I can delete this? Knowing my luck the answer is a no -_-

Well why do you think they veiw you as pathetic? What is it that you do when your around them that they form this opinion?

The girls I know and hang out with and all that think of me as a brother. Most of them had/have had bfs since ive met them or arent interested in anything more than friends.

Well...seems like you need to get out of the friend zone. Find out if they have single friends. Honestly...the nice guy thing really doesnt work at your age. I was there not to long ago.

I'm not saying be a straigh up asshole, just show confidence in yourself. Dont be afraid to ask girls out. Dont be afraid of rejection. Be a little brass and over confident sometimes. Be a showoff. Be different.

Ty for offering more what I was looking for. And I am as such. I ask plenty of girls out, none of my friends have ne single girls my age apperently, least they say they dont. I am confident in many things. I flirt, and all that.

Mysticwriter612's photo
Sun 12/21/08 03:29 PM

*sigh*....use the dictionary.

It looked more like a typo than a word.

a person who seeks sympathy or attention by feigning or exaggerating pain, deprivation, etc

Thanks for the insult. I wasnt looking for sympathy or any of that bs. I was curious what your opinions were about the GIRLS and what THEY look for, not of my life and sh*t.

If someone who was 18-22 and a girl responded to this with "you not having a license or your own place is mainly why most girls arent interested" i would have been like oh ok so it is that thanks. but no. that was what i was looking for, but instead i got all the other stuff.


Mysticwriter612's photo
Sun 12/21/08 03:22 PM

Playing the martyr won't help your cause much, either. I'm sorry the answers you got were not what you wanted to hear, but you must understand, we DID offer our opinions, which is exactly what you asked for. Couldn't hurt to pay attention to them, as pretty much all of us have been there.

playing the what?

Mysticwriter612's photo
Sun 12/21/08 03:21 PM

Do you talk to girls outside of the dating site world?

Duh? I hang out with a few, talk with a few via phone, work with a TON. And also go to college and talk/meet some there too. But again, most the people I meet view me as pathedic which obviously most of you do as well so it was pointless as I thought before I even posted this to make this topic. I shoudl have listened to my gut instinct.

Is there a way that I can delete this? Knowing my luck the answer is a no -_-

Well why do you think they veiw you as pathetic? What is it that you do when your around them that they form this opinion?

The girls I know and hang out with and all that think of me as a brother. Most of them had/have had bfs since ive met them or arent interested in anything more than friends.

Mysticwriter612's photo
Sun 12/21/08 03:17 PM

Im not in that age group but I can tell you this, and girls, dont hate cuz you know its true...they are about looks, and they really dont know what the heck they want at that age. I didnt know what I was doing at 18-22 yrs old. A guy that has his own pad and money would be great but I didnt seem to find that type either. Im just saying that young girls are having a lot of fun these days gettin a lot of attention from multiple men. Not all girls but some. Just be patient, the right girl will come along and everything will just fall into place. You cant rush it, you got plenty of time.

Thanks for being one of the few ppl who didnt make me regret posting this.

Mysticwriter612's photo
Sun 12/21/08 03:16 PM

Do you talk to girls outside of the dating site world?

Duh? I hang out with a few, talk with a few via phone, work with a TON. And also go to college and talk/meet some there too. But again, most the people I meet view me as pathedic which obviously most of you do as well so it was pointless as I thought before I even posted this to make this topic. I shoudl have listened to my gut instinct.

Is there a way that I can delete this? Knowing my luck the answer is a no -_-

Mysticwriter612's photo
Sun 12/21/08 03:13 PM

Can't help you with the "girl" part. I've outgrown that a long time ago, and I've moved on to women. However, it might be prudent to take a different approach.

1. Don't appear desperate. Not saying that you necessarily are, but it's very unbecoming, and it's a big turn-off.

2. Don't chase. You'll wear yourself out doing all the work.

MOST IMPORTANTLY!! Do NOT come in with the mentality of this being simply a site to (possibly) find a date, nothing more. Think outside the box. To be more precise, think of it as a socialization site. Meet friends first. You must first be a friend in order for a potential relationship to blossom.

I dont view this site as you think. I am trying to make friends and such. I post in various topics just about anything posted by just about anyone. I do feel this is a socializing site and such.

