Community > Posts By > Strange

Strange's photo
Tue 12/30/08 01:51 AM
Woke again this morning,
Just another day.
Something that you said to me,
And i laughed till I cant breathe.

Over slept again,
Sun passes over head.
I dream and I dream
Till I cant breathe

Jsut a dash from date of birth
To date of death X4

So breathe
So breathe

Short version, Forgot chords :(

Strange's photo
Tue 12/30/08 01:47 AM

Strange's photo
Tue 12/30/08 01:45 AM
I became agnostic about the time when logic operation typically develops.

Strange's photo
Tue 12/30/08 01:24 AM

if any one can explain the correct way to deal witha a manic depressed person, i would love to hear it, their behavior on xmas eve, forced me to leave on xmas day,after 5 and half years. i do not understand what to expect next, help?

I doubt anyone forced you to leave, to understand someting is to view without judgement, secondly there is no correct way to deal with any human being, but if you are caring youll seek to uinderstand and choose to help when someone is afflicted with some disorder. Advice, dont expect anything, from anyone this will only lead to fustration and unconcious manipultion on your part because you feel your expectations and planning and thought you put into them are more valid than someone elses subjective experience which is poorly understood. Start by reading, be critical and dont reduce someone to labels and symtoms. I would be more concerned about your behavior and needing to understand why you left. I dont have enough tpo go on, obviousl;y you havent htought this out. SO feel free and ill do my best to help.

Strange's photo
Tue 12/30/08 01:16 AM

Strange's photo
Tue 12/30/08 01:15 AM

It has been said that the Universe has no sense of humor; that to ask for something, one is going to get the "literal" translation of what they asked for. Yet, there are references to "cosmic jokes", and it becomes difficult to distinguish whether this is an issue of bad/no humor, or a matter of translation.

As debatable as humor is in the physical plane, it's almost scary to think of trying to determine the humor quotient of fourth- and fifth-dimensional beings. Unfortunately, it is a fact that most humans, at least subconsciously, think of themselves and their lives as cosmic jokes.

The Universe does have a sense of humor, but humor through cruelty is not one of its means of expressions. What humans often think of as Catch-22's (no end solutions), are solvable on some level, and rather than thinking of the Universe as a mass-parade of string-pullers, we need to start thinking of ourselves as conscious co-Creators.

Whatever else can be said, it is undeniable that humans do have senses of humor. Humor is often what makes life palatable when nothing else does. It is humor which allows humans to go beyond their other senses and to say that through the expression of joy and laughter, Humanity lifts itself from the oppression of input and calculation as demanded through our other senses.

The true joy of humor is that it not only matches our other senses; it is the only sense that truly escalates a human beyond his reference points. As the Seventh Ray is the point of Divine Law and Creation, it is essential that humor be infused to add the additional creative elements of empathy, compassion, and identification.

The ability to appreciate humor, and to share it, is the Soul of Humanity.

How do humans interpret Humor. Physically, response is secondary to mentally; humor is processed through the mental plane. If the energy is reciprocated correctly, then humor has positive impression on the physical body. Mentally, humor exercises mental thought, and is positively stimulating. Etherically, humor resonates within various planes, and the etheric becomes "amplified" as a point of receptivity and conscious empathy, and Astrally, light is projected through the astral body, and is reflected through related astral bodies in proximity.

How important is humor to us as the human race and to the universe? Is it necessary or do you think it is a type of seventh sense that is unneccessary for our existence?

I get it your being pretencious and satrical. Howevr your not funny.

Strange's photo
Tue 12/30/08 01:12 AM
No time does not exist, it took me many years to discover this ;) Modesty is a virtue - *STRANGE* <-------- ^^^^^^^

Strange's photo
Tue 12/30/08 01:09 AM

-The fact that I now have free will was predetermined. (thanks JB:)

-The following statement is true: everything I say is false.


