Community > Posts By > Seeker33

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Fri 10/17/08 09:19 AM

The Roman Catholic Church believes in evolution and since it's the largest christian denomination I'd say it's safe to say the Christians can be Darwinist.
Intelligent design is a load of crap some evangelists came up with to come to grips with their beliefs.

Were it possible to substanciate a single word of your post, I might tend to agree with you. However - the entire thing is subjective at best, and based on perception unsupported by experience.

Various Vatican cardinals, and I believe the pope too, are on record encouraging catholics to accept evolution.

The Vatican does not consider Evolution and Religion to be mutually exclusive.

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Thu 10/16/08 05:40 PM
Strictly speaking, Evolution describes the process by which organisms change, and then spread those changes through populations.

Even if one wants to believe humans and other species originated divinely, they can still accept that there is a real process through which all living things can change.

Logically, Catholicism and many other Christian theologies have come to realize this and are now encouraging acceptance of evolution and claiming it does not contradict religious belief.

Of course, once people understand this, and begin to comprehend evolution with more depth, it inevitably leads to questions regarding origins as well, and claims of religious truth.

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Thu 10/16/08 03:08 PM
I was hinting at the fact that Christianity as we know it, should properly be called Paulism. Saul (Paul) of Tarsus' epistles are the earliest christian writings upon which Christianity is based.

Paul never met any historical figure of Jesus in the flesh. Paul obtained all his "knowledge" through "revelation" or in other words, hallucinations. I would contend he drank too much psilocybin infused tea, had a good trip, and invented a relgion as a result.

If a historical Jesus figure did exist, he was certainly a reformist Jew, whose message was for Jews, not gentiles.

It was not until Paul had his visions, and after the Jews of the time rejected the reformist ideas, that Paul and other would be Christians began preaching to gentiles.

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Thu 10/16/08 02:37 PM
Edited by Seeker33 on Thu 10/16/08 02:38 PM
Ah SharpShooter10, your moniker is ironic, since you are very clearly shooting intellectual blanks.

But hey, if you want to follow the WORD of some spirit that was tricked by a snake, ok.

Why would you want to go to heaven anyways? I mean, how good a place could it be if angels revolted? There is a war in heaven! You want to die and go eternally to a place that has spawned an eternal war?

Sounds to me like Satan may be the original democratic reformer attempting to throw of the chains of a dictatorship. I think I'll throw my support behind the reformer.

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Thu 10/16/08 02:21 PM
Belief is not part of the equation.

Evolution is supported by empirical evidence.

Creationism is not.

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Thu 10/16/08 02:14 PM
Edited by Seeker33 on Thu 10/16/08 02:14 PM
since you seem to have the only answers or opinions that matter, why don't you enlighten us as to your wisdom on these things, since you have the answers and all

ask a specific scientific question and I'll gladly provide a specific science based answer

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Thu 10/16/08 02:12 PM
The Bible says the flood killed everyone except Noah and his kin.

That means everyone post flood was descended from Noah. That includes the Israelites and the Egyptians, and countless other tribes.

I find it amusing that biblical literalists do not realize that if the flood happened, everyone left was part of the chosen people, all Hewbrew peoples.

In other words, Jews enslaved Jews, and Jews made war upon Jews, for 40 years in the desert.


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Thu 10/16/08 02:03 PM

I have seen articles by scientist for and against evolution and for creation and vice versa, not sure if their is a fancy initial they have for their name or not

I see you like to assert truth through repetitious claims of non truth. Not surprising I guess. I mean, that's how Christianity evolved. Claim some falsehood enough times over a long enough period, and the ignorant masses start believing it to be true.

Sorry, but that does not work in science today.

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Thu 10/16/08 01:51 PM
"creation science" is an oxymoron. All creationist/ID claims are psuedoscience bull****.

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Thu 10/16/08 01:49 PM
Edited by Seeker33 on Thu 10/16/08 01:59 PM

You are saying that all science agrees 100% on evolution? You are deluded as well i think

No science refutes evolution. Some scientists do. Those are two separate things. Some scientists also squabble over the details, but those very same scientist still support evolution.

I read through this thread. There is no link to any science that refutes evolution. There are only links to creationist nonsense that rely on logical fallacies and out of context spin.

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Thu 10/16/08 01:42 PM
Edited by Seeker33 on Thu 10/16/08 01:44 PM
I'm the guy who will call you out on your bull****.

Spreading lies and misinformation is shameful. When you claim there is science against evolution, that is what you are doing.

Science is not at odds over evolution. Only intellectually dishonest people, or those that do not comprehend what they read, say such things.

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Thu 10/16/08 01:34 PM
Edited by Seeker33 on Thu 10/16/08 01:39 PM
afraid your wrong, i've found science articles both for and against. Unless they put all those initials by their names just to look good

Unless you intend to back up your claims by linking the articles, don't post your drivel.

Degrees mean little. Many people have an agenda which lead them to intellectual dishonesty.

Show me evidence arguing evolution is wrong. The only arguments made amongst scientists, with regards to evolution, pertains to the mechanisms driving change.

No respectable "biologist" would ever attempt to publish "science" arguing evolution is false.

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Thu 10/16/08 12:18 PM

I believe he was a created character modeled after one or even two real characters.

Saul of Tarsus had a strong dose of mushrooms, had a vision, decided to claim it was some jewish zombie, changed his name to Paul, then created a religion.

As for the historical Jesus, he might have existed, who knows? Yeshua was a fairly common name back then.

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Thu 10/16/08 10:19 AM

I do believe that anyone who believes in the evolution theory is really lost in another world. Nothing ever evolves as such. Evolution is something that was derived by someone who has no real knowlege of sience.whoa Evolution is just a theory, and that is all that it is. Evolution doesn't concur with reality as it is today, and as for faith having no place in the modern world that would be a ludicrus statement with no meaning.:laughing: Everyone has thier beliefs, and are entitled to them just as I am entitled to mine. It doesn't do any good to argue with anyone who believes in the theory of evolution on account of it has never been documented or proven, but is something that was dreamt up by someone with quite an imagination just like the producers of movies in hollywood. So therefore evolution is non existent.

This is total nonsense.

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Thu 10/16/08 10:16 AM
Edited by Seeker33 on Thu 10/16/08 10:21 AM

I've been seeing science for and against evolution....

There is no science "against" evolution. None. Zero. Zilch. Nada.

Any who claim otherwise have an agenda. I'm a scientist and will happily shut down any bull**** against evolution.

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Tue 10/14/08 12:33 PM

How many men and woman would be comfortable and accepting of a potential spouse digging up your past and gathering information on your credit...?spock

Someone brought this interesting comment up:

"Listen, what I would do if I really wanted him is I would dig into his past and see how long he can hold a job and how long he can hold a buck. I would see if he is one to borrow money without payback or borrow money with payback, but ideally you don't want to be in a relationship with someone that borrows money at all. The frequency of borrowing money really matters here.

How long has he been without a job? Remember this is a recession so it may just be a temporary financial matter. What jobs did he hold? How much income does he make per year? What's his salary? "

What do you think?what

Despite people's delusion that marriage is about romance and love, its nothing more than a financial contract.

You don't need to be married to have romance and love. You do not need to be married to have kids.

The law sees marriage as a contract. Do not involve yourself in any contract without being properly informed. Presumably, one should only marry a person after a substantial amount of trust and disclosure has taken place, including all things financial. Unfortunately, many people marry too quickly or for the wrong reasons, and never properly discuss or disclose these things.