Religous Beliefs
1. Having grown up around alcohol abuse- I avoid imbibing alcohol- nonreligious
2. I avoid the consumption of flesh- religious |
This is in the bible ...
She was insulting me because she thinks I am a know-it-all, as I happen to disagree with the veracity of the topic on hand. You have me confused with the ark- I assume Coptic Xians and you mention Muslims?
Jesus like Muslim?
Jesus s the christ and the son of was another way of referring to the messiah, the who would come to and administer gods rule on earth, and rescue the world from all its oppressors and troubles..he s king..not just a king but THE KING.. This is also a retrofit as the Jewish definition of what and who a messiah was is that he would be soley human |
Jesus like Muslim?
The Concept of Logos or Artistic Fire
Heraclitus, a noble from Ephesus (ca. 500 B.C.), was the first to identify the Word; “that universal principle which animates and rules the world” as the Urstoff. He claims the Word as Reason, a Reason that rules the universe. Still, for Heraclitus, man remained trapped within the cycles of the earth (spring, summer, fall, winter; birth, middle age, death). Later, Galen, described the Logos in the following terms: He “did not make the world as an artisan does his work, but it is by wholly penetrating all matter that He is the demiurge of the universe” [Galen, “de qual. Incorp.”]. Plutarch wrote that the Logos was a “go-between” between God and man. Tertullian: The Logos mixes with the matter “as honey does the honeycomb.” Copleston though, warns: “But we are not entitled to suppose that Heraclitus regarded the One, Fire, as a personal God, any more than Thales or Anazimenes regarded Water or Air as a personal God: Heraclitus was a pantheist, just as the Stoics in later times were pantheists. It is, however, true that the conception of God as the immanent, ordering Principle of all things, together with the moral attitude of acceptance of events as the expression of divine Law, tends to produce a psychological attitude that is at variance with what would seem to be logically demanded by the theoretical identification of God with the cosmic unity.”[3] |
Good News for the Hard-Up
will they soon pay the Client? ![]() Criminey, I worked in West Philly and a lot of them would have had to pay me! I guess that is the danger of crack, the good part is where else can you buy a $5 TV? |
Jesus like Muslim?
Jesus is a prophet Islam Is religion Jesus is a Muslim and he will be a Muslim until the day he dies. you wish! ![]() NO AM NOT WISHING IT IS THE TRUTH :) you have to be open for excepting the truth Jesus didn't have a religious view, he was neither Christian nor Muslim Jesus is God, he was here to give us the laws to abide by of the new covenant he made with us. He didn't share "religious" views, he didn't practice religion. Religion is made by man in their doubtfulness in the truth. He is not a god , god dosnt have to come him self to guide us he just send messengers to people to guide them .God never been born or created by any one he is the all mighty , religion is not what are u thinking Cowboy , it wasn't created by men , it was from god but some men changed it to fit their lives and that is it. (religion) in itself is created by man. Jesus is God, you just don't have faith that he is, that's fine. Jesus is God incarnate, he's not some mortal man born of a man and woman. His only "father" is God the Father who art in Heaven. There was no "male" being in Jesus' birth. I know how Jesus was born without a man , this miracle by god to him to give him power and distinguish him to all human , i do have faith in him and i do believe him and what was he sent for , but u should know that he asks for the same believes as other profits before and after him , he wasn't the only one , you would be amazed of how many prophets have miracles , but for Jesus it self , because he will come back later , he didn't die so we all believe in him Jesus isn't a prophet though. Matthew 3:17 17 And lo a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. And we only become "children" of God through Jesus Christ. Galatians 3:26 26 For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. No other "prophet" as you say can we become a child of God through. Jesus answered: "The first all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God is one Lord, loved the Lord your God with all your heart, and said to him:" It is true, my teacher! Spoken by the right, the one God, and not Last else Gospel of John that Jesus mention, said: "The eternal life is that they may know you the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent" (John 17 / 3-4) everything was born will have a time and eventually will die even Jesus but his time didn't come until now Jesus is a prophet , a human being , bleeds and eat and sleep and do all the human acts , no god will do that . Yes while he was in his human incarnate form. But Jesus is the Word, and the Word is God. This, of course, is an example of retrofitting. Logos here does not mean word. Read the stoics, namely Marcus Aurelieus. |
Religous Beliefs
My example for this was regarding the bible, to make it easier for you:
1. Most people who respect the bible, have not actually read what it says- that is not a religious value/belief it is a scientific one. 2. The message of the bible is not the medium (ie- the bible is the medium, in and of itself it is not the message)- that is a religious value/belief |
Religous Beliefs
I just gave you an example of a religious and non-religious value; perhaps you can do the same or is my twig too big for your branch? (that didn't sound right) and am I off drive a half hour to see my youngest son for 5 minutes- is that a religious or non-religious value? Did you see the Almay PSA "throw like a girl"
Religous Beliefs
BACK ON TOPIC,,,,, why are values categorized as 'religious' or not? Because some are some aren't |
Just saying...