Mysticwriter612's photo
Sun 12/21/08 03:11 PM

I am asking for honest opinions of girls who are actually in this age group.

Guys with sarcastic remarks - please refrain and have some maturity =)

Ok so my question is this. What do girls (GENERALLY) in the age group 18-22 really look for in a guy? It seems if they aren't about looks, they are about money, or vise versa. Never personality.

I ask this because I'd like to think I am a genuinely nice guy and I'm prolly average in looks. I dont have money, and im not where I want to be in life (living at home still -_-) and also no license (long story half of the reasons were beyond my control) and have some serious trouble finding ppl interested in me.

What happened to girls wanting a nice guy who will treat them right? Or am I just looking in all the way wrong places?

Call me pathetic if you wish, but I am putting myself out here hoping for some honest opinions of this matter. Constructive criticism I do not mind, but insults...please refrain from.

Live Right Now Just Be Yourself I Doesn't Matter If Its Good Enough For Someone Else: Jimmy Eats World

Who cares what a girls wants is a guy to be himself and treat her with respect.

I do care what girls want because the one thing I want out of life is love and I sure as hell can't have that alone now can I? lol. But yeah I WISH all girls had your mind set about respect and such, I wouldn't have an issue then -_-

Mysticwriter612's photo
Sun 12/21/08 03:10 PM

they are looking for someone who has their own place and has their finances in order

So stability? My mom's boyfriend of 15 years has stability. He pays all the bills and we live in his house. But, he treats her and myself like utter sh*t. So you're saying women/girls would rather have stability than a nice guy? Interesting...

I don't mold who I am to fit what girls look for, but it seriously seems I either need to come into some money, or become a total as*h*le in order start a new relationship.

Just because your Mom's B/F is a creep doesn't make all stable men so...

Did I say all men who are stable are as such? I was simply stating an example and got a bit carried away.

Sorry, I'm really frustraighted right now with this. I would think girls would be willing to see how things went and stuff, because I'm not living here forever, I'm not going to be licenseless forever. I'm in college to be an English Teacher actually...and I am about 400 pages into a novel series i am writing...idk.

Nevermind this topic, I shouldn't have started this.

Mysticwriter612's photo
Sun 12/21/08 03:05 PM

I was just thinking...and I know 90% of girls are going to be like "YOUR INSANE" but...maybe you should forget the makeup all together?

I only say this because I, personally, look at how someone looks without makeup. I think of it like this; if things go well and the dating turns into a relationship, you're not going to see your girl wearing makeup around the house and all the time. So I look for the natural beaty.

Just a thought ^_^

I like to match my make up for the occasion..
we met for lunch today.. I wore a more toned down make up.. we are going out tonight again.. I want something more dramatic.. Night time look.. There are times I go without makeup and times I really want to play it out...

Ah ic ic. Well again, I don't see anything wrong with it =) Enjoy your date tonight.

Mysticwriter612's photo
Sun 12/21/08 03:03 PM

the age group of women you are asking about are mostly college(man do i miss those days)women or in the experimental stages of their it can be a pain to find a woman of that age that just wants to settle down unless they have already been married and has kids,or either one.jmo

I'm not looking to settle down yet at all. My life isn't put together enough for that yet. But I feel marriage is a commitment that should have many years of a relationship before the marriage starts. So with my beliefs, if I want a family and love and all that, I can't wait until my dating range is older and out of college. If I did, marriage wouldn't happen till I was 40. I'd like it to be alot sooner than that haha.

Mysticwriter612's photo
Sun 12/21/08 03:00 PM

they are looking for someone who has their own place and has their finances in order

So stability? My mom's boyfriend of 15 years has stability. He pays all the bills and we live in his house. But, he treats her and myself like utter sh*t. So you're saying women/girls would rather have stability than a nice guy? Interesting...

I don't mold who I am to fit what girls look for, but it seriously seems I either need to come into some money, or become a total as*h*le in order start a new relationship.

Mysticwriter612's photo
Sun 12/21/08 02:57 PM

Oh hell...

Guess im TOO OLD to answer again.


I'm still open to your opinion. It's just my age group seems to have shifted in values and desires out of a guy.

As it seems now, I can care and do everything in my power to take care of someone I love, but if I can't afford a shiney new necklace or can't be the one driving, then forget it. That's honestly how it seems now.

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