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Blackbird's photo
Mon 06/16/08 11:20 AM

I have heard or read many "Christians" saying that worship of anything other than the hebrew god known as "I am" or father or Jesus Christ (not his name either but hey what's in a name that is what Christians call him) is worship of the Devil.

The Devil as defined as Christians would be the angel Lucifer cast out from heaven. If I am wrong here correct me. So far as I know he is independent (is he even known to be a he since angels are without gender?) within himself as a former agent of god running his own show in opposition to god.

Now my question and you can be sure this is non christian spiritual theology so if you are Christian and this next part confuses you that is ok, it's understandable.

Spirits feed off energy. If for any reason the Christians were mislead and rather than following the creator are following a named or identified spirit it draws stregth from their belief which gives it it's power. I understand this is other than what the bible teaches this is spiritual philosophy having to do with independent spirits.

So If this part about spirits feeding off energy is true and the need for followers is based on the need for active recognition and energy to give it power, then wouldn't delcaration of everything of everything other than this narrow view of one spirit as devil worship self defeating by making their own devil stronger than their own god? Christianity is a dominant religion but compared to the rest of the world has fewer numbers so Devil worshipers by the Christian's own definitions would be more numerous and this would by the (theoretical) source of power of spirits be self defeating giving more strength to the devil.

Tap this thing on? Is anyone hearing this? ok All religion aside regardless of what you follow or believe this question is meant as a question of theological philosphy having nothing to do with the following of Christ, but having to do with concepts that some theorize govern the world of spirits.

Okay, here is my read on what you are saying here. One, because all of those not christian are products of the devil, this makes the world full of devil worshippers, right? Second, the realm of spirits that you speak of is not the realm of the christian version of their god or the angesls for that matter, so for the energy feeding part, it is not connectable.

Most religions MUST teach that theirs is the only true right way, if they did not, then the followers could not feel more enlightened and better than every one else. It is needed in the religion for the mind manipulation.

As for all people outside of christianity being devil worshippers and giving him "power", they would have to acknowledge him as a power first and if you are not christian, you do not believe in the devil, so you cannot give him power.

That is my read on what you wrote. If incorrect in my understanding, sorry.

Thank you!!!

It's nice to know that someone actually understood the question!
My question although perhaps silly was how does this affect the subconscious of the christian that does believe this, if indeed they are creating their own afterlife in their own consciousness after death? (Obviously this falls outside of the average Christian belief system and would only apply to someone personifying the devil and god.) Would it still be ineffectual, or would this person in their own mind be giving their claimed eneymy power simply be believing it had more followers?

Blackbird's photo
Mon 06/16/08 01:17 AM

Christians don't worship a false God.
That is totally absurb.

NOW.. you may have people in the church who are not saved yet, and therefore, they are not christians ..yet.
But a Christian will never worship a false God......
simply becasue , a christian knows the Shepherd's Voice.

God says "my sheep hear my voice and the voice of a stranger they will not follow".
Meaning a christian recognizes the Shepherd's voice,and surely won't EVER follow a stranger's voice.
Not if he is truly saved.

But then again ,a christian IS someone who HAS been saved ( born again)....meaning ...that born again christian now also has the Holy Spitrit living in him, to lead and guide him into all truth.

Good nite.

If someone sets aside the teachings of Christ, or even of the creator, and instead follows the teachings of man, or worships the bible or church as an institution that tells them how to behave disregarding the teachings of Christ are they Christians following Christ and worhsiping the creator, or are they worshiping a false god?

If you worship money, are you worshiping a false God?
If you put your work before anything esle..or you worshiping a false God?

Blackbird...ONCE MORE....a christian is someone who is BORN AGAIN....meaning ...a christian will NOT set aside the teachings of Christ, and follw man.....NOT if he is a BORN AGAIN christian...which btw, is the ONLY kind of christian there is!!!

NOW..Blackbird..there ARE some christians, who are in BONDAGE to the letter of the law, but as long as they are born again, they still are christians, and are worshipping the same true God, but are just under LEGALISM.....
and just need to get out of legalistic bondage..but again, they still are christians...IF they have made Jesus their Lord.

