Community > Posts By > Blackbird

Blackbird's photo
Sun 06/15/08 09:58 PM

"I AM THAT I AM" means "the self sufficient one". God needs nothing to exist, not food, water, space, time, friendship, love, heat, shelter or worship. All of God's creations exist because God sustains them. Satan is not and cannot be God's enemy in the traditional sense. Satan works against God, but has no chance of overcoming God.

Also, if Satan has a name, it's probably not Lucifer. Lucifer means "Light-Bringer" and was the Latin name for the morning star. Isaiah 14 is talking about a Babylonian king, not Satan. That's made clear by reading the whole chapter in context. Many Christians today accept that Lucifer is not satan, it was a reference to how great a particular Babylonian king thought himself.

Right right, and right.

However, re-read the post.
The question is not about the Creator of the universe, the question assumes that at least some christians have been lead astray into worshiping a false god. In order to even have anything to say about the question one has to understand the nature of the question. This is all theoretical and is independent of the following of Christ it's a parapsychology paradox.

Blackbird's photo
Sun 06/15/08 09:50 PM

What is the story behind how people discovered this information?

What is their claim for the 'divinity' of their knowledge?

Without making claims:
The knowledge is from incidents throughout history where people have claimed to have interactions with spirits, knowledge of spirits, or were witness to the actions and reactions of spirits.

The claims are without divinity, it is simply human perception and experience,, and everything involved much like religion is simply theory without scientific proof we can point to in a way to show anything to be fact without dispute.

Blackbird's photo
Sun 06/15/08 09:47 PM

Where do these "Spirit Theories" come from?

I mean, the biblical picture of God comes from various Mediterranean mythologies.

But where do the "Spirit Theories" come from? Who made them up? What are they based on? What is the story behind how people discovered this information?

What is their claim for the 'divinity' of their knowledge?

Rather than come from religion as a Christian would know it this comes from our theoretical knowledge (which is no more provable than the existence of J.C., "God", or the Devil.

These theories are based on what we as humans know about the interactions between the living (those with physical bodies and living as we know them) and spirits (which are undefined in nature but often believed to be independent spirits, rogue spirits, or spirits of the deceased). This is all theory because much like gods, goddeess, higher powers, angels, devils, ect we are unable to prove them. There are in this field exceptions to rules as always and known incidents where that theoretical laws seem to have been broken even if it was only because we did not understand the workings of the situation.

This is in essense a question regarding parapsychology which although not recognized or accepted by all scientists is the basis of all religion. Without parapsychology religion disapears in a puff of logical smoke.

This query is actually a question about the nature of the christian belief that all non christians are devil worshipers, with what we know about parasychology applied ASSUMING that those that worship the church, bible, or false christian god (Rather than the true creator spirit) have been misslead.

Blackbird's photo
Sun 06/15/08 09:24 PM
Edited by Blackbird on Sun 06/15/08 09:25 PM

The universe is made up of energy and information. It is electromagnetic. Most physical beings draw their power from source which is drawn (or generated) from within them and manifested outwardly into the physical world of forms.

But the spirits of the darkness and other spirits with no bodies must suck their power from the living souls who are still connected to source. Having a grounded physical body, means you generate or draw your energy from source.

Spirits with no physical body get their energy from those with bodies. People who channel spirits or even speak to the dead will often feel drained afterwards.


Ok Per spiritual Theory everything I read here per my understanding is fact. My question to you JB is what does this mean to the overall Christian consciousness if there were two spirits in opposition and by their own definition anyone not worshiping their spirit was by default a supporter of the other spirit. Regardless of reality would this mean by their view of religion that their devil has more worshipers than their god? This is all just theory I'm only following lifeforce theory as we understand it that spirits are bound by. In reality this means NOTHING so far as religion goes unless the idea about them being mislead is correct. I'm pondering a spiritual paradox dealing with spirit concepts. I know a few Christians might find the concept interesting but they are unlikely to read this anyway...

Blackbird's photo
Sun 06/15/08 09:04 PM
Edited by Blackbird on Sun 06/15/08 09:05 PM

I'm sure that's all the carnal mind can see. hehehe

You do like to use the word "carnal" a lot ...

Strange really. Im supposed to be a heathen and devil worshipper and I dont use it at all.

Not getting any, are we?

