Community > Posts By > mackbub

mackbub's photo
Thu 01/11/07 12:18 PM
I have asked that exact same question to a few good friends of mine and
they all tell me the same thing you have just been quit doing
soooo much for them. My reply is this "I do not do the things I do
because I feel I am obligated but because I care for them and want to"
But the common reply is by doing it I am just setting myself up to be

I understand butter because I have the same problem----good luck!!

mackbub's photo
Thu 01/11/07 11:56 AM
HMMMM---$339 here, I agree it is a good thing we only counted for 1 time
cause I could NEVER count how many times I did some of that!! Was doing
good until I got to the drinking section and the sexual stuff--**grin**

mackbub's photo
Tue 01/09/07 08:13 PM
A little Debbie oatmeal pie would do the trick for me!!or munchos, a
milkyway perhaps--LOL

mackbub's photo
Tue 01/09/07 11:21 AM
Camel Jade Lights----They have a smoother menthol flavor,but whenI smoke
non-menthol I smoke marlboro lights. The flavor in non-menthol is
smoother than Camel......go figure--LOL.

mackbub's photo
Tue 01/09/07 10:01 AM
Good afternoon everyone! I was browsing around and someone had made a
post asking "what is the stupidest thing any of your exes has done"
There were a lot of interesting responses so I thought I would ask you
guys as well, here's mine.......

My ex did a lot of stupid things so I am just gonna tell a small

The ex is on probation for theft(and numerous other things) his
probation officer told him that if he got into anymore trouble at all he
would go to prison for 5-10 years.I had been best friends with his
sister for 12 years and known him for 10,he had me convinced that he was
a victim of circumstance

Anyway I know all of the county deputies and all of the state cops very
well(have even been to the bar with most of them)because I worked
third-shift at a gas station that is right up the road from their police
post for 4 years.(just a little side note you will need to know for the
end of the story)

So you would think that someone in his situation would know better than
to really pizz me off----right? Espicially considering that I also have
his probation officer's home phone number And knowing that I talk to
all of the officers on a regular basis. And are close friends to most of
them. But he ended up being even stupider than I thought.

First he cheated on me at least twice with a 13 year-old girl(he is
24)in a house that we shared with my little sister(did he honestly think
she wouldn't tell me--what an idiot!)--Then he told her what a couple of
idiots me kids are(fighting words since my kids are my life) Then I
caught him lying to me about where he was one night---he had been going
to his exes house every night after I went to work(who is the 16-year
old sister of the 13 year-old he cheated on me with!) Then he began
selling marijuana! I found all of this out in the same night when my
little sis came to the gas station to tell me about it. Well he
confessed to all of it and I had his stuff packed for him and on the
porch when he got home.

And the part that really proves him to be a complete and total
moron................He moved in with the 13-year old--her16-year old
sister(his ex) and their mother when he left my house!!!!!! One of my
officers is who helped me bust him over there by driving by that
night(before he knew how old the girls are) So the cops know where the
house is.And he didn't tell his probation officer that he had

I hope he has fun with ""BUBBA"" in prison, cause the guys know all
about it now as of last night

mackbub's photo
Mon 01/08/07 06:53 AM
Hmmmmmm, well I have 2 of them sluggo if you need to borrow one

mackbub's photo
Sun 01/07/07 07:50 PM
4fun06 is exactly right there! I live in Michigan as well and was just
discussing with a few friends last night how warm it is and about how
they want to ice fishing but it doesn't seem like the lakes are ever
gonna freeze!! They haven't even begun to freeze!! My little sister was
telling me that she heard on the news that January is suppose to be
above normal as well. But I was told all of this has something to do
with some sort of tsunami?????? Who knows, I don't pay as much attention
to things since I work 3rd shift. But it is a REALLY weird winter


mackbub's photo
Fri 01/05/07 03:45 PM
roflmao----OH MY God I see there is no way to edit my accidentally
posted post but I was going to say----**KINGBREEZE** I totally agree
with the hide and go seek game, I just sit for awhile and when my kids
come out wondering what I am doing I just tell them they were too hard
to find and I gave up and decided to sit down.

mackbub's photo
Fri 01/05/07 03:42 PM
That is sooo true! *kingbreeze*--I TITALLY

mackbub's photo
Fri 01/05/07 03:29 PM
Just thought I would stop by and say hello!

mackbub's photo
Fri 01/05/07 03:09 PM
your momma's so fat she jumped on a rainbow and skittles popped out of
her a**