Community > Posts By > MindyMindy

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Fri 11/21/08 01:20 PM
Edited by MindyMindy on Fri 11/21/08 01:22 PM

Oh, you have no idea. I could write 1000 pages on the subject and barely scratch the surface. Being a writer, I don't find it all that difficult to write about stuff. But the things I've seen, the things I've heard, the things I've heard garbled adjectives about -- I don't know.

But, alas, the only one I truly love cannot see me, for I am as if invisible to her....

Your profile is interesting but intimidating because of it's length. I am guessing that's what you want. You are a writer so you only want a girl that is willing to read your whole profile. I read it. I would have 20 questions about it if we were each others type.

I think you could use more pictures of you that are clearer pictures . To show the the girls the mystery man behind the words.

I know your profile is not the topic here. I just couldn't help mentioning it because it's so unusual.

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Fri 11/21/08 01:15 PM

going to do a couple months come january heading for warmer weather and see what adjustments i need to make to the idea to make it more economically feasible

i am thinking i will be out about a year and half leving around halloween of o9

and hopefully make a nice tour down south and around up to alaska (hopefully) meet and talk to people and take some pictures

just an expansion of my inner being per say

Sounds fun. I couldn't do that unless I stayed each night in a hotel. I went to Florida once with my Dad and Uncle in a RV. We lived a week in that thing. ewwwwww.

I am a indoor girl. I am soft. I need real showers and real bathrooms to do my business in.

Alaska? That sounds kinda fun. I would like to go there. On a plane though.

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Fri 11/21/08 01:11 PM

idk id have to like her an awful lot to travel

So you message girls on Mingle that are far away?

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Fri 11/21/08 12:56 PM
adj4u....I will call you Ohio if that's okay. It's easier to remember.

Are you making a dating site tour? Meeting girls around the country that you met on dating sites?

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Fri 11/21/08 12:53 PM
All the pictures are moving and they are all so pretty. I wish my computer had a better monitor.

thx TxsGal

I think I'll just hangout and observe.

The graphics are great

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Fri 11/21/08 12:49 PM
*plops on beanbag in corner*
*drinks green tea (trying something different)*
*stares at pretty pictures*

What an awesome thread this is.

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Fri 11/21/08 12:39 PM
Edited by MindyMindy on Fri 11/21/08 12:45 PM
From my profile. THE FULL QUOTE. Not the partial one a certain someone just showed.

"This town has very few good single guys so here I am on mingle2 hoping to find someone. I can waitress anywhere so if I find that right guy then moving would not be a problem. I don't really have a future in this town. The guy will have to be pretty special before I move though. "

Note the sentence "The guy would have to be pretty special before I move though"

Note the not lack of me saying I would move a long distance.

I don't expect a guy to give up his career to move to a little tiny town in Jersey. That is why I said I would move.

It seems some only quote what they want to quote to make them seem right. Sorry, you lose.

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Fri 11/21/08 12:37 PM
Edited by MindyMindy on Fri 11/21/08 12:37 PM

have drove over 700 miles

fun fun fun


Hi adj4u.... what do I call you? a? ad? Bob?
Did it work out? Obviously you are still on Mingle but was the date at least worth it? Did you know her long before the date?

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Fri 11/21/08 12:26 PM

I would fly 2449 miles for a date with a particular someone.flowerforyou know you had a bunch of guys checking their maps after that post. "Lets see, do I live 2449 miles away"

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Fri 11/21/08 12:22 PM
Edited by MindyMindy on Fri 11/21/08 12:24 PM

Your profile states a willingness to move for the right guy ... perhaps it is a little confusing then? If you are only interested in local guys that's cool ... just let them know... :smile:

I am wiling to move. The question was about these guys that want to fly out and meet me after only knowing me one week. They are nice guys but that would be too much pressure after knowing guys for only one week.

Another thing. Some other people (not you ArtGurl) have miss quoted my profile and said that it said I would move long distances. No where does it say that in my profile and it never has.

I would maybe move a long distance if I really got to know the guy well and things worked out. But I am not going to meet a guy from say...... Colorado.... after one week of messages.

The OP is about me wanting to understand what goes through certain guys minds. It also about wanting other people's opinions on meeting guys after just one week, guys who live far away. It's not about other things that people are making it out to be.

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Fri 11/21/08 01:00 AM
Two years?!! In a row?? frown

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Fri 11/21/08 12:57 AM
Edited by MindyMindy on Fri 11/21/08 12:58 AM



that sex emoticon never works

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Fri 11/21/08 12:52 AM
I am a sleep. I am sleep posting

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Fri 11/21/08 12:35 AM

thats awesome

its great to be able to have some fun with out drama isnt it

Drama? here??

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Fri 11/21/08 12:16 AM
Edited by MindyMindy on Fri 11/21/08 12:17 AM

I've kissed a girl....and well it wasn't bad but it certainly wasn't a man laugh

I made out with my best girl friend. It was no big deal.

Sex is suppose to be ...insert tab A into Slot A.

But all we had were tabs.

Her stuff felt the same as my stuff. I like men's stuff better.

Hey...aren't we off the OP topic?

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Fri 11/21/08 12:03 AM
Edited by MindyMindy on Fri 11/21/08 12:04 AM
Boyshorts (many different colors) and a white or yellow t-shirt

that is if it's not too cold and as long as I am alone

no photo
Thu 11/20/08 11:55 PM

Happy Happy Joy Joy Happy Happy Joy

flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

LOL...where did you come from and why are you so happy?

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Thu 11/20/08 11:54 PM

Why would you have reason to hide?

I don't want the nasty lake monster to find and eat me.

no photo
Thu 11/20/08 11:43 PM

Wierd... The only time I got a message from the mod squad, was when I was posting in the wrong column.

I have about a dozen messages from mods. Mostly just replies to my questions. They have been very helpful.

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Thu 11/20/08 11:18 PM
Edited by MindyMindy on Thu 11/20/08 11:37 PM
What's a moderator?

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