Community > Posts By > Blackbird

Blackbird's photo
Fri 06/13/08 05:18 AM

drinker ribo.

we see thing comepletly different even when i said the case of a generals orders being fullfilled. I do not take lightly any reference to the scriptures as man made. they are my life. i do not write as i have to most people. but when challenged to either accept a false pretence IMo to let it go or stand up and face it. i take into account many factors of eyes watching. many watch and few post. so its a either put up or shut up situation with what is really believable to whom i am accustomed with. i will be back like has been said much needed sleep.. Shalom...miles

You are right Miles you see I think that it can be dangerous even bringing up the Military in comparrison to a religion. The reason for this is that this relation historically has lead to things like the Crusades which were a bloody tragedy for everyone. I believe the purpose of religion if properly applied is to help one reach enlightenment regardless of what religion you subscribe to. I also believe that each person has their own personal religion in their heart even if they subscribe to the beliefs of a larger group, because there may be minor belief variations. Each person per what I think builds their own personal religion in their mind and heart. the Military has no room for varience or belief in interpretation. They do what they are told with a chain of command, and those in religious sects throughout history did not have a mandate to follow god, but the mandates of their religion or church on pain of death. Even if they spoke for what they viewed as the voice of god if it opposed the teachings of the church representing man they were executed.

My belief in religion lacks space for military thinking. I honor and respect the order of Military organization, but I believe that applying this oranization and lack of varience or understanding to religion is counter productive.

our views of scripture varies I believe. I see scripture as something that in most cases is vulnerable to the mistakes of man in conveyence, translation, and interpretation. Althought original concepts are divine in nature, I believe to claim the men involved in translation or interpretation are to be considered divine representatives of any higher power and incapable of mistakes is likening them to god and worshiping their word rather than the word of "God". I know that this can be a sticky and tricky point. I ask that you understand rather than speaking against concepts conveyed, I am speaking against the belief that every last person involved in the chain of translation, interpretation, and copying of the texts and scriptures was godlike in their perfect implimentation of the scripture.

Think of it this way...Some may believe that a divine presense stood over these men guiding them and controlling them. I believe that the contents of the scripture per their personal understanding inspired them (or in some cases someone paid them for their work in one way or another and even in one case we know of told them to translate works to make them say certain things under pain of death). The difference is between inspriation and possesion or control. I believe the lessons were given by Jesus or men trying to represent the word of "God", then written and translated, and coppied by human beings that were doing the best they could per their belief and ability, but were still men rather than gods or divinely controlled.

Blackbird's photo
Fri 06/13/08 04:47 AM

We spend billions because that's the budget for the defense department. Without National Security, there's no country left to donate money to Africa and there's no private charities like the Gates foundation, Child Family Health Internaltional and others to help other people.

Homeless veterans are another story. I agree, there shouldn't be homeless people. If everyone adopted a homeless person, people wouldn't be homeless any more, perhaps. Some homeless are down on their luck, but some are on the run from the law, from their families and perhaps from God himself, as are we all.

God gives us our resources, our sight, our breath, our life, etc. If you haven't let him into your heart and into your life yet, I'd urge you to do so today. Then, he will guide you in how to help allocate his resources and how to pray to alleviate the problems you speak of.

War, squandering resources and homelessness are spiritual problems, first and we see the physical manifestations of those problems around us.

Hmmm well so far as The war machine defense is different than invasion. If we had actually been spending money on defense rather than invasion and our defense hadn't been called off duty 911 could have been prevented.

So far as the homeless we have a lot of them here. Last year I spent a lot of time talking to the homeless and i did take one of them into my house briefly. The thing is to keep one in your house they have to be willing to behave in tolerable ways so that you can still call it a home or safe environment.

I fail to see these as spiritual problems but problems spawned by corruption in government and in our society. The spiritual problem is in that people in their fear or ignorance go along with these problems and do not all speak against them.

This is all of course, my personal opinion...

Blackbird's photo
Fri 06/13/08 04:41 AM

My question is, do you think todays bible is at all what it use to be, or do you think it is complete crap (no offence)?