On the other thread it was established she believes she is using it in the biblical sense which actually has nothing to do with what carnal as a definition means. Tribo provided a definition that indicates it means incomplete unreborn man.

However I disagree saying in the biblical sense carnal refers to carnal sin most of the time. I think religions trying to re-define what a word means because someone translated the work wrong is folly.

Blackbird's photo
Sun 06/15/08 09:01 PM
Edited by Blackbird on Sun 06/15/08 09:11 PM
I have heard or read many "Christians" saying that worship of anything other than the hebrew god known as "I am" or father or Jesus Christ (not his name either but hey what's in a name that is what Christians call him) is worship of the Devil.

The Devil as defined as Christians would be the angel Lucifer cast out from heaven. If I am wrong here correct me. So far as I know he is independent (is he even known to be a he since angels are without gender?) within himself as a former agent of god running his own show in opposition to god.

Now my question and you can be sure this is non christian spiritual theology so if you are Christian and this next part confuses you that is ok, it's understandable.

Spirits feed off energy. If for any reason the Christians were mislead and rather than following the creator are following a named or identified spirit it draws stregth from their belief which gives it it's power. I understand this is other than what the bible teaches this is spiritual philosophy having to do with independent spirits.

So If this part about spirits feeding off energy is true and the need for followers is based on the need for active recognition and energy to give it power, then wouldn't delcaration of everything of everything other than this narrow view of one spirit as devil worship self defeating by making their own devil stronger than their own god? Christianity is a dominant religion but compared to the rest of the world has fewer numbers so Devil worshipers by the Christian's own definitions would be more numerous and this would by the (theoretical) source of power of spirits be self defeating giving more strength to the devil.

Tap this thing on? Is anyone hearing this? ok All religion aside regardless of what you follow or believe this question is meant as a question of theological philosphy having nothing to do with the following of Christ, but having to do with concepts that some theorize govern the world of spirits.

Blackbird's photo
Sun 06/15/08 08:24 PM

scinn - strongs concordence - greek - 4559 - carnal - "selena" - bodily,temporal,unregenerated

strongs- 4561 greek - "sarz" human nature, as opposed to godly or spiritual nature

what she's saying is your unregenerated in mind or spirityour jsut acting temporal human unlike her or other saved people. hahaha

Thank you Tribo!
I kind of take issue with that though...I mean the biblical translations that were orginally greek and then translated into english re-writing the definitions of the english language seems unreasonable to me but then that is only my personal opinion.

So when she says carnal she is refering to our heathen non-chrstianity enslaved souls?

correct BB - sorry i dont have the orignal languages anymore just sis's strong concordence so your right it has deeper meaning but i cannot qoute what that is at this point.but it's close enough. hahaha - oh by the way my sis is a devoute christian and we get along great - nothing like the discussion's on here.

I get along great with those that follow Christ. I only have problems with those that oppose christ while worshiping a church that claims to follow him.

A follower of Christ is usually a very good person, it's what makes someone a christian that seems to be not understood or agreed upon very much.

Blackbird's photo
Sun 06/15/08 08:14 PM

scinn - strongs concordence - greek - 4559 - carnal - "selena" - bodily,temporal,unregenerated

strongs- 4561 greek - "sarz" human nature, as opposed to godly or spiritual nature

what she's saying is your unregenerated in mind or spirityour jsut acting temporal human unlike her or other saved people. hahaha

Thank you Tribo!
I kind of take issue with that though...I mean the biblical translations that were orginally greek and then translated into english re-writing the definitions of the english language seems unreasonable to me but then that is only my personal opinion.

So when she says carnal she is refering to our heathen non-chrstianity enslaved souls?

Blackbird's photo
Sun 06/15/08 08:11 PM
Edited by Blackbird on Sun 06/15/08 08:19 PM

Hi everyone

I love your posts though quickstepper you've done more to demonstrate cultural prejudice, blind faith, and hatred as applied to religion than any of us ever could have without you!

Sometimes honesty can be so difficult to present. But in the end I guess IT IS ALL ABOUT THE HONESTY, or at least, so I'm told. drinker certainly is. Carnal thinking gets humanity in trouble EVERY time. :smile:

Dunno why you are using carnal suddenly in all of your arguments but I will address both definitions.

