Fun question.....
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Tue 01/13/15 09:12 AM
I'd tie you up so you couldn't get away. You're in for the long haul.
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Tue 01/13/15 08:13 AM
Response to theeastcoast. Because I'm good. Maybe not so much in the first session, but on the second and third I guarantee you'd be very happy with what I can do.
Making eye contact
The profiles of women seeking intimate encounters and showing their bits are most likely fakes. They try to lure you off this site so they can cat via some other means. I don't want to chat, and any chatting that needs to be done can be done on here.
Making eye contact
Most women look worse in the flesh in my experience. But I'm still willing to be fwb with them. Yet they seem to expect me to want them even without sex, which is annoying. They should jump at the chance to go to bed with a hunk of man like me. Alas, they'd rather give themselves to sexually inferior men because sex isn't that big a deal to them.
Making eye contact
Do women like lots of eye contact on first dates? I'm not too keen on it myself, especially if she's not attractive. I suspect that women can tell if a guy really likes them or not by the amount of eye contact he makes.
Down to earth
As opposed to up in space.
I guess they're trying to say they're normal and easy to get along with. |
Taking women out on dates gets expensive, and having to chat with them is such a chore. I'd rather just arrange to see them two or three times a week, or whenever I'm feeling horny. No chatting, no going out to dinner, not even any kissing. Are there many women that are up for that sort of thing, I imagine there are, now that so many women want to have a career before they settle down.
Any thoughts?
Women don't seem to like it when men upload pictures of themselves without a shirt on. I know, it's hard to believe isn't it.
I'm not worried if women don't look like their pictures. Almost all of them don't anyway. The men that do care must be extremely fussy.
Which is probably why poetry was so popular back then. You can feel the anguish, the torment in each poem. Milton, for example, was always harping on about nymphs.
I'm guessing this rule was invented in the Christian era. Men must've really suffered back then. The pagan era was much more fun and interesting.
Seek pleasure.
They deny themselves the pleasure of having sexual intercourse on first dates just because of some unwritten rule that says they're cheap if they do. They care more about what people think than having fun in life. It's completely insane because we only get one life. They are like slaves, its so sad.
"Do what thou will shall be the whole of the law." |
What does it mean...
I'd just like to add that when I clocked her staring at me I then looked straight ahead, and as we got closer I looked again and she was smiling at me. By the way this happens quite often. Women smiling at me that is. What does it mean...
What does it mean...
The other day me and this woman were walking towards each other and she couldn't take her eyes off me. She smiled right at me as we passed. Naturally I smiled back and said hello, and that was that. But I wanted to stop and ask if she wanted to have sex. I'm not one for flirting and beating around the bush. I'm strictly a meat and potatoes man. What do you think, is that too direct?
Aleister Crowley
Edited by
Thu 01/08/15 02:49 PM
He did terrible disgusting things but the question is why? I'm guessing he did them to anger god and be rewarded by satan. Either that or he was a sick demented pervert.
Making contact with devils.
You can't have one without the other I guess.
Making contact with devils.
But that's the same as believing in god.
what is the meaning of life?
I take that back, I don't know what the meaning of life is. I thought the question was what should be our purpose.
what is the meaning of life?
To improve ourselves and others and our world.