I guess you can tell, I don't have much to do today. :)

DOnt get discourged, How about its is provable that atoms can not be pin pointed accurately in space and time. One predermination does not rule out freewill altogher. No paradox. That other one is a contradiction not a paradox. It is an incomplete sentance as you make refferance to nothing other than two contradictory staements. This red ball is sorry try harder. Also the way you phrased it isnt even a contradiction. It would be if you said, "It is true this statement is false." Thsi was a simple way of explaining golels theroem. Not a question for the ages. It implies you cant prove something from inside the system of rules used to make the assertion. It has no referance but itself which assert nothing. Now you mat scartch your head, however you only asserted that what you say is false from a written staement, and i didnt hear you talking.

Strange's photo
Tue 12/30/08 12:55 AM

Here's another that I more or less stole from someone on here:

We need to be self aware before we can be aware that we are aware.

I think the above is the same type of paradox, a catch-22, as this really common one:

Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
The egg

Tell us about the egg and where it came from.

It came from God and was placed into a proto chicken.

Strange's photo
Tue 12/30/08 12:54 AM

Here's another that I more or less stole from someone on here:

We need to be self aware before we can be aware that we are aware.

I think the above is the same type of paradox, a catch-22, as this really common one:

Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
The egg

Tell us about the egg and where it came from.

bigsmile I want to hear this toobigsmile

FIrst the chicken egg "paradox" is dependant on how you deifine a chicken. Evolution indicates that the precursors/ansesters of modern day chicken layed eggs. Find the time and point at which the genetic variance is too great for them to reproduce. However the ansester is no longer a chicken as we define it. So at what point over say 500,000 years was the criteria satisfied for that label of a species, this leads to the ultimate question, who gives a sht.

Again your paradox about needing to be aware of self before we can be aware that we are aware is dependant on defintion. I would say self-awareness is being aware that you are aware, making it redundant. Also you deal with these concepts like absolutes which is the source of your paradox.

Strange's photo
Tue 12/30/08 12:44 AM

perception of the whole self

Describe "The whole self."

I believe that was the point, or paradox, which isnt a paradox but a contradiction. Clever nonetheless.

Strange's photo
Tue 12/30/08 12:41 AM
Scientology or the psychology or philosophy there of is pop psy, a little cognitive psy and the relentless impulse in humans to assert there beliefs and even invite conflict, who would the believer be without the unbeliever? Another sad attempt at moral superiority and the erroneous belief this gives you the power to dictate and judge the lives of others, when in fact spirituality and emapthy come from a state that does not involve the compulsion to judge and demean other or the right to because you belive your perspective is correct. At leaset thats how it appears in practice e.g. tom cruise

Strange's photo
Tue 12/30/08 12:36 AM
Is there a question or assertion here? Did you accidently wander into the philo forum? Are you in fact lost?

Strange's photo
Tue 12/30/08 12:34 AM

Im sure a lot of you have wondered what the meaning of life is...

well i believe that life is the collection of your dreams, beliefs, morals, values, goals and memories that make up who you are in this world...

what do you think is the meaning of life?
I think the goal of life is to survive. Not just in the black-and-white sense of living or dying, but also in a relative/gradient sense where the measure of survival is the ratio of pleasure to pain.

But that's just the goal, it's not the reason behind the goal. It's not the meaning behind why we want to survive.

My belief is that life is essentially a game.

Like any other game, the basic reason for playing it is for something to do.

So the meaning of life would be simply to have something to do.


What a copout, besides the pleasure pain priciple is not law just a behavior and is not always suited to be the ultimate reason. The pursuit of knowledge for its own sake supercedes this. Of course thast jst my philosophy.

Strange's photo
Tue 12/30/08 12:31 AM

Im sure a lot of you have wondered what the meaning of life is...

well i believe that life is the collection of your dreams, beliefs, morals, values, goals and memories that make up who you are in this world...

what do you think is the meaning of life?