Religous Beliefs
BTW- since you didn't ask, my religious belief in this matter is that the medium is not the message ( I give extra points to those who know the reference)
an economist is not the same as an activist Those two African-American economists present facts that Democrat activists don't want to acknowledge. they share opinions about the economy that have no uniform consent amongst the economic community,, that is their job, addressing economic issues activists address injustices,,,, and it would serve them well to understand Economics! They would make less of an A$$ of themselves! and economists might make less of an A$$ of themselves if they understood or acknowledged the financial caste history of America,,,, LOL, did you catch that- she used the word caste. Just shows how Marx is still more relevant than Friedman. Recent history demonstrates that when a nation militarizes its police it is because thy plan on adopting Friedman's ideas and they need to suppress the masses from opposing them |
Religous Beliefs
Gospel and Acts[edit]
See also: Judas Iscariot In Matthew 27:3-8 , Judas returns the bribe Christians believe he had immorally accepted for handing over Jesus, throwing the money into the temple before hanging himself. The temple priests, unwilling to return the defiled money to the treasury,[104] used it instead to buy a field known as the Potter's Field, as a plot in which to bury strangers. In Acts 1:18 , on the other hand, Judas, having not committed suicide out of guilt, used the bribe money to buy the field himself, and his death in the field is attributed thus: "falling headlong, he burst open in the middle and all his intestines gushed out." Raymond E. Brown points to the obvious contradiction: "Luke's account of the death of Judas in Acts 1:18 is scarcely reconcilable with Matt 27:3-10."[105] Harmonization of the two accounts has been tried since ancient times[106] and occasionally still today.[107] However, modern scholars tend to find these unconvincing,[108] pointing out, for instance, the absence of any indication of suicide in the story in Acts.[109] Mt belief and this is not a religious belief is the same as my old theology professor- people who respect the bible have not actually read it |
In light of robin Williams passing I thought I would open a forum for people to talk about their experiences with depression. Everyone knows someone whether it be themselves friends or family that suffer from this horrible disease and it is still very misunderstood often ignored or branded as some form of behavioural problem. So feel free to share your experiences or even reach out to others and offer help or ask for help. We have such a massive community of great people here that there is no need to feel alone. Please keep in mind people the purpose of this particular forum is to reach out and touch people so no nastiness negativity or judgement we are all human and bleed the same colour blood. Take care ya'll Love jess xxx ". In my line of work, I help those people that suffer from clinical depression. It is one day at a time for them when they are very sick. The neurotransmitters in the brain of someone that is clinically depressed is different than someone who is not. This is where medication comes into play. To get the neurotransmitters in balance. That is the most simple way that I can put it. Not sure I will ever understand what Robin Williams was going through, but I do not think that he was thinking clearly when he killed himself. He had a wife and children. The world has lost a very talented actor. This actor's death has really bothered me. I really enjoyed most of his work. Prozac basically proves that there is no chemical imbalance in the brain of a depressed person How does Prozac prove this? There are many other medications out there. I see proof everyday with clients that are on antidepressant medications doing well. They are down holding jobs and having relationships. Prozac is the classical example. The body wants homeostasis. When Prozac leaves too much serotonin in the synapses, the brain senses this and stops making serotonin. The end result is no real change in serotonin levels. I do advocate people not using medications, however you should know that both NIH and NIMH are frustrated and want to pursue other avenues of research besides psychoactive medications to more effectively treat mental health disorders. Reference Dr. Peter Breggin |
Religous Beliefs