We have thousands of copies of the New Testament dating back as far as 100 AD. The Old Testament goes back even further. The Dead Sea Scrolls contained most of the books of the Old Testament and they matched the later documents with only a few minor differences. The Bible is accurate, there is no reason to worry about that. The Bible is the single most heavily documented and researched document on the planet, that's not anything to worry about.

I also know that none of these languages translate correctly, a example of this being when you readin that "Jesus walked on the water", the word "on" could have been a mistranslations of the word "by", wich would have made more sense.

When you take that phrase out of context "Jesus walked on the water", replacing "on" with "by" would make sense, but in context it doesn't make sense.

In some ways I can respect your fervent defense of the bible since you obviously consider it a divine work. However, I would encourage you to use accurate claims.

It is heavily researched, and much work has been done to verify it's accuracy using other texts that agree with it rather than dispute it while texts that indicate it is inaccurate have been ignored, lost, destroyed, or disputed.

We established yesterday that your dates or the way you stated these dates are inaccurate. In the interest of making sure your statements are credible please re-post your statements carefully worded in a completely accurate way. I ask you do this in your own interest as well as those that do share your beliefs.

Blackbird's photo
Fri 06/13/08 04:24 AM
Edited by Blackbird on Fri 06/13/08 04:25 AM

I believe that Jesus is the Son of God. That is his message and that's my message to you. If you care to accept him, he has salvation for you. If you don't care to accept him, he'll shun us after we pass from this life. Not a great concept.

I'm glad you're looking at these threads. These may be threads where God can speak to your heart. I hope that he does.

I've had a long struggle with this. I had to figure out how God fit into my life and how to walk once I accepted his life, death and ressurection by faith. It takes worship, fellowship, discipleship, ministry and mission to make a complete Christian life once you get past the initial accept or reject thing.

Christ is offering you his salvation today. It's a free gift. All you have to do is turn to him, publicly admit you sin and your need for him, your belief in his life, death and ressurection (if you, in fact, believe it: it takes faith), and your willingness to ask him into your life and your willingness to let him start to take over.

Hard to do. Hard to explain how it all works, but I like to try and that's what this thread is all about. I appreciate you sharing your beliefs with me and the opportunity to share my beliefs with you.

May God reach you through this forum and other avenues he has.


Geo although I think you have started to take a spectacular direction I would like to point out this deviates horribly from the teachings of Christ. I believe that pride per the teachings of the bible is the work of the devil.

For one, If Christ lived today, I think he himself would refuse to be a Christian. Worse yet, I think Christ would be called a non Christian and have a bunch of Christians telling him he was damned to go to hell for not accepting himself because they would not know or recognize him or his true teachings. I have heard Christians say over and over "What would Jesus do". This question is well applied outside of a sunday school childish explaination of the demand that Christ be accepted.

When I ask myself what I think Jesus would say about a faith using his name to propogate a religion that psychologically threatens people, and scares them into submission I think he would weep, or go into another fit of outrage such as he did in the temple.

No matter how many times, or how many ways I explain this it becomes abundently clear that the Christian body of followers as a group just don't understand or care about the teachings of Christ. Did he ever ask that a following be formed in his name and use his name and lessons to threaten, or play psychology games with others trying to force them into submission to a religion?

As an unbiased non Chirstian I know his teachings well and could stand before a group preaching his ways better than most simply because I follow his lessons, rather than attempt to be part of a club, or behave in a wolf pack mentality pattern.

The very concept of seperatism or that people be bludggeoned psychologically into accepting Christ or christianity goes against his teachings! The church as an organized body has been preaching his lessons while ignoring their meaning for 1500 years and you sit there and can not recognize this simple fact?

If you want to truly spread the teachings of Christ then you must follow the teachings of Christ first and foremost. Make people want to be a christian based on their respect for who you are. Following the conversion methods of the church, the seperatism attitudes of judgement or claims that only he has the right to make ect only serve to advertise against christianity. Who said "If you turn away the least of men, you turn away me"? (this is of course paraphrased)

When I say Christ or Jesus I always try to capitalize out of respect for a concept of what we call him even though it was not his name. When I say christianity much of the time I leave it lower case, because I have seen it demonstrated over and over to be an abomination against Christ, and I believe a good Christian would agree with all of this after reading these threads. Now notice I state I BELIEVE because I know that my belief is just that, and to claim to know what Christ or the creator wants is blashpemy and a claim to be a false god. Even a child in a church can tell you worshiping a bible or the words of man is idol worship placing an idol before God.

