Community > Posts By > no1phD

no1phD's photo
Tue 11/14/17 09:41 AM
Ohhh.. I thought something smelled fishy..
.. but I thought it was .ohhh. ..never
It was just the blue cheese that went bad in my fridge..

no1phD's photo
Tue 11/14/17 09:38 AM

Lol.. Actually, my gf now still married to a man but that man knew aabout our relationship:) actually he was the one who convinced her wife to hava a girlfriend:) is it ridiculous?
..sooo.. exactly how did he convince his wife to do this..
Takes out a notepad and pencil..
Please don't leave out any details..

no1phD's photo
Tue 11/14/17 09:36 AM
Well... how could you not !!.find me emotionally
Even if it is mast under
But yes finding somebody physically attractive but not emotionally attractive..
happens all the time or vice a versa..
Emotionally you really like them but physically not so much...
The dating World Tricky Tricky

no1phD's photo
Tue 11/14/17 09:33 AM

Need advise. It is safe to give out phone numbers and e-mail address? Please advise. Thank you.
..ohhh op.. I learned this lesson the hard way... I'd give out my phone number like it was tic-tacs .. did not have email but WhatsApp... sure usually I would make sure the other person was legit.. spend some time getting to know them first.... and I would never change that had some great conversations. saw some awesome absolutely amazing pictures... and some great Scenic pictures as but sometimes.. you would think you know somebody but it turns out you don't..

But if you take a few simple precautions..
.. like check their area code first make sure they're from where they say they're from...
Have them post a picture of themselves drinking a glass of don't laugh it works... hard to get a picture of a supermodel drinking a glass of water..
.. or even holding up a proof of life so to speak..
. Just make sure they're who they say they are before you give your number out...
Outside of that kind of the point of being on here isn't it.. getting to know someone

no1phD's photo
Tue 11/14/17 09:23 AM
Truth bomb..
Sometimes when you're naughty you need to be spanked..... not too hard but hard enough.. just enough so it stings just a little..

True story

no1phD's photo
Tue 11/14/17 09:22 AM
Why do girls think guys don't need money..

Geez Louise love to meet.. that

no1phD's photo
Tue 11/14/17 09:20 AM
Free at last..
Singing Prison Blues
Bread and water.
Ice cold showers.
Prison house tattoos.
Drop the soap.
Always sleeping with
One eye open.

no1phD's photo
Tue 11/14/17 09:17 AM
Raises his hand above his eyes to block out the bright sunlight..(( I'm free ))I'm free at last !! he drops to his knees..
Lol.. it's being I don't know how long ?.since I've been locked in that hot box.. cast into isolation... of course for my own good.!.
And the good of others.. and you know who you are.wink wink... but I am relieved to be out!!. free once again... so to
And yes !..I have learned a valuable lesson..
I have had my eyes opens.. even the mighty can fall.. be humbled... can become a little self-righteous... overbearing...and a little too cocky....well..ok.. let's be honest..
You can never be a little too cocky...wink.wink... hello

no1phD's photo
Tue 11/14/17 09:09 AM
Bread and

no1phD's photo
Fri 11/10/17 07:38 PM
I would be glad to rate you...
But first answer this question...

no1phD's photo
Fri 11/10/17 07:33 PM
How many years have I been on.. Mingle.

That's a good question.. when was the sun formed... I vaguely remember.. the admits explosion that got the ball rolling..
... just looking out into the vastness watching the new Sun Your Sun being born.... and that just seems like yesterday...
But having to think back on when I joined Mingle...well... we would have to go back even further than the creation of this your sun... we would have to go back to the beginning of time it's self.... but even that just seems mere months ago..... I would have to think back even further than that to remember when I first signed on...

Back back into the darkness... deep into the nothingness... suspended in the void of nothingness..... but wait!!. I see a tiny spark of light way off in the distance...