pray that we don't get started on the discussion on how homosexuality/sexual preference/sexual orientation/sexual attraction,,etc,,, are defined,,,,or determined,,,, I just used it as one example of how people throw around the term 'religious' belief to imply that it would not, does not, or cannot exist outside of religion Lets hope it doesn't get into that kind of discussion, but just for the record and so we know what is or isn't homosexual for the discussion at hand - Homosexuality - Sexual activity with another of the same sex Simply "attraction" isn't homosexual, as again most to all females are attracted to other females and some males are likewise with other males as well. It's the sexual action in itself that is a sin eg., a man shall not lay with a man as he would a woman. Again, just attraction doesn't constitute into what we're talking about, for an "attraction" could never be a sin. As it's not something you personally choose to have or not have, it's just that way from your perception. Same reason fornication is a sin, that form of sexual activity doesn't prosper the people of the world eg., reproduction wise the sole purpose of sex in itself. But as any other sinner of any other sins, homosexuals aren't treated differently and or in a foul way. They are just people that have made a choice to sin differently then others. Actually fornication would be in turn the reasoning behind homosexual behavior to be sinful. As God never blessed marriage between two of the same gender and sex with people outside of marriage is fornication. As again marriage is for the sole purpose of building a family, which can not be done through homosexuality. See, one cannot escape one's own nature or hide it behind semantics. BTW, did Judas hang himself or fall head first and burst his guts open- I don't understand the contradictions between Matthew and Luke either. People need to be taught hate |
Religous Beliefs
I have done many sessions of Values Clarification, a cognitive-behavioural technique, when doing therapy with individuals. What is meaningful to you and why? But you brought up homosexuality (a reaction formation?); I don't understand how opposing two people who love each other is a value? Then you have to ask: why? exposed to bad science? past trauma? indoctrination? odd definition of a family (did you see Al Franken correct a pastor who was misquoting the government study on families?), etc. Homosexuality isn't secluded to love. I can love another man and not be homosexual. Homosexuality is the action of two people of the same gender having sex. Which there is not productive outcome of for what sex is about and the reasoning people have sex eg., reproduction. There is a difference between homosexual behaviour and homosexuality And a man loving another man isn't homosexual behavior, it's loving a fellow person. Homosexuality is PURELY physical. Before anything physical is done, there is no "homosexuality". I now many celibate homosexuals, if you know what I mean |
Religous Beliefs
TB wrote: Funny I do find bans on incest in many "holy texts"- incest can cause extreme mental/physical damage. So the point you are making is -you feel uncomfortable around homosexual families? I feel uncomfortable around Ohio State fans ( I went to Ohio University), but I don't try to ban or kill them. I feel uncomfortable around most of my clients (esp- the dementia ones, they are always taking off their clothes, why do they do that and I mean one lady I walked down the hall to the dining room and eight times she dropped her pants- remember, I am pretty much prudish). Social disruption is the cause of post-modernism. So, there is that..... just saying. Plus I just did a double shift and I am tired I also find murder being forbidden in many texts, doesn't make it a 'religious value' though there is correlation between incest and mental/physical damage of CHILDREN,, not nearly as much in CONSENTING ADULTS,,,,and good luck defining whether disturbed adults choose the relationship or the relationship causes the adults to be disturbed,,, I do feel uncomfortable with the idea of my daughter having physical intimacy with her brother or another female yet I don't try to 'ban' homosexuality as I would never support a law making that an illegal activity,,,,, I do , however, refuse to support the GOVERNMENT or social mandate to support, encourage, and/or promote those activities,,, social disruption is also the cause of chaos and genocide,, just saying few things are all good or all bad, most things can be manipulated towards either and I woke up too early, so Im tired too Typo- I DO NOT find bans on incest.... Who is promoting homosexuality- just because they want to legalize it on equal footing, does not mean promoting it, it means equal rights- familiar with that term? Sexual orientation follows a Bell curve- few people are 100% homosexual and few are 100% heterosexual, most are in-between. See Cowboy says its a "sin"- ergo religious belief. Maybe I miss your point? |
Religous Beliefs
I have done many sessions of Values Clarification, a cognitive-behavioural technique, when doing therapy with individuals. What is meaningful to you and why? But you brought up homosexuality (a reaction formation?); I don't understand how opposing two people who love each other is a value? Then you have to ask: why? exposed to bad science? past trauma? indoctrination? odd definition of a family (did you see Al Franken correct a pastor who was misquoting the government study on families?), etc. Homosexuality isn't secluded to love. I can love another man and not be homosexual. Homosexuality is the action of two people of the same gender having sex. Which there is not productive outcome of for what sex is about and the reasoning people have sex eg., reproduction. There is a difference between homosexual behaviour and homosexuality |
