Community > Posts By > TBRich

TBRich's photo
Sun 08/17/14 09:04 AM
One death is a tragedy, a million a statistic- Joseph Stalin

TBRich's photo
Sun 08/17/14 09:02 AM

But Israel has invaded a lot of its neighbours' country. And then it has imprisoned the people there so that they can't escape, and dropped bombs on them, killing and maiming men, women and children indiscriminately. (I'm talking about the last several years, not the last few weeks.) You can hardly be surprised that the neighbours want to resist and fight back, even if the latest retaliation is excessive. But what are they to do when even the most powerful country in the world refuses to rebuke Israel and force it to comply with the United Nations resolutions to withdraw to its own boundaries?

If they'd bomb indiscriminately,there wouldn't be a Gaza left since '67!

How many fools have said we will bomb (so-so) back to the stone-Age? Or we will bomb them and pave them over to make an airport. How often has this actually worked?

TBRich's photo
Sun 08/17/14 09:00 AM

If I didn't have kids, Id celebrate the break from responsibilities,,lol

but being that I do,, it would suck for them to suddenly not have a mother,,,,sad2

Oh so only mothers have responsibilites in the family? Sexist

TBRich's photo
Sun 08/17/14 08:58 AM
I have done many sessions of Values Clarification, a cognitive-behavioural technique, when doing therapy with individuals. What is meaningful to you and why? But you brought up homosexuality (a reaction formation?); I don't understand how opposing two people who love each other is a value? Then you have to ask: why? exposed to bad science? past trauma? indoctrination? odd definition of a family (did you see Al Franken correct a pastor who was misquoting the government study on families?), etc.

TBRich's photo
Sun 08/17/14 08:35 AM
Perhaps you should study comparative anthropology? We are in an age of Post-Modernism, where traditional Western values of social cohesion are no longer valid. Modernism officially died in 1974, try to keep up with the times

TBRich's photo
Sun 08/17/14 08:28 AM

In light of robin Williams passing I thought I would open a forum for people
to talk about their experiences with depression.

Everyone knows someone whether it be themselves friends or family that suffer
from this horrible disease and it is still very misunderstood often ignored
or branded as some form of behavioural problem.

So feel free to share your experiences or even reach out to others and offer
help or ask for help.

We have such a massive community of great people here that there is no need
to feel alone.

Please keep in mind people the purpose of this particular forum is to reach
out and touch people so no nastiness negativity or judgement we are all human
and bleed the same colour blood.

Take care ya'll
Love jess xxx ".

In my line of work, I help those people that suffer from clinical depression. It is one day at a time for them when they are very sick. The neurotransmitters in the brain of someone that is clinically depressed is different than someone who is not. This is where medication comes into play. To get the neurotransmitters in balance. That is the most simple way that I can put it.

Not sure I will ever understand what Robin Williams was going through, but I do not think that he was thinking clearly when he killed himself. He had a wife and children. The world has lost a very talented actor.

This actor's death has really bothered me. I really enjoyed most of his work.

Prozac basically proves that there is no chemical imbalance in the brain of a depressed person

TBRich's photo
Sun 08/17/14 08:22 AM
Generally because certain positions are religious based with no other support.
1. Same-sex marriage- every argument against is religious based
2. Creationism- this is religious based as there is no accepted science behind it.

I don't see why the obvious is so difficult to see

TBRich's photo
Fri 08/15/14 07:25 PM
Friday nite and you're still hanging around, tired of living in your one horse town...

I gotta get up at 3am so I'm hitting the sack

TBRich's photo
Fri 08/15/14 06:54 PM
Even Pat Robertson (who gave up his minsterial credentials to avoid a financial audit) said you would have to be an idiot to believe in young earth creationism

TBRich's photo
Fri 08/15/14 06:29 PM

Strangely she is very attractive for some reason

TBRich's photo
Fri 08/15/14 06:26 PM
Interesting how Genesis chapter 1 and Genesis chapter 2 contract each other, it just gets gets easier to believe from there. Unless, of course, you do a serious mental contortion to try and say they agree with each other, which in the end only demonstrates their unbelievability

TBRich's photo
Fri 08/15/14 05:51 PM

Would you ever date or marry a dancer/stripper? Why or why not?