Ok well this falls into an area I've been in discussions about on this forum this week.

I personally believe that what is in your mind and what you proffess can be two completely different things. This means that a proffessed Christian, and a true follower of the lessons of Christ can be two different things, or the same thing depending on the person and their application.

Along with that, each person also seems to have different interpretaions about what Christ means to them. It is up to the individual to be a Christian by trying to reflect the teachings of Christ in their heart. I believe simple profession of being Christian is meaningless. The reason I believe this comes from both the story of Cain and Able, and from Matthew 23 where Jesus discusses Pharisees.

True intent, and the content of one's heart, and one's purpose in action means more in the eyes of your God and Christ than false proclaimations. I believe this to mean that what is in one's heart is more important than proffession so although all Christians proffess the same, only those that have true acceptance and truly seek to follow the lessons of Christ are saved. I personally disbelieve the saved by proffesion loophole as the tool of the preachings of man rather than Christ or the Christian God in order to steal people away from the path of truly following Christ.

This is of course, my personal opinion and belief. The bible has quite a bit to say about pride and to be honest we all have the same reason to avoid false pride because it is in essense false. Each person must find their own answers I believe true religion and spirituality both lack a free ticket for anyone.

Romans 10:9

Blackbird, of course one has to mean it in his heart when he confesses Jesus, or ELSE it is just churchiolity...

But were are talking true born again christinas here.not about people who think all they have to do is warm a church pew...and that is all they have to do to become a "chrsitian". No...That does not make one a christian atall...only accepting Jesus and meaning it, makes a man a christian.

Blackbird...,.have you asked Jesus into your heart and meant it?
See..Christianity is not about joining a religion.... it is about joining Jesus.flowerforyou

Ah but you see that is just it. I am a non Christian and I do follow the lessons of Jesus, but I disbelieve in the Christian mentality of cultural seperatism and slavery or prejudice and I believe it is an abomination against his teachings.

I am very for his teachings, I am very against a church that insults his teachings at every turn while claiming to be "saved" and the one true path. That is a big part of what this falst idol and false god concept is about.

How many are true Christians following Christ, and how many are worshiping the church, the words of the church, or the bible as icons without honoring the spirit of the god they claim to love, or the Christ they claim to follow?

Who BTW gave anyone the authority to decide that all ways of all spiritual paths are condemened affording special privilage to the followings of one cultural source? Per this belief all in the history of the earth were damned until the anglo population invaded the entire world and then properly enslaved them and "saved" their souls (or killed them). If The creator reveals a different face to those in a different part of the world why are they dammed by knowing a different face or aspect, or a different begotten son? I think the whole ownership of god concept by Christians is false pride and cultural genocide.

Blackbird's photo
Mon 06/16/08 01:08 AM


One of my rentors collects crosses. I asked her why. She said "well look at the art work in them, they're so beautiful."

Two iron swirly things, one with wire vines and roses, ceramic one, wooded ones, carved and glass. And, actually, some are very artistically done. Ok, so for her it's a decoration. She does call herself a Christian, and she says the cross has the traditional meaning for her, but she JUST happens to like the artistic shape and designes of a cross.

How many people use religious icons "of any kind" to decorate with?

Don't forget jewelry?

Do you have any religiuos icons on display, and are they for decoration or to stand as a statement or declaration to guests about your religious conviction?

Tapestries from the far east include gods and are very beautiful I've been known to use them as backdrops. I spent a lot of time looking to make sure I liked the items, but I bought them for what they represent.

Jewelry and clothes are meant for display, my statutes and reliefs are for display.

Many of my spiritual items are on display on the walls, on shelves. Almost everrything is in it's place of storage as a working item or religious prop rather than existing only as a display.

Blackbird's photo
Mon 06/16/08 12:48 AM

Christians don't worship a false God.
That is totally absurb.

NOW.. you may have people in the church who are not saved yet, and therefore, they are not christians ..yet.
But a Christian will never worship a false God......
simply becasue , a christian knows the Shepherd's Voice.