I am a Pagan, Shamanistic, Wiccan. I follow any and all good teachings in my heart that mirror the lessons of Christ I was taught as a child. I believe that the claim of ownership of the one true path by christianity is similar to claiming you OWN GOD, but it is the other way around per your own bible. I know my views aren't accepted among blind faith followers, born again Christians, or fundamentalists...but they should be per my opinion because all of those people claim to follow Christ.

Again read 1 Corinthians 13. What you claim as a child is a childish claim. An evolved view of religion, the following of teachings, and a stressed personal path rather than trying to buy your way into heaven by converting others or professing belief per my personal opinion is a worthy path of someone who accepts Christ in their heart truly.

Until you take all of the threats, negativity, and the psychological ploys out of your conversion tactics you are likely to turn more people away from christianity than you will convert by my own personal opinion.

The thing to consider is that all of these methods were developed by a primative church to convert primative man. They disregard true enlightenment, true intelligence, and even the respect of your brethren. Religious reform begins with the individual. I believe the only way christianity will survive as a religion for the next "1000" years is by engaging in serious reform.

Who am I? Not anyone important...
What is my authority? I'm just someone that loves you.
Bless, Shalome, Namaste', and Love and Light

Blackbird's photo
Fri 06/13/08 03:37 AM

They are hard up for new converts.

When all else fails,... ADVERTISE! bigsmile

Where do you get your information abra??

Christianity 1.9 billion
Islam 1.1 billion
Hinduism 781 million
Buddhism 324 million
Sikhism 19 million
Judaism 14 million
Baha'ism 6.1 million
Confucianism 5.3 million
Jainism 4.9 million
Shintoism 2.8 million

Islam is the only one that is growing!

Christianity is declining because the terrorists don't believe in FREEDOM of Religion! DUH! Neither does the chinese govt. for that matter...and many other countries who BTW, oppress their people. Christians are being persecuted by their own govts. for believing in Christ.

Surely that nothing to gloat over. Hard up for converts? More like people are hard up for the Living God. That's what happens when their religious freedom is suppressed.

Actually, if Christianity is on a decline (which I am not convinced of) it speaks to reality. The reason is simple. The laws state that we have religious freedom. So when people with good hearts see Christians attacking non christians or discriminating against them based on belief in spite of this going against the teachings of Christ I think people consider it to be a soiling of the church so to speak. Perhaps an indication that the church or congregation is NOT christian so even if they follow Christ they are more likely to walk away from the Church just as Christ taught them to....

This is only my thought and opinion...

Blackbird's photo
Fri 06/13/08 03:34 AM

More and more I meet people who call themselves Christian but they do not go to a specific church, and some don't go to church at all, and they are not members of any particular denomination.

I think that they find it easier to call themselves Christians because being Christian is still the most accepted religious affiliation. Anyone running for a public office will call them self Christian because they won't have a chance if they are pagan or Muslim or Wiccan or atheist. They just won't.

Whether they are really Christian or not, they will say they are.

So officially, it may look like the churches and Christianity is not declining, and maybe even growing in some places, but it really isn't.

Designer Christians are all over the place. They just don't have the courage to walk away from the club. They don't have the courage to declare that they don't believe. They just play along. They don't really believe or they just really don't know what they believe and so they remain with the flock because that is where they are accepted and that is where their friends are.

Spirituality is growing however. People are awakening to their own spiritual nature and to their own inner connection to source. They are discouraged in this pursuit and they are told that they should never think of themselves as god in the pantheist sense. They are reminded of the myth about Lucifer who wanted to be god and got kicked out of heaven. This is actually and implied vealed threat that if they profess to be "gods" or part of god with god like powers, that they will be kicked out of the club Christianity just as Lucifer was kicked out of heaven.

You will be told this: "To think that you are god is blasphemy. Don't dare even think that." You are not allowed to assert or have your own authority for any reason. You are to only obey your master. You are a slave. To disobey means the death penalty. It is a sin to disobey.