I am a leg man, so I have dated tons of dancers, however the one ballerina's feet were so disfigured it kinda turned me off big time. There were also a couple strippers in there as well- when I lived in California I didn't know many women who were strippers LOL

TBRich's photo
Fri 08/15/14 04:11 PM

'No such thing as an Atheist in a foxhole.'

Only thing I ever did in a foxhole was **** myself and blaspheme

TBRich's photo
Fri 08/15/14 04:09 PM

For example, almost everything Jesus is quoted as saying in the Bible is in the Didache (in many cases word for word) Now the "Xian" version is from around 125 CE; but the original Jewish text is what Naomi taught Ruth from and is much older.

Point being? And it might quite possibly be in the Didache

Didache wikipedia -
The Didache (/ˈdɪdəkiː/; Koine Greek: Διδαχή) or The Teaching of the Twelve Apostles (Didachē means "Teaching"[1]) is a brief early Christian treatise, dated by most scholars to the late first or early 2nd century.

See, you prove the point- by claiming the book is solely a Xian text and pretending the original does not exist, you set the table for error. The point is everything he said was already written down centuries before (ex- turn the other cheek) and clearly the orientation is Jewish and not Xian. Once this is understood, the exgetes becomes clearer.

What in the world are you on about my friend? It's not a "Christian" thing. God doesn't see Christian, Catholic, or any other "label" you wish to place on it. People are people that have made different choices, we are all made by God white, black, Christian, other beliefs, ect. The things written in the bible were not written "for" the bible. They are different books and or epistles to certain people for certain specific reasoning that were all gathered into the cannon we call the bible.

The title of the thread is bible inconsistencies. I have been demonstrating these as well as the why for. As Spong points out the break between Xian and Jewish orientation took a long time to happen and was based on the incompatibility of the two to fit together- this is demonstrated by Marcione, who composed the first Xian canon; in an later attempt to "reconcile" the Church developed the modern canon to give it legitimacy. The theological inconsistencies ( we don't need to get into the scientific and historical errors) in the Bible are due to attempts to gloss over these incompatibilities.

HOWEVER, while I can point out these errors all day, the medium is not the message (aka Marshal Maculan (sp?). The point should be what is the message?

For example, the Church of the Almighty in China is considered a cult and just killed some people due to their theology. They believe the End of Times is near. Watch/listen to any American "preacher" and one gets basically the same message, from Harold Camping to preachers selling survival food, etc. The Church of the Almighty is not so far out of the mainstream. This is the error of biblical literalism; they miss the spiritual message.

As Spong points out the break between Xian and Jewish orientation took a long time to happen and was based on the incompatibility of the two to fit together

Absolutely right. The Jews have been around forever, Christians only came about when Jesus CHRIST was crucified for us and died for our sins. We follow the new covenant God has made with us, Jews remain in the old covenant because they do not believe the first had been fulfilled as again they did not believe Jesus to be whom he claimed to be.

Oy, do you ever discuss anything beyond the minutiae? Or is that the whole of your theology?

TBRich's photo
Fri 08/15/14 03:58 PM

Most of us get it. We want to be gentle, loving, sweet.....attentive sharers in life. If we try real hard, we can sit there and "really" listen (and not try to problem solve), just be supportive.

However, there DOES come a time when "most or many" women want us to look DEEP in your eyes....and you KNOW it is time for us to pick you up and take you into the "other room".......because...."THIS" is about to happen, and you want it to.

We're dumb! (Big news there.) What signs do you give us to forcefully (obviously not abusively) "take over"?

I am actually really really bad at this. Why? I have dated mostly women who were extremely sexually aggressive and I didn't need to learn all this flirting or nonverbal cue stuff. Most women I have dated will come right out and say it or start in, waiting for me catch up. If you flirt with me, I will generally miss the point and just think you are being odd. I am sure I have missed out on a lot- I remember one lady kept telling me I could do my laundry at her house; I said that's ok I got it. She yelled go stick your nose back in your f'ing book. I assume that was more than her just being nice.

TBRich's photo
Fri 08/15/14 03:18 PM
In case you live in a cave: Philly's Taney Dragons are rocking the Little League World Series! And why? A 14 year old girl with a 70 mph fastball, who routinely throws 2-hitters. This is a wonderful juxtaposition to the current Almay PSA- "Throw Like A Girl". If you have a girl in your life you need to check these two items out, they will renew, refresh and motivate you. Perhaps someone more computer savy than I can post a link to the Almay PSA?