God says "my sheep hear my voice and the voice of a stranger they will not follow".
Meaning a christian recognizes the Shepherd's voice,and surely won't EVER follow a stranger's voice.
Not if he is truly saved.

But then again ,a christian IS someone who HAS been saved ( born again)....meaning ...that born again christian now also has the Holy Spitrit living in him, to lead and guide him into all truth.

Good nite.

If someone sets aside the teachings of Christ, or even of the creator, and instead follows the teachings of man, or worships the bible or church as an institution that tells them how to behave disregarding the teachings of Christ are they Christians following Christ and worhsiping the creator, or are they worshiping a false god?

If you worship money, are you worshiping a false God?
If you put your work before anything esle..or you worshiping a false God?

Blackbird...ONCE MORE....a christian is someone who is BORN AGAIN....meaning ...a christian will NOT set aside the teachings of Christ, and follw man.....NOT if he is a BORN AGAIN christian...which btw, is the ONLY kind of christian there is!!!

NOW..Blackbird..there ARE some christians, who are in BONDAGE to the letter of the law, but as long as they are born again, they still are christians, and are worshipping the same true God, but are just under LEGALISM.....
and just need to get out of legalistic bondage..but again, they still are christians...IF they have made Jesus their Lord.

Ok well this falls into an area I've been in discussions about on this forum this week.

I personally believe that what is in your mind and what you proffess can be two completely different things. This means that a proffessed Christian, and a true follower of the lessons of Christ can be two different things, or the same thing depending on the person and their application.

Along with that, each person also seems to have different interpretaions about what Christ means to them. It is up to the individual to be a Christian by trying to reflect the teachings of Christ in their heart. I believe simple profession of being Christian is meaningless. The reason I believe this comes from both the story of Cain and Able, and from Matthew 23 where Jesus discusses Pharisees.

True intent, and the content of one's heart, and one's purpose in action means more in the eyes of your God and Christ than false proclaimations. I believe this to mean that what is in one's heart is more important than proffession so although all Christians proffess the same, only those that have true acceptance and truly seek to follow the lessons of Christ are saved. I personally disbelieve the saved by proffesion loophole as the tool of the preachings of man rather than Christ or the Christian God in order to steal people away from the path of truly following Christ.

This is of course, my personal opinion and belief. The bible has quite a bit to say about pride and to be honest we all have the same reason to avoid false pride because it is in essense false. Each person must find their own answers I believe true religion and spirituality both lack a free ticket for anyone.

Blackbird's photo
Mon 06/16/08 12:11 AM

How would one understand what purity (positive) is, if they had not experienced the negative?

How does one know all that is whole if they have not known the unwhole?

Spirit is perpetual and not bio degradable...

I perceive, believe, instinctually know spirit is purity, and man is impurity, all perceived evils, badness, wrongdoings, are man made..

Spirit is whole.

ok well you have me there...but I always thought the movement towards enlightment was the movement towards right action

Blackbird's photo
Sun 06/15/08 11:55 PM

Christians don't worship a false God.
That is totally absurb.

NOW.. you may have people in the church who are not saved yet, and therefore, they are not christians ..yet.
But a Christian will never worship a false God......
simply becasue , a christian knows the Shepherd's Voice.

God says "my sheep hear my voice and the voice of a stranger they will not follow".
Meaning a christian recognizes the Shepherd's voice,and surely won't EVER follow a stranger's voice.
Not if he is truly saved.

But then again ,a christian IS someone who HAS been saved ( born again)....meaning ...that born again christian now also has the Holy Spitrit living in him, to lead and guide him into all truth.

Good nite.

If someone sets aside the teachings of Christ, or even of the creator, and instead follows the teachings of man, or worships the bible or church as an institution that tells them how to behave disregarding the teachings of Christ are they Christians following Christ and worhsiping the creator, or are they worshiping a false god?

Blackbird's photo
Sun 06/15/08 11:53 PM

speaking of the narrow view of christianity that makes an enemy of the rest of the world

Most Christians don't believe that if you aren't a Christian, then you are the enemy. So you paint Christians with a broad brush while complaining of the same behavior. And how are you better than those Christians, when you do the same thing?

