Inter-racial relationships
You have a solid point
The word foreign only states the difference in our diversity but not who we are, I will love to date and marry a foreign lady.
As long as we fine each other compactable |
what do i look for? a man who could be like home to me wether he is just beside me or even if hes out of reach. distance thats not matter Truly we are one on this |
what do i look for? a man who could be like home to me wether he is just beside me or even if hes out of reach. distance thats not matter [/quote caught my heart |
You are truly right in your opinion because love grows with time while emotional attraction can spark up sensual and sexual connection in our mind which is easily misread as love...
Long distance relationships
It doesn't matter how far or near it the love that will connect persons closer together Totally agree with you |
Long distance relationships
I think everybody should engage in long distance relationships. This way the human race can stop procreating and population will be brought down to civilization sustaining numbers. Like seriously |
when is enough ..enough
Edited by
Sat 05/13/17 03:03 AM
It's all entirely up to you to make up your mind to move on.
You already know that it is not working and you are looking for a right reason to live him and feel guiltless....girlfriend there only one thing you need to tell yourself, which is neither of you are ready to settle down so you are not only wasting your time but also his, because like it or not he sees it from this way. You should be thinking of how to add value to your life through furthering your career and being a significant part of the society, because my dear, your destiny is not wrap around one guy or even marriage, you are born for a purpose so wake up and fulfill it. See you at the top |
Wow... it's funny to hear of all this paying bills and tips between the man and woman even though a date doesn't signify a relationship.
The question is "how do you date?"...not who pays for the bills during a date, so let's truly revisit the question again and express our opinions inline with the question. It's good for the man to pay the bills except the lady insist on paying too. What we should talking about is the style, location, conversation, place of outing, dressing mode, etc.... C'mon people there are better things in this life than money .... |
One Night Affair.
and not trying to be a man magnet too lol ![]() ![]() ![]() You are really a funny women with good sense of humor |
One Night Affair.
and not trying to be a man magnet too lol ![]() ![]() ![]() You are really a funny women with good sense of humor |
Definitely 10...isn't it obvious
Dating near your age
I was 8 years older than my x. My acceptance range is 10 years younger and 10 years older. My preference is 5 years younger and 5 years older. My ultimate match, age-wise is my exact age. While age difference does have some significance in match qualifications it is the personality match that I seek. If I was just looking for sex, any lady over 18 would be 'game'. Since I am not looking to reproduce my genetic line, sex is not my driving factor in a match. Sex is important to the relationship but not the reason for it. Dating a woman under 45 would be like dating one of my kids friends. To me, that is just not right. Not only do we have different morals and values, our maturity and wisdom levels are different. There must be commonality so we click together. What works for me may not be what works for everyone. Understand that we are all different. I suggest you set a range and stick to it. After-all, I would be more interested in a woman that has set values in life than one that goes headlong into things without understanding herself. this ![]() On point |
Dating near your age
The problem is that old men don't think they are old.. of course they are... but they see something else in the mirror Just ignore them, they go to bed at 8 Pm anyway. Nice one....Lol |
Do guys really want to date women who are older than them?
Guys don't really want to date. "Date" is a social construct meant to limit behavior as to mitigate the consequences of what men want. Guys want to be around desirable women. Guys want to have sex with desirable women. Desirable meaning physically, emotionally, socially, and mentally attractive to them. A natural and socialized set of conditions that represent the easiest, most comfortable, and convenient means a man can perpetually be around a woman, and get to have sex with her. "Society" set conditions for that. Traditionally speaking it was marriage. Through negotiation with parents, having to focus on something other than the pleasure and wonders of being around a woman to come up with a dowry, rigid codes of interpersonal behavior. Men didn't really like those conditions. In comes the industrial revolution and people flooding to cities where family's and small communities cannot control the individual as much through social pressure, forced marriages. This leads to the creation of dating. Where before it was "in order to be around and have sex with a woman, you have to marry her, or no women for you," as the spectrum, it then became "you must date, follow the dictates of dating, or no women for you." So men dated. Marriage has fallen even more out of favor. With more people in their prime mating years forgoing marriage to be single. Men do not want to date. Now instead of the spectrum being "marriage, or no women for you," or, "date in public and act appropriate, or no women for you," it's "hangout, just be around each other, have sex if you want to, or no women for you." Now the burden is more on the individual woman than it is on social constructs and social rules enforced by society (as opposed to government or the individual alone). Men do not want to date women who are older than them. Men do not want to date. Men want to be around women to elicit the mating chemical highs, and have sex with women in order to release the stress those mating chemical and hormonal highs create. Just as always. For some men, "older women" represent the easiest, most comfortable, most potential for long term satisfaction compared to alternatives, than other women. Men want women. Men separate women into labeled categories depending on potential fulfillment, effort, compatibility. Older, younger, hotter, butterface, supermodel, 10, Ohio 6, girl next door, take home to mom, freak in the sheets, nice girl, bad girl, slut, virgin, church lady. Whatever. How can you tell if they are sincere or not.
By how well they listen to what you say, pick up on what you aren't saying, and respect and validate what you do, especially things you might not even realize or recognize you're saying, aren't saying, or doing. The more focused, cognizant, and observant on what you do and who you are, than what you can do, or are doing, for them. A related danger is if you are the type of person who thinks "I know who I am, and what I want!" then the less likely you are going to be able to spot actual sincerity on their part, as it's not going to validate who you think you know yourself to be, or what you think you want. . I personally don't believe whatever they say
That's the irony of online forums. You shouldn't really trust anything where all you have is what they say. What an intense lecture and quite an exposure about men perspective towards responsibilities in relationship.....but the thing is that men opinion differs with dating older women which depends on their mental flexibility in seeing life from different perspective |
making the first move
It depends on when you are able to discover the sign of acceptance from her, or seeing a rising opportunity to connect and express you intention whether a sign is given or not (this depends on the bold once who like to create chances)
Meeting the perfect is purely base on your definition of a perfect person, because if is not well defined the person will be staring in the face and you won't recognize her
Phone numbers
Ghez people PLEASE wise up about giving out phone numbers!!! This is an Excellent way to get yourself robbed, hurt, or worse. Just had another gentleman friend who came home to pick up something between business appointments to find his home gone through top to bottom (trashed). The police department is telling him that this probably part of a string of home invasion Computer dater victims LATE 40s to early 60's. I have to say that am st People times are Not Mayberry RFD anymore. Criminals have computers and line up victims like shopping maps and often go out with Armed third strikers who are not going to hesitate to bash you in the head if you happen to come in on them. My friend has extensive damage to his nice home and now his neighbors are furious. Not to mention he is scared his homeowners insurance is going to take a big jump or they will come back. His current significant other is freaked out. Just think of phone numbers as a pass key to your whole personal history that thugs can access for 98¢ without you being notified because it is. DON'T Believe look your own phone number up. I think this is an eye opener to us |
Successful relationship
You complement each other, you accept each other as you are, you don't judge, you love and respect, you aren't co-dependent, you both got your own thing going in life outside of the relationship, you got good healthy communication. You support and nourish each other. How do you know what I desire.....So on point with my heart. |
I think you are contradicting yourself.. sex without commitment, yet you want more than companionship..?? pick one or the other.. If you hate being alone..? that is what you have friends for.. One can have sex without a commitment... that is easy! More than companionship? that takes work! Good luck anyways.. You really did a good one on it.....I agree with you |