Christian by default because they aren't brave enough to be honest about what they really are or really think and face the discrimination from hateful anti Christ chrsitians like we do?

Well although I take issue with the lack of fortitude in this act I will say that this forum throughout the subject lines has definately made a case for these pretenders.

Blackbird's photo
Fri 06/13/08 03:30 AM

The reason that Christian organizations are doing this is because they are desperate. Attendance is dropping off in churches. People are awakening to the absurdity of the biblical doctrine. The churches are dying. The religion is on its last legs.

The massive advertisements that you see merely reflect the desperation of the organized religions.

They are hard up for new converts.

When all else fails,... ADVERTISE! bigsmile

Where do you get your information abra??

Christianity 1.9 billion
Islam 1.1 billion
Hinduism 781 million
Buddhism 324 million
Sikhism 19 million
Judaism 14 million
Baha'ism 6.1 million
Confucianism 5.3 million
Jainism 4.9 million
Shintoism 2.8 million

Christianity is declining but not as you would have people belief. Actually freethinkers which are included in the No religion category (Persons with no formal, organized religion include agnostics, freethinkers, humanists, secularists, etc.)
are currently 12% of the worlds population and on the decline!

Islam is the only one that is growing!

In name only . Those who really believe are small numbers here and there . Homosexuality is against Christianity but homosexuals still see themselves as Christians ....etc .
So get the ugly picture of statistics ....!.

Judgement and proclaimation about who can or can not be loved by Christ is anti christian per what I was taught. This doesn't mean anyone has ever stopped or been considered against god or Christ by a for thought...

Sin is sin...labeling groups is specifically against the teachings Christians profess to follow.

Blackbird's photo
Fri 06/13/08 03:25 AM
Oh and Abra I think Desire is more complicated than one might think.

A basic survival desire such as eating, needing power, fuel, ect would be a survival instinct rather than desire. If any creation was created basic self survival hard wired programming should be considered instinct rather than desire.

Desire would be for things wanted rather than needed. For instance if the creation came to feel such as Frankenstein did, decided it had no place in the world because it was different, and wrote programming to overide it's instinct and stop plugging itself in THAT could be considered personal desire.

Just my thoughts...

Blackbird's photo
Fri 06/13/08 03:22 AM

i am not certain that this carrot, i am now eating, has instincts...

I have long had debates with vegans about that with their better than thou attitudes which can be likened to unscrupulous bible thumpers.

All living things possess life. To survive, we kill. Exceptions would be drinking milk ect but even then are we stealing that milk from a newborn that needs it?

To assume that it is more acceptable to kill a plant because it's blood (juice or sap) is different, or because it is unable to scream, squeel, or run away is presumptious.

As a joke a vegan once brutally ate a carrot with her mouth open showing the crushing of the carrot as if it was fagile flesh and it made a rather appropriate demonstration.

Life is life, to survive we take life. That is it, end of story.

Blackbird's photo
Fri 06/13/08 03:04 AM
Edited by Blackbird on Fri 06/13/08 03:09 AM


You make a very large assumption there.
How do you know that light refracted through water droplets before that point? Were you there before then?
If god can produce the DNA of man, animal, fish, and plant matter, as well as Earth, water, wind, and fire then I suspect making light refract through water droplets would be a simple matter.
Since you cant prove that he had made light refract through water droplets and form a rainbow before that point then your argument is baseless and has ZERO credence.
I believe I'll chose whats behind Door #1 Tribo! (Gods Word)


not an "assumption" - a "presumption" Light older than our planet as to a livable conditions and as to mankind's creation - is present throughout the universe - and we are able to see the same prismatic affect of the various band width's of those colors with colorimeter's - so -no - i was not present then - but yes i can calculate the time it takes for light (which produces this phenomena) to extropolate that distant galaxies have the same distinct colors as we have now as to defraction.god made the "heaven's" before He made man or any other life here according to your belief - that's why i state what i stated.

HMMM - any other thought's fanta?

Gentelmen....If I may...