I said narrow view as a qualifyer, you quoted it yourself so if it rules you out you why are you upset?

"narrow view" isn't the same as "some view". What you typed meant that Christians are narrow minded. Maybe you didn't type what you meant, but I correctly interpreted your words. I'm not upset, I was just pointing out a bit of hypocracy.

For this to be about all christians it would assume that all christians think the same. We know this to be wrong by mere fact concerning all of the differences in individual belief. There are the Catholics and the protestants, there is a COE, and many many demoninations and different divisions within denominations. It's obvious that everyone sees things differently.

I am only the enemy if you make me the enemy it's your choice. Just keep in mind that I have the same inherent right to violently defend myself as you do.

Blackbird's photo
Sun 06/15/08 11:35 PM
Edited by Blackbird on Sun 06/15/08 11:36 PM

Blackbird's photo
Sun 06/15/08 11:29 PM
Edited by Blackbird on Sun 06/15/08 11:36 PM

If you want to respresent Christianity I am sure the rest of the christians would like it if you learn to read and comprehend. You don't sound like a Christian at all when you do this you sound like a non christian trying to make Christians look bad. In the original post I said:

"Spirits feed off energy. If for any reason the Christians were mislead and rather than following the creator are following a named or identified spirit it draws stregth from their belief which gives it it's power. I understand this is other than what the bible teaches this is spiritual philosophy having to do with independent spirits. "

Now if you can not read that statement with it's complexities you have no business answering the question. I am openly inviting people to give an honest answer but to answer they must answer the question rather than make a question up in their head, or demonstrate that they did not read all of the qualifiers. And quite frankly this goes along with the teachings of the bible and of Jesus maybe you just haven't caught on yet. A false god is a false god even if it is claiming to be the one creator. If I parade around main street dressed in a sheet calling myself the creator of the universe do you think that MAKES me creator of the universe? Of course not you know better. My point is that their is by definition what makes the creator the creator, and the entire question revolves around something else.

I am unsure why you get so angry when these things are discussed, but in reality most of what i say here although can be misunderstood goes directly along without disputing the teachings of the bible. I can be a bit of a smarty pants at times, and at other times sarcastic, but i have been trying to put these questions in ways that a scholar that understands the bible in it's entirity would find non-offensive or contraversial. Although it could make a preacher or devout christian uncomfortable to answer, the answer one way or another still falls OUTSIDE of any teachings in the bible for or against.

Your question makes no sense, that should be obvious to anyone. You claim that a spirit needs "power from the living". did God create the physical world if he needed the phyical world to exist in order to create the physical world? It's circular logic, it makes no sense.

I'm not upset, I'm just wondering why you gave that huge run-up mentioning Christianity and Christian beliefs and then expect Christians to answer a question about their beliefs, but accepting certain assumptions which go against Christian beliefs. It's really bizzare.

It is bizzare, moreso for me than you because this week is the first time I thought of any of this to be honest. It's the first time it occured to me that there was a false god within the realm of christianity.

And so far as the spirit in question it is OTHER THAN YOUR GOD which is the creator of the universe. It is about a false god imposter. It became very clear when JB responded that the question itself is more complicated and harder to understand than I originally thought when I created the post. When I created the post I had this all firmly in my head, but explaining it is a bit more complicated and I was suprised to see you respond simply because most of your answers are bliblical in nature, and this goes more into a parapsychology view of a spirit claiming to be a god, or a false god.

Although I understand the source of confusion because my language has not been completely clear at some points if understood correctly the question goes without opposition to the bible. Regardless of how the bible defines spirits itself it contains many warnings about false gods which opens the possibility of this discussion.

One source of confusion is that I may be anti-christian, or against the following of Christ. In reality I am against conformity of the soul, or possesion of the soul, and believe that if someone wishes to follow the teachings of Christ they should do so and divorce themselves from the fear, hate, and prejudice of man. Unfortunately this isn't an easy thing for a human being to do.