Good News for the Hard-Up
8 Factors That Are Lowering the Price of Buying Sex
New Economist report reveals the hourly rate of sex is in steady decline. 53 COMMENTS53 COMMENTS A A A August 15, 2014 | A new report released this week by The Economist has provided a stark look into sex work globally to reveal some surprising new economic trends about the world’s oldest profession. After analyzing 190,000 profiles of sex workers in over 12 countries and 84 cities since 1999, the report found that the hourly price of sex with a female sex worker has been declining steadily in recent years. In 2006, the average cost of sex was approximately $340, yet almost a decade on, sex can now be purchased for about $260 an hour on average. While this reduction has in part been blamed on the financial crisis, here’s a list of eight additional factors cited in the report that have influenced the going rate of commercial sex work today – for better and for worse. 1. Increased Migration According to The Economist report, large-scale migration is perhaps the greatest reason why sex worker prices have decreased in recent times. The growing number of sex workers from the Baltic region, Eastern Europe, Nigeria and Thailand has seen the price of sex work fall world-wide as poorer immigrants moving into rich cities tend to demand less money for sex services, especially where the market is closed. In turn, this has made the going rate harder to sustain. In Germany, for example, sex worker prices have been dropping since prostitution became legalized in 2002. This largely unregulated market which draws some 1.2 million customers daily has seen an influx of migrants mostly from Eastern Europe which has pushed down the hourly rate of pay, making it difficult for locals to compete. Interestingly, the report contends that once foreign sex workers adapt to the local cost of living, their rates do tend to increase. 2. Physical Appearance Not surprisingly, physical attraction matter a great deal when it comes to the purchase of sex, with those who conform to the “stereotypical Western beauty” able to charge the highest hourly rates overall, according to the study. The Economistreports that the highest earners have a slim to athletic build with long blond hair and full breasts. In fact, going from flat chested to a D-Cup increases a sex worker’s hourly rate by approximately $40. Interestingly, hair that is bleached or looks unnatural attracted a lower rate, but was still overall more marketable than brunettes and redheads. Ethnicity also plays a role when it comes to price, which differs based on location. For example in America, black women earn less than white women, whereas in Kuala Lumpur, black women command higher rates. 3. Education Obtaining a university degree tends to increase a sex worker’s earnings, just as it does for those who work in the conventional labor market. The report shows that graduates earn on average 31 percent more than non-graduates due to more lucrative working patterns rather than high hourly rates. “Although sex workers with degrees are less likely to work than others in any given week, suggesting that they are more likely to regard prostitution as a sideline, when they do work they see more clients and for longer. Their clients tend to be older men who seek longer sessions and intimacy, rather than a brief encounter,” the studystates. 4. Inexperience Now here’s an interesting factor: “newbies” who arrive in the U.S sex industry have a tendency of underpricing themselves due to their novice status. Consequently, this has dragged down premiums. In this regard, the report states that in 1988 the price for standard sex services – fellatio and vaginal sex – in Nevada cost around $200 an hour, which with inflation amounts to around $395 today. Yet, according to sex worker and founder of Erotic Service Providers, Maxine Doogan, new sex workers are still charging $200 for those services today and doing far more risky work such as oral sex without condoms, but without charging for the additional services. 5. Technology Online sex websites have bloomed all over the world in the digital age allowing sex workers to sell their services from home with the added bonus of anonymity making sex work easier to facilitate from home: indoor sex is safer than street walking and has reduced the risk of arrest in those countries where prostitution remains illegal. This has boosted supply by drawing more locals into the sex trade including those who are better educated and more likely to consider entering the biz when it can be arranged discreetly online. On the other hand, the effect of the Internet is that “traditional forms of prostitution” have suffered such as the red light district in The Netherlands where in the decade preceding 2010 the number of licensed sex workers fell by more than 50 percent due to the growth of sex work advertised online. Although, we suspect this may also have something to do with the increasing human trafficking narrative, which has dominated headlines in recent years and led to many countries tightening their licensing regulations forcing many sex workers underground. 