If not for carnal thought your parents never would have had sex, and you would not have been born so you would be able to post these messages.

If not for carnal existence there would be nothing in the world, and everything physical is carnal including that bible you won't stop thumping and trying to use as a weapon while refusing to read it.'s definition...not God's.

NEXT!!!! I hear alot of THUMPing too. It's called man made new age... You should take some of your own advice there.... :wink:

I think I'm confused. Do you have a different definition for "carnal" than dictionaries? Because you keep saying "man's definition, not God's" in reference to that...and you use the word a lot...

I looked the word had a most clear meaning...but you keep saying it's wrong? So...what's the definition for "carnal" and it's variations? (carnality...etc)

Carnal according to God's word refers to the physical man...lower than, incomplete. That's where you get the term "born again," to be born in God's spiritual image. God says His ways are higher than ours. If you want to see Kingdom living you need spiritual eyes.

I guess God's term covers more than man's definition. Man's are pretty limited at that....

God's word? They added a dictionary to the bible? What verse is that exactly?

Carnal in correct form means worldy...physical so to speak...and that covers everything physical including air and only excludes that of the spirit, mind, conception, or another dimension we lack understanding of. I think the meaning of the word is pretty obvious...and actually you are unable to see spirituality with your eyes so to speak if you are going to start playing with definitions.

The third eye is a non physical eye, and your eyes you use to see verything else are incapable of registering the non-physical world. In theory even if you SEE something from another dimension with your eyes it would be your brain superimposing the image of a non physical perception onto your actual vision which is a result of objects and light.

Blackbird's photo
Sun 06/15/08 08:04 PM

Hi everyone

I love your posts though quickstepper you've done more to demonstrate cultural prejudice, blind faith, and hatred as applied to religion than any of us ever could have without you!

Sometimes honesty can be so difficult to present. But in the end I guess IT IS ALL ABOUT THE HONESTY, or at least, so I'm told. drinker certainly is. Carnal thinking gets humanity in trouble EVERY time. :smile:

Dunno why you are using carnal suddenly in all of your arguments but I will address both definitions.

If not for carnal thought your parents never would have had sex, and you would not have been born so you would be able to post these messages.

If not for carnal existence there would be nothing in the world, and everything physical is carnal including that bible you won't stop thumping and trying to use as a weapon while refusing to read it.'s definition...not God's. To bring sex into it is small minded thinking. God's ways are higher than the carnal things we see. Carnality does not overide God's sovernty. that I even have to explain it...LOL


BTW...I hear alot of THUMPing too. It's called man made new age... You should take some of your own advice there.... :wink:

Wow we can't even talk or communicate because we aren't allowed to use correct definitions for words we have to stick to an archaic missuse of a word because some guy on a pulpit didn't know how to correctly speak english?

Blackbird's photo
Sun 06/15/08 07:36 PM


Erm...while my name is pronounced that has no resemblance in meaning whatsoever

no offense intended my lady, was but a joke, i mean no harm, you will get to know me better with time - i'm very sarcastic at times - laugh

lol sounds good happy flowerforyou

i cant send you flowers in return- BB will get mad at melaugh laugh laugh laugh sad

lmao like she would care...or I would...
I was mentioning the roses in the same sensse that one gives the roses to a ballerina when she comes down from stage. It is meant as a compliment saying that she stated something rather well...maybe I should stick to plain english since I haven't even mastered that! lmao

wow - like i meant it any differently - hahaha - i understood you BB - i was being funny i thoughtbigsmile i'm not as dense as some on here - hahaha - ok no more jokes - i can see i'm not taken rightly either - soooooorrrrrryyyyyblushing

Darn it Tribo we aren't allowed to make jokes?

Blackbird's photo
Sun 06/15/08 07:35 PM
Edited by Blackbird on Sun 06/15/08 07:47 PM

So...I have a question. No hidden meaning, no offence intended, just a general question of curiosity. In my city, you can't drive down the road 10 feet without seeing a billboard or other advertisement stating something like, "Got God?" or "Jesus is King!" or "What have you done for God today?" etc etc, you get the point lol The t.v. is flooded with advertisements for Life Time Christian music CDs and church advertisements, pastors preaching and daily morning programming with Pastor Nancy (I believe her name is). So my question is, how offended would you be if you were driving down the road and saw a huge billboard with a saying like, "Got Satan?" or "What have you done for Allah today?" or "Have you chosen the Buddist path?" In the land of America, let freedom ring, why is it that some things are acceptable and some things are not? Shouldn't it be equal and fair to advertise your religious beliefs in any way you see fit and that if one group of practicers can do it through billboards and tv commercial advertisements, why can't another for fear of persecution?