The question, or the answering of the question, requires that one can accept the qualifiers, or willingly suspend their disbelief long enough to give a logical or intuitive answer to the paradox from their own point of view independent of teachings in the bible which lacks any lessons about dealing with spirits of whatever form other than gods. For the purpose of Christian teachings understanding this requires that you accept that at least some Christians may be following a false god by worshiping the church, representatives of the church, or the word of man assumed to be the word of god.

I understand it isn't an easy topic, and even understanding the nature of the question can be difficult, but it is a solid question that I am not so sure we can answer. I was curious if anyone had any thoughts though.

Blackbird's photo
Sun 06/15/08 11:08 PM


I would like to know your reason (or agenda) for this very confusing question. You seem to be all over the place with it.


Well actually it relates to worship of the church or the bible as opposed to the worship of Christ or the creator.

The theory is that even if those that worship the church believe they are worshiping the creator that they may be empowering yet another spirt. Whether this would be their own devil or a false god is unknown so I was thinking it's more likely an alternate spirit.

So by this narrow incorrect form of worship that follows christianity but is the worship of man or the word of man or concept of man rather than the true creator power, even if they were thinking they were worshiping the creator they have created a new "god" of their own. Regardless of name my point was, that if this false god had stepped in and fooled these people into worshiping man (his word, or his concept) and that if this false god was in opposition of the Devil which everyone DOES seem to be clear on, then the idea of everyone other than a christian being the enemy would put favor on the side of the Devil.

In essense I am unsure if I ever thought of this quite this way before this discussion forum, because this week is the first time it occured to me people might be worshiping a church or a book rather than an actual creator force.

I was just trying to resolve a paradox that was created in my mind, by exposure to thoughts from this board.

Blackbird's photo
Sun 06/15/08 11:01 PM

Ok but you are debating Christian theology in a non christian arena....

It's a bit like giving biblical answers to a physics question. Now, if you can follow the concepts from the perspective of parapsychology and give an intutitive answer based on the qualifiers laid out I'd be thrilled to hear your response. But you have already failed by proving you don't understand the question. The question is about a FALSE god and per your own argument you are following bible scripture which lacks any affirmation that a false god posseses the power of the creator.

False god, versus devil...false god, versus devil...nowhere in here is the creator of the universe....get it?

Didn't you post this:

Sun 06/15/08 09:01 PM
I have heard or read many "Christians" saying that worship of anything other than the hebrew god known as "I am" or father or Jesus Christ (not his name either but hey what's in a name that is what Christians call him) is worship of the Devil.

The Devil as defined as Christians would be the angel Lucifer cast out from heaven. If I am wrong here correct me. So far as I know he is independent (is he even known to be a he since angels are without gender?) within himself as a former agent of god running his own show in opposition to god.

So posting about what Christians believe...and then asking a question about God and the devil...and I should assume you aren't talking Christian theology? Man, seriously. If you don't want Christians adding their input, then DON'T BRING UP OUR RELGION.

If you want to respresent Christianity I am sure the rest of the christians would like it if you learn to read and comprehend. You don't sound like a Christian at all when you do this you sound like a non christian trying to make Christians look bad. In the original post I said:

"Spirits feed off energy. If for any reason the Christians were mislead and rather than following the creator are following a named or identified spirit it draws stregth from their belief which gives it it's power. I understand this is other than what the bible teaches this is spiritual philosophy having to do with independent spirits. "

Now if you can not read that statement with it's complexities you have no business answering the question. I am openly inviting people to give an honest answer but to answer they must answer the question rather than make a question up in their head, or demonstrate that they did not read all of the qualifiers. And quite frankly this goes along with the teachings of the bible and of Jesus maybe you just haven't caught on yet. A false god is a false god even if it is claiming to be the one creator. If I parade around main street dressed in a sheet calling myself the creator of the universe do you think that MAKES me creator of the universe? Of course not you know better. My point is that there is by definition what makes the creator the creator, and the entire question revolves around something else.

