I_need_a_smoke_break's photo
Thu 12/18/08 09:11 AM
The cost.
Plus, I don't usually taste the difference between some organic foods versus non organic. An organic Fuji apple tastes just like a non organic Fuji apple to me. XD

I_need_a_smoke_break's photo
Thu 12/18/08 09:06 AM
Most piercings are turn ons to me. No a big fan of large nose rings or those mole like ones above the lips....but most other ones are really sexy.

Tattoos (Good ones in the right places) are like..."OMG just do me now!" rofl rofl rofl

I_need_a_smoke_break's photo
Thu 12/18/08 09:03 AM
Possibly...But then divorce for it too. XD

I_need_a_smoke_break's photo
Thu 12/18/08 08:58 AM
If you don't want them to cheat then you have to believe that they are 'innocent until proven guilty'. If you keep trying to claim that they are cheating on you everytime they are 5 minutes late getting home, then they are bound to eventually cheat on you.

I_need_a_smoke_break's photo
Thu 12/18/08 08:48 AM
Edited by I_need_a_smoke_break on Thu 12/18/08 08:51 AM
I like a guy that is confident and can play the more dominant role in a relationship but not cocky or overly dominant to where my opinion doesn't matter.
As long as he knows how to make a decision on his own while also asking my opinion he's good enough for me!

Oh, and a sense of humour is also fantabulous.

(Any guys/girls that fit that description out here? XD)

I_need_a_smoke_break's photo
Thu 12/18/08 08:44 AM
Keep him on a leash.

Or be better in bed than any girls that he is around. XD

I_need_a_smoke_break's photo
Wed 12/17/08 11:54 PM
My ex is bi.
Totally a turn on to me.
Being bi myself, we could talk about both girls and guys that we thought were hot.

I_need_a_smoke_break's photo
Wed 12/17/08 11:43 PM
I like a mix of both.
One that can get dirty when need be but knows how to clean up after himself.

I_need_a_smoke_break's photo
Wed 12/17/08 11:41 PM

We having fun yet? ^^

I_need_a_smoke_break's photo
Wed 12/17/08 11:38 PM
As long as they honestly tell me what was up then I'll be fine.

Even the whole 'I forgot' works for me because I forget things ALL the time without trying.
I'll push something aside until 'later' and then pretty much not remember for another 2 or 3 days. XD

I_need_a_smoke_break's photo
Wed 12/17/08 11:34 PM
rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

Oh my gosh...That totally just made my night! biggrin

I_need_a_smoke_break's photo
Wed 12/17/08 11:32 PM

Welcome to the site.

Haha. You know, I don't think that I ever posted in the new member area when I first started. XD

Send me a message sometime and we could chat yeah?


I_need_a_smoke_break's photo
Wed 12/17/08 11:30 PM
I think that would hurt.

I mean I don't mind stiff but WOW. That would be rock solid.

rofl rofl rofl

I_need_a_smoke_break's photo
Wed 12/17/08 11:28 PM
I hate that phrase too!
It is ridiculous that people are so self-absorbed that they do not even stop to think how their actions affect the people around them or that maybe, the problem is not the employee's fault.
I get that quite often as a cashier. When something goes wrong with a price, people will throw a long, whiny tantrum that it is my fault, that I did not ring up the item properly. When the price is wrong, I had nothing to do with that. I am not the system that reads the information or the one that is supposed to set up the correct prices. I just push the buttons, add up the money, take the money and give change. That is all I am supposed to do. Apparently that is not the case for the customers though.
When something goes wrong with one customer and I have to fix it, I usually do not bother to apologize for the wait to the next customer because it happens all the time. Plus, we all tend to expect the same to happen for us; everyone has to wait for us to get the problem sorted out so that we can still make our purchase.

It is extremely frustrating.
I am glad someone is willing to stand up and speak out against it.

I_need_a_smoke_break's photo
Wed 12/17/08 11:13 PM
The girl I'd shower with: Amy Lee

The boy I'd shower with: Matthew Gray Gubler

I_need_a_smoke_break's photo
Wed 12/17/08 11:08 PM
There are ups and downs to abstinence and premartial sex, as pointed out numerous times throughout the thread.
It is up to you whether or not it is worth it and if you can really do it. It is a challenge in this day and age to maintain an abstinent lifestyle due to social and media based pressures. From what I hear, it can be worth it, while other times it was not worth it.
The downside, that I have heard, is that some people who wait have a tendency to be more traditional. In traditional families, both are virgins at marriage, have kids, live happily ever after. Well, due to not being sexually active, people don't look into the possibility of being sterile. So when that 'perfect' traditional family idea gets ruined by infertility, it breaks the marriage apart.
On the lighter note, some people who wait end up with stronger bonds to their spouse, have a great sex and family life.

Personally, I had planned on waiting until marriage but things changed. I got put in a position I wasn't ready for and made a decision. That one decision where I said yes to losing my virginity changed my entire world.
Yet where would I be if I had said no? Who would I be? Who would my friends be?
It really did impact my life dramatically, I was 16 at the time it happened, and I feel like I made the right decision because I have grown into a person that I'm satisfied with.

All 'first times' are different; emotionally, physically and mentally. The only thing you can really do is hope for the best and do what you feel is right for you.

"Laugh without holding back and cry without regrets."

I_need_a_smoke_break's photo
Wed 12/17/08 10:00 AM
I simply just don't care what people label me.

Labels are for people who don't know who they are.

Random, silly and crazy are usually what I get called the most. XD

I_need_a_smoke_break's photo
Wed 12/17/08 09:57 AM
Send her nude pics of pigs.
Or shank her with a plastic spork. XD
Always works for me.

I_need_a_smoke_break's photo
Wed 12/17/08 09:54 AM
rofl rofl rofl rofl

I_need_a_smoke_break's photo
Wed 12/17/08 09:50 AM
Shank 'em.

Or just confront them about it.
If that don't work.

Ditch 'em. They ain't worth it.