Community > Posts By > MindyMindy

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Fri 11/21/08 09:43 PM

You can't create love, only the kind of relationship you forge out of it. flowerforyou IMO

Maybe not but I will try. Unless I find it in the diner I work in or on this dating site.

Hi No1sLove

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Fri 11/21/08 09:35 PM
To oakschevy1955 ^^^^^^6 post up. I think you hit the post button instead of the private message button by mistake.

Nice post but a private message to her might work better.

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Fri 11/21/08 09:33 PM
I am awake but I am not out there. I am in here.

Hi babygirl6364

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Fri 11/21/08 09:29 PM

This is my quick fix for the Nigerian or any african scammers. Reply by saying "Jambo"...They think you are an African scammer and move on thier way.....hasn't failed yet.

My idea would be to pretend to go along and see how long you can string them out. If they ask for money you say okay. Then you message them and say you can't find a western union. Then when they tell you where one is you message them that you have to wait for payday. Then you have to wait for your check to clear....etc. Maybe even ask them to send you $20 so you can pay for cab fare to the western union.

The longer they spend on you the less they are scamming others. Then at the end you can laugh at them.

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Fri 11/21/08 09:25 PM

I think that you both find and create love at the same time. :)

That's what I am thinking. You find a guy who has a good foundation and then you create love. But what do I know....I am 21 and blonde 90% of the time.

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Fri 11/21/08 09:24 PM
One thing I do know is you have to make and effort to keep the love re-blooming season after season. And sometimes thinks just wither and die no matter how well you tend the garden. ....

That's what my dad says. He says he still spends a lot of time courting my mom. Every year they recreate their first date and try to do the same thing they did when they meet 28 years ago.
My dad still chases my mom around the house tickling her. They are such brats sometimes. I sleep from 5am-1pm because of my work shift and they wake me up with all their loud giggling like school kids.

I want what they have. Is that too much to ask?

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Fri 11/21/08 09:18 PM

There is the problem in a nutshell...

Love isn't something you " see ". Love is something you feel.

You said yourself that you'll be seeing a " hot " guy and wonder if it's actually them or just their looks that is attracting you.

When there is love....there is NO QUESTION at all.

I hope you are right and there is no question at all. My dad says he fell in love with my mom at first sight (married 26 years now.) My mom said that dad help her create her love for him. He was relentless in his pursuit she said. Mom says dad still spends 5 out of 7 days a week trying to make her love him more. She said he use to spend all 7 days a week doing that but know he is retired and he fishes 2 days a week.

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Fri 11/21/08 08:42 PM
thx joedez

I don't think I over analyze love. Maybe I do....I think lots of girls do. I am just curious. I hope I know it when I see it.

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Fri 11/21/08 08:32 PM
Thx for the reply Magbalihi. I have my age limit for a was in the same post or thread you were talking about. Basically I don't want to spend the last 20-25 years of my life alone. That's a topic for another thread one day. I won't discuss it here.

zooom zooomm brrrrrrr oh no Barbie fell out and hit her head.

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Fri 11/21/08 08:14 PM
To markecephus (or anyone that may know). Do they usually just target guys? I am talking about the dating site scammers. I am on two dating sites and I don't have a clue what a scammer would look like. I very new at this dating site thing.

I get a lot of mail and 95% of the guys get a nice rejection letter. So I wonder what super duper fantastic message some scammer would send me in hopes of getting a reply.

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Fri 11/21/08 08:06 PM


LOL That's too funny!!!! I don't blame your dad for locking them away!!! I'll bet they're worth a lot of money if they are in good shape!! Unfortunately I played demolition derby with all mine!!!!

The one Barbie road in is in good shape. Some I would use to hammer things with, they are not in good shape.

So to my OP. In your opinion Is love found or created?

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Fri 11/21/08 07:54 PM
"make a wish"

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Fri 11/21/08 07:53 PM


You like Tonka trucks?????? WOW!!!!! I don't even know who's post this is, but I had just about every Tonka truck and machine ever made when I was a kid!!! I wish I still had them!!!

The post you quoted belonged to that weird Mindy girl. Her dad owns a lot of Tonka trucks and she use to play with them as a kid.

I would play with one now but dad locked them away somewhere.

zooom zooomm errrrr. Barbie use to ride in the back of the dump truck.

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Fri 11/21/08 07:43 PM

I do know I am afraid of being alone. I don't want to be alone.

I don't either. But what's worse is being with someone and WISHING you WERE alone -- and I've been there way too many times already....

That hasn't happened to me yet. I hope it doesn't. I don't want to do the marriage divorce thing. I don't want to do the marriage and live a miserable life because I didn't get a divorce thing either.

My parents have been married 26 years. I want to do like them.
They are very happy and still going strong.

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Fri 11/21/08 07:39 PM
uh... yeah right...that's what they ALL say..

No really I did. Those other 10 people I responded too mean nothing to me (except that one cute guy).

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Fri 11/21/08 07:36 PM

I like to create “LOVE” now at the strip club, Local escort service and with young, naïve college girls.

Bye, bye now.

lol. You win the award for funniest post. I don't really know what to make of it though. As long as you are happy and not hurting others I guess you're doing all right.

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Fri 11/21/08 07:34 PM

I actually still have Tonka trucks from when I was a little boy...

... I guess they are valuable antiques now... LOL.

I still have my Dad's Trucks. I love them.
zoooom brrrrrrrrmmmmm brrrrrrrmmmmm errrrrrrt crash.
Maybe my soul mate will collect Tonka trucks?

Back on topic (and this part is addressed to everyone)

I wonder about those people who live their whole lives in small towns and never leave. They marry someone else in the small town. They seem just as happy as any other married couple. That's what makes me think love is not just found.....but created.

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Fri 11/21/08 07:29 PM

I think I'll hijack this thread to use for taking up donations for the socially enept and emotionally challenged among us...

I'll cough up the first $5

There are better uses for the money. Like crayons and Tonka trucks.

I just ignore them.

Nice line by the way (coloring my own sweety). I have not figured out yet if it's really sweet or really silly.

Thx for your thoughtful response to my OP. :smile: (I created it just to lure YOU into my web)

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Fri 11/21/08 07:24 PM


Yes, for coloring my OWN world sweetie :wink:

....and the tonka truck?

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Fri 11/21/08 07:09 PM


I think you're right, and we do create it . I'm not searching so much as I am just hoping to be found. Not even that really... I guess I'm just continually learning to be the best me possible and learning to appreciate that for it's own sake. If someone else who fits my life in a profound way comes along and we both end up appreciating each other, well... yippee to the nth degree but if not, I still have my crayons and tonka trucks...

You said tonka trunks? If you had said yellow tonka trucks I might have asked you to marry me (inside joke dealing with my personal life and tonka trucks)

Thanks for saying I am right. It's my opinion and right or wrong I like hearing I am right from cute guys. You have a good attitude. I wish you luck.


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