I am unsure why you get so angry when these things are discussed, but in reality most of what i say here although can be misunderstood goes directly along without disputing the teachings of the bible. I can be a bit of a smarty pants at times, and at other times sarcastic, but i have been trying to put these questions in ways that a scholar that understands the bible in it's entirity would find non-offensive or contraversial. Although it could make a preacher or devout christian uncomfortable to answer, the answer one way or another still falls OUTSIDE of any teachings in the bible for or against.

Blackbird's photo
Sun 06/15/08 10:59 PM

Ok but you are debating Christian theology in a non christian arena....

It's a bit like giving biblical answers to a physics question. Now, if you can follow the concepts from the perspective of parapsychology and give an intutitive answer based on the qualifiers laid out I'd be thrilled to hear your response. But you have already failed by proving you don't understand the question. The question is about a FALSE god and per your own argument you are following bible scripture which lacks any affirmation that a false god posseses the power of the creator.

False god, versus devil...false god, versus devil...nowhere in here is the creator of the universe....get it?

Didn't you post this:

Sun 06/15/08 09:01 PM
I have heard or read many "Christians" saying that worship of anything other than the hebrew god known as "I am" or father or Jesus Christ (not his name either but hey what's in a name that is what Christians call him) is worship of the Devil.

The Devil as defined as Christians would be the angel Lucifer cast out from heaven. If I am wrong here correct me. So far as I know he is independent (is he even known to be a he since angels are without gender?) within himself as a former agent of god running his own show in opposition to god.

So posting about what Christians believe...and then asking a question about God and the devil...and I should assume you aren't talking Christian theology? Man, seriously. If you don't want Christians adding their input, then DON'T BRING UP OUR RELGION.

If you want to respresent Christianity I am sure the rest of the christians would like it if you learn to read and comprehend. You don't sound like a Christian at all when you do this you sound like a non christian trying to make Christians look bad. In the original post I said:

"Spirits feed off energy. If for any reason the Christians were mislead and rather than following the creator are following a named or identified spirit it draws stregth from their belief which gives it it's power. I understand this is other than what the bible teaches this is spiritual philosophy having to do with independent spirits. "

Now if you can not read that statement with it's complexities you have no business answering the question. I am openly inviting people to give an honest answer but to answer they must answer the question rather than make a question up in their head, or demonstrate that they did not read all of the qualifiers. And quite frankly this goes along with the teachings of the bible and of Jesus maybe you just haven't caught on yet. A false god is a false god even if it is claiming to be the one creator. If I parade around main street dressed in a sheet calling myself the creator of the universe do you think that MAKES me creator of the universe? Of course not you know better. My point is that their is by definition what makes the creator the creator, and the entire question revolves around something else.

I am unsure why you get so angry when these things are discussed, but in reality most of what i say here although can be misunderstood goes directly along without disputing the teachings of the bible. I can be a bit of a smarty pants at times, and at other times sarcastic, but i have been trying to put these questions in ways that a scholar that understands the bible in it's entirity would find non-offensive or contraversial. Although it could make a preacher or devout christian uncomfortable to answer, the answer one way or another still falls OUTSIDE of any teachings in the bible for or against.

Blackbird's photo
Sun 06/15/08 10:42 PM

I said independent of the following of Christ, and once again you ignored that the qualifier is that some were mislead negating your answer all three times before you answered. In order to give a valid answer one must first understand the question.

And you still don't get it. WORSHIP DOESN'T MATTER! If every human from the foundation of earth to the end worshipped Satan, it wouldn't make any difference in the Christian perspective. Even if those people thought they were worshipping God. God doesn't need worship and ALL THINGS exist because God wills them to exist. Nothing can threaten or challenge God, God needs nothing in order to exist. You can't wound God, you can't starve God, you can't drown God, you can't burn God, how would anyone defeat God? To that, add the fact that God is necessary to the existance of all of God's creations...which is everything other than God. God cannot be defeated, God cannot be endangered, God cannot be challenged.

That's all from a Christian perspective, of course.

Ok but you are debating Christian theology in a non christian arena....

