Community > Posts By > MAHJADAH

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Mon 11/10/08 09:00 PM

revenge only opens the door wider for karma to come back and kick you tenfold
i understand your sentiments but i must ask, do the rules of karma apply if the revenge seeker has been horribly victimized. i believe (and you'd probably agree) that people who knowingly and willfully hurt innocent people are in fact opening the door for bad karma, but what about a victim seeking retribution for horrific things done to them. do the rules change, or do you think they stay the same? if someone perpatrates acts against you that leave you emotionally scarred for life, and you have a negative response toward that person for that, do the same rules apply?

the karma will kick in on that bad person. if u seek revenge you keep the bad karma flowing. you have to end it somewhere.

Its simple.."What goes around comes around..eventually!" let it your energy.
well, as much as i'd love to try and argue you down (tundraguy and cinderella), i can't. i don't like it one bit, but what you two are saying is logical. it's just hard not to want to pay a person back i guess.

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Mon 11/10/08 08:50 PM

well, mahj, you have a degree in canon law...what does scripture say about revenge...
excellent point, but i'm not christian so my canon law degree would not apply here. :-)

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Mon 11/10/08 08:38 PM

revenge only opens the door wider for karma to come back and kick you tenfold
i understand your sentiments but i must ask, do the rules of karma apply if the revenge seeker has been horribly victimized. i believe (and you'd probably agree) that people who knowingly and willfully hurt innocent people are in fact opening the door for bad karma, but what about a victim seeking retribution for horrific things done to them. do the rules change, or do you think they stay the same? if someone perpatrates acts against you that leave you emotionally scarred for life, and you have a negative response toward that person for that, do the same rules apply?

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Mon 11/10/08 08:10 PM

I think you just confessed to about a half dozen felonies...RUN!!!!
even if what you say is so and somehow doing this was illegal, it does not compare to the ACTUAL and REPEATED 47 total felony counts that are on his record for the things that he coldly and heartlessly did to me. you obviously feel sorry for womanizing dirtbags and think that gross abuse should be gotten away with. i'm greatful that the 9 men and 3 women of the jury at his trial disagree with you.

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Mon 11/10/08 06:40 PM

While my ex and I were together we would talk about marriage, babies and giving up our whole life for each other.

Then right before she takes off to Spain for the summer she decides that I am too much drama and cuts me out of her life.

After four months of trying to get her out of mind, she wants to meet up again. I have no intention of getting back together with her, but she's hot and I just want to have grudge sex with her.

Good idea or bad?
i'm all about revenge, but it must be well deserved. my question is, when she broke up with you, was she out to wound you in any way. i know it hurt you, and maybe you don't agree with her reasons, but these 2 things don't necessarily mean that she had intent to harm you emotionally. like i said before, i'm all about revenge and i'm a master at it, but i firmly believe that in order for revenge to be to be an option that 2 things must be a factor: 1)knowledge and 2)will. if she BOTH knowingly and willfully hurt you then i say she should pay. hey, why not make her wear a ball-gag and teather her to the headboard with a leash while you're at it. tell her that watching girls drink out of dogs dishes turns you on, then laugh while she does it. have her give you head, then light a huge cuban and use the top of her head as an ash tray. if she genuinely has it coming let her have it, but be creative.

