Community > Posts By > trunner69

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Sun 08/30/09 08:03 PM
Love is all around us. Sometimes though we have a difficult in seeing it. If you look for love you will find it. Sometimes, it is right in front of us and do not even know it. Since this is a dating site I know what mirror is tring to drive at. My thought is that there are so many palces that you can meet someone and fall in love. I will touch on just a few; church, work (although this can be dangerous), your nieghbors, though friends, BBQ's, the beach..and the list goes on and on I am sure.

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Sun 08/30/09 07:55 PM

Should there be consequences for distorting facts and misguiding the public in news media, radio, and in our government, etc? This goes for republicans democrats conservatives liberals, third party whom ever.

Personally I think so. I should be able to trust what I see and hear in those places. It irritates me to have to fact check for a particular news channel to be sure I am not being lied to.

When the news channel can take a set of facts and twist them just slightly to mean exactly the opposite of what it really means that should be punished for causing violence and confusion and bad decisions made by the public and law makers.

What should that consequence/punishment be. Does free speech allow of distortion and out right lies?

Example: When Senators deliberately lie about something in the health bill and even after being debunked they continue to spread the lie to their base to sway people to go against something.
Indeed lieing and saying misleading things is not good and yes personaly I believe that there should be some penalty for disception. The problem is who is going to put these penalties into action and how do we determine who is lieing and who is not. Politics is very tricky subject in that so many make promises they can not keep. And every 4 years these promises exchange hands and either nothing is done or these promises get tweeked or totaly disregaurded. In media, ratings are what control what stories they cover and what information they chose to reveal to the general public. So, it becomes your choice to believe everything you hear as the full truth. They will not tell you everything because some things would cause a public uproar. One great example is the CIA...the media is now surfacing and touching on some sinsitive ground. And yes we will not truly know exactly what goes on within the CIA cause of the danger to the general public. (not to mention national security) I could continue to carry on more about other agengies but for this discusion I think I have share more than enough. In conclusion, yes I think it would be a great thing to have the media share the full truth on some topics and others not cover at all knowing that telling half truth will have penalties.

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Sun 08/30/09 07:35 PM
I will add her to my prayer list...hope things improve

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Sun 08/30/09 07:34 PM
Welcome and I am glad you came out of hidding:smile: There are lots of nice people here with some great opinions and with so many different personalities...have fun and make some new friends...:smile: enjoy

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Sat 08/29/09 10:32 PM
I think that being alone is more of a choice...than anything. If you choose to be alone you will be. If you do not want to be alone then it is up to you to change you situation and circumstance. It is equally important to improve you social activity inorder to increase you chances of changing you situation. This might be looking into Church activities or other community related activities. Or maybe at work you have a activity board that has fun things to do. Don't be afraid to try something new and expand your horizons...:smile:

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Sat 08/29/09 10:21 PM
hhmmm it is a tough dating world out there...I think just depends on what you are looking for and how you go about it...I usually have no problem about sending dircectly a bunch of invitations to ladies that are close by. Like maybe a activity that you would like to go and do...Go to a rock concert and a quick dinner and chat...ect..If you catch her eye she will respond. I got a date a while back ago from this site this way so I know it works. Also, I would think that if you a self confident enough, you should not be afraid of asking the good lookers as well.:smile: shades

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Sat 08/29/09 10:10 PM
rofl being a ex sailor this was very good mirror...

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Sat 08/29/09 10:06 PM

thats mean to say she was a gold digger :/

but i can see how youd maybe think it was a scam...

alot of girls..including older men because they can hold conversations!...unlike alot of the 19 year old men :/

my bf is 25...hes past the "drinking,partying,having sex with random girls" part of his life...and thats just what i want!

he has his **** together & knows what he wants out of life.

alot of young girls want that...and (no offense) wont find that with the majority of guys their they look for older guys.

anyhoo...DONT FEEL OLD So,....true I tend to think of it as a advantage to date either diecection being 40...I can date older or younger women...

take it as a compliment :)

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Sat 08/29/09 10:02 PM
hhmm is interesting how this happens...most girls this young are usually just looking for a good time anyway or go for a ride in Dadys BMW if you know what I mean. Is always nice to know that younger women still find you attractive though.