It's a bit like giving biblical answers to a physics question. Now, if you can follow the concepts from the perspective of parapsychology and give an intutitive answer based on the qualifiers laid out I'd be thrilled to hear your response. But you have already failed by proving you don't understand the question. The question is about a FALSE god and per your own argument you are following bible scripture which lacks any affirmation that a false god posseses the power of the creator.

False god, versus devil...false god, versus devil...nowhere in here is the creator of the universe....get it?

Blackbird's photo
Sun 06/15/08 10:33 PM
Edited by Blackbird on Sun 06/15/08 10:35 PM

I don't think all Christians think that all non-Christians are "worshipers of the devil." (Some of them might think this.)

In any case, I don't know, nor could I answer your question, "what does this mean to the overall Christian consciousness..."

And I am not sure I really understand your question.


I can't answer it either I don't think anyone can but I find it an interesting paradox.

so far as the second part it is very important and can be ansered. If (speaking of the narrow view of christianity that makes an enemy of the rest of the world) they label everyone else as a devil worshiper, and strength is divided by followers are they subconsciously outclassing themselves making themselves the follower of an self defeating religion by claiming by their own belief that (according to parapsychology concepts they may not even be aware of or believe) their enemy has more followers than they do (and per this strength a spirit has based on followers) ensuring the defeat of their own deity in their final battle?

Maybe this question isn't simple enough to even ask...

Read "The Incarnations of Immortality" series of books...they pose the same questions and are targetted at teenagers. The topic isn't that complicated and is based on mixing Christianity with non-Christain beliefs. You are making yourself clear, it's just not a theologically challenging subject. The issue only exists if you ignore many beliefs and Christians and substitute them with non-Christian and somewhat illogical beliefs.

According to Christianity, God created the universe.

If God needed worshippers to exist, how did God create the universe?

If spirits need worship to exist, what did they eat when the world was new and only Adam and Eve existed?'s not a very sound line of logic.

Ok I have read them, I understand the point made and I am starting to understand where the lack of communication lies.

The question assumes that at least some christians are following a false god OTHER THAN the creator of the universe (heavens and earth) and that they have been worshiping this false god that lacks the every lasting self rejuvinating power of this being.

To answer your second question the power the spirits receive from the living helps facilitate their ability to affect the physical or Carnal world as QS put it earlier. The entire question requires that you understand something about parapsychology or are at least willing to view the question from that perspective. Debating belief or scripture is pointless, because this falls outside of the Christian realm.

There is more to religion than just Christianity.

Blackbird's photo
Sun 06/15/08 10:29 PM

speaking of the narrow view of christianity that makes an enemy of the rest of the world

Most Christians don't believe that if you aren't a Christian, then you are the enemy. So you paint Christians with a broad brush while complaining of the same behavior. And how are you better than those Christians, when you do the same thing?

I said narrow view as a qualifyer, you quoted it yourself so if it rules you out you why are you upset?

Blackbird's photo
Sun 06/15/08 10:23 PM

Only in your own book. Although my post may be hard to follow, or worded without perfection as I am a human being if you understand the concepts of paraspychology it is a completely valid question but meant as a theoretical paradox question that can not be answered.

If there was an answer we would not know it, if there was proof in an answer I would have looked it up.

From a Christian perspective...using the Bible, I have given you the correct answer. You don't have to accept the answer, but that question is easily answered by Christianity. Or Judaism for that matter. Probably Islam too.

You did not read the qualifiers for the question. Read again. The question itself assumes certain mistakes or truths I have repeated twice only for you to ignore them as always.

I read the qualifiers, I answered from the Christian perspective. You have to understand something...just becuase you believe that spirits need food and that spirits can grow more powerful by eatting doesn't mean that Christians must believe that. And when you ask a question about Christian faith or beliefs, you can't then dictate that Christians must accept your "evidence". If you disagree with me, that's cool, no skin off my nose.

I said independent of the following of Christ, and once again you ignored that the qualifier is that some were mislead negating your answer all three times before you answered. In order to give a valid answer one must first understand the question.