Among other things...I have enjoyed photography over the years. Among my archived I have some pictures of a double rainbow. I took them when I was visiting a friend, and when I arrived she was going nuts over the rainbow so I photographed it. To this day I limit my use of these pictures and they are labled in my archive as Deidre's Rainbow because to me it was hers, and she wanted the pictures rather than me.

Any supreme being or benign spirit could tell a follower this is YOUR rainbow to remind you, and from this point on when you see a rainbow I want you to remember this.

It is reasonable in my humble opinion to consider that a rainbow could have been created by a higher power without claim that none had ever existed before. If this claim was in the bible that there was no such thing as a rainbow before that time I missed it. Was there no such thing as rain before then perhaps?

I appreciate input from both points of view because it is all very interesting. I do agree that it is unreasonable to believe that Christians own everything on earth including everything in nature and existense. I personally believe that the Christian God would call Christians trying to take everything from it's other children if indeed it was the creator theft. This is only my opinion though. I encourage all people to follow their faith at will, until they claim they are superior to all others, claim to have the right to condemn all others, or believe that the world belongs to them and only them. "The Meek shall inheret the earth" means the MEEK people, which means if you claim to own the whole thing it could well be taken from you....To teach me this as a child when I didn't want to share my crayons my father threw them away.

Blackbird's photo
Thu 06/12/08 12:27 PM
Edited by Blackbird on Thu 06/12/08 12:29 PM

I agree...kinda. There is no point in building a case for faith on the Bible if you cannot prove the bible to be fact. In order to use the Bible as evidence you must either prove it or only use it to SUPPORT fact.

Coincidently - that is how I found my way back to Christianity. A few years ago, I ran across some reading material that claimed that the Bible is the oldest authentic document. That caught my interest so I did a little bit of studying and ended up taking a class. I wish I still had those books. I passed them on to someone else years ago. They would come in handy right about now.flowerforyou flowerforyou

I believe the information is competely outlandish.

It is accurate however to say that the bible is the oldest mass produced Volume although it's authenticity was called into question rather than people from other faiths, but by the church that propogated it...long story nothing against Christianity here just a problem with RCC methods.

What made the Bible Significant? The Guttenberg Press. False statements lead to false revelation, and myth that can blow up in your face.

The Bible is one of the most significant books outside of Faith, because it was so loved that someone mass printed it as the first mass printed Volume.

Actually in light of recent discussions or problems with recent discussions for those Christians still interested and reading I have a challenge for you. Since the Bible is such an icon of the Christian faith followed, maybe it's a good time for anyone who has not done so to guinely study the history of the bible, how it was pieced together, propogated, and even if you don't remember take a look at the number of versions.

Since it's your spiritual herritage it may make for an interesting history lesson for some of you.

Blackbird's photo
Thu 06/12/08 12:18 PM

laugh laugh laugh wishful thinking laugh laugh laugh

I think it's them. Contrary to popular belief, women I know age better than men.

thats because women suck the life outta men:tongue:

lmao tell me about it....

Actually I have failed to meet any women my age recently that have aged as well as me...Maybe it's a matter of skin, or the women I am meeting I have no idea. I do know that most of the women paying attention to me for the last couple of years have been younger does that indicate anything I should be worried about?

Blackbird's photo
Thu 06/12/08 12:15 PM

The No religion category (Persons with no formal, organized religion include agnostics, freethinkers, humanists, secularists, etc.)
are currently 12% of the worlds population and on the decline!

I would worry about these folks disappearing before the 1.9 billion Christians! :wink:

But has anyone polled the Chrsitian congregation in order to get new numbers on whether they are thinking same way or more openly than they were let's say about 5 years ago?

No change, increase in spiritual opinion difference, back to the norm for pre-2002, or reduction in free thought within the church?

Blackbird's photo
Thu 06/12/08 12:12 PM

The reason that Christian organizations are doing this is because they are desperate. Attendance is dropping off in churches. People are awakening to the absurdity of the biblical doctrine. The churches are dying. The religion is on its last legs.

The massive advertisements that you see merely reflect the desperation of the organized religions.

They are hard up for new converts.

When all else fails,... ADVERTISE! bigsmile

Where do you get your information abra??