Meaning: A concept for distingushing between how to interpret something. Life: a subjective experience which is only known to those that possess it. Its obvious by these two defintions there is no meaning to life except what you give it or make it. A horrible freedom as we have no idea hwere to start inventing, because we are limited by the defintions themselves. AS to your assummption, its rather ego-centric as life had existed before we could ask hwat it was, silly yet, why it is. Not only does life exist without your concepts but it does so in the absence of humanity. The charateritics you stated are an example of how you precieve or logically define your identity. As we are not capable of knowing our selves at any given moment on a complete level, identity is just an illusion you induldge in or most do, to suit a feeling of worth decided by siocieties values and unconcious imprinting as a child. People rarely let go of their identitys, instead they seek to defend their self image which will alaways be pleasing to them. Quit wasting your time.

Strange's photo
Tue 12/30/08 12:19 AM
As for truth, I'm not certain of any, or that there is a ultimate perspective because by its very nature ultimate exludes subjectivty. You may resort to 2+2=4 but there are places and times where this is not so. Subatomic particles are a good example as well as black holes. Our perspective and apperatus for percieveoing the world was fastioned and shaped by evolution for the sole purpose of survival. Truth to man is nothing more than collective agreements especailly in reagrds to abstract concepts like morality. Truth implies absolute, however theroretically there is no absolute 100% of the time, and if there is wsuch a thing it is beyond subjectivity which is inescapable.

Strange's photo
Tue 12/30/08 12:13 AM
Ive heard this story countles times, this professor really gets around, or enjoys this. I think its just a story. However by simply asking why not, you confront the questioner with his own presumptions and definitions, in a sence reversing the ambigouity back to the questioner. This in essence force the asker to analyze his own line of thinking or suppistions as well as saterically saying we both understand this subjective concept. Another version I heard was a philosophy professor's final exam, where he placed a chair in front of the class and aswked themn to prove its existance. Same story line where someones responce and paper consists of, "what chair?" Again getting the same result as the asker has already definited that it does indeed exist. SOme suggested placing just your name on paper and leaving it on the chair. Or perhaps hitting him over the head with it. That is pretty irrifutatble. These questions are common in philosophy as they are exercizes to develop a philosophical therory proving or whether its possible at all to prove anything completely subjectively. This story was so popular they even did a beer commercail for it.

Strange's photo
Tue 12/30/08 12:02 AM
Peace, definited as a state of non aggression. So its more of a socialogical question. Why is there violence and hostility, or do you mean inner peace in oneself? Since these two concepts are linked, becasue the whole is made of components the ills of society and the concept of peace and harmony can only be achieved by self-actualization. When this occurs you develop emapthy, something our society almost discourages as we parade the sick as entertainment, make war for resources, which what war has not been for such. As the population doubles every 40 years and resources become strained the philosophy of peace will be obselete. However for those who blindly go about thier lives yelling at other motorists and are in conflict with other people this may seem relevent, as the self is the deity or guiding force in our society, get over yourself, you only exist in your head and as silohettes of other people perspective to use as a comparison so they can see themselves and suit thier need for self love. My philosophy for peace is kill yourself. Metaphorically of course.

Strange's photo
Mon 12/29/08 05:01 AM
I know what you are trying to say. People live with many misconceptions or falacies that are the source of their pain (usually when someone says they have a problem it means they forsee or are in pain) Worry, have you ever not done something because you had too much to worry about, as if you are in fact achieving naything whatsoever. Self-esteem, a word unknown to many cultures, in ours its treated like an actual commodity, as if human value can be taken or given, or when one is slighted they act as if they must recover this imaginary loss. I would agree most pain stems from concepts that ultimatley are illlusions or fallacys at best, and it is those beliefs that are the cause of the pain or "problem" to begin with. ANything that challenges you in life that has the potencial to cause stress pain or discomfort is always best dealt with in a calm objective and anxiety free state, this is when or logical facilities work best. Practice that and observe when your discomfort clouds your judgemenmt and ultimately creates problems by the simple act of focusing and constantly asessing every threat. Not a good state of mind to be in.Ask yourself, Is your life in danger? Is someone going to be harmed? WHat is the worst that can happen, offen times when we are at peace with the worst possibilty, what makes us afraid and accept it, you than ask ok now what? Life goes on.

Strange's photo
Fri 12/19/08 08:52 PM

Do we have Free Will or are we completely determined?

For the first time I believe I have complete free will.

Care to elaborate on your conclusion?