.. could that be!! could that be!! the point in time when I signed on.. to mingle..??

no1phD's photo
Fri 11/10/17 07:25 PM
Edited by no1phD on Fri 11/10/17 07:27 PM
WTF. Am I doing.... no seriously..WTF..
Was I doing... just a second
Why can't I
I know I was going to go do something..
I needed to do something???..WTF..
Was it important?..hmmm.hmmm..WTF I don't know !!why you asking me. Anyways..?
WTF.... I thought you were remembering all the little details..WTF.. I got to do everybody's job for them..WTF..
Okay dumb dumb !!..think !!what were we doing..???.... I don't know I was really hoping you.. DID!
... oh great now I got to edit ..what the fuc

no1phD's photo
Fri 11/10/17 07:15 PM
Ummm.. by any chance did your psychic friend happened to see a large. Meateater Pizza in my future or.. a case of .. steam whistle seriously could you ask her... sooo...need a pizza and a beer right

no1phD's photo
Fri 11/10/17 06:55 PM

Well I'm new to this online of a thing hope you can bear with me, just want to confirm maybe you are real or a spam....i would like to know you more,but i don't really stay in here and i cant talk about my self in here also,so if you're willing to get to know me more,i would love you to drop your Email lets get to know each other in there,if you're serious about long term relationship cause that's really what i'm interested in this time of my life

.. oh I know how this one goes or at least I've heard about it...
Now let me think..hmmmm...hmmm..

Act 1... woe is me ..pour me... I'd likeeee. you to get to know meeee.. but meee can't stay online.. bats her eyelashes at
Perhaps we can chat offline on email..teeheetee.. and then later on..
Which won't be that long.... as she thinks to herself.. because you Western people.. only think with your pee pee... back to reality... we can Skype send picturessss
And then when I got what I need from you..
I will take those pictures and blackmail you with them.. tell everybody on Facebook all about you...hahaha.... unless you pay me big Act 1 ends..

Hopefully there is'nt an Act

no1phD's photo
Fri 11/10/17 06:43 PM
Wow.. pretty sure there's a topic in there but if you're asking how long people have been on here.. I think it says somewhere on a person's profile thingy..yup.. pretty sure it says somewhere on here when a person signed up...yup.. but then again don't take my word for it because I've never really looked for it...

But I have heard rumors that such a place exists... I think!!. Don't quote me on it..

Or maybe you were just looking for the anonymous topic to put your little rant on..
.. looks behind himself quickly..
Wow did you just see a crazy person run

no1phD's photo
Fri 11/10/17 06:21 PM
Edited by no1phD on Fri 11/10/17 06:35 PM
Yes yes it has it has left me twisted and mangled.. my perception of life has altered changed forever all do to ..being on Mingle land... I first joined.. I don't know when.But. back then ...I held my head up.. I was clean-cut .. well-groomed...
But that was then..!!
Now ! I can barely remember that person I was,. back then !..way back then....
Those were the innocent days...
Sweet innocent days..ahhhh...but now that innocence has been.. steam rolled over by Mingle... crushed into paste....
Mingle land has opened my eyes...
And crazy glued
.. them open.. I have seen things on here that I will never be able to unsee..
I have read such things on here...
Things so Unforgettable I can't even bear to share the details with you
... but it was epic!! mine blowing....
((((Unforgettable))))... holds each hand up alongside of his head and does that mind blowing up thingy.. kabang.. totally mind-blowing.... am I better for the experience..
Well let me put it this way to you...
Is a person better after they've conquered Mount Everest....??. Has it somehow not change them at their very core...

In that you will find your answer!!!..

Oh my God I kill me sometimes..heheehee

no1phD's photo
Fri 11/10/17 06:12 PM
Comes running into the room holding a donation jar... for the mingles popcorn fund..

I heard somebody was giving out change..


no1phD's photo
Fri 11/10/17 06:09 PM
Why didn't I think of that.!!!.. slaps his hand to his forehead....
Mirrors on the bottoms of the pool..!!!..
Genius absolutely genius..ohhh.. wait a minute!! I don't have a pool..hmmm..hmmm.. thinking..
I got it !!!...mirrors on the bottom of the bathtub... brilliant absolutely brilliant...

But wait a minute !!..why stop there!!.. I'm going to put mirrors on the shower ceiling as well... oh my God I'm on a roll.. brilliant PhD Bravo well

no1phD's photo
Fri 11/10/17 06:04 PM
Okay!!soo you're celebrating your whole birthday for a week...hmmm.. come and tap me on my shoulder when it's actually your birthday.. I'll have a nice big present for you..
All wrapped up nice and neatly...

Until then how about a piece of

no1phD's photo
Fri 11/10/17 06:00 PM
Edited by no1phD on Fri 11/10/17 06:02 PM
I don't know what the other nine possibilities would be ..but I'm definitely number 10th.. on that

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