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Topic: Pay It Forward
REDGIRL67's photo
Sun 11/30/08 02:19 PM
I love that movie and I was watching it today.

After watching it, still having the "holiday blues" I put my coat, gloves and hat on and went out to find someone to help.

I ran into another person in a wheelchair that had gotten her front tire wedged in the Light Rail trackscared scared scared Light Rail is our above ground subway track.

Anyway, I helped her get her front tire unstuck. Right after getting her tire unstuck we heard the whistle of the train comingsurprised.

Scares the he** out of me to think what might have happened if I hadn't left my Apt. today.

The sad part in my story is that when I saw this lady she was waving her arms wildly trying to get somebody's attention and nobody would stop and their were dozens of people just passing this lady by.

Society today scares me. Have we become that calious of a society?

Anyway, I have a favor to ask. If you haven't already done something nice for someone today, please do it and post it here. If you have already done something nice for someone, tell us I would love to hear it.

Oh, and by the way, I might be crying right now, but it's happy tears. I'm glad I was there to help someone - and my "holiday blues" are overbigsmile

Filmfreek's photo
Sun 11/30/08 02:25 PM
Nice job. I would have stopped to help too. Some people are in such a rush nowadays, they just ignore people in need. It's really sad.

I'm taking a girl out for her birthday tonight. And yes, I actually met her on this site.

REDGIRL67's photo
Sun 11/30/08 02:26 PM

Nice job. I would have stopped to help too. Some people are in such a rush nowadays, they just ignore people in need. It's really sad.

I'm taking a girl out for her birthday tonight. And yes, I actually met her on this site.
:thumbsup: waving :banana: Have a great time

Filmfreek's photo
Sun 11/30/08 02:29 PM

Nice job. I would have stopped to help too. Some people are in such a rush nowadays, they just ignore people in need. It's really sad.

I'm taking a girl out for her birthday tonight. And yes, I actually met her on this site.
:thumbsup: waving :banana: Have a great time

Thank you! happy

no photo
Sun 11/30/08 02:30 PM

I love that movie and I was watching it today.

After watching it, still having the "holiday blues" I put my coat, gloves and hat on and went out to find someone to help.

I ran into another person in a wheelchair that had gotten her front tire wedged in the Light Rail trackscared scared scared Light Rail is our above ground subway track.

Anyway, I helped her get her front tire unstuck. Right after getting her tire unstuck we heard the whistle of the train comingsurprised.

Scares the he** out of me to think what might have happened if I hadn't left my Apt. today.

The sad part in my story is that when I saw this lady she was waving her arms wildly trying to get somebody's attention and nobody would stop and their were dozens of people just passing this lady by.

Society today scares me. Have we become that calious of a society?

Anyway, I have a favor to ask. If you haven't already done something nice for someone today, please do it and post it here. If you have already done something nice for someone, tell us I would love to hear it.

Oh, and by the way, I might be crying right now, but it's happy tears. I'm glad I was there to help someone - and my "holiday blues" are overbigsmile

Good for you Red!
I have never seen the movies but I try to "pass it forward" I never take money when I stop to help people on the road, I always tell them I have been helped when I needed it, so you keep that & help someone else.
Last year I helped 2 young ladies that were stranded half way between home & the family they were visiting. I treated them to dinner & they called for a tow from the restaurant, Then I waited with them for the tow truck & took them back into town to the WalMart where they could wait for their dad in safty & relative comfort. They seemed amazed that a stranger would do this, so I told them the about the 2 times someone did it for me, & told them that one day when they found themselves with the time & extra money to remember & pass the favor forward.

REDGIRL67's photo
Sun 11/30/08 02:39 PM

I love that movie and I was watching it today.

After watching it, still having the "holiday blues" I put my coat, gloves and hat on and went out to find someone to help.

I ran into another person in a wheelchair that had gotten her front tire wedged in the Light Rail trackscared scared scared Light Rail is our above ground subway track.

Anyway, I helped her get her front tire unstuck. Right after getting her tire unstuck we heard the whistle of the train comingsurprised.

Scares the he** out of me to think what might have happened if I hadn't left my Apt. today.

The sad part in my story is that when I saw this lady she was waving her arms wildly trying to get somebody's attention and nobody would stop and their were dozens of people just passing this lady by.

Society today scares me. Have we become that calious of a society?

Anyway, I have a favor to ask. If you haven't already done something nice for someone today, please do it and post it here. If you have already done something nice for someone, tell us I would love to hear it.

Oh, and by the way, I might be crying right now, but it's happy tears. I'm glad I was there to help someone - and my "holiday blues" are overbigsmile

Good for you Red!
I have never seen the movies but I try to "pass it forward" I never take money when I stop to help people on the road, I always tell them I have been helped when I needed it, so you keep that & help someone else.
Last year I helped 2 young ladies that were stranded half way between home & the family they were visiting. I treated them to dinner & they called for a tow from the restaurant, Then I waited with them for the tow truck & took them back into town to the WalMart where they could wait for their dad in safty & relative comfort. They seemed amazed that a stranger would do this, so I told them the about the 2 times someone did it for me, & told them that one day when they found themselves with the time & extra money to remember & pass the favor forward.
Major kudos for youdrinker

no photo
Sun 11/30/08 03:44 PM
Talk about a story to get ya choked're an outright HERO, REDGIRL ! ! ! !

