Community > Posts By > tundraguy

tundraguy's photo
Fri 11/07/08 02:55 PM
lol that is sooo funny. it is really cool to see so many different picks from people on here.

tundraguy's photo
Thu 11/06/08 10:36 PM

hmmm... (this answer would probably change depending on my mood..but it's been a rough day)

Dead -- my mother, who was killed by a drunk driver when I was 4

Alive -- my Dad.. I haven't seen him in almost 2 years.

Even at 31...sometimes I still just need my family.

i hear ya. family means soooo much. i am learning that as i am going thru a separation to divorce

tundraguy's photo
Thu 11/06/08 04:21 PM
hahaha thats funny

tundraguy's photo
Wed 11/05/08 08:27 PM
any certain reason for your grandpa?

tundraguy's photo
Wed 11/05/08 08:15 PM

tomorrow at 5!!!

am or pm

me up at 5 am are u serious?huh

with a face like that i dont think id be up at 5 am either lolol haha:banana:

tears tears tears tears tears tears tears :angry: grumble explode

awww im sorryslaphead flowers

tundraguy's photo
Wed 11/05/08 08:05 PM

tomorrow at 5!!!

am or pm

me up at 5 am are u serious?huh

with a face like that i dont think id be up at 5 am either lolol haha:banana:

tundraguy's photo
Wed 11/05/08 08:02 PM are the OP (original poster)...

just the few lines you have posted about something that deep...speaks volumes about the quality of your character...

Be you bro. Some woman is gonna get very lucky when you can find one that earns what you have to give.

I am straight..and taken... so breathe easy homey...Just giving credit where it is due.


thanks krupa.wish my separated wife would and could look past the flaws to see what i really am. thank you for your honest thoughts

tundraguy's photo
Wed 11/05/08 07:40 PM

my oldest daughter. for she is 19 now and i have not seen her seance she was 8.

why is that if i may ask ?
she does not want it.she is now in the navy as a aircraft mec will not call or write . i moved from la when she was 8.started a new life got married have a child that lives with me full time.but soon all that might change i go to court on the 18 of this i might get the chance to loose 2 children in my life. sad but true. some things in life are hard to deal with.but no matter what happens i will hold my head proud. this is the 4 time in court in 3 years ware my x has tried to take my 7 year old away. you asked

wow if you ever need someone to vent to feel free to email me. im sorry to hear you are going through soo much.

tundraguy's photo
Wed 11/05/08 07:39 PM
thanks krupa. id give my life to be able to spend a whole day with her again... before she got alzheimers. she could make a dead flower come alive again

tundraguy's photo
Wed 11/05/08 07:37 PM

Actually Alisha...I was just coming back here to let the op that I really respect his answer....

You on the other hand...NEED!!!!! to go back to the pic of you being hott and happy...That screwed up baby pic is really throwing my concentration.

who is the op ?

You are the OP

original poster? lol im dense today lol

tundraguy's photo
Wed 11/05/08 07:33 PM

Actually Alisha...I was just coming back here to let the op that I really respect his answer....

You on the other hand...NEED!!!!! to go back to the pic of you being hott and happy...That screwed up baby pic is really throwing my concentration.

who is the op ?

tundraguy's photo
Wed 11/05/08 07:31 PM

my oldest daughter. for she is 19 now and i have not seen her seance she was 8.

why is that if i may ask ?

tundraguy's photo
Wed 11/05/08 07:30 PM
my next pick would maybe be tom hanks i think he is such a great talented actor who didnt let all the money go to his head

tundraguy's photo
Wed 11/05/08 07:27 PM
i would probably pick my grandma who has been gone almost 6 years, id love to talk to her about her whole life

tundraguy's photo
Wed 11/05/08 07:24 PM
if you could have dinner with anyone alive or dead who would it be and why ??

tundraguy's photo
Wed 11/05/08 07:21 PM
yep... still in erie. loving the weather lately!!

tundraguy's photo
Tue 11/04/08 06:54 PM
i always read the profile. you never know what someone might have to say or something interesting they have to share

tundraguy's photo
Tue 11/04/08 06:52 PM

not as much as being frustraited with this whole dating thing..

i hear ya. i just got separated probably going to be a divorce and i dont know if i am coming or going. i hate being lonely

tundraguy's photo
Tue 11/04/08 06:31 PM
whats up?

tundraguy's photo
Tue 11/04/08 06:22 PM

Altoona here.. transplant from Johnstown

how bout them steelers? they rock !!!