I think most religions would feel safe to put up a billboard if they wanted- it's hard to hurt a billboard. But it seems like many religions wouldn't want to put up a billboard. I know people of several religions-muslim, buddhist, hindu, jewish, christian, pagen- but only the christians have really tried to "convert" me while the others just explained their beliefs and respected the fact that I didn't share their beliefs.

I'm not sure why that is so. That's just my personal experience, obviously not statistically significant evidence. But everything I have seen on this site has been similar.

Maybe it is just because I live in America and Christianity is the dominant religion here? Or maybe it is an inherent difference in practices required by the religion?

Someone finally hit on the real question, which is what christianity is. It is a manufactured religion in the sense that although there is little in the bible to support it the christian "church over the centuries officially developed the bible itself, and all church practices as a means of population unification. For it to work they had to make it an aggressively growing religion meant to swallow up the entire population. The problem has been that unfortunately human beings and our knowledge evolved over the centuries to a point to where people obtained educations, and it became more and more easy for anyone actually thinking to see the whole thing for what it is.

Blackbird's photo
Sun 06/15/08 07:29 PM


Erm...while my name is pronounced that has no resemblance in meaning whatsoever

no offense intended my lady, was but a joke, i mean no harm, you will get to know me better with time - i'm very sarcastic at times - laugh

lol sounds good happy flowerforyou

i cant send you flowers in return- BB will get mad at melaugh laugh laugh laugh sad

lmao like she would care...or I would...
I was mentioning the roses in the same sensse that one gives the roses to a ballerina when she comes down from stage. It is meant as a compliment saying that she stated something rather well...maybe I should stick to plain english since I haven't even mastered that! lmao

Blackbird's photo
Sun 06/15/08 07:20 PM

Hi everyone

I love your posts though quickstepper you've done more to demonstrate cultural prejudice, blind faith, and hatred as applied to religion than any of us ever could have without you!

Sometimes honesty can be so difficult to present. But in the end I guess IT IS ALL ABOUT THE HONESTY, or at least, so I'm told. drinker certainly is. Carnal thinking gets humanity in trouble EVERY time. :smile:

Dunno why you are using carnal suddenly in all of your arguments but I will address both definitions.

If not for carnal thought your parents never would have had sex, and you would not have been born so you would be able to post these messages.

If not for carnal existence there would be nothing in the world, and everything physical is carnal including that bible you won't stop thumping and trying to use as a weapon while refusing to read it.

Blackbird's photo
Sun 06/15/08 06:45 PM

BB - stay away from "scinn" you dont need anymore "scinn" in your life, laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Oh no does that mean I've come face to face with original "scinn"?

Blackbird's photo
Sun 06/15/08 06:39 PM
Edited by Blackbird on Sun 06/15/08 06:40 PM

BTW...the carnal man is emnity with the spirit man & therfore, I hate to tell you but aside from God there is no such thing as spiritual awakening. It's just more of man's attempts at trying to reach God in his own way & not God's way. Talk about putting God in a box. LOL

It does not make you wrong. But just because someone else chooses to name it something different and worship it in their own personal way, doesn't make them wrong either. In the's how you've lived. Not what you named the entity you worship.

No! Not if you are eating from the tree of how's that for being man made?

We are talking about God after all. His ways are not our ways...His ways are WAY higher. That's the point.

Are we talking about God's will or ours?

It is my understanding that most of us have been talking about the will of "God" as you call it or the higher power as some of us prefer, whereas you alone have been talking about your own personal will because you don't seem to accept that a higher power is beyond any of our understandings.

I love your posts though quickstepper you've done more to demonstrate cultural prejudice, blind faith, and hatred as applied to religion than any of us ever could have without you!