6. Niche Services Evidently, niche services worldwide attract a higher premium among sex workers than standards sex acts. Those who are willing to take two male clients at once or do threesomes with other women are able to command a higher premium than those who do not, according to the report. What’s more, sex workers who offer **** sex or spanking earn on average $25 or $50 more per hour. Of course, local markets offer their own individual quirks, which racks up higher prices. For example, Japanese sex workers in the red light district offer services such as bubble baths and technical massages which foreigners are willing to pay up to $600 a session. 7. Advertising There is no question that online advertising has reduced the need for the middleman like pimps and brothels, allowing sex workers to work independently with more flexible hours and allowing them to keep more of their earnings. Yet, it has also raised new costs associated with demand such as hiring managers or assistants to take care of bookings and social media, which are certainly not inexpensive, as the study explains: “Clients contact sex workers via their websites, by e-mail, through Facebook and Twitter. Some websites allow prostitutes to tell clients whether they are currently available; but that means going online frequently to update their status. Such work is time-consuming, so some prostitutes may end up paying someone to do it for them. For sex workers as much as anyone, time really is money.” 8. Societal Changes On a larger scale, the changes in social values have also reduced demand to a certain degree. It is now much easier to find casual and adulterous sex than previously. In fact, the cheaters' dating website, Ashley Madison boasts over 27 million members blaring the motto: “Life is Short, Have an Affair.” In addition, pre-marital sex is no longer taboo and contemporary no-fault divorce laws have made it much simpler to leave an unhappy marriage, which means fewer unsatisfied people are drawn to purchase sex. No-strings attached encounters have also become a whole lot easier to find thanks to phone applications like Tinder, which enables quick hookups, or Peppr in Berlin where users can search for sex by location and browse sex workers by age, bust or dress size. Jodie Gummow is a senior fellow and staff writer at AlterNet. |
Religous Beliefs
I have done many sessions of Values Clarification, a cognitive-behavioural technique, when doing therapy with individuals. What is meaningful to you and why? But you brought up homosexuality (a reaction formation?); I don't understand how opposing two people who love each other is a value? Then you have to ask: why? exposed to bad science? past trauma? indoctrination? odd definition of a family (did you see Al Franken correct a pastor who was misquoting the government study on families?), etc. way to oversimplify,, another surprise from you today,,, opposing people 'in love',, is much more an issue of opposing what 'in love' manifests as why do people oppose incest? not the pedophile kind, but the kind between consenting adults? is that strictly a 'religious' value? if they are in love, after all, why would anyone oppose it? it has nothing to do with 'bad science' or past trauma ,, at least not on my part its just the general feeling of how inappropriate it is to be lying down with someone that has the same parents or is a parent,, no matter how 'in love' you are how socially destructive the potential is to eradicate familial labels like FATHER and UNCLE, in favor of daddys who are also granddaddys, or uncles,,,,, there is a social DISRUPTION in what one is comfortable with as a FAMILY relation and a FAMILIAR relation that has no exclusive Religious base,,, I didn't define 'family' either, I said that the only way for a family to be STARTED, is for a male and female to first unite people who adopt a child are that childs family, but it couldn't have been started without that child, which couldn't be there without a male and female union of some sort,, except in the strange cases of impersonal implantations from strangers, which still have to be an opposite sex deal,,,, Funny I do find bans on incest in many "holy texts"- incest can cause extreme mental/physical damage. So the point you are making is -you feel uncomfortable around homosexual families? I feel uncomfortable around Ohio State fans ( I went to Ohio University), but I don't try to ban or kill them. I feel uncomfortable around most of my clients (esp- the dementia ones, they are always taking off their clothes, why do they do that and I mean one lady I walked down the hall to the dining room and eight times she dropped her pants- remember, I am pretty much prudish). Social disruption is the cause of post-modernism. So, there is that..... just saying. Plus I just did a double shift and I am tired |