Community > Posts By > Strange

Strange's photo
Wed 12/31/08 04:13 PM

I doubt I ever make valid points. I'm just trying to bring a different viewpoint to the conversation. Trying to help people think about things.

try harder

Strange's photo
Wed 12/31/08 04:08 PM
Oh hey has anyone heard of the e-meter? This is funny they call it an energy meter as a test for well being you hold contacts and awnser questions, the "e-meter" measures skin conductance so it is in fact a low budget lie detector. The implications are obvious, i would not go to them to learn about spirituality.

Strange's photo
Tue 12/30/08 10:21 AM
HOw can you state there is no truth without contradiction?

Strange's photo
Tue 12/30/08 10:14 AM

smokin The answer is Meatsmokin

The answer is Splenomegaly.
Actually it's leiomyoma
I thought it was 42.

Are these real words? Or is this polysylabicsesquadalinainism?

Strange's photo
Tue 12/30/08 10:12 AM
think about it, all even #'s can be divided by 2,more than once, except two.

Strange's photo
Tue 12/30/08 10:10 AM
Thank you taldub, thats great! I had to write them out once while looking for patterns what a pain.

Strange's photo
Tue 12/30/08 10:01 AM

That doesn't prove that time exists. It just proves that it seems to exist. It is not always the simplest answer that is the correct one. Reality as a whole is very complex. Time seems to flow linearly only because of the direction we are looking. If we turned our heads, (really turned them) we'd be able to look either way.

We can't see forward or backwards through time, we can only see the present. Time is a linear dimension in space-time of which we are only able to perceive our current position. The universe is like a giant chain of pearls with each pearl being a Planck time image of the universe. Think of it as frames in a movie. Unlike the standard 30 fps of a movie, there would be 1.855094832e+43 fps.

This is so totally not true Spider.

Scientists can look back in time when they look through their telescopes and witness a super nova which because of the speed of light actually happened many light years ago. And yet they are just now witnessing it. Therefore they are indeed looking back in time.

I disagree, it sounds like being informed of a distant event by telephone.

Strange's photo
Tue 12/30/08 09:53 AM
How many philosophers have employment aside from teaching? Although a great subject to study, the art of introspection is dying. Even psychology claims to be a science, at present its laughable, but it will be, think of philosophy as an art more than a science, the very clever can create from it, redine concepts qand chnage humanity. Philosophy uses no tools costs no money, everyone is one, and ultimity it has historically servered as an educater of the self.

Strange's photo
Tue 12/30/08 09:46 AM

I think it's highly unlikely god exists. Until evidence is shown for me to believe otherwise then I'll still believe what I believe now. Even if he/she/it exists I would rather go to hell anyway because I refuse to worship a god who likes playing games with people.

Must mean, using your own logic that you don't believe in Air or Electricity see the effects of it, but not the product itself...perhaps the world is still flat in that case? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Sighgt is not the only way to measure elements and phenominon, how is it though you measure god?

Sleeve rolled up now...lets go for want an intelligent debate or just a soap box full of Statements...

Please do

Strange's photo
Tue 12/30/08 09:44 AM
ANyone else? ok ill come back later discuss, give me a challenge, perhaps ill be serious, when you are.

Strange's photo
Tue 12/30/08 09:42 AM
You go yet?

Strange's photo
Tue 12/30/08 09:41 AM

I think it's highly unlikely god exists. Until evidence is shown for me to believe otherwise then I'll still believe what I believe now. Even if he/she/it exists I would rather go to hell anyway because I refuse to worship a god who likes playing games with people.

Must mean, using your own logic that you don't believe in Air or Electricity see the effects of it, but not the product itself...perhaps the world is still flat in that case? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Sighgt is not the only way to measure elements and phenominon, how is it though you measure god?

Strange's photo
Tue 12/30/08 09:40 AM

ANd you shall know my name is lord when i lay my vengence on you. Hmmm actaully god was quite the butt kicker, fire rainig on cities and such youd think a supremem being having created us could factored in the behavior part.

Does Vengeance come in the form of a spell checker? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

yuo cna raed tihs no, i know yuo cna, so, anyway.
Who spell checks a debate about santa claus? Anyway that is a very common logical falacy called poisening the well, some how my poor typing has weakened the argument I suppose, or you would rather or are more concerned with your ego than points and debate, so you scrape what you can I see.