Blackbird's photo
Sun 06/15/08 06:22 PM

BTW...the carnal man is emnity with the spirit man & therfore, I hate to tell you but aside from God there is no such thing as spiritual awakening. It's just more of man's attempts at trying to reach God in his own way & not God's way. Talk about putting God in a box. LOL

Why must someone name their awakening "God" in order to be correct? A person can reach a point of spiritual awareness and connection without ever having to specifically name what it is they come in tune with. In the end, you do not need a name to define what something is or is not. Let's use an example.

The color red: It's the same thing. The same color, it never is always red. We call it red. In Japan they call it aka. Roho in Spanish speaking countries and etc etc. Now, because it's called aka in Japan, does that mean it's no longer red? That it's somehow become corrupted, or less true or "missing something" that would make it red? No. It's still red. Just by a different name. call it God. Others have different names for it and some have no name for it. In my opinion, by whatever name a person chooses to call the entity, the entity has not changed, been corrupted or misinterpreted. It's still the same entity...just by a different name. I firmly believe there is something greater and bigger than be it a devine entity or a scientific explaination...*no one* knows until we've died...but it does not deminish the fact that we are small and low on a cosmic totem pole somewhere. And I don't think that just because someone else chooses to faithfully believe in something different they are therefore wrong and damned. In the end...I don't believe that whatever that entity is would be so upset that someone called it by the wrong name that it would therefore condemn it to eternal damnation.

Not to mention...if we assume (for the sake of arguement on either end...I know, you believe it is true and that's great flowerforyou But not everyone, we are assuming that *everyone* believes this is true) if we assume that Christianity is the one, true and only correct religion across the world, galaxy and universe..."God" is not his real name. Nor is "Heavenly Father" or "Jesus" or any of the other names. Those are names used by humans to *give* a name to something greater than they are that they don't fully know or understand. A nickname of sorts. Granted, it's used in a loving and respectful manner, but it is still just a nickname.

It does not make you wrong. But just because someone else chooses to name it something different and worship it in their own personal way, doesn't make them wrong either. In the's how you've lived. Not what you named the entity you worship.

Oh, Oh, I'm in love, remind me I owe you some roses later!

Blackbird's photo
Sun 06/15/08 04:59 PM
Edited by Blackbird on Sun 06/15/08 05:06 PM

ok BB - so? What are you and me and the other's trying to do ((outside of abra who is trying to destroy monotheism)), What will i, you or other's accomplish here? Are we vain enough to think we will save somebody from the ""boogy god's""?? That we have "the truth"?? i don't - i think i only have truth's that work for me and hopefully some others will also find this out on their own with - "SHORT" but wise counsel, not what we've been doing here with multiple page discussons that prove nothing more that all of our ignorance. I for one don't believe you can know anything of god's or spiritualities until you know yourself first, all else will evolve from that point as to what is "truth". And there is very little to be found :tongue:

seek ye first the kingdom of "self knowledge"laugh and then all else will be added unto you - laugh

I don't know originally I was here discussing thoughts, because I find religion, theology, and philosphy interesting. When it became clear even these discussions are not feasably possible due to "christian" trollers I was seeking to explain froma Christian point of view why the attacks are wrong.

In this I have not succeeded because many embrace blind faith hatred, and will not accept that others have a right to their own views without harassment. You can simply not set a mind or spirit free, they can only do this for themselves.

So what have I been doing? I've been learning more about interaction with explosive hostile personalities that refute reality, reject spiritualism, and use religion as a weapon. Will this lesson help me in any way? Perhaps so, because it has if nothing else shown me some of the more brutal methods used, and even made me look up a few scriptures that explain the situation for me within the bible if they are actually read.

In addition to that I think that all of us Christians and non Christians alike have effectively shown for anyone reading the way that blind faith ridicules reality and the true following of religion.

So far as my goal I was trying to show a couple of the hostile or delusional personalities the reality of their behavior, but it has become clear that the type of conflictual personalities that were represented here are not interested in true religion, spirituality, or reality. I believe my lesson was that although the reasonable type discusses, those infected with the sickness are so lost that even their own god can't get through to them.

Blackbird's photo
Sun 06/15/08 03:53 PM

guy's :

hmmm don't you get it? it's not just the christian religion thats a sham - its "ALL" organized religions that are made farces.If man has had a hand in it it is not to be trusted. there is no organized religion i will ever accept as "the truth" there are no words in books or spoken that if man has put them forth as "ultimate truths" that are worth my or anyones time. The only "truths" that exsist are self evident, they need no defense, they need no one to believe them - they could give a crap less if anyone even cares about them - "they just are" - "natural truth's" are all i can or will believe "ever". Everything else is a spiritual and mental meatmarket of proverbial canard's.

