Community > Posts By > breathless1

breathless1's photo
Mon 10/20/08 09:47 PM
Edited by breathless1 on Mon 10/20/08 09:48 PM

It would behoove you to stand behind that decision with honor and respect. Be a man. I do know that you are whining because you wanted that baby and you are disregarding her right to do what was best for herself at the time.How selfish! Not to mention you have not even addressed the other men who might want to have a family who dont for whatever reason. What of them? I have just as much right to participate in this debate as a whiny male with a penis.

I am not judging you sir. I am telling you EXACTLY how I am interpreting your behavior. You will not garnish ANY sympathy from me because a real man would have stood behind his woman in her time of need and supported that decision to THIS VERY DAY. You are judging her because she didnt decide to carry this baby to term. Thats selfish. Its actually beyond selfish. You now have (3) three of your own children to raise. You have fulfilled that need. Yes of course it would have been nice if your ex had decided to carry that baby but she didnt. Honor that decision TO THIS DAY.

Well I guess I met that challenge. laugh

I believe it behooved me and embellished my honor to stand behind HER decision with the bitter end and to this day, thank you very much. You would have picked-up on this if you actually LISTENED or read my posts.

The only thing I have stated that is unfair, is that is when a woman says "it's MY body, therefore it is MY decision." Well, newsflash, ladies: When a man has contributed 50% of what is cooking in YOUR oven...and will ultimately pop out and BOTH will be responsible for the remainder of "it's" life...BOOM - SHARED!

Come on now, be HONEST here. When the turkey baster pops, and *POPS* is nowhere to be sure want HIM to send the check and share responsibility, don't you? You sure are the first ones to roast him on the pitfire when the child support check or visitation weekend is not satisfied, ain't you? Be HONEST here!

Why am I considered to be "whining" because I wanted a child? Why am I the one considered to be selfish when I was the one willing to give my all when she was not? I was the one willing to give my whole life (yes, parenting goes beyond 18 years in my opinion) beyond 9 months of pregnancy and childbirth? Please enlighten me how MY motives were "selfish". I'm honestly curious here. *scratches head*

breathless1's photo
Mon 10/20/08 09:23 PM

I've lost children, but you won't see me trying to solicit pity from others because of it.

If it JUST happened to a woman, yes, I would give my full support, but if she is whinning and belly aching about it years after the fact after having 3 more children, NO she wouldn't get my sympathy, she obviously wasn't ready to have more children and shouldn't have taken on that responsibility.

I'm an equal oppertunity bullsh*t, woman or child, I don't tolerate bullsh*t from anyone, nor do I feel sympathy for those who can't move on in their lives because of the choices THEY have made.

Point taken, but I NEVER once asked for nor solicited your pity or sympathy, because don't know me, nor I you, so it would not be welcomed as it would not be sincere.

This was an internet forum asking for opinions on a topic, and I gave mine, just like you and others. I didn't BOO HOO HOO over your posts about your wretched pregnancy or childbirth...nor did I ask you to over my experiences. I simply you did...but, I certainly did not heckle nor LMAO over your woes, Lily.

Again, let's disect this, shall we? Me, as a man...sharing my own pain and grief over a loss in my past (as many of us do, whether it be a child, a lost loved one, wrong decision, whatever)...I should just "get over it", right?

You guys (or possibly I am) making it sound like a have a shrine in my house for my unborn/aborted child. Well, I don't! Yes, my life has clicked on, with three (yes THREE) beautiful children.

But, does that lost child of MINE still hold a place in my thoughts, soul, mind and heart on a daily basis...yes, *it* certainly does.

Again, if I were a *woman* stating this...betcha I could win the lottery with my *sappiness* here. Any takers on that bet? :tongue:

*looks down at crotch...yep, I still have a penis here* :tongue:

breathless1's photo
Mon 10/20/08 09:02 PM

It would behoove you to stand behind that decision with honor and respect. Be a man. I do know that you are whining because you wanted that baby and you are disregarding her right to do what was best for herself at the time.How selfish! Not to mention you have not even addressed the other men who might want to have a family who dont for whatever reason. What of them? I have just as much right to participate in this debate as a whiny male with a penis.