To be honest about your answer according to the bible that is impossible since all of these questions are outside of the realm of Christian belief. If they did fall into christian belief the concepts involved with Christianity would have to seriously change.

and I AM is something people say...but that is without a name. Every intity including a higher power has a name....The Christian god per our understanding just liked it's followers to be in the dark about what that name is.

Blackbird's photo
Sun 06/15/08 10:18 PM

I don't think all Christians think that all non-Christians are "worshipers of the devil." (Some of them might think this.)

In any case, I don't know, nor could I answer your question, "what does this mean to the overall Christian consciousness..."

And I am not sure I really understand your question.


I can't answer it either I don't think anyone can but I find it an interesting paradox.

so far as the second part it is very important and can be ansered. If (speaking of the narrow view of christianity that makes an enemy of the rest of the world) they label everyone else as a devil worshiper, and strength is divided by followers are they subconsciously outclassing themselves making themselves the follower of an self defeating religion by claiming by their own belief that (according to parapsychology concepts they may not even be aware of or believe) their enemy has more followers than they do (and per this strength a spirit has based on followers) ensuring the defeat of their own deity in their final battle?

Maybe this question isn't simple enough to even ask...

Blackbird's photo
Sun 06/15/08 10:09 PM

Only in your own book. Although my post may be hard to follow, or worded without perfection as I am a human being if you understand the concepts of paraspychology it is a completely valid question but meant as a theoretical paradox question that can not be answered.

If there was an answer we would not know it, if there was proof in an answer I would have looked it up.

From a Christian perspective...using the Bible, I have given you the correct answer. You don't have to accept the answer, but that question is easily answered by Christianity. Or Judaism for that matter. Probably Islam too.

You did not read the qualifiers for the question. Read again. The question itself assumes certain mistakes or truths I have repeated twice only for you to ignore them as always.

Blackbird's photo
Sun 06/15/08 10:05 PM

"I AM THAT I AM" means "the self sufficient one". God needs nothing to exist, not food, water, space, time, friendship, love, heat, shelter or worship. All of God's creations exist because God sustains them. Satan is not and cannot be God's enemy in the traditional sense. Satan works against God, but has no chance of overcoming God.

Also, if Satan has a name, it's probably not Lucifer. Lucifer means "Light-Bringer" and was the Latin name for the morning star. Isaiah 14 is talking about a Babylonian king, not Satan. That's made clear by reading the whole chapter in context. Many Christians today accept that Lucifer is not satan, it was a reference to how great a particular Babylonian king thought himself.

Right right, and right.

However, re-read the post.
The question is not about the Creator of the universe, the question assumes that at least some christians have been lead astray into worshiping a false god. In order to even have anything to say about the question one has to understand the nature of the question. This is all theoretical and is independent of the following of Christ it's a parapsychology paradox.

So If this part about spirits feeding off energy is true and the need for followers is based on the need for active recognition and energy to give it power, then wouldn't delcaration of everything of everything other than this narrow view of one spirit as devil worship self defeating by making their own devil stronger than their own god?

I was addressing this assertion. That's part of your post and seemed pretty close to the heart. I've had a rough day, so why don't you try to read you own post and put 2+2 together. I have addressed the very heart of your silly post.

Only in your own book. Although my post may be hard to follow, or worded without perfection as I am a human being if you understand the concepts of paraspychology it is a completely valid question but meant as a theoretical paradox question that can not be answered.

If there was an answer we would not know it, if there was proof in an answer I would have looked it up.

Blackbird's photo
Sun 06/15/08 09:59 PM
Edited by Blackbird on Sun 06/15/08 10:00 PM

"I AM THAT I AM" means "the self sufficient one". God needs nothing to exist, not food, water, space, time, friendship, love, heat, shelter or worship.

If he doesn't need worship, then how come everyone is always telling me to convert and worship him and telling me that he says people should worship him and only him and to convert as many people to worshipping him as possible???

(Sorry...just struck me as odd, didn't mean to hi-jack your thread there BB flowerforyou )

Your dispute was as valid as his, one off subject to counter another lmao...uh wait...that is your dispute of his dispute per my personal view was more valid, since his dispute was off topic yours had to be to counter it

Now if only I could speak english...