I definately get it, the thing is though since Christianity is "in power" as a widespread religion it is the only one that has members attacking my religious or spiritual beliefs, or my right to choose my own spiritual path without being psychologically bludgeoned with threats of hell. I also believe it is the only faith that has taken so many terms and twisted them to it's view such as in the Christian holidays thread.

Blackbird's photo
Sun 06/15/08 12:24 PM
Edited by Blackbird on Sun 06/15/08 12:59 PM

Yes well some on these boards are so negative & insulting when people express their faith in God His word. That's to be expected. I have a little card that I carry to lead people to the slavation prayer.

Not that I don't love them but many really are seeking the love that only God can give them. Everything else is just controversy.

I like to believe that I approach spirituality and religion from the position of an adult. Although I am imperfect in my spiritual enlightenment I try to embrace this while rejecting or trying to improve the less enlightened parts of my behavior or belief.

When I made my choice it was a matter of accepting responsibility for myself. I have responsibility for my actions without blaming any higher power, or without giving anyone my burdens. My point here has been that telling someone they must follow your version of "God" or "Christ" or be called enemy or reminded that they will fry in your view of "Hell" is a psychological attack, and implies by it's nature that you are demanding that others follow your god or jesus that you OWN in your mind because you believe that only your thoughts about them are correct.

I personally believe that this turns more people away from this narrow view of "God" and Jesus Christ as you know him by showing a hateful seperatist side of personal belief.

From what I understand I have good company in my opinion that although we respect the right of others to believe differently we believe that this negative boundary or attempt to "enslave" the souls of others with your personal view of god as Sinful and possesive.

Once when some local women were going from door to door to share the love of Christ with people when they knocked on my door they asked if they could discuss Christ and God with me.

The couple consisted of an older woman and a younger woman. I told them I was non-christian and that I only asked that they respected my right to have beliefs, and my difference of opinion about those beliefs from theirs without being preached to from their perspective. (This is paraphrased without remembering exact words.) The younger woman seemed confused, whereas the older woman nodded and smiled. This nod and smile to me is the indication of one who understands and respects the true path of enlightenment. That is without having to understand respecting the spiritual beliefs of others and loving one's fellow human beings because we are all brothers and sisters.

I believe the spreading of religion and the sharing of one's joyful enlightenment is meant only for those that need it. This would be those that lack any path of spirituality or joy of feeling a spark of enlightenment. All true spiritual paths can be a blessed or horrible thing depending on their application and the way they are approached or used. I personally believe the key in religious acceptance and enlightment is accepting that we are all the same in the eyes of any higher being and it is our treatment of others rather than our proffessed opinion or wish that others accept our views.

Quickstepper I would like to know if you know what the Pharisees were? Do you know what Jesus is said to have said about them in Matthew 23? What do you think all of this means, and how would it be applied to the modern world of Christians?

I know exactly what you are saying .... and for the most part...we Christians do that. I prefer to encourage people with the love of God by sharing with them what He has done for me.

My attitude was that I didn't want to be scared into God. I wanted love from God but didn't RECIEVE it because I didn't think I DESERVED it. No Christian ever made me feel that was my own life experience that conditioned me that way.

I am finally seeing God for who He truly is & not what my life experience limited me to. Until now I loved God for who He is & what He can do...but I was still afraid of trusting Him. Now I am stepping out & giving Him Lordship over my life... it's in surrender that we find true peace that guards our very heart & mind thru Christ Jesus.

I went to the conference & experienced God's glory cloud pass by & envelop me & heal me. I know sickness left my body because I wanted to recieve everything I could (& much more too). Nothing happened the way I imagined it would, that's why I KNOW it was God who was doing the doing.

People feel rejected by God when nothing happens for them. I do understand that. I was dry in faith for so very long, but an amazing thing happens when God says...My child...I didn't forget you. Your time has come. I am going to raise you up now to fulfill your purpose. It's awesome. I feel like this is the first day of the rest of my life.

