Topic: how do you find a real person
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Sun 01/21/07 08:47 AM
how do you find a real person a woman some one that gives a ****
some one who is real not fake I dont like saying these but can tell
you these from life you try and try you meet one after a nother and
almost every last one takes one look at the pic its over right from
there as thay are using the cover

thay only after the cover not whats in side but yet in there porfile
thay lie to all and saay thay do not go bye the cover but yet thay put
there foot in there muth right at the frest as that is what thay are
going bye is the cover

then theres the ones whom took the time to know me but then after
takeing then thay tell you that you are a great person with a great
hart and very good man and some day you will find a woman so if I was
all that to them then why was I not good anuff for them????? so see
all games lies and it is sad when one person can try and try and
try for year after year and steel be alone
and to see and know that just about everyone out b there is game
playing and telling others thay dont like game playerss as thay are
doing it them salfs so why is that you know what eless is sad seen
your child who was 3 years old when hes mommy wanted others and wlaked
out of are lifes have to grew up with no mom at all hes 9 years old now
going to be 10 and steel not one woman to be a mom for him so see he
may grew up hating woman him salf and that should not have to happion
but what am I to do

chismah's photo
Sun 01/21/07 08:58 AM
So true there guy!!!

...I believe in your words to because it's happend to me many times.

Of course not all the ladies or guys play games out there. Most still
don't know what they want in life. But I do agree mostly that the cover
or physical features of a person is what most people look for in order
to go further with that other person.

Preferences I believe is nothing more than a word for saying or meaning
"Unless you meet the following appearencial features...I will not be
interested in you...Thanks!"...yep...that pretty much does some it up.
Most don't won't to believe that. But it's the way most people think.

As long as the good heart remains of a person. There's bound to be a
good woman or lady for you and you're son to notice and will be with ya
both alwayz!!!

!~ ThE CHiZ MaN ~!

no photo
Sun 01/21/07 09:12 AM
yess its just to dam bad that others did not see these it is true
and thay say some day some one will come along to me when thay never
been alone in there lifes how many woman in here been alone and trund
down for 6 years in a row now can thay say that bet not

chismah's photo
Sun 01/21/07 09:18 AM
Hell!! why not try (14) straight years without feeling true love
physically and then ask that person how do they feel. Most likely it
will not feel to good.

I've actually have walked that road and it's not easy nor fun. Not many
people would understand about being forced into a life of loneliness or
sterotyped out most of the time.

!~ ThE CHiZ MaN ~!

no photo
Sun 01/21/07 09:20 AM
stereotyping happens to everyone. Because I look the way I do I'm
automatically a stuck up rich ***** who lives off daddy's money and
doesn't do a damn thing for herself - when the truth is, I made my own
money, bought my own house, car, truck, whatever and am putting myself
through school for my engineering degree. But by looking at me, people
only think I'm the "party girl" and don't have morals, go to church or
can put a coherent sentence together. It's bull**** and I know what
it's like.

no photo
Sun 01/21/07 09:23 AM
I do understand you as I have been strotyped out over and over and
over again thay dont eveion take the time to talk to you to know you
at all thay dont have time one look is all thay needed and to be
forced in to alife of lonlyness and thank its ok to do that to some one
is wrung thay would not like it if it was them these was being dne to
and when my littel boy grews up hateing woman thay will have no one to
blam but them salfs I dont like being these way at all I never feelt
like these in my life to after 6 years of lies being used and
strotyped out bye so many can not eveion cont them just about every
last woman out there are all afer one thang mony looks are both and lie
in there porfiles to all and say thay dont go bye looks that want a nice
man some one with a hart but yet dont give us the time of day

no photo
Sun 01/21/07 09:25 AM
what did yu makeing your own mony have to do with these bet your not
alone now and bet you never been alone unless you choce to be alone
bet you never been forced in to lonlyness

no photo
Sun 01/21/07 09:26 AM
Children live by example...if you're not a woman hater and can
appreciate the qualities women offer, they will also. If all you do is
dump on women and cry about the fact that you're alone, they will see
that and associate women with bad emotions.

You have to wait to meet someone worth your while, it won't happen
overnight and if you go out and look for it, it's really not liable to
happen. But when you do, realize what you have and treat her the way
you'dlike to be treated. Most girls don't want to hear sob stories just
like most guys don't want to hear "oh my ex did this, n that" stories.
What's in the past is in the past and you only have the future with your
kids to look for. So don't let your son grow up with the attitude you
have or he will be a woman hater and that can't be a good thing.

no photo
Sun 01/21/07 09:30 AM
these is so easy sead for you ant it seens you dont eveion no me I have
never been mean are any thang to any woam and have not wanted over
night but tell you waht I dont go loking for sex and dont us it and
I only been nice and never out of line but here it is well over 300
woam later 6 years later and can tell you these almost all woman dont
take the time to talk to know me almost all of them one look at the
pic is all it took for them not like you I bit your not alone now and
never have been and your not forced to be alone are you

no photo
Sun 01/21/07 09:35 AM
I've been in two long termer's and have been single for about a year and
ahalf. Not for any other reason than I'm concentrating on my studies
and my work (I'm in pharmaceutical research)and I can't give a boyfriend
the time he needs and deserves. I date occasionally, but that's also my
choice and when I find the right guy I'll make it a priority in my life.
I am on here to meet different people, get to know them and go from
there. I have no expectations, I give everyone an equal chance and am
willing to talk to most people. Someone comes at me with talking ****
or with some perverted frame of mind, I don't waste my time.

kojack's photo
Sun 01/21/07 09:43 AM
I, as of lately have decided no intimacy besides kissing for a minimal
of 6 weeks. I feel if you want to be with someone, then you need to get
to know them, their likes, dislikes,what makes them smile, and
favorites. After the small talk you then move on to more personal things
and morals,kids or no kids....

By then you have a true idea of what the inner person is about and build
on that to for a everlasting relationship.

Capture my mind and you win my heart is my motto

chismah's photo
Sun 01/21/07 09:45 AM
Well put Kojack and well said!!

TheShadow's photo
Sun 01/21/07 10:25 AM
Bill you need to get your A.. stright dude be a man Every time you come
in here you cry, this is getting old You want to know why you cant find
a women? look at the post you put up all the time and even when you come
in here it's the same s... in this forum witch is new members forum not
my I need to cry forum you never talk to anyone so how the hell are you
ever going to getbover anything when you keep doing the same s... over
and over and over I mean COME ON MEAN grow up

no photo
Sun 01/21/07 10:32 AM
yeah what shadow said,lmao
serious issues going on with ya Bill, jump in join the fun get to know
some people, and for gosh darn sakes we all have different views on what
we like and dont like, it is definitely not all about looks or money,
however constant negativity on your part will get you no

lily38's photo
Tue 01/23/07 01:25 AM
Bill, have you thought of dating the comatose? You might have better
odds of getting a date.