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Mon 11/10/08 06:17 PM

since i broke up with my ex nearly two months ago we've done a little chasing each other. hes been telling me hes sorry about the way he treated me and wants to make it up to me he loves me and misses me...but i found out hes been seeing a women at work (whom is older than him) for nearly 2 months and hes now hes told everyone about it..i went to confront him and he wouldnt admit to seeing anyone like she thinks they are all he told me was that shes a friend and he has feelings for and doesnt know if he will date her...he said he only told me those things because he never thought he was going to see me again and he had to get it out of his system it was never his intention for us to get back im in two minds whether to try and stay friends with him in the long run or whether to tell her about him playing the both of us but then im just going to sound like the jealous ex which im not i just want her to know to be careful because of the **** he has and is still putting me through for the last 2 years but you know it might not mean much to her seeing as shes seperated and getting a divorce he might just be a rebound thing to play with so she might not care what i have to say and then ill proberbly just get him abusing me........i just would like the truth for once i cant really understand why he hid me for 2 years and then after 2 months he can be so open about her what exactly was he hiding me for...other women too??? whats some advice on this???
well my friend, you could start with what i did to my second ex-husband. here in ohio, we have a maximum security prison called lucasville. i got on line and got inmate prison id numbers for as many inmates there as i could (easily over 400). i typed up the most graphic 5 page homoerotic letter that you could possibly imagine and made hundreds and hundreds of copies. then i mailed one to each inmate complete with pics of him, his full name, his home and work addresses, as well as his home phone, cell phone and work phone numbers. this of course, is only a start. there's alot more where this came from. scumbags MUST NOT be permitted to hurt others with impunity and bear no consequences. if you'd like any more ideas, simply e mail me i'll gladly share. my second husband will remember every day for the rest of his life that he phucked with the wrong b@tch and you should do the same for this scumbag. don't buy into or listen to the rhetoric that somehow revenge is wrong. if you know in your heart that you're a good woman, and that you were good to this man and did nothing to deserve being preyed upon and victimized in this manner, let her rip. when guys do this kind of crap, it's because they think they can get away with it. show him he's dead wrong.

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Mon 11/10/08 05:42 PM

Okay, some of you know I had been pursuing a certain someone from here...

But that is not my conundrum... apparently that resolved itself last night. (Although I still have high hopes.)

This is my conundrum I pose to you all:

There is this lovely man in Washington, DC that is pursuing ME. (yes, it does happen).

He is NOT from Mingle, so don't bother searching for him. Eventually I might show y'all his stunning mug.

He is a 5'11, 165 lb, federal prosecutor w/depart of justice who prosecutes financial crime so he gets to throw rich bad guys in jail. He graduated from UC Berkeley Law, and athletic, into soccer, arts, local theatre, eclectic movies, and hiking, and can be very mellow, sarcastic & silly at times.

We started talking over "Atlas Shrugged" and "The Fountainhead".

He is very stunningly handsome, like DAZZLING you could say.

(But I still miss and prefer the preacher's son.)

Anyway, as some of you know, I have been bemoaning the loss of my phone recently due to bad politics with Alltel.. (bet you thought I was going to say Obama).

Anyway, he asked me if someone might be able to pay online my phone bill. I said, yes, I do it all the time, why?

Well... He just paid $116 on the bill. That covers me for Nov-Dec. (I don't have to pay again till Jan...)

Sounds like someone is more interested in me than I thought...

Or really misses the sound of my voice...

I mean, we've been flirting since Mid-August, but I keep deleting him from my profile (you know how my temper is when people take more than a day to get back to me).

He just keep re-requesting my friendship and we've been emailing and calling each other since early Sept.

Do you think he likes me?

I mean, he keeps setting up trips for me to come out there for a weekend, and then last minute chickens out and cancels the flights.

Do you think he is nervous?

Or is he just toying with me?

he's clearly lying about and or hiding something. beware.

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Mon 11/10/08 05:37 PM

flowerforyouWhen your husband has touched other women inappropriately,goes to night clubs and tries to pickup other women, tells you your not what he wants anymore,goes to strip clubs on a regular basis,drinks every night excessively, is he cheating?huh
he does all of that and you're still there???!! the first time he did even ONE of those things i'd have been gone, no questions asked. crap like this is why some guys need a constant reminder that they can be easily replaced by a piece of plastic, two d batteries.

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Mon 11/10/08 05:28 PM

Okay.... If you are not interested and you say you are not interested. Please tell me why the other person... the one in which you are not interested, why are they pushing to meet in person to talk about it? Why? What could there possibly left to discuss?

<give him a thorough and concise rundown on all laws in your state governing stalking and harassment.

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Mon 11/10/08 05:16 PM
i think it comes across as desperate.