Christianity 1.9 billion
Islam 1.1 billion
Hinduism 781 million
Buddhism 324 million
Sikhism 19 million
Judaism 14 million
Baha'ism 6.1 million
Confucianism 5.3 million
Jainism 4.9 million
Shintoism 2.8 million

Christianity is declining but not as you would have people belief. Actually freethinkers which are included in the No religion category (Persons with no formal, organized religion include agnostics, freethinkers, humanists, secularists, etc.)
are currently 12% of the worlds population and on the decline!

Islam is the only one that is growing!

Can you blame a populace for abandoning a church with behavior that has been well illustrated here?

Can you blame someone from walking away from a faith that has remained unchanged for 2000 years without evolving in spite of modern man and especially modern women realizing what it has done to them and their ancestors?

Can you blame someone for wanting to leave a religion that offers no true understanding path to enlightenment (as a mob mentality while disregarding the personal value we all understand of following lessons of a enlightened one in a personal and private way)?

Does anyone see billboards as the beginning of the end of believable integrity?

No, but I see something even more disturbing!

I see a lack of comprehension misinterpreting the meaning of declining to fit their delusional perception of a populace abandoning the church!!laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

If I myself have been silly or bad in any way I apologize I'm tired I may not be keeping up...

Blackbird's photo
Thu 06/12/08 12:00 PM

The reason that Christian organizations are doing this is because they are desperate. Attendance is dropping off in churches. People are awakening to the absurdity of the biblical doctrine. The churches are dying. The religion is on its last legs.

surprisingly, the attendance levels and convertions into the Catholic Church are growing specially among the hispanic population.
For intance in my church on sundays sometimes there is no place to sit people.
However, the question how many of those are honest and sincere catholics?
you are funny dear James.
You says churches are dying. That is what you wish. Just for the sake of it I invite you to park your car close to any catholic church for the spanish mass, and you will see how false are your words.

The churches definately currently have a strong followship, but do you think it will continue without changes being made?

The Church always has been slow for changes. For good reasons.
However, i tell you what I see where I am located at. Orlando, Fl.
Plus, all this argument about christianity is just within the North American experience which is pretty short since I have seen my Church grow and develop also in my country. I can affirm that christianity is far far from dying.
Those are just the desires of a few. What they fail to see that the One who backups the Church is stronger.

Well how do you feel about non christian religeous billboards being posted in your area? Would that be ok or offensiver per your personal view?

Blackbird's photo
Thu 06/12/08 11:54 AM

The reason that Christian organizations are doing this is because they are desperate. Attendance is dropping off in churches. People are awakening to the absurdity of the biblical doctrine. The churches are dying. The religion is on its last legs.

surprisingly, the attendance levels and convertions into the Catholic Church are growing specially among the hispanic population.
For intance in my church on sundays sometimes there is no place to sit people.
However, the question how many of those are honest and sincere catholics?
you are funny dear James.
You says churches are dying. That is what you wish. Just for the sake of it I invite you to park your car close to any catholic church for the spanish mass, and you will see how false are your words.

The churches definately currently have a strong followship, but do you think it will continue without changes being made?

Blackbird's photo
Thu 06/12/08 11:31 AM

The reason that Christian organizations are doing this is because they are desperate. Attendance is dropping off in churches. People are awakening to the absurdity of the biblical doctrine. The churches are dying. The religion is on its last legs.

The massive advertisements that you see merely reflect the desperation of the organized religions.

They are hard up for new converts.

When all else fails,... ADVERTISE! bigsmile

Where do you get your information abra??

Christianity 1.9 billion
Islam 1.1 billion
Hinduism 781 million
Buddhism 324 million
Sikhism 19 million
Judaism 14 million
Baha'ism 6.1 million
Confucianism 5.3 million
Jainism 4.9 million
Shintoism 2.8 million

Christianity is declining but not as you would have people belief. Actually freethinkers which are included in the No religion category (Persons with no formal, organized religion include agnostics, freethinkers, humanists, secularists, etc.)
are currently 12% of the worlds population and on the decline!

Islam is the only one that is growing!

Can you blame a populace for abandoning a church with behavior that has been well illustrated here?

Can you blame someone from walking away from a faith that has remained unchanged for 2000 years without evolving in spite of modern man and especially modern women realizing what it has done to them and their ancestors?