If you would actually READ my posts and LISTEN before would comprehend that your above statement is totally ignorant. Not in the sense of stupidity, but rather the lack of listening or knowledge.

I challenge YOU to say to ME how in the world was *I* in the least manner "selfish"? I wanted our child, and offered every means possible to make that a reality, but succumbed to HER decision and supported it not only financially, but emotionally and spiritually during that time?

Okay, I'm more than willing to address the *other men* who might want a family but don't for whatever reason. I'm not leary of that topic as I clearly addresssed it in one of my posts, but perhaps it should be posted separately from this one - don't you agree? :wink:

breathless1's photo
Mon 10/20/08 08:52 PM

No I meant the sand in your vagina.....

So your GF gets pregnant, you support her decision to abort, you then move on with your life and have (3 was it?) children and you "mourn" the loss of the child you never knew?

The sand in your vagina, is it itchy?

Excuse me? Then *I* moved on with my life? How did you decipher this, old wise-ass one? *WE* moved on with our lives, due to other circumstances that caused us to be drawn apart. spock

So, honestly? As a woman, with a uterus and one who feels passionately about honestly would NOT mourn the loss of a child in your past - regardless of the circumstances?

I honestly challenge you here. If you, as a WOMAN, were to post about having to abort a child (or even losing a child under any circumstance) in your past...don't you agree you would be surrounded with love, girly/manly hugs, compassion, empathy and sincere posts of condolences for "OMG"..."all you went poor, POOR dear"?

Really now? Be HONEST!!! whoa

Okay, go ahead...bash and belittle me AGAIN for not owning a uterus. I can take it. Remember...I have BALLS! :laughing:

breathless1's photo
Mon 10/20/08 08:42 PM

lol. i like the seeds! shocked

Careful there, may be termed a swallower! laugh

breathless1's photo
Mon 10/20/08 08:40 PM

Does it hurt?

Yes, it does, Lily...depending on each individual's definition of "hurt".

breathless1's photo
Mon 10/20/08 08:37 PM

i examined a cow uterus in school once.

*eats an apple and watches*

I've examined a few uteruses (uteri?) in my time too, Bergeia. Ever notice how each apple you munch on has "SEEDS" in them? :wink:

breathless1's photo
Mon 10/20/08 08:32 PM

Did you read my comment. You have children and yet you seem saddened and resentful in some respect because your past girlfriend made a decision that was right for her and her own needs at the time. Now you have children of your own. I know for a fact that many men out there would love to be in your shoes. So get over it.

You make this sound as if..."oh well, you have a few extra toys to play with, so why worry about the ball knocked outta the field". OMG, I so DARE you say that to a WOMAN who has had to abort a child, yet has bore additional children since, in this forum and see how THAT comment is received! explode

Yes, I fully read your comment, and MY comment still stands. Unless YOU are in the position of losing a child or even HAVING a child (which your profile states you do not as yet)...then YOU get over it and stay out of it until you truly have experience to bring to the table beyond a uterus.

breathless1's photo
Mon 10/20/08 08:23 PM

Good lord! Then there is no cause for this at all! Ridiculous. He has a family! What about the many men out there who are lonely and would like to have children of their own. They would probably like to kick your whiny ass!

OMG! You are kidding right? Simply because I have had children since this incident in my PAST life, I am not allowed the right to feel pain over a lost child??? You ARE kidding, right? noway

I won't say "good lord" over this statement you made...but, rather..."HOLY SH*T"! noway noway

*GOOD LORD* if I were a WOMAN making my statement about a child I "lost" and had to abort...wouldn't I be met with hearts, and flowers and hugs and "oh, my...I'm sooooo sorry you endured such pain"?