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Sat 08/29/09 09:39 PM
A lie is a lie is a lie......There are very gentle and loving ways to tell someone the truth. It is so important not to allow this to happen in that eventully it gets out of control and someone gets hurt.

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Fri 08/21/09 10:25 PM

smile2 What do you do if your significant other is overly jealous?smile2
hhmm this can be difficult situation especially if the jealously is coupled with trust issues. The clingyness of some jealousy is actually kind of nice. I think it is real good to make sure you communicate well with your significant other about this situation especially if the jealousy is creating fights. The trust must be there and if it is jealousy can be overcome.

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Fri 08/21/09 10:18 PM

Like what is the first signs a guy or girl realy n2 u
lWell...being a guy....I get this coy smile and grin...Then, I call and I like to talk and spend a lot with that special someone. And there are a few other non verbal cues as well. Body langauge is always a good sign... Usually I will relax my protective posture and you will get my undivided attention.

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Fri 08/21/09 10:10 PM
depends??? is it poisonous?? kill you think it will climb in to bed with you??? kill it...If is just a harmless house spider not bothering you and difficult to reach let him live and thrive:smile:

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Fri 08/21/09 09:57 PM
Not sure I would be able to deal it....I guess it would depend on how long we had been together before I found out. Also, I would probably if she was still interested in doing this and what not..

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Fri 08/21/09 09:54 PM

I've met one guy in person from this site, we hit it off instantly and soon after I moved in with him. Turned out he grew up just a few blocks from me, but because of the different school districts and him being 5 years older, we didn't know each other from school. I lived with him for about 16 months before the "family" issues became too much for us to deal with anymore. His son moved in with us about 9 months prior to me moving out, and his kid was psycho horrible towards me. We just couldn't deal with it any more, so I walked away.

ahhhmm is a good success story to bad things went bad

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Fri 08/21/09 09:51 PM

there was a guy i met back in nov and he only lived about 1hour away in another town..
out of the 7months relationship i only saw him 5times
he gave me nothing but excuses and he came down in may for he wanted to see star trek. but prior to that i didnt see him for 2months. well after he left a few days later i had ask him when i would see him again. he made up a excuse and said that he had to help his sister put the a/c in the window. well geeze it doesnt take 2days to do that, and i was waiting for that word (whatever) and he said it so i knew it wasent ment to be so i wrote him a letter and i told him i can understand now why his ex wife cheated for he was never around, and he actually agree. i even wrote a poem based on him and called him a chicken wimp...LOL!!
he didnt know how to brake up with me, for he didnt want to hurt me,. well he didnt he just pissed me by not being honest.. i broke up with him. there alot more to it...

but prior i had met someone over a yr ago from another site. and it just seem he doing the same thing, but hes a work aholic and why do i put up with this crap... who knows
hhhmm cheer just have not met the right on yet...when you do he will commit

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Fri 08/21/09 09:46 PM
I met my last date here on line...Also, I met someone through my best friends brother....You never know how or where you will meet up with great..The bar seen is the bottom of my pick list.

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Fri 08/21/09 09:43 PM

I won't date someone who is separated.. and after I have told men here that, they changed their profile to divorced so the next one would go for it...


long time no see :)
good to see you again :)

Im an honest person and I havent changed my profile and I wont change my profile. I just wanted to know what other people feel about dating when a persons separated and its clear I shouldnt be on here to date other people and most people probably wouldnt date me until im divorced anyway. Im already 99% certain my relationship is over anyway. I thank all of you for your replies. George

Why not wait to date until your 110% certain your relationship is over?
I would think that it is a good practice to finish what you start...And I think of relationships like being pregnaunt you are or you are not play around and do not afraid to commit

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Fri 08/21/09 09:39 PM

yeah, most guys around my age are dumb. That's why I go for the slightly older guys.
Yes I have heard this before...I think it is not that they are dumb..immature maybe....20 years ago I was much the same always playing the field and acting the fool....ah the life..

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Fri 08/21/09 09:36 PM
Good evening from the west and ready to play:wink: drinker