As far as devil worship... anything not from God is just that but I want people to experience what I have been experiencing. God is not only with us but His Life LIVES IN US TOO!!!!!

It's light & life for the very heart & soul of man. anything less than God Jehovah...the Lord our God the Lord is shortchanging yourself...that's all I'm saying. is the time for ALL mankind to repent....for the kingdom of God is here...with us ...right now...Let it be done on earth as it is in heaven...... It's time for humanity to RECEIVE from the glory of God.

The Lover of their soul. As I am drawing closer to God I feel such an urgency like never before to tell people...Now! Do it now...repent so you can enter into His glory & LIVE!

Quickstepper you have the spectacular skills of a politician ignoring the questions while seeing it from the same view.

I repented from being Christian, in my view it is blasphemy and calling on the name of jesus with all of your lungs, withought feel him in your heart. What I am saying here is that there are many good Crhsitians out there that follow Christ, but it's obvious that too many christians go around encourgaing others to follow him when they themselves don't follow him or demonstrate knowledge and acceptance of his lessons.

That's your cynical view of a Christian, dear heart. Don't say I don't care because I do care. :smile: Why are you lumping every Christian the same for what a few people did to you? I never let anything or anyone stand in my way of finding out if God is who he says He is. You are putting too much emphysis on repentance & not the glory. But more important is you want to make me out to be a bad guy for saying what's in God's word. It's what I believe because God says so.

I believe in God the Father... I believe in Jesus Christ...I also believe in the cross & resurrection power that Jesus brought to all humanity through His sacrifice. I believe because of that great & awesome Love there is no other way to our loving Father God. It's like biting the hand that fed you. BTW...I don't play in other people's ball parks. I just share my belief according to God word. It may not be what you want to hear but nonetheless....

If you are looking for me to accept you I already do. I think you are having a hard time with me because of my faith in God the Father, Jesus & God's word. If you want to make me out to be a bad guy because of what God says so be it. I will still stand on it but I think you are the one being selective about what I am saying. That's ok though... I only plant seeds...God does the rest of the farming. :)

BTW....have a wonderful Father's Day to all.

Actually I've been the last one to talk about the negative consequences of non-acceptance of Christianity that's been your stance I have repeatedly disagreed with. I've been refering to bad behavior sets that contradict their stated goal.

I am having an easy time with all of it, I understand religion and spirituality quite well from a number of different perspectives. I simply find a cultural genocide point of view destructive rather than enlightened. JB has made statements leading one to believe that the Christian way is selling your soul to a false god. Me personally I think she makes a very interesting point if one considers the overall spiritual condition. However, my difference in goals is to make clear that the claim that only one religion is valid and all others are "devil" worship is a uninformed, uneducated, hostile form of attempted cultural genocide that asks all of the people of the world to forsake their own culture, heritage, and spiritualism to follow that of the Hebrew god, and a Jewish genetic following that even the Jews reject.

It's far from being about religion, it's about cultural slavery. It's the pefect mix of we offer this and this and this, and if you don't play along fry in hell forever. The price of accepting and giving into fear is denouncing your own true heretige and true spirituality and objective views. So in essense this is a form of racism followed by those that lack even a claim to be part of that "race" through cultural genocide that follows concept rather than skin color.

Some faith can be confused in that you seem to think that my faith is not valid because I have faith in something different.

Even recently the pope denounced the attempts of parts of Latin American to reclaim their own culture through revival and this has not demonstrated what kind of cultural genoicide the established church represents to mankind?

Doing something wrong and blaming religion for human failings or pride is a trap that just digs a deeper and deeper hole burying one's soul in deception, lies, and darkness.

The last woman I was in a relationship was Catholic. As a matter of understanding one another and offering mutual respect we watched "Kingdom of heaven" together. We with mutual respect discussed the spread of religion through latin America and the effects it has had on the people. The Movie Kingdom of heaven while lacking historical accuracy speaks greatly of the difference between spiritual fortitude and the abuse of religion for personal purpose. One of my favorite quotes that reveals this difference is this:
"Hospitaler: The king has made a peace with Saladin these past six years. He holds Jerusalem as a place of prayer for all faiths... as the Muslims did before we came. These men are Templars. They killed Arabs.
Balian: So they are dying... for what the Pope would command them to do.
Hospitaler: Yes. But not Christ, I think. Nor this king."