Strange's photo
Tue 12/30/08 09:37 AM

I think it's highly unlikely god exists. Until evidence is shown for me to believe otherwise then I'll still believe what I believe now. Even if he/she/it exists I would rather go to hell anyway because I refuse to worship a god who likes playing games with people.

Who needs him anyway, i can be moral without a promise and a threat.

Strange's photo
Tue 12/30/08 09:36 AM

i'd like to ask why all the violence in GOD'S name in the beginning

why did he create us if he knew we where goig to be as selfish and violent as we are

This is obvious, since we know good and evil like god cause we ate a apple right? Well we have no frame of referance for these concepts without the other, so violence is gods teacher of a higher morality. This can be applied to any vice seen as destructive. These are really just social delemias, the universe cares not about our mixed signals from evolution to be social yet to ensure we have access to resource and mating rights blah blah blah. I think id ask god why tooth decay? Seems non-vital to our moral learning and can be painful. Sometimes deadly. Isnt there enough death and ways to die, does it really serve a purpose in divine plan? Was he lazy that day? Wait Wait I got it! There is no GOD! ah yes.

Nothing to do with God I'm affraid that's down to our own Choices...he gave us what we need we choose to destroy it...

But seriously what were you referring to? the tooth decay part?

Strange's photo
Tue 12/30/08 09:35 AM

i'd like to ask why all the violence in GOD'S name in the beginning

why did he create us if he knew we where goig to be as selfish and violent as we are

This is obvious, since we know good and evil like god cause we ate a apple right? Well we have no frame of referance for these concepts without the other, so violence is gods teacher of a higher morality. This can be applied to any vice seen as destructive. These are really just social delemias, the universe cares not about our mixed signals from evolution to be social yet to ensure we have access to resource and mating rights blah blah blah. I think id ask god why tooth decay? Seems non-vital to our moral learning and can be painful. Sometimes deadly. Isnt there enough death and ways to die, does it really serve a purpose in divine plan? Was he lazy that day? Wait Wait I got it! There is no GOD! ah yes.

Nothing to do with God I'm affraid that's down to our own Choices...he gave us what we need we choose to destroy it...

I absolutley love the blantant arrogent assumptions, nope not god im afraid its blah blah. It is only through grace that you can be saved and be moral by following the word of god, god failed to give some the grafce it appears.

Strange's photo
Tue 12/30/08 09:32 AM
ANd you shall know my name is lord when i lay my vengence on you. Hmmm actaully god was quite the butt kicker, fire rainig on cities and such youd think a supremem being having created us could factored in the behavior part.

Strange's photo
Tue 12/30/08 09:30 AM
Edited by Strange on Tue 12/30/08 09:30 AM a're her Savior...:angel: lol...I also have a 14 year old cat...Zeeasha...he's fat...always has have two dogs...they're not fat ...:smile:

Lucky isn't fat, thankfully. It all depends on the diet, and since she is an indoor cat I have to be very careful. She gets one pouch of whiskas, and after that, if she wants more, there are always nuts for her.

Do all cats vomit? I think i found my second question.

Strange's photo
Tue 12/30/08 09:29 AM

Better to burn in hell than serve in heaven- Milton

Besides all the intelligent non superstious people like scientists will be in hell, we'll figure something out.

If god did or didnt exist it would not change my conduct, and if you have to ask what if he did exist or what if he didnt, either way things are as they are regardless. So why even ask?

I like your answer, it pretty much sums it up.

Thank you---its appearent im agnostic, however nice survey of what questions youd ask a supreme being who created all. I think we would lack the language.

Strange's photo
Tue 12/30/08 09:26 AM

i'd like to ask why all the violence in GOD'S name in the beginning

why did he create us if he knew we where goig to be as selfish and violent as we are

This is obvious, since we know good and evil like god cause we ate a apple right? Well we have no frame of referance for these concepts without the other, so violence is gods teacher of a higher morality. This can be applied to any vice seen as destructive. These are really just social delemias, the universe cares not about our mixed signals from evolution to be social yet to ensure we have access to resource and mating rights blah blah blah. I think id ask god why tooth decay? Seems non-vital to our moral learning and can be painful. Sometimes deadly. Isnt there enough death and ways to die, does it really serve a purpose in divine plan? Was he lazy that day? Wait Wait I got it! There is no GOD! ah yes.