Tonight, I sent an e-mail and made the effort to patch up a friendship I more or less threw away over a misunderstanding a few weeks back.......I do feel better for trying to fix things......

no photo
Sun 11/30/08 04:18 PM
Red is a guardian angel
good for youflowerforyou

helping others gives you a warm feeling inside

REDGIRL67's photo
Sun 11/30/08 04:33 PM

Red is a guardian angel
good for youflowerforyou

helping others gives you a warm feeling inside
Yep, it gives you a warm, fuzzy feeling

Giocamo's photo
Sun 11/30/08 04:35 PM

I love that movie and I was watching it today.

After watching it, still having the "holiday blues" I put my coat, gloves and hat on and went out to find someone to help.

I ran into another person in a wheelchair that had gotten her front tire wedged in the Light Rail trackscared scared scared Light Rail is our above ground subway track.

Anyway, I helped her get her front tire unstuck. Right after getting her tire unstuck we heard the whistle of the train comingsurprised.

Scares the he** out of me to think what might have happened if I hadn't left my Apt. today.

The sad part in my story is that when I saw this lady she was waving her arms wildly trying to get somebody's attention and nobody would stop and their were dozens of people just passing this lady by.

Society today scares me. Have we become that calious of a society?

Anyway, I have a favor to ask. If you haven't already done something nice for someone today, please do it and post it here. If you have already done something nice for someone, tell us I would love to hear it.

Oh, and by the way, I might be crying right now, but it's happy tears. I'm glad I was there to help someone - and my "holiday blues" are overbigsmile

Kevin Spacey one of our finest actors of today...a great movie...feel better young lady...***kisses***

no photo
Sun 11/30/08 04:38 PM

Nice job. I would have stopped to help too. Some people are in such a rush nowadays, they just ignore people in need. It's really sad.

I'm taking a girl out for her birthday tonight. And yes, I actually met her on this site.

Sending good vibes out for you both.

no photo
Sun 11/30/08 04:39 PM

Talk about a story to get ya choked're an outright HERO, REDGIRL ! ! ! !

Tonight, I sent an e-mail and made the effort to patch up a friendship I more or less threw away over a misunderstanding a few weeks back.......I do feel better for trying to fix things......

This person just e-mailed me back! And assured me that everything is OK!

Damn it, REDGIRL, are you a guru or an angel or something?

no photo
Sun 11/30/08 04:39 PM

Talk about a story to get ya choked're an outright HERO, REDGIRL ! ! ! !

Tonight, I sent an e-mail and made the effort to patch up a friendship I more or less threw away over a misunderstanding a few weeks back.......I do feel better for trying to fix things......

I hope things work out for you Pete!

OrangeCat's photo
Sun 11/30/08 04:40 PM
the end of that movie always makes me cry no matter how many times I watch it.

awesome movie

Holly4459's photo
Sun 11/30/08 04:47 PM
Edited by Holly4459 on Sun 11/30/08 04:48 PM
Good job Redgirl!

I've been in situations with lost kids
elderly people needing help,etc...and I can't not help!

We're all on the planet together and must look out for ecah other!

You have good karma coming your way!happy

REDGIRL67's photo
Sun 11/30/08 05:02 PM

Talk about a story to get ya choked're an outright HERO, REDGIRL ! ! ! !

Tonight, I sent an e-mail and made the effort to patch up a friendship I more or less threw away over a misunderstanding a few weeks back.......I do feel better for trying to fix things......

This person just e-mailed me back! And assured me that everything is OK!

Damn it, REDGIRL, are you a guru or an angel or something?
Nope, just in the right place at the right time

luv2roknroll's photo
Sun 11/30/08 06:17 PM
I was out today walking my dog, "Boogie"..

thats her...heehee.

Well we saw this little dog running around all wild, and it looked like it had broken off its rope...

there was a piece still hanging from its collar.

And "Boogie", says to me.."Mom, we gotta help dude find his way home...he looks hella lost and confused".

So we did!

We knocked on every door, one by one, till we found his owners...

and needless to say...we all felt really happy afterwards.

"Boogie" says shes really glad we helped the puppy...

and ya am I!

no photo
Sun 11/30/08 06:19 PM
Edited by littleredhen on Sun 11/30/08 06:19 PM

I was out today walking my dog, "Boogie"..

thats her...heehee.

Well we saw this little dog running around all wild, and it looked like it had broken off its rope...

there was a piece still hanging from its collar.

And "Boogie", says to me.."Mom, we gotta help dude find his way home...he looks hella lost and confused".

So we did!

We knocked on every door, one by one, till we found his owners...

and needless to say...we all felt really happy afterwards.

"Boogie" says shes really glad we helped the puppy...

and ya am I!

awwww Good Girl Boogie!

REDGIRL67's photo
Sun 11/30/08 06:20 PM
awwwwwwwwwww, that was soooooooooo sweet. Thanks for sharing and boogie is sooooooo cute.flowerforyou

catwoman96's photo
Sun 11/30/08 06:21 PM
:heart: that movie..

me and some friends did that last christmas...

a friend got me a VERY hard to find WII about 2 weeks before christmas one day..and just charged me what she paid for it and told me to pay it forward.

i got another friend a small christmas tree to set up in his house because he had been to busy and almost forgot about putting up a tree..

pay it a good way to live life.
every day..a random act of kindness

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