TBRich's photo
Fri 08/15/14 03:08 PM

Me? I want what I want...when I want it...:tongue:

Hey that's great! Good luck with that!!

TBRich's photo
Fri 08/15/14 03:06 PM

I've come to the conclusion that relationships are for the weak. Only wimps "settle down". Hard men value their freedom. Take Lee Child for example, you know the writer; he keeps scoring best sellers with his Jack Reacher novels. Even though they're all the same. But middle aged men can't get enough of them! Why do you think that is? I'll tell you why, it's because Jack Reacher is a man's man. He's strong, he's handsome and puts people in their place. He has no home, no job, no wife and no kids. All he has is the clothes on his back. And when he needs new clothes he just goes and buys some and throws the old ones away haha! No washing, tumble drying or ironing for him.

Did you miss the explanation and psychology of what makes Reacher Reacher? While it is good to emulate our heros, we are in trouble if we deny are true selves- I doubt you have had any similar developmental experiences as Reacher did. Plus, I suspect you have a mancrush on Tom Cruise

TBRich's photo
Fri 08/15/14 02:57 PM

For example, almost everything Jesus is quoted as saying in the Bible is in the Didache (in many cases word for word) Now the "Xian" version is from around 125 CE; but the original Jewish text is what Naomi taught Ruth from and is much older.

Point being? And it might quite possibly be in the Didache

Didache wikipedia -
The Didache (/ˈdɪdəkiː/; Koine Greek: Διδαχή) or The Teaching of the Twelve Apostles (Didachē means "Teaching"[1]) is a brief early Christian treatise, dated by most scholars to the late first or early 2nd century.

See, you prove the point- by claiming the book is solely a Xian text and pretending the original does not exist, you set the table for error. The point is everything he said was already written down centuries before (ex- turn the other cheek) and clearly the orientation is Jewish and not Xian. Once this is understood, the exgetes becomes clearer.

What in the world are you on about my friend? It's not a "Christian" thing. God doesn't see Christian, Catholic, or any other "label" you wish to place on it. People are people that have made different choices, we are all made by God white, black, Christian, other beliefs, ect. The things written in the bible were not written "for" the bible. They are different books and or epistles to certain people for certain specific reasoning that were all gathered into the cannon we call the bible.

The title of the thread is bible inconsistencies. I have been demonstrating these as well as the why for. As Spong points out the break between Xian and Jewish orientation took a long time to happen and was based on the incompatibility of the two to fit together- this is demonstrated by Marcione, who composed the first Xian canon; in an later attempt to "reconcile" the Church developed the modern canon to give it legitimacy. The theological inconsistencies ( we don't need to get into the scientific and historical errors) in the Bible are due to attempts to gloss over these incompatibilities.

HOWEVER, while I can point out these errors all day, the medium is not the message (aka Marshal Maculan (sp?). The point should be what is the message?

For example, the Church of the Almighty in China is considered a cult and just killed some people due to their theology. They believe the End of Times is near. Watch/listen to any American "preacher" and one gets basically the same message, from Harold Camping to preachers selling survival food, etc. The Church of the Almighty is not so far out of the mainstream. This is the error of biblical literalism; they miss the spiritual message.

TBRich's photo
Fri 08/15/14 02:28 PM

For example, almost everything Jesus is quoted as saying in the Bible is in the Didache (in many cases word for word) Now the "Xian" version is from around 125 CE; but the original Jewish text is what Naomi taught Ruth from and is much older.

Point being? And it might quite possibly be in the Didache

Didache wikipedia -
The Didache (/ˈdɪdəkiː/; Koine Greek: Διδαχή) or The Teaching of the Twelve Apostles (Didachē means "Teaching"[1]) is a brief early Christian treatise, dated by most scholars to the late first or early 2nd century.

See, you prove the point- by claiming the book is solely a Xian text and pretending the original does not exist, you set the table for error. The point is everything he said was already written down centuries before (ex- turn the other cheek) and clearly the orientation is Jewish and not Xian. Once this is understood, the exgetes becomes clearer.