I can't help but say...WTF?????????????????? here! frustrated

breathless1's photo
Mon 10/20/08 08:11 PM

Who needs the national polls..Mingle 2 has spoken!!!!

laugh laugh laugh

Now, if everyone who posts here with their computer terminal "vote" would actually get off their couch potatoe arses to the polls this year, we may actually have a real Presidential race here, don't you think? :wink:

Just make sure you are WELL informed before making your decision, aside from what you "google", regardless of race/running mate's gender, and what you hear on your local news network and what your neighbor's..aunt's dog groomer's...pedicurist''s says, okay? :wink:

This is YOUR life, YOUR livliehood, your children's future...BE INFORMED and actually VOTE! drinker

For those of you who say "they are both idiots and liars and I don't care", well don't come back here b*tching with your distress and woes when the nation is still distressed and filled with woe for the next 4 years, okay? :wink:

breathless1's photo
Mon 10/20/08 07:52 PM
And as a sidenote, be voting WISELY for you local congress and senate leaders, okay? :wink:

Psssst...Just a little tidbit to the ill-informed. flowerforyou

breathless1's photo
Mon 10/20/08 07:49 PM
Very bold forum to post, my dear man.

Time for a healthy CHANGE America...if uneducated and ill-informed, vote AGAINST McCain!

Obama '08...let's get our country STRAIGHT!


breathless1's photo
Mon 10/20/08 07:42 PM

pretty sure you just called us whores..
i could be wrong.. but im pretty sure im not!

Nope, not at all, Izzie...just firing back what myself and other men in here (and through time) have been shot with. Not directed at you personally, but when it comes firing across the computer screen without absolute stings, huh? Case in point, is all. :wink:

And for Krimsa:

I have "gotten over it", but forgive me if I still grieve over my lost child. If I were a woman stating my grief FTD, right? ohwell

Yep, SHE had the option. But, again...what about MY option for MY child? Guess that doesn't matter, right? Oh well, guess I'm whining again, huh? tears

breathless1's photo
Mon 10/20/08 07:32 PM

....I think there are far more riskier things people do on first dates.

Such as? ohwell

breathless1's photo
Mon 10/20/08 07:26 PM

Whatever that comment implies? It sounds like whining, especially since I am pro-choice.

Perhaps it sounds like whining to you because you are...a woman perhaps? laugh

Lest you forget - I have clearly stated in nearly EVERY post of mine in this forum - I am also PRO-CHOICE! :wink:

Now, back to Etrain...laugh

breathless1's photo
Mon 10/20/08 07:22 PM

Oops...just looked at your profile...thought you were a woman...damn valiumrofl rofl rofl

Take a closer look, big boy - cause I'm kind of thinking you have a purdy mouth! :tongue: rofl

Georgia...I bet you do...seriously, unless you have a uterus, you should mind your own business...know your role and shut your mouthrofl rofl rofl

Didn't you catch my *morph* a few pages back, big boy? I now have grown a uterus because I don't know when to actually shut my "hole"! :laughing:

breathless1's photo
Mon 10/20/08 07:17 PM

Oops...just looked at your profile...thought you were a woman...damn valiumrofl rofl rofl

Take a closer look, big boy - cause I'm kind of thinking you have a purdy mouth! :tongue: rofl

Maybe if you had taken that approach you wouldn't be whining about your exes decision to take her own reproductive health into her own hands. You cant knock up male oral cavities from what I understand.

We did take that approach, very willing, numerous times, and BOTH enjoyed it immensely...thanks very much! :wink:

And I beg to challenge you when you ever once heard me "whining" about my ex's decision? If you feel expressing one's sadness and grief over a loss of a child as "whining" - well, I think you may find a certain female someone on your Mutual Match list. Best of luck to you both. drinker

breathless1's photo
Mon 10/20/08 07:07 PM

Yeah thats not very clever at all on a comeback scale anyway. huh

Oh, and YOURS was? Well, let's strike up the band shall we? :banana:

breathless1's photo
Mon 10/20/08 07:05 PM

Oops...just looked at your profile...thought you were a woman...damn valiumrofl rofl rofl

Take a closer look, big boy - cause I'm kind of thinking you have a purdy mouth! :tongue: rofl

breathless1's photo
Mon 10/20/08 07:01 PM

he sure as hell whines like a little girl. laugh

Oh, I think I just found my new BREAST friend! laugh