Can you blame someone for wanting to leave a religion that offers no true understanding path to enlightenment (as a mob mentality while disregarding the personal value we all understand of following lessons of a enlightened one in a personal and private way)?

Does anyone see billboards as the beginning of the end of believable integrity?

Blackbird's photo
Thu 06/12/08 10:59 AM

So...I have a question. No hidden meaning, no offence intended, just a general question of curiosity. In my city, you can't drive down the road 10 feet without seeing a billboard or other advertisement stating something like, "Got God?" or "Jesus is King!" or "What have you done for God today?" etc etc, you get the point lol The t.v. is flooded with advertisements for Life Time Christian music CDs and church advertisements, pastors preaching and daily morning programming with Pastor Nancy (I believe her name is). So my question is, how offended would you be if you were driving down the road and saw a huge billboard with a saying like, "Got Satan?" or "What have you done for Allah today?" or "Have you chosen the Buddist path?" In the land of America, let freedom ring, why is it that some things are acceptable and some things are not? Shouldn't it be equal and fair to advertise your religious beliefs in any way you see fit and that if one group of practicers can do it through billboards and tv commercial advertisements, why can't another for fear of persecution?

I do like your posts!

Equality, freedom, and civil rights are determined by the current society in in any geographical region or culture at any given time. In addition to the scales always having been tipped away from the rights of Religious minorities in the U.S. we must consider the ramifications of the post nine eleven media being pushed to again speak out against cultural diversity, foreigners, and religious freedom pushing us back in time by a good 100 years from the breakthrough position we had reached.

If I see those signs my question is that since the church obviously DOES profit why is it that they can steal a slogan from a legitimate add campaign but because it is religious do so without problems?

yet another thought, is...does this cheapen the religion, disgrace it, or in some way deflame it from it's divine nature by likening religion to a commodity such as fast food, dairy products, seagrams, or things of dubious value? (I love milk but some hate it, and it is a food product put out by a major company if you see a billboard it's likely for standard milk rather than organic.(

Blackbird's photo
Thu 06/12/08 10:48 AM

I failed to mention the OT in your quoted text. If you want a contradiction check the blood lineage of Jesus according the the gospels which contradict one another. Those are both new NT passages written during aproximately the same time. They were both included, both per the blind faith theory the word of God, and only one can be correct. This of course simply answers the contradiction part.

Perhaps the reason you failed to mention this is because you are incorrect in your assumption that the passages contradict one another. Had you correctly followed exegesis - you would have discovered that the geneologies represent Mary in one Gospel, and Joseph in the other. The reason for this difference is to inform the intended audience the bloodline leading back to David that would be best understood, which was the purpose for the lineage being listed in the first place.

Yes, Tribo pointed that out earlier and I am human and I do make mistakes at times. It was far from being my original point thought, which was burried with the "debate".

Blackbird's photo
Thu 06/12/08 10:46 AM

There are many other gospels written at the time of jesus life, for example the gospel according to Thomas and the gospel according to Nicodemous just to name two of the hundreds not in the bible. An interesting story in the book of Thomas. When Jesus was 7, being creator, he was also Lord of the sabbath and therefore not subject to it, as is evidenced by his plucking corn on the Sabbath. Anyways, at 7, he wanted to honour the 12 tribes of Israel and spent the sabbath day making 12 doves out of mud. Some children who were jealous at his sculpting abilities, and the admiring crowd he drew, ran off to the temple to report to the rabbis that the son of Joseph was "working" on the Sabbath day making sculptures. The rabbis were already upset with him because of his knowledge and abilities to read Hebrew letters even better then they and so they rushed out to catch him in the act so they could boot him and his family out of the temple. As the furious priests were rounding the corner to Joseph's modest home, a friend warned Joseph and he rushed to his son Jesus telling him to destroy the dozen sculptures at once.
"No need sir," was his reply, as he quickly clapped his hands and all twelve mud doves instanly came to life and flew away. Needless to say, seconds later, the rabbis found no evidence of sabbath breaking and therefore could not have the family kicked out as they wanted.

Now THAT is a